The document summarizes the Regional Economic Advancement Coalition's efforts to improve the perception of Baja California through social media engagement. The Coalition aims to mobilize the over 15 million annual visitors to Baja California, many of whom are Californians, by building an online community called Go2 to share positive stories and advocate for the region. By leveraging existing fans and visitors who trust personal recommendations over other sources, the Coalition hopes to circumvent negative media coverage and change the public perception of Baja California as an attractive tourism and business destination.
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Mayors Conf Presnet Why Social Media Why Now
1. R EGIONAL E CONOMIC A DVANCEMENT C OALITION Early Successes 2 nd Mayors of the Californias Summit Presentation Presenter: Stephan J. Erkelens December 4 th , 2009
2. Develop a lasting solution to help change the public perception The Summit’s Challenge & Assignment
3. Public Perception = Visiting BC is Unsafe TOURISM BUSINESS Less US visitors US Biz Travel Restricted Less $ revenues US Investment Restricted BC Struggles Recession + Unemployment Less BC visitors to CA BC Investment Restricted Less $ Revenues CA Struggles The Problem
4. The Origin Manufactured Reality Selective reporting (bad news sells) Information without context and partial Constrained dissemination of positive news Real Vulnerabilities Global recession = hypersensitive audience Drug-related violence = pervasive nuisance
5. A Call to Action “ ...the news is far too powerful a force to be ignored. Unless we use our creativity and commitment to participate in the public debate, our perspectives will be left out. Our diverse voices will not be heard, and our faces not seen. Our issues will be shaped by others, and our goals will remain a private dream harbored by a select few rather than a coherent vision that can be understood and shared by others.” Lawrence Wallack, News for a Change , 1999.
9. The Hurdles A coordinated compilation of existing information resources A capacity for generating robust streams of authentic news and media A receptive and responsive audience A means to circumvent the existing news intermediation A need for a cost-effective aggregation and dissemination platform
10. What a 23-year old taught the world about engagement & mobilization 350,000,000 reasons to embrace the new media paradigm!
12. New Paradigm: Social Media Demographically-relevant audience Clearly defined and segmented profile Engaged and participative community Real-time information Bi-directional messaging Knowledge-enhancing virtuous cycle Unparalleled cost advantage
14. Baja California State and Municipal Governments Ministry of Tourism Ministries of Economy & Economic Development BC Private Sector A Public-Private Bi-national Partnership RSCCD & its Digital Media Center The Center for International Trade Development The California-Mexico Trade Center US Private Sector
15. Vision: REAC will be the pivotal force in positioning Baja California as an attractive destination for tourism and investment. Mission: By engaging one of Baja California’s most valuable resources — its fans — REAC seeks to build the leading membership community, committed to restoring the image of Baja California.
16. Unleashing the power of 100,000 voices Inspired influence = MOBILIZATION Meaningful engagement = EMPOWERMENT Organized advocacy = PARTICIPATION Because they are there Because they care Because they are trusted
17. Because they are there: Over 15 million annual visitors 53% foreign nationals 86% California residents 78% repeat visitors Unleashing the power of 100,000 voices
18. Because they care : 97% would recommend Baja California to a friend Impacted by and struggle against the un-contextualized media reports Most are eager to make their voices heard Unleashing the power of 100,000 voices
19. Because they are trusted: People trust their personal connections more than any other source of influence 90% of consumers trusted recommendations from people they know 70% trusted consumer opinions posted online Source: Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey, April 2009 Unleashing the power of 100,000 voices
20. Source: Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey, April 2009 Unleashing the power of 100,000 voices
21. The Go2 Community for “Everything” BAJA The Go-2 Place for Everything Baja
23. BAJAWise Customized by Sector Tourism Business/Economy Customized by Municipality Tijuana Rosarito Ensenada Mexicali Tecate The Go-2 Place for Everything Baja
30. BAJAConnect The Community Building Place for “BAJAmigos” Leveraging Social Media to connect, engage, inform and mobilize The Go-2 Place for Everything Baja
39. R EGIONAL E CONOMIC A DVANCEMENT C OALITION Thank You. For further information please contact us through the website: www. . org