This document is a CV for Mark Caldwell, a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. It outlines his education, research interests, publications, grants/awards, research experience, conference presentations, teaching experience, and data/software skills. Caldwell has a focus on social inequality, food insecurity, and using both qualitative and quantitative methods. He has taught several courses and has research experience studying topics like food access, public health, and home foreclosures.
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Mark Caldwell
Department of Sociology (414) 241-0307
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
P.O. Box 413, Bolton Hall 714, Milwaukee, WI 532012
(PhD) University ofWisconsin,Milwaukee, Sociology (Expected: Spring 2015)
Exam fields: Sociology of Cultural Theory and Global Political Economy
Dissertation Topic: The Impact of Racial and Income Segregation on Food Insecurity
MA University ofWisconsin,Milwaukee,Sociology (2011)
Thesis: Finding Hidden Wells on Food Desert Islands: Concentrated Poverty, Racial
Composition and Providing New Dietary Options.
MS Certificate University ofWisconsin,Milwaukee,Geographic Information Systems (2011)
Thesis: Community supported agriculture (CSA) drop sites correlated with race,income and
education in the Milwaukee Metro Area.
BA University ofWisconsin, Milwaukee, Sociology and Africology (2007)
Honors in Major; Certificate in Cultures and Communities.
Social Theory Sociology of Culture Social Inequality
Research Methods Food Insecurity Public Health Outcomes
Linnea Laestadius and Mark Caldwell. (Forthcoming). Is the future of meat palatable?: Perceptions of in-vitro
meat as evidence by online news comments. Public Health Nutrition. Revise and resubmit.
Mark Caldwell. Defining and Operationalizing food insecurity and child food insecurity. (Forthcoming) in
Food and Poverty: Food Insecurity and Food Sovereignty among Americas Poor,edited by Leslie Hossfeld,
Brooke Kelly, and Julia Waity. Chapel Hill, SC: University of South Carolina Press.
Mark Caldwell. Defining food deserts based on place and space,a case study of Milwaukee, WI. (Forthcoming)
in Food and Poverty: Food Insecurity and Food Sovereignty among Americas Poo, edited by edited by Leslie
Hossfeld, Brooke Kelly, and Julia Waity. Chapel Hill, SC: University of South Carolina Press.
Mark Caldwell. 2014. The rise of the gourmet hamburger. Contexts Trends Summer 2014 Issue.
Mark Caldwell. 2014. Little Free Libraries. Contexts In-Briefs Spring 2014 Issue.
Mark Caldwell. 2014. Lone Wolf Terrorism. Contexts In-BriefsWinter 2014 Issue.
Mark Caldwell, Woonsup Choi, Chulsue Hwang. 2010. The Spatial and Socioeconomic Features of Drop-off
Site for CSA Farms within the Milwaukee Metro Area. The Geographical Journal of Korea, 44 (3): 281-288.
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2013 ASA Sydney Spivak Community Action Research Initiative (CARI) grant in partnership with Sweet
Water foundation to develop a survey for their online certification program in Aquaponics.
2012 Chancellors Graduate Student Award (UW-Milwaukee)
2011 Chancellors Graduate Student Award (UW-Milwaukee)
2011 Graduate Travel Award (UW-Milwaukee)
2010 Graduate GIS Competition Winner (UW-Milwaukee)
2010 Graduate Scholar Award(Health, Wellness and Society Conference)
2009 Chancellors Graduate Scholarship for Academic Excellence (UW-Milwaukee)
2007 Wisconsin Be SMART Coalition Conservation Scholarship (Wisconsin Department of Land
Data Collection and Analysis
7/14-12/14 University ofWisconsin-Milwaukee Sociology Department
Position: Provided research support to Prof. Nancy Mathiowetz, PhD on a quantitative study
using Robert Woods Johnson County Health Estimates for 2014 and American Community
Survey (ACS) 2013 3-year estimates to assess impact of race on health outcomes.
Responsibilities: Completed literature review and data collection of public health publications;
generated research design for linear regression modeling of racial and socioeconomic
characteristics on particular health outcomes. Conducted data preliminary analysis and nested
regression modeling using STATA software. Composed research findings into a technical report
under review for publication.
11/13-6/14 University ofWisconsin-Milwaukee School ofPublic Health
Position: Provided research support to Linnea Laestadius, PhD on an inductive qualitative study
of online public opinion on in-vitro/lab-grown meat.
Responsibilities: Collected data through content analysis of online comments on news articles
using HypeResearch software; conducted literature reviews, co-authored and proofread
manuscripts, and formatted references. The outcome of this process resulted in an article that is
currently under review for publication. Communicated complex research techniques and findings
to a general audience.
06/12-Present Department ofNeighborhood Services, City ofMilwaukee, Milwaukee,WI
Responsibilities: Utilized ArcGIS, Microsoft Excel, and City-specific software programs to
develop maps for inspection interns, the Safe Neighborhoods Initiative Program, and other
projects dealing with foreclosed properties and neighborhood maintenance. Collaborated with
administrative management, executive officers and other personnel from severalgovernment
agencies to complete this task.
Survey Design and Implementation
08/12-08/13 Sweet Water Foundation, Milwaukee, WI
Project: Worked in an academic/non-profit partnership to design an online survey instrument that
measured outcomes for the AQUAPONs online certification program. The target population
included high school students who were enrolled in STEM-based curricula. The survey design
included cluster sampling procedure to evaluate new online learning models, and to create a
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research study that used outcomes from these models to ensure good model fit based on
organizational expectations.
06/11-11/11 Office of Institutional Research, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
Responsibilities: Revised 24,000 freshmen using SAS and SPSS software to reduce production
costs and create measurable outcomes related to educational satisfaction and job placement.
Redesigned the Alumni survey using InVivo software and sent this survey out to 800 alumni
members via postal mail. Collected, stored, and maintained 300 faculty curriculum vitae in
Digital Measures,an online faculty database.
5/10-1/11 Fondy Food Center, Milwaukee, WI
Project: Designed a qualitative survey questionnaire to be implemented at an Open Air Food
Market, with an emphasis on time use, spending habits, and market programs. Generated ArcGIS
spatial maps for future grants related to Food Stamp and and Women, Infant, and Children (WIC)
voucher distribution for healthier lifestyle choices.
Mark Caldwell, A State of Crisis: How do city governments create programs and policies to deal with the rise of
home foreclosures? Applied Research Conference, Portland,OR 2013.
Mark Caldwell, Mapping the Foodweb: GIS, Public Sociology and the Culture of Food. Applied Research
Conference, Portland, OR 2013.
Mark Caldwell, Basemapping the Globe: Creating a New Visual Communication Medium. Midwest Popular
Culture Association Conference. Milwaukee,WI 2011 and the International Conference on the
Constructed Environment. Chicago,IL 2011 and the Midwest Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference.
Milwaukee, WI 2011
Mark Caldwell, Finding Hidden Wells on Food Desert Islands: Concentrated Poverty, Racial Composition and
Providing New Dietary Options. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Urban StudiesForum, Milwaukee,
Mark Caldwell, Doubling the Green Investment: How PPGIS can strengthen the food web. Wisconsin Land
Information Association Conference. Madison, WI 2011
Mark Caldwell, "Data Collection Methods and Establishing Digital Drop off Sites for CSA Farms Within the
Milwaukee Metro Area."International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society. Berkeley,CA 2011
07/14-Present World Society, UW-Milwaukee
06/14-Present Introduction to Sociology-Online,Marian University
09/12-06/14 Social Change in the Global Economy, UW-Milwaukee
As the instructor for these courses,designed and generated lesson plans and presentations in
coordination with assigned textbook. Learner-centered teaching approaches involving group work
and class discussions were implemented in classes. Responsible for communicating course
expectations to students, dealing with grading issues, and maintaining positive relationships with
diverse students in large-enrollment courses.
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Adjunct Faculty
06/14-06/15 Poverty in America Today, Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design
06/12-12/14 Plant Yourself: Connecting Agriculture, Food and Society,Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design
As the instructor for this course, I created a course design based on the relationship between
social issues and food consumption. This included the creation of weekly assignments, small
group discussions, final research projects,and teaching modules. Utilized a Sociological
perspective to infuse critical thinking into classroom discussions. Created a grading rubric for all
assignments, assessments and evaluations.
Graduate Student Instructor
09/11- 06/12 Introduction to Sociology (U-PACE course), UW-Milwaukee
09/10-06/11 Social Problems in American Society, UW-Milwaukee
09/09-06/10 Introduction to Sociology (Online Course), UW-Milwaukee
As a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI),responsible for assessing student postings in online course
format. Responded effectively in writing to student feedback,recommending improvements on
assignments. Maintained accurate and updated records for clear reporting of progress.
General: Microsoft Office, Blackboard, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Acrobat, and Microsoft Front Page
Social Statistics:SPSS,Stata, StatTransfer ,SAS, Payek,IRB and FERPA certified
GIS: ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, ArcIMS,Microsoft Expression, Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe FLEX, ArcGIS
Explorer, ArcGIS Services, HTML, KML, Bing and Google Map Mashups, HTTP,Javascript and ArcGIS Active
X Controls
Applied and Clinical Sociology Association, 2012-Present
American Sociological Association, 2012-Present
Alpha Kappa Delta, International Sociology Honor Society
Hip Hop Area Chair, Midwest PopularCulture Association/ American Culture Association. 2012-Present
Midwest Sociological Society, 2011-2012