SNEC ( este un proiect care asigura sondarea calitativa si cantitativa a pietei de comert electronic din Romania. Initiativa a fost pornita in 2004 si este condusa de Claudiu Gamulescu si Adrian Zamfira.
The document is a 2014 research report from the Canadian Light Source Inc. (CLS). It provides an overview of research conducted in 2014 including 10 highlighted publications covering topics in chemical and materials science, life sciences, earth and environmental science, and instrumentation techniques. It also describes innovations at CLS including industrial science programs, the Medical Isotopes Project, and student involvement. The report outlines CLS's funding partners and key events in 2014 such as staff changes and research highlights.
My last vacations involved traveling by bus early in the morning to Anolaima, Colombia. Upon arriving at an estate, the group walked around, cooked a roast for a meal consisting of meat, sausage, potatoes, plantains and avocado, and danced. They explored the area, picking fruits, before returning home on the bus later that evening.
n 樽nt但mpinarea i pregtirea srbtoririi la 31 august a ZILEI LIMBII ROMNE a crei Lege a fost promulgat anul acesta (Legea 53/2013), organizaiile de utilitate public ale societii civile care au susinut i 樽n anii trecui asemenea manifestri, precum i publicaii dedicate lor, au organizat un parteneriat larg cu alte organizaii neguvernamentale, instituii de 樽nvm但nt, de cultur i media, autoriti locale, uniuni profesionale i redacii de pretutindeni ale revistelor culturale 樽n limba rom但n, denumit GRUPUL ROMN DE PRES I INIIATIV CIVIC. Pentru a se asigura, 樽nc de la debutul legiferrii acestor evenimente de importan naional, inuta cultural corespunztoare i continuarea tradiiei patriotice a manifestrilor pe care le-au organizat 樽n ultimii ani rom但nii din diverse zone, localiti i comuniti prefa但nd i demonstr但nd necesitatea instituirii acestei zile de evocare a istoriei strvechi a limbii noastre, pentru cinstirea culturii care s-a produs i se produce 樽n aceast limb, pentru certificarea legturii prin ea a tuturor celor care o vorbesc 樽n lume i pentru definirea cadrului de progres naional pe care ea trebuie s-l stimuleze, Grupul de iniiativ a elaborat broura de 樽ndrumare S NE PREGTIM A SRBTORI ZIUA LIMBII ROMNE LA 31 AUGUST 2013 pe care o reproducem mai jos. Ea cuprinde adrese de unde se pot descrca bibliografii, studii, conferine i programe artistice care s confere valoare intelectual manifestrilor i proiecteaaz scenarii pentru evenimente de interes public ce vor avea loc 樽n Capital i 樽n toate localitile rii, pentru concursuri la nivel naional, precum i o manifestare central cu transmisii ctre alte locuri de 樽ntrunire i programe multiplex realizate 樽n timp real i reunite prin internet, invit但nd participani din ar i din lume s urce la Sfinxul de pe Platoul Bucegilor unde va avea loc evenimentul, sau s intre 樽n legtur cu transmisiile de acolo. Totul va conduce spre realizarea unui amplu film documentar dedicat primei srbtoriri a acestei zile la nivel naional, modalitilor artistice de abordare i locurilor care vor intra 樽n tradiia manifestrilor viitoare. Coperta brourii reproduce emblemele, siglele i insemnele organizaiilor partenere 樽n acest demers naional.
O galego na rede: g炭stanos (II). Irimia, n尊 848Rom叩n Land鱈n
Artigo publicado para o n炭mero 848 (do 6 ao 26 de febreiro de 2012) da revista Irimia: Tam辿n en Irimegos:
The Court of Justice declares the Data Retention Directive invalid for the following reasons:
1. The directive requires the retention of traffic and communications metadata that reveals extensive private details about individuals.
2. This wide-ranging interference with privacy and data protection rights is not limited to what is strictly necessary.
3. While fighting serious crime is a valid objective, the directive exceeds the limits of proportionality by indiscriminately covering all individuals and data without distinction or safeguards. It fails to ensure access and use of retained data is targeted and overseen.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para restaurar y generar un sistema de recuperaci坦n para computadoras port叩tiles Lenovo modelo B50. Incluye 9 pasos para restaurar el sistema, como apagar la computadora, presionar un bot坦n oculto, seleccionar System Recovery e iniciar el proceso. Tambi辿n incluye 3 pasos para generar un punto de recuperaci坦n, como usar el software Onekey Recovery, hacer clic en System Backup y confirmar la ruta predeterminada para almacenar el archivo de respaldo.
This document provides a summary of various online media companies in Romania, listing their contact details, number of employees, websites administered, and other key information. It includes 14 companies that offer services such as website administration, online publishing, advertising, and interactive agency work. The document is intended as a guide for marketing professionals to help evaluate and select new media service providers.
The document provides information about financial goal planning and retirement. It discusses the importance of prioritizing goals such as protection against death, a happy retirement, and providing a better future for children. It recommends creating a reserve fund and savings plan using the 4C formula of creation, consumption, conservation, and continuation of income. Tables show projected costs of living and education expenses over time under inflation. The document stresses the importance of starting to save early in order to afford retirement and children's education without burdening them later in life.
Lack of adequate infrastructure is a significant inhibitor to increased trade of the countries of the Mediterranean region. Bringing their transport infrastructure to standards comparable with countries of a similar per capita GDP will be costly but worthwhile.
We compare the current quantities of six types of transport infrastructure with international, and estimate the additional quantities needed to reach the benchmarks. We also estimate the cost of that infrastructure and express it as a percentage of GDP. Finally we make tentative estimates of how much trade might be generated and how this might impact on GDP. All the estimates are made for each MED11 country and for each of four scenarios.
The highest need for additional infrastructure will be for airport passenger terminals (between 52% and 56%), whereas the lowest need was for more unpaved roads (between 7% and 13%). The investment (including maintenance) cost would be between 0.9% of GDP and 2.4% of GDP, although the investments in some countries would be between 1.4% and 4.5% of GDP.
The impact on non-oil international trade would be substantial, but with differences between imports and exports. The overall trade balance of the MED11 region would be an improvement of between 5.4% and 17.2%, although some countries would continue to have a negative balance.
A final assessment was of the benefit ratio between the increase in GDP and the cost of transport investment. This varied between about 3 and 8, an indication of the high return to be expected from increased investment in transport infrastructure.
Written by Robin Carruthers. Published in April 2012
The document discusses the importance and priorities of smart cities. It notes that 50% of people currently live in urban areas, consuming 75% of resources and producing 80% of carbon emissions. By 2050, 70% of the world's population is projected to live in urban areas. The document argues that smart cities using data and technology can help address these issues by creating more sustainable, connected, and participatory communities. It outlines Italy's approach to smart cities, resources available, and the goals of its upcoming Smart City Exhibition 2014 conference in Rome.
1) The document discusses the importance and priorities of smart cities given rapid urbanization trends and increasing resource consumption in cities.
2) It notes that 50% of people currently live in cities, consuming 75% of resources and producing 80% of carbon emissions, and by 2050 70% of the world's population will live in urban areas.
3) The document outlines Italy's specific situation with both large and small cities and towns and its progress toward holistic and sectoral smart city approaches and policies around areas like energy, data management, and governance models.
The document discusses the Favorita Living Lab project in Palermo, Sicily. The project aims to revitalize the Favorita Natural Reserve through community participation and smart city concepts. It will involve using technologies like ecosystem monitoring, participatory mapping, and multimedia to engage the community and address issues like abandonment and decay in the park. The document proposes holding a "Smart Favorita Fest" in spring 2013 to involve schools, workshop sessions, and app contests to generate ideas and innovation for the park.
1) The document summarizes a project in Manchester, UK to make the city smarter through public WiFi, environmental sensors, and citizen participation.
2) The project aims to address congestion and pollution problems on Oxford Road by tapping into the city's knowledge assets and engaging citizens.
3) The strategy involves rolling out fast public WiFi, smart environmental sensors, and encouraging citizen involvement to help Manchester become a smarter city.
The document summarizes Per Linde's intervention at a conference on smart cities. It discusses projects from important European cities aimed at creating more human-centered smart cities. Specifically, it outlines a presentation on the Malm旦 Living Lab project in Malm旦, Sweden, which aims to uplift local identities, increase civic participation, and enhance public interaction through collaborative neighborhood initiatives and social innovation. The presentation describes the context, problems addressed, strategies used, solutions developed, and reflections on the project.
O documento descreve a estrat辿gia de inova巽達o e economia de Lisboa para se tornar uma das cidades mais competitivas, inovadoras e criativas da Europa. A estrat辿gia inclui tornar Lisboa um polo de neg坦cios atl但nticos, uma cidade de startups e clusters estrat辿gicos de conhecimento. Isso ser叩 alcan巽ado por meio de incubadoras, laborat坦rios de fabrica巽達o e programas para apoiar jovens empreendedores.
The document summarizes Jarmo Elukka Eskelinen's presentation at a conference on smart cities in Europe. It discusses how Helsinki has cultivated urban innovations by making public sector data open and available through initiatives like Helsinki Region Infoshare. This open data clearinghouse works to find, standardize, publish and utilize public data to foster innovation, efficiency and transparency among companies and communities. The presentation argues that for cities to truly be smart, public data and services must be made interoperable between different actors in the city.
The document summarizes the Ghent Living Lab project in Ghent, Belgium. The Ghent Living Lab aims to tap into the creative power of Ghent citizens and digital creatives by bringing people and creative digital forces together to develop solutions to challenges. It creates a network of citizens, digital agencies, researchers, and the local government to co-create products and services closer to end-users' needs using an interactive website. Maintaining stakeholder engagement and finding the right balance between technological and non-technological solutions will be ongoing challenges for the Ghent Living Lab.
The document summarizes a presentation about a living lab project at Villa Durazzo-Pallavicini park in Genoa, Italy. The park and its botanical garden were perceived as valuable but unsafe by citizens. To address this, a user-centered design process was used where users helped evaluate and design solutions. Proposed solutions included using QR codes and apps to provide information to users, a central database to manage data, improving the tourism website, and installing a video surveillance system to make the park safer. The goals were to improve access to nature for citizens and make the city's green spaces cleaner and safer places.
The document discusses a project in Fund達o, Portugal, a small municipality struggling with problems related to its low population density, unemployment among young people with high education levels of 30%. The project aims to attract talent and investment through an open innovation strategy using a living lab, fab lab, co-working spaces, and revitalizing rural schools to rebuild the social and economic conditions in a low-cost and practical way. The key aspects that helped the project's success were its proximity, agility in prototyping solutions, and having political support for an open and transparent process.
The Court of Justice declares the Data Retention Directive invalid for the following reasons:
1. The directive requires the retention of traffic and communications metadata that reveals extensive private details about individuals.
2. This wide-ranging interference with privacy and data protection rights is not limited to what is strictly necessary.
3. While fighting serious crime is a valid objective, the directive exceeds the limits of proportionality by indiscriminately covering all individuals and data without distinction or safeguards. It fails to ensure access and use of retained data is targeted and overseen.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para restaurar y generar un sistema de recuperaci坦n para computadoras port叩tiles Lenovo modelo B50. Incluye 9 pasos para restaurar el sistema, como apagar la computadora, presionar un bot坦n oculto, seleccionar System Recovery e iniciar el proceso. Tambi辿n incluye 3 pasos para generar un punto de recuperaci坦n, como usar el software Onekey Recovery, hacer clic en System Backup y confirmar la ruta predeterminada para almacenar el archivo de respaldo.
This document provides a summary of various online media companies in Romania, listing their contact details, number of employees, websites administered, and other key information. It includes 14 companies that offer services such as website administration, online publishing, advertising, and interactive agency work. The document is intended as a guide for marketing professionals to help evaluate and select new media service providers.
The document provides information about financial goal planning and retirement. It discusses the importance of prioritizing goals such as protection against death, a happy retirement, and providing a better future for children. It recommends creating a reserve fund and savings plan using the 4C formula of creation, consumption, conservation, and continuation of income. Tables show projected costs of living and education expenses over time under inflation. The document stresses the importance of starting to save early in order to afford retirement and children's education without burdening them later in life.
Lack of adequate infrastructure is a significant inhibitor to increased trade of the countries of the Mediterranean region. Bringing their transport infrastructure to standards comparable with countries of a similar per capita GDP will be costly but worthwhile.
We compare the current quantities of six types of transport infrastructure with international, and estimate the additional quantities needed to reach the benchmarks. We also estimate the cost of that infrastructure and express it as a percentage of GDP. Finally we make tentative estimates of how much trade might be generated and how this might impact on GDP. All the estimates are made for each MED11 country and for each of four scenarios.
The highest need for additional infrastructure will be for airport passenger terminals (between 52% and 56%), whereas the lowest need was for more unpaved roads (between 7% and 13%). The investment (including maintenance) cost would be between 0.9% of GDP and 2.4% of GDP, although the investments in some countries would be between 1.4% and 4.5% of GDP.
The impact on non-oil international trade would be substantial, but with differences between imports and exports. The overall trade balance of the MED11 region would be an improvement of between 5.4% and 17.2%, although some countries would continue to have a negative balance.
A final assessment was of the benefit ratio between the increase in GDP and the cost of transport investment. This varied between about 3 and 8, an indication of the high return to be expected from increased investment in transport infrastructure.
Written by Robin Carruthers. Published in April 2012
The document discusses the importance and priorities of smart cities. It notes that 50% of people currently live in urban areas, consuming 75% of resources and producing 80% of carbon emissions. By 2050, 70% of the world's population is projected to live in urban areas. The document argues that smart cities using data and technology can help address these issues by creating more sustainable, connected, and participatory communities. It outlines Italy's approach to smart cities, resources available, and the goals of its upcoming Smart City Exhibition 2014 conference in Rome.
1) The document discusses the importance and priorities of smart cities given rapid urbanization trends and increasing resource consumption in cities.
2) It notes that 50% of people currently live in cities, consuming 75% of resources and producing 80% of carbon emissions, and by 2050 70% of the world's population will live in urban areas.
3) The document outlines Italy's specific situation with both large and small cities and towns and its progress toward holistic and sectoral smart city approaches and policies around areas like energy, data management, and governance models.
The document discusses the Favorita Living Lab project in Palermo, Sicily. The project aims to revitalize the Favorita Natural Reserve through community participation and smart city concepts. It will involve using technologies like ecosystem monitoring, participatory mapping, and multimedia to engage the community and address issues like abandonment and decay in the park. The document proposes holding a "Smart Favorita Fest" in spring 2013 to involve schools, workshop sessions, and app contests to generate ideas and innovation for the park.
1) The document summarizes a project in Manchester, UK to make the city smarter through public WiFi, environmental sensors, and citizen participation.
2) The project aims to address congestion and pollution problems on Oxford Road by tapping into the city's knowledge assets and engaging citizens.
3) The strategy involves rolling out fast public WiFi, smart environmental sensors, and encouraging citizen involvement to help Manchester become a smarter city.
The document summarizes Per Linde's intervention at a conference on smart cities. It discusses projects from important European cities aimed at creating more human-centered smart cities. Specifically, it outlines a presentation on the Malm旦 Living Lab project in Malm旦, Sweden, which aims to uplift local identities, increase civic participation, and enhance public interaction through collaborative neighborhood initiatives and social innovation. The presentation describes the context, problems addressed, strategies used, solutions developed, and reflections on the project.
O documento descreve a estrat辿gia de inova巽達o e economia de Lisboa para se tornar uma das cidades mais competitivas, inovadoras e criativas da Europa. A estrat辿gia inclui tornar Lisboa um polo de neg坦cios atl但nticos, uma cidade de startups e clusters estrat辿gicos de conhecimento. Isso ser叩 alcan巽ado por meio de incubadoras, laborat坦rios de fabrica巽達o e programas para apoiar jovens empreendedores.
The document summarizes Jarmo Elukka Eskelinen's presentation at a conference on smart cities in Europe. It discusses how Helsinki has cultivated urban innovations by making public sector data open and available through initiatives like Helsinki Region Infoshare. This open data clearinghouse works to find, standardize, publish and utilize public data to foster innovation, efficiency and transparency among companies and communities. The presentation argues that for cities to truly be smart, public data and services must be made interoperable between different actors in the city.
The document summarizes the Ghent Living Lab project in Ghent, Belgium. The Ghent Living Lab aims to tap into the creative power of Ghent citizens and digital creatives by bringing people and creative digital forces together to develop solutions to challenges. It creates a network of citizens, digital agencies, researchers, and the local government to co-create products and services closer to end-users' needs using an interactive website. Maintaining stakeholder engagement and finding the right balance between technological and non-technological solutions will be ongoing challenges for the Ghent Living Lab.
The document summarizes a presentation about a living lab project at Villa Durazzo-Pallavicini park in Genoa, Italy. The park and its botanical garden were perceived as valuable but unsafe by citizens. To address this, a user-centered design process was used where users helped evaluate and design solutions. Proposed solutions included using QR codes and apps to provide information to users, a central database to manage data, improving the tourism website, and installing a video surveillance system to make the park safer. The goals were to improve access to nature for citizens and make the city's green spaces cleaner and safer places.
The document discusses a project in Fund達o, Portugal, a small municipality struggling with problems related to its low population density, unemployment among young people with high education levels of 30%. The project aims to attract talent and investment through an open innovation strategy using a living lab, fab lab, co-working spaces, and revitalizing rural schools to rebuild the social and economic conditions in a low-cost and practical way. The key aspects that helped the project's success were its proximity, agility in prototyping solutions, and having political support for an open and transparent process.
The document discusses a project in Florence, Italy to create a smarter, city-wide wireless user experience. It outlines some of the challenges faced, including getting private businesses involved and developing a sustainable business model. The proposed strategy is to use the wireless network to promote new business models and offer a unique user experience with free content and apps. This would help boost online service and app adoption. The proposed solution involves formal partnerships between public bodies and private parties to provide a consistent wireless experience across the city while allowing for separate systems and content. There are still challenges around legal and business model issues.
The document discusses smart mobility solutions for cities. It describes how city mobility is a major issue as people have multiple transportation options but few ways to choose affordable and environmentally-friendly options with real-time information. It then outlines problems like traffic congestion and lack of integrated information systems. The proposed strategy is to integrate and aggregate and then disaggregate multi-channel transportation data from various sensors and sources in an open-source system. This would provide real-time information on traffic, parking, events and more to citizens. The solution aims to address specific groups' needs through crowd-sourcing and co-design.
This document summarizes a presentation given at the SCE2012 conference about a project called the Smart Square. The Smart Square is a virtual citizen community created by the municipality of Athens to promote citizen involvement in city governance and service codesign. It aims to improve citizen-city communication channels and make them more interactive. The key component is a mobile application called MySquare that allows citizens to create and participate in local digital discussion spaces about any city area or issue. The goal is to empower citizens, improve awareness and sense of belonging, and help prioritize needs in city service production.
Jesse Marsh gave a presentation on the human-oriented smart city projects of 14 major European cities. The Pecha Kucha format was used, with each city giving a short presentation on their strategies around open data, technical and social innovation, citizen engagement, and empowerment to create more human-centered smart cities. Representatives from the cities then provided further discussion and responded to issues raised by experts and the public audience.
Jon Kingsbury gave a presentation at a Smart City conference on the role of creativity and creative industries in Smart Cities. He discussed how creative industries can help cities by using data to experimentally test new ideas and gather feedback to build creative capacity. He argued the value of thinking about the "Creative Economy" more broadly than just specific industries. Kingsbury took questions on how creative industries can most powerfully contribute to networked cities and how cities can develop their creative abilities.
3. Sommario
Smart cities e mobilit
Quali interventi secondo ACI
Integrazione e accessibilit
Lesperienza dellinfomobilit regionale
4. Smart mobility e Smart cities I
Pu嘆 esistere una smart city senza una smart mobility?
5. Una油citt non油竪 smart senza油una油
mobilit smart
I油PERDITEMPI dovuti alle congestioni
Forme di INQUINAMENTO da traffico:
o Atmosferico >油emissioni di sostanze inquinanti
o Acustico >油rumori
o Ambientale >油superficie occupata
7. Smart mobility: una questione di tecnologie?
Fonte: Progetto CVIS (Co-operative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems)
8. Per油una油mobilit smart:油condividere!
Uso collettivo dei veicoli > integrazione tra modi di trasporto
Uso razionale di tecnologie innovative >油mezzi meno
inquinanti,油informazione, sistemi di pagamento integrati
Fludificazione del油traffico >油minori perditempi,油minor油
inquinamento da traffico
Aumento livello di sicurezza delle infrastrutture >油meno morti
e油feriti,油minori costi sociali
9. 8
Sistemi di trasporto e mobilit sostenibile
Verso油una油mobilit smart
z o ic
ez og
M ol
rto o >
po tiv
as t
Tr olle
vo >
C t t i rio
le p
ol ro
o zo
Us ez
r io
10. Smart mobility e Smart cities - II
Pu嘆 esistere una smart mobility senza una smart city?
Interazioni tra uso del territorio e
Organizzazione degli orari
Rispetto degli standard urbanistici
Logistica urbana
De-materializzazione attivit
La油sfida油pi湛 grande!
11. Azioni油per油una油mobilit smart:
Diffondere e油sviluppare tecnologia smart,油attraverso labbattimento degli
ostacoli connessi ai diversi sistemi informativi (integrazione informazioni
come油strumento di ottimizzazione)
Favorire lutilizzo di piattaforme tecnologiche aperte per油la油gestione delle
informazioni e油delle decisioni tra I油soggetti interessati (evoluzione del油
concetto di Infomobilit)
le油tecnologie smart油non油risolvono del油tutto le油carenze strutturali delle reti
di trasporto, ma油favoriscono la油gestione ottimale dei servizi.油油
12. Azioni油per油una油mobilit smart:
Formare cittadini smart per油evitare fenomeni di esclusione
sociale (ovvero includere modalit accessibili a油tutti)
Disponibilit delle tecnologie smart油verso油tutti (ad油es.油larga
banda su tutto il territorio)
Formare i油decisori e油油i油gestori della tecnologia smart油(solo油con油
il coinvolgimento degli amministratori si pu嘆 ottenere una
13. Azioni油per油una油mobilit smart:
Evitare油inefficienze油e油disservizi del油sistema油della油
o Fermate del油Trasporto Pubblico tecnologicamente avanzate a油
fronte di un油servizio di trasporto collettivo oggettivamente
o Forme di pagamento smart油e油avanzate (NFC,油credit油card,油bancomat,油
telefonino,油via油internet)油in油alternativa ai pagamenti in油contanti ma油
a油costo maggiorato
14. Lesperienza dellinformobilit ACI
Altre Fonti:
Autorit Portuali, Tpl urbani,
Altri Comuni
Polizie Locali dei Gestori di strade ed autostrade
principali Comuni
Centro Regionale
Rete di telecamere
Altre Fonti Tecnologiche:
Flotte, segnalatori, sensori
Operatori trasporto
Marittimo di linea Bus di linea extraurbani
Polizia stradale
15. Principi fondamentali
Grande attenzione al tema della sicurezza connessa
Una risposta alle moderne esigenze di informazione:
* real-time/location-based
* multi-rete (indipendente dal singolo gestore)
* multi-modale
* previsionale
18. Conclusioni
ACI pu嘆 svolgere una funzione chiave come partner
istituzionale per soluzioni di infomobilit SMART
coordinate e accessibili a tutti, che diano la
percezione di una mobilit come UNICUM
Grandi aspettative dal recepimento della Direttiva
ITS in tema di rimozione degli ostacoli legati alla
propriet dei dati e di sviluppo di sistemi informativi