Carmen Talal Matar is a sales assistant and social media manager based in Beirut, Lebanon with over 5 years of experience in sales, customer service, teaching, and social media management. She is currently studying Law at Lebanese University and has a background in teaching grades 6-7. Her experience includes roles in sales management, customer service, social media management for brands like Q-mobile and Snob Magazine, and she is skilled in communication, teamwork, and child protection.
This document provides instructions for an activity to help participants better manage cultural discomfort in the workplace to improve productivity. The activity involves reflecting on example cases of cultural discomfort, discussing how participants might react in similar situations, finding ways to deal with such situations, and bringing any other cases or questions to a face-to-face training session for group discussion. Three example cases are provided involving communicating with an employee missing an arm, negotiating with a physically larger supervisor from a different ethnic background, and becoming irritated by colleagues speaking in their native language. Participants are asked to consider how they might feel or react in each case and share their thoughts in an online forum.
This document summarizes a study that analyzed the spatial patterns and environmental controls on burned area for two different wildfire regimes in Southern California from 1960-2009. The study used multiple modeling techniques to analyze the relationship between burned area and human and environmental predictor variables for Santa Ana fires and non-Santa Ana fires separately. The models explained 38-63% of spatial variance for Santa Ana fires and 21-48% for non-Santa Ana fires. Key findings were that Santa Ana fires were best predicted by weather variables like wind and humidity, while non-Santa Ana fires were best predicted by vegetation, road access, and distance to housing variables.
Copia de open prof oer_development_team management_esEderV
El documento describe un programa de comit辿s de estudiantes en una escuela para promover la participaci坦n activa de los estudiantes en la toma de decisiones de la escuela a trav辿s de grupos de trabajo. El programa incluye cuatro comit辿s de estudiantes y profesores que se re炭nen semanalmente para abordar temas como la seguridad, el reciclaje, la imagen y la convivencia, identificar 叩reas de mejora, y comunicar los resultados al personal de la escuela.
La Universidad Ferm鱈n Toro est叩 ubicada en Cabudare. El documento es una carta dirigida a Ariana Silva, estudiante de la Facultad de Ciencias Econ坦micas y Sociales de dicha universidad. La carta fue escrita en mayo de 2016.
Las herramientas el辿ctricas presentan m叩s riesgos que las manuales debido a su alta velocidad. El equipo de protecci坦n personal recomendado incluye gafas de seguridad, guantes, botas con puntera de acero y protectores auditivos. Adem叩s de usar el equipo adecuado, se debe tener cuidado de mantener las manos alejadas de las partes m坦viles y seguir pr叩cticas seguras de trabajo.
Copia de open prof oer_development_consensus_es pptxEderV
Este documento describe una din叩mica para que los estudiantes tomen decisiones de manera democr叩tica y participativa. Los objetivos son fomentar el di叩logo y el debate, y ense単ar claramente las conclusiones al grupo. La din叩mica implica dividir a los estudiantes en grupos para debatir un tema, presentar ideas principales, y llegar a un consenso. Se requieren condiciones como un objetivo com炭n, compromiso para consensuar, tiempo suficiente, un proceso claro, y buena din叩mica y participaci坦n.
Carmen Talal Matar is a sales assistant and social media manager based in Beirut, Lebanon with over 5 years of experience in sales, customer service, teaching, and social media management. She is currently studying Law at Lebanese University and has a background in teaching grades 6-7. Her experience includes roles in sales management, customer service, social media management for brands like Q-mobile and Snob Magazine, and she is skilled in communication, teamwork, and child protection.
This document provides instructions for an activity to help participants better manage cultural discomfort in the workplace to improve productivity. The activity involves reflecting on example cases of cultural discomfort, discussing how participants might react in similar situations, finding ways to deal with such situations, and bringing any other cases or questions to a face-to-face training session for group discussion. Three example cases are provided involving communicating with an employee missing an arm, negotiating with a physically larger supervisor from a different ethnic background, and becoming irritated by colleagues speaking in their native language. Participants are asked to consider how they might feel or react in each case and share their thoughts in an online forum.
This document summarizes a study that analyzed the spatial patterns and environmental controls on burned area for two different wildfire regimes in Southern California from 1960-2009. The study used multiple modeling techniques to analyze the relationship between burned area and human and environmental predictor variables for Santa Ana fires and non-Santa Ana fires separately. The models explained 38-63% of spatial variance for Santa Ana fires and 21-48% for non-Santa Ana fires. Key findings were that Santa Ana fires were best predicted by weather variables like wind and humidity, while non-Santa Ana fires were best predicted by vegetation, road access, and distance to housing variables.
Copia de open prof oer_development_team management_esEderV
El documento describe un programa de comit辿s de estudiantes en una escuela para promover la participaci坦n activa de los estudiantes en la toma de decisiones de la escuela a trav辿s de grupos de trabajo. El programa incluye cuatro comit辿s de estudiantes y profesores que se re炭nen semanalmente para abordar temas como la seguridad, el reciclaje, la imagen y la convivencia, identificar 叩reas de mejora, y comunicar los resultados al personal de la escuela.
La Universidad Ferm鱈n Toro est叩 ubicada en Cabudare. El documento es una carta dirigida a Ariana Silva, estudiante de la Facultad de Ciencias Econ坦micas y Sociales de dicha universidad. La carta fue escrita en mayo de 2016.
Las herramientas el辿ctricas presentan m叩s riesgos que las manuales debido a su alta velocidad. El equipo de protecci坦n personal recomendado incluye gafas de seguridad, guantes, botas con puntera de acero y protectores auditivos. Adem叩s de usar el equipo adecuado, se debe tener cuidado de mantener las manos alejadas de las partes m坦viles y seguir pr叩cticas seguras de trabajo.
Copia de open prof oer_development_consensus_es pptxEderV
Este documento describe una din叩mica para que los estudiantes tomen decisiones de manera democr叩tica y participativa. Los objetivos son fomentar el di叩logo y el debate, y ense単ar claramente las conclusiones al grupo. La din叩mica implica dividir a los estudiantes en grupos para debatir un tema, presentar ideas principales, y llegar a un consenso. Se requieren condiciones como un objetivo com炭n, compromiso para consensuar, tiempo suficiente, un proceso claro, y buena din叩mica y participaci坦n.
The document introduces a person named Hamiltonbueno who is 18 years old and studies industrial mechanical maintenance at sena. He lives in a neighborhood with his aunt and sister and enjoys playing football in his free time. It then lists various tools used in industrial mechanical maintenance such as wrenches, hammers, drills, grinders, and welding machines.
This document provides a marketing analysis and strategy for positioning the Patagonia brand as more accessible to women. It analyzes Patagonia's competitors in the outdoor apparel category and identifies REI as the major competitor due to its co-op structure and membership programs that encourage loyalty. Consumer research found that women associate Patagonia with extreme sports and want a brand that represents "people like them." The document proposes targeting women ages 18-34 in Northeast urban areas through print ads in women's magazines, digital ads, blogger partnerships, and social media to change perceptions of Patagonia to be more welcoming and approachable. The goal is to position Patagonia products and lifestyle as accessible to this target audience.
This short document promotes the creation of presentations using Haiku Deck on 際際滷Share. It includes two sample photos to inspire users and encourages them to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by clicking a button labeled "GET STARTED".