This document compares and contrasts a Master of Information Systems (MSIS) degree with a Master of Business Leadership (MBL) process. It summarizes the key differences between the two options, finding that the MBL provides greater benefits like improved leadership skills and inspiration of others with less effort, cost, and time commitment than the MSIS degree. The MBL process yields a higher return on investment for both the individual and their company according to the document.
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MBL vs. MSIS, by Ken Gans Hitachi High Technology
1. A Masters Case Study
by Ken Gans
What Do You Want?
Master of Information Systems (MSIS) Master of Business Leadership (MBL)
Managing People Leading People
Position based power with no correlation to
effective leadership
Yes with direct correlation to inspirational
leadership, engaging hearts and minds
MSIS Structure MBL System
Career preparation based on understanding
the organizational needs requiring
information system solutions. Emphasis is
placed on system analysis, information
system design and IT management.
Detailed study on implementing cost
effective information systems.
I worked very hard for these few letters
after my name. This designation has done
little for my career, my company or my
ability to lead and inspire those around me.
Rather, it left me with the feeling of being
entitled and having the need to be
compensated for my time and effort.
The Master of Business Leadership system
begins by uncovering true urgency and
removing complacency.
o What do you want?
o How would getting what you want feel?
o How important are those results and feels
to you?
o Greater awareness
o Better tools and insights
o New habits and beliefs
o Better results with less effort and more
The Master of Business Leadership process
is a practical system to grow any
organization or business into a meaningful
and profitable enterprise that can flourish in
any economy or business climate. It brings
together decades of research and
experience from neuroscience, quantum
physics, business coaching and
organizational development.
Benefits and Results
Greater Effort; Greater Cost; Less Benefits
and Results
Significant amount of work was required
for classes, study, papers, etc. The focus
was on systems with limited managerial
Less Effort; Less Cost; Greater Benefits
and Results
The MBL process is scalable to each
individuals desired results with greater
focus producing greater results. The time
2. work that did little to develop my ability to
lead and inspire others around me. Others
are only aware of this degree if I tell them.
It is of little value to me or the company on
a daily basis.
Specialized in computer information
systems design and their organizational
impact. Obtained supervisory and
management positions. Technology
changes rapidly and requires continual
upkeep of course material. Strengthened
analytical thinking.
spent over the 20 week period is much less
than MSIS program.
Others have noticed my actions and
commented on my inspired leadership.
The benefits and results for me and my
company continue to grow daily. Most
actions I take throughout the day are now
related to the MBL tools and insights.
I began achieving greater awareness and
better results almost immediately. Created
a personal and departmental Vision focused
on our strategic actions and results.
Became aware of and dramatically
improved my emotional intelligence
opening up a passion for my Vision that
has lied dormant for many years. Our team
dynamics has improved.
2 years (part-time) 20 Weeks
$35,000 $10,000
Yes, although the return on investment has
not been justified in my opinion
Yes, the positive effects of this investment
are being noticed and experienced by
myself and those I work with on a daily
basis. The Master of Business Leadership
system has proven to provide a much
higher return on investment to me and my