This document provides guidance for managers in agile environments. It emphasizes the importance of adapting to change, challenging assumptions before taking action, and staying on the cutting edge of management practices to support innovative development teams. Key takeaways encourage managers to reflect on how to better adapt while enabling their teams. Contact information is provided for further discussion.
El documento presenta una cronolog鱈a de eventos relacionados con los aumentos de tarifas de gas natural en Argentina en 2016. Incluye la emisi坦n de resoluciones en abril fijando nuevos valores, presentaci坦n de recursos de amparo, un fallo de la Corte Suprema en agosto declarando la nulidad de los aumentos y disponiendo audiencias p炭blicas, y finalmente una audiencia p炭blica convocada en septiembre por el gobierno.
The document discusses new technologies for sustainable agriculture in arid lands. It proposes using Russian organic fertilizers and soil conditioners to construct protective soil layers. These layers would increase water retention and nutrient capacity while preventing salt accumulation. Modeling shows layers containing organic matter like peat or hydrogels can significantly reduce water infiltration and retain more moisture for plants. The document advocates optimizing irrigation to supply only plant water demands, choosing salt-tolerant crops, and using crushed stones and organic-rich layers to construct soils that protect against salinization.
1. El documento habla sobre la necesidad de examinar a los supuestos profetas debido al aumento de falsificaciones. Satan叩s trata de falsificar el don genuino de profec鱈a.
2. Ofrece varias pruebas b鱈blicas para determinar si un profeta es verdadero, como el cumplimiento de profec鱈as, su alineamiento con la Biblia, y los frutos espirituales.
3. Predice que el don de profec鱈a ser叩 restaurado en la iglesia de los 炭ltimos d鱈as para prepararla para la segunda venida de Cristo.
This document summarizes key aspects of working memory. It defines working memory as the system that provides temporary storage and manipulation of information for complex cognitive tasks. The central executive controls attention and monitors thinking/memory processes. There are two storage systems - the visuospatial sketchpad handles visual information and the phonological loop rehearses verbal information. Research indicates people can process around 7 units of information at once, though this varies by task. The modal model proposes separate auditory and visual processing pathways to help "stretch" working memory capacity.
The Many approaches and methodologies are available in the development of software with error free to its end user by fulfilling the values of stake-holders. Among the available methodologies Agile is a popular methodology which is introduced in 2001. Agile consists of various development processes such as Scrum, XP, Kanban, Lean and others. Among them Lean is one of the methodology in development of software domain which is adapted from Toyota Production System. This paper concentrates on how Lean sustains in the business stagnation because there exists some problems such as missing deadline, over development and ineffective management. Lean is having its own advantages and pitfalls. To overcome the pitfalls of Lean an adaptive approach is needed which may fit with existing industry standards.
Encouraging Grassroots Innovation at a Legacy Publisher - Tech Forum 2016 - T...BookNet Canada
"Encouraging Grassroots Innovation at a Legacy Publisher" by Teresa Elsey (moderator) with panelists Erin Mallory, Meghan MacDonald, Laura Brady & Ana Maria Allessi, for Tech Forum 2016 - April 1, 2016
Everything You Wanted to Ask a Retailer About Pricing But Your Legal Departme...BookNet Canada
This document summarizes a presentation by Ryan James O'Sullivan of Rakuten Kobo about eBook pricing strategies for publishers. Some key points include:
- Optimal pricing is the price point on the demand curve where units sold times price is highest to maximize long-term revenue.
- Customer segmentation is important, as different customer types have different preferences based on genre, price, promotions, and other factors.
- Experimentation with variable pricing over time, such as price drops and promotions, can help slow the natural decline of book sales and increase revenue and readership.
- Non-traditional factors like visibility, conversions, and sales data from different retailers provide more insights than list price alone
Conclusive research findings inform us that many PMOs are disbanded in two years. Yet; we repeat the same mistakes in our PMO implementations wasting money, resources and time. In this practical, interactive discussion the focus will be on the value driven PMO as an integrator, enabler, differentiator, and change agent in business, development and the organization in general.
Michaels will address the essential model for PMO value enablement:
1. The two key concept of the Agile PMO a PMO that is inherently agile, adaptive and value driven and a PMO that interfaces between Agile product delivery and the traditional Waterfall organization
2. How to ensure effective streamlined delivery by abolishing waste
3. How to effectively select and prioritize opportunities
4. How to manage resource allocation from a top down approach in an effective manner by targeting critical resources
The story map plans a drone delivery service targeting professional customers like Patrice the deli owner. The MVP focuses on delivering small packages efficiently and safely within cities. Subsequent releases expand the service to more customers and locations while ensuring regulatory approval and community acceptance through minimal noise and environmental impact. The core value is fast, personalized delivery that saves customers time and money.
Dewey Johnson is seeking a position in finance or business with an established organization. He has over 20 years of experience in finance, accounting, bookkeeping, taxes, and business consulting. His experience includes owning his own business and serving as the finance manager for a nonprofit organization. He also has experience working in banking, insurance, and collections.
This document summarizes key aspects of working memory. It defines working memory as the system that provides temporary storage and manipulation of information for complex cognitive tasks. The central executive controls attention and monitors thinking/memory processes. There are two storage systems - the visuospatial sketchpad handles visual information and the phonological loop rehearses verbal information. Research indicates people can process around 7 units of information at once, though this varies by task. The modal model proposes separate auditory and visual processing pathways to help "stretch" working memory capacity.
The Many approaches and methodologies are available in the development of software with error free to its end user by fulfilling the values of stake-holders. Among the available methodologies Agile is a popular methodology which is introduced in 2001. Agile consists of various development processes such as Scrum, XP, Kanban, Lean and others. Among them Lean is one of the methodology in development of software domain which is adapted from Toyota Production System. This paper concentrates on how Lean sustains in the business stagnation because there exists some problems such as missing deadline, over development and ineffective management. Lean is having its own advantages and pitfalls. To overcome the pitfalls of Lean an adaptive approach is needed which may fit with existing industry standards.
Encouraging Grassroots Innovation at a Legacy Publisher - Tech Forum 2016 - T...BookNet Canada
"Encouraging Grassroots Innovation at a Legacy Publisher" by Teresa Elsey (moderator) with panelists Erin Mallory, Meghan MacDonald, Laura Brady & Ana Maria Allessi, for Tech Forum 2016 - April 1, 2016
Everything You Wanted to Ask a Retailer About Pricing But Your Legal Departme...BookNet Canada
This document summarizes a presentation by Ryan James O'Sullivan of Rakuten Kobo about eBook pricing strategies for publishers. Some key points include:
- Optimal pricing is the price point on the demand curve where units sold times price is highest to maximize long-term revenue.
- Customer segmentation is important, as different customer types have different preferences based on genre, price, promotions, and other factors.
- Experimentation with variable pricing over time, such as price drops and promotions, can help slow the natural decline of book sales and increase revenue and readership.
- Non-traditional factors like visibility, conversions, and sales data from different retailers provide more insights than list price alone
Conclusive research findings inform us that many PMOs are disbanded in two years. Yet; we repeat the same mistakes in our PMO implementations wasting money, resources and time. In this practical, interactive discussion the focus will be on the value driven PMO as an integrator, enabler, differentiator, and change agent in business, development and the organization in general.
Michaels will address the essential model for PMO value enablement:
1. The two key concept of the Agile PMO a PMO that is inherently agile, adaptive and value driven and a PMO that interfaces between Agile product delivery and the traditional Waterfall organization
2. How to ensure effective streamlined delivery by abolishing waste
3. How to effectively select and prioritize opportunities
4. How to manage resource allocation from a top down approach in an effective manner by targeting critical resources
The story map plans a drone delivery service targeting professional customers like Patrice the deli owner. The MVP focuses on delivering small packages efficiently and safely within cities. Subsequent releases expand the service to more customers and locations while ensuring regulatory approval and community acceptance through minimal noise and environmental impact. The core value is fast, personalized delivery that saves customers time and money.
Dewey Johnson is seeking a position in finance or business with an established organization. He has over 20 years of experience in finance, accounting, bookkeeping, taxes, and business consulting. His experience includes owning his own business and serving as the finance manager for a nonprofit organization. He also has experience working in banking, insurance, and collections.
El documento presenta el portafolio acad辿mico de una estudiante llamada Paguay Virginia de la asignatura Desarrollo II del curso octavo "A" en la ciudad de Riobamba, Ecuador.
Este documento presenta los datos personales y acad辿micos de Virginia Paguay, una estudiante ecuatoriana de 24 a単os de edad que cursa el octavo grado en la ciudad de Riobamba. Incluye informaci坦n sobre su nombre, direcci坦n, lugar y fecha de nacimiento, educaci坦n primaria y secundaria, as鱈 como las actividades que le gusta realizar en su tiempo libre como jugar f炭tbol indoor y escuchar m炭sica.
Este documento presenta las letras may炭sculas en c坦digo ASCII, mostrando su valor decimal, binario, octal y hexadecimal. Tambi辿n muestra el c坦digo ASCII para la palabra "NET", con sus valores decimal, binario, octal y hexadecimal.
La red permite compartir archivos y correo electr坦nico. En fibra 坦ptica, la transmisi坦n es full d炭plex, permitiendo enviar y recibir datos simult叩neamente a trav辿s de dos hilos. Las ondas digitales alternan r叩pidamente entre valores discretos representando se単ales digitales o de pulsos. El cable UTP trenza sus hilos internos para reducir la diafon鱈a.
Este documento presenta la estructura de un portafolio estudiantil que contiene 10 secciones principales. Incluye una portada, 鱈ndice, presentaci坦n, aspectos preliminares sobre la misi坦n y visi坦n de la universidad y la carrera, s鱈labo de la asignatura, declaraci坦n de acuerdos, autorretrato del estudiante, evidencias de actividades de aprendizaje, evaluaci坦n del proceso de aprendizaje, evidencias de actividades de recuperaci坦n pedag坦gica y anexos.
Este documento presenta la estructura de un portafolio estudiantil. Incluye una portada, 鱈ndice, presentaci坦n, aspectos preliminares sobre la misi坦n y visi坦n de la universidad y la carrera, s鱈labo de la asignatura, declaraci坦n de acuerdos y compromisos, y autorretrato del estudiante. Tambi辿n describe las secciones de evidencias de actividades de aprendizaje, evaluaci坦n del proceso de aprendizaje, evidencias de actividades de recuperaci坦n pedag坦gica, buz坦n de sugerencias, anexos, fecha de
El documento detalla los acuerdos y compromisos entre los estudiantes y docentes de la asignatura Redes de Computadora I en la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Los estudiantes y docentes se comprometen a asistir puntualmente a clases, cumplir con las actividades de aprendizaje, cuidar las instalaciones, y evaluarse unos a otros de manera objetiva. El docente se compromete a utilizar materiales de apoyo como aulas virtuales y blogs, y devolver las evaluaciones a los estudiantes dentro de los cinco d鱈as para permitir su revis
El documento es un acta de compromiso firmada por una estudiante y un docente. En el acta, la estudiante declara que el docente le entreg坦 y analiz坦 los acuerdos iniciales y el silabo para la asignatura de Redes de Computadora I. La estudiante acepta cumplir con lo establecido en dichos documentos.