This document discusses social trends related to customer service. It notes that emotional satisfaction is more important than overall satisfaction for customer loyalty. While functional attributes are expected, emotional connections with customers through storytelling and a human brand experience differentiate companies. The Ask Afrika Orange Index benchmarks customer service levels across industries in South Africa and identifies changes to help companies improve service strategies. Winning companies foster authentic customer relationships and make customer experience a company-wide priority.
Mark Robertson is seeking new employment opportunities and has over 27 years of experience in supervisory roles. He has extensive experience in process operations, maintenance, and safety compliance. His document highlights achievements in cost savings, process improvements, and training programs implemented during his career. He possesses relevant qualifications and licenses.
The document discusses driving high performance coaching. It provides definitions of coaching from experts and outlines a learning framework with four stages of competence: unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, and unconscious competence. The document then details the coaching process, which includes establishing current competence, agreeing on learning objectives, empowering the coachee, providing feedback, recapping and summarizing the session. It also includes a qualitative process for compliance, analysis, development, and ability/skill, as well as a trend analysis chart. The overall purpose is to provide guidance on how to effectively coach others to maximize their performance.
This document provides an overview of technologies developed, tested, and promoted by CIMMYT Ethiopia to improve smallholder agriculture. It summarizes several technologies including conservation agriculture to conserve soil and water, precision agriculture to optimize fertilizer use, relay cropping to increase production, agroforestry to provide suitable microclimates, and pest management approaches. It also discusses small-scale mechanization, post-harvest handling, nutrition-sensitive landscapes, participatory variety selection, and bringing research into use through co-learning and scaling up. The document contains graphs and data supporting the effectiveness of these technologies in Ethiopia.
The document discusses the role and value of a Scrum Master from a business perspective. It notes that a Scrum Master's job is to help the team perform better and more sustainably than without one through activities like meeting facilitation and impediment removal. It also addresses the importance of a Scrum Master having a clear mandate to be effective. The document proposes discussing case studies in small groups to gather new perspectives on how Scrum Masters can intervene more effectively to improve situations. It stresses the challenge of not just identifying solutions but following through to create real impact.
The document summarizes a presentation on quality assessments for a call center. It discusses what quality assurance (QA) is, the importance of monitoring calls to identify both problems and best practices. It provides recommendations for an effective QA process, including having independent evaluators, clear criteria, and using results to provide feedback and training to improve agent performance and the overall customer experience. The presentation also discusses best practices other companies use for QA, such as involving agents in the evaluation and recruitment process, focusing on strengths rather than scores, and using mystery callers and technology to supplement monitoring.
Este documento fornece uma introdu??o b¨¢sica ao sistema operacional Linux, incluindo sua hist¨®ria, caracter¨ªsticas, comandos b¨¢sicos e avan?ados, al¨¦m de conceitos importantes como arquivos, diret¨®rios e permiss?es.
The document discusses reablement, a service model that aims to help older people regain independence through daily living skills. It proposes establishing reablement teams in localities, each consisting of an occupational therapist and support workers. A pilot in two localities saw 82% of referrals accepted, and 59% of users discharged with no ongoing support needed after an average of 9.85 days. User feedback praised the staff as caring, supportive and helpful in regaining independence. The goal is to continue expanding reablement services across localities.
Design management and agile world: fitting customer expectationsLuca Mascaro
In the Customer Age, Design has become the business most powerful ally in the challenge to create and offer products/services that can provide superior quality experiences. We are often invited to assume a partnership role with product managers/owners in most of our projects, bridging the requests coming from stakeholders and users and following the entire project life through an experience management approach. Experience Centered Design is thus becoming the new frontier that we, as designers, are called to cross.
So how design can assume the role of a strategic partner in the daily experience management? I will present some real cases regarding big and complex projects in which we have played this role and the agile methods, tools and best practices that can be used in such a delicate process.
Andrew Rogerson, Managing director, Grist and Nathan Hambrook-Skinner, direc...B2B Marketing
The document discusses best practices for content marketing in B2B industries. It presents results from a survey that found most firms' content marketing is not very effective. Common obstacles included lack of senior management buy-in, budget, and skilled internal resources. It then profiles the content marketing strategy of Resilience, an award-winning publication by Willis Towers Watson, as an exemplar. Resilience demonstrates thought leadership, client focus, and forward thinking. Both internal and external stakeholders highly value its content and find it enhances Willis Towers Watson's credibility.
This document discusses casts and slabs for immobilizing musculoskeletal injuries. Casts fully surround the limb while slabs only partially surround. Casts provide better immobilization but have higher risks of complications like pressure sores. The document outlines indications, advantages, disadvantages and application steps for casts and slabs. It emphasizes the importance of monitoring for complications, starting physiotherapy early, and removing the cast or slab as soon as possible.
This document discusses how individuals and society are experiencing accelerating change on multiple levels. [1] It outlines changes affecting individuals like work-life balance challenges as well as broader technological, global, and political shifts. [2] The concept of resilience is introduced as the ability to absorb high levels of change with minimal dysfunction. [3] People relate to change in either an opportunity-oriented or danger-oriented way, and developing resilience involves cultivating a flexible yet focused mindset that views life as constantly providing new opportunities.
El documento presenta el portafolio acad¨¦mico de una estudiante llamada Paguay Virginia de la asignatura Desarrollo II del curso octavo "A" en la ciudad de Riobamba, Ecuador.
Este documento presenta los datos personales y acad¨¦micos de Virginia Paguay, una estudiante ecuatoriana de 24 a?os de edad que cursa el octavo grado en la ciudad de Riobamba. Incluye informaci¨®n sobre su nombre, direcci¨®n, lugar y fecha de nacimiento, educaci¨®n primaria y secundaria, as¨ª como las actividades que le gusta realizar en su tiempo libre como jugar f¨²tbol indoor y escuchar m¨²sica.
Este documento fornece uma introdu??o b¨¢sica ao sistema operacional Linux, incluindo sua hist¨®ria, caracter¨ªsticas, comandos b¨¢sicos e avan?ados, al¨¦m de conceitos importantes como arquivos, diret¨®rios e permiss?es.
The document discusses reablement, a service model that aims to help older people regain independence through daily living skills. It proposes establishing reablement teams in localities, each consisting of an occupational therapist and support workers. A pilot in two localities saw 82% of referrals accepted, and 59% of users discharged with no ongoing support needed after an average of 9.85 days. User feedback praised the staff as caring, supportive and helpful in regaining independence. The goal is to continue expanding reablement services across localities.
Design management and agile world: fitting customer expectationsLuca Mascaro
In the Customer Age, Design has become the business most powerful ally in the challenge to create and offer products/services that can provide superior quality experiences. We are often invited to assume a partnership role with product managers/owners in most of our projects, bridging the requests coming from stakeholders and users and following the entire project life through an experience management approach. Experience Centered Design is thus becoming the new frontier that we, as designers, are called to cross.
So how design can assume the role of a strategic partner in the daily experience management? I will present some real cases regarding big and complex projects in which we have played this role and the agile methods, tools and best practices that can be used in such a delicate process.
Andrew Rogerson, Managing director, Grist and Nathan Hambrook-Skinner, direc...B2B Marketing
The document discusses best practices for content marketing in B2B industries. It presents results from a survey that found most firms' content marketing is not very effective. Common obstacles included lack of senior management buy-in, budget, and skilled internal resources. It then profiles the content marketing strategy of Resilience, an award-winning publication by Willis Towers Watson, as an exemplar. Resilience demonstrates thought leadership, client focus, and forward thinking. Both internal and external stakeholders highly value its content and find it enhances Willis Towers Watson's credibility.
This document discusses casts and slabs for immobilizing musculoskeletal injuries. Casts fully surround the limb while slabs only partially surround. Casts provide better immobilization but have higher risks of complications like pressure sores. The document outlines indications, advantages, disadvantages and application steps for casts and slabs. It emphasizes the importance of monitoring for complications, starting physiotherapy early, and removing the cast or slab as soon as possible.
This document discusses how individuals and society are experiencing accelerating change on multiple levels. [1] It outlines changes affecting individuals like work-life balance challenges as well as broader technological, global, and political shifts. [2] The concept of resilience is introduced as the ability to absorb high levels of change with minimal dysfunction. [3] People relate to change in either an opportunity-oriented or danger-oriented way, and developing resilience involves cultivating a flexible yet focused mindset that views life as constantly providing new opportunities.
El documento presenta el portafolio acad¨¦mico de una estudiante llamada Paguay Virginia de la asignatura Desarrollo II del curso octavo "A" en la ciudad de Riobamba, Ecuador.
Este documento presenta los datos personales y acad¨¦micos de Virginia Paguay, una estudiante ecuatoriana de 24 a?os de edad que cursa el octavo grado en la ciudad de Riobamba. Incluye informaci¨®n sobre su nombre, direcci¨®n, lugar y fecha de nacimiento, educaci¨®n primaria y secundaria, as¨ª como las actividades que le gusta realizar en su tiempo libre como jugar f¨²tbol indoor y escuchar m¨²sica.
Este documento presenta las letras may¨²sculas en c¨®digo ASCII, mostrando su valor decimal, binario, octal y hexadecimal. Tambi¨¦n muestra el c¨®digo ASCII para la palabra "NET", con sus valores decimal, binario, octal y hexadecimal.
La red permite compartir archivos y correo electr¨®nico. En fibra ¨®ptica, la transmisi¨®n es full d¨²plex, permitiendo enviar y recibir datos simult¨¢neamente a trav¨¦s de dos hilos. Las ondas digitales alternan r¨¢pidamente entre valores discretos representando se?ales digitales o de pulsos. El cable UTP trenza sus hilos internos para reducir la diafon¨ªa.
Este documento presenta la estructura de un portafolio estudiantil que contiene 10 secciones principales. Incluye una portada, ¨ªndice, presentaci¨®n, aspectos preliminares sobre la misi¨®n y visi¨®n de la universidad y la carrera, s¨ªlabo de la asignatura, declaraci¨®n de acuerdos, autorretrato del estudiante, evidencias de actividades de aprendizaje, evaluaci¨®n del proceso de aprendizaje, evidencias de actividades de recuperaci¨®n pedag¨®gica y anexos.
Este documento presenta la estructura de un portafolio estudiantil. Incluye una portada, ¨ªndice, presentaci¨®n, aspectos preliminares sobre la misi¨®n y visi¨®n de la universidad y la carrera, s¨ªlabo de la asignatura, declaraci¨®n de acuerdos y compromisos, y autorretrato del estudiante. Tambi¨¦n describe las secciones de evidencias de actividades de aprendizaje, evaluaci¨®n del proceso de aprendizaje, evidencias de actividades de recuperaci¨®n pedag¨®gica, buz¨®n de sugerencias, anexos, fecha de
El documento detalla los acuerdos y compromisos entre los estudiantes y docentes de la asignatura Redes de Computadora I en la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Los estudiantes y docentes se comprometen a asistir puntualmente a clases, cumplir con las actividades de aprendizaje, cuidar las instalaciones, y evaluarse unos a otros de manera objetiva. El docente se compromete a utilizar materiales de apoyo como aulas virtuales y blogs, y devolver las evaluaciones a los estudiantes dentro de los cinco d¨ªas para permitir su revis