Getting started with Google Analytics and the AdWords APImarcwan
Google Analytics is a platform that allows companies to measure user acquisition, behavior, and conversions on their websites. It provides insights into how to improve marketing initiatives and the user experience. The Google Analytics platform includes APIs and SDKs that allow developers to integrate analytics data into their applications. Google Analytics data can be linked with Google AdWords to help optimize advertising campaigns and prove the value of various marketing services by measuring user engagement and conversions after clicks from ads.
The document discusses using Google's API and services to optimize AdWords campaigns. It covers using the TargetingIdeaService to generate keyword ideas and get statistics on existing keywords. It also discusses using the TrafficEstimatorService to estimate traffic and costs for new campaigns. Finally, it discusses how to optimize existing campaigns by analyzing report data and replacing underperforming keywords.
The document discusses optimization of online advertising accounts at scale. It introduces several Google services for keyword research and traffic estimation. It then demonstrates Kratu, an open-source tool for discovering optimization opportunities in accounts by analyzing performance data. Kratu uses a push model to surface issues for account managers to address, rather than managers manually reviewing all accounts. The document includes a demo of Kratu analyzing a sample advertising account and ends by discussing upcoming improvements to Kratu.
This document discusses managing feeds with the AdWords API. It begins with an overview of feed concepts, including what a feed is, its benefits, and an analogy to a database. It then covers creating new feeds by defining attributes, populating feeds with items, and mapping feeds to ad extensions. Best practices are discussed, such as using built-in versus custom feeds. The document demonstrates how to populate ad extensions with feed data and report on feed performance. It encourages reusing example code and provides resources for working with the AdWords API feed services.
You can learn what can LabVIEW NXG Web Module do in this training slide. You can easily develop web application using Web Module.
LabVIEW NXG Web Moduleについて学習します。LabVIEW NXG Web Moduleを使用することで、スタイリッシュなウェブアプリケーションを簡単に開発することができます。
This document discusses tools and services for optimizing Google Ads accounts, including Kratu for discovering optimization opportunities. It describes profiling accounts, using services like Targeting Idea and Traffic Estimator for keyword research and estimates, and optimizing through an iterative process. The document demonstrates Kratu for analyzing account data and displaying issues and opportunities, and provides resources for using Kratu with a backend like AwReporting.
The presentation provided an overview of Google AdWords feeds including what's new, location feeds, reporting, and best practices. Key updates included feed name uniqueness, new call extension metrics, and three new feed types for apps, reviews, and locations based on Google Places data. Location feeds are associated with a Places account and have attributes and items managed automatically. Reporting on feed item performance is available, and best practices include using built-in versus custom feeds and the proper order for deleting feed components.
The document discusses optimizing OAuth 2.0 requests when using the Google AdWords API. It recommends sharing access tokens across threads and servers to minimize requests. Handling access token expiration is key, including proactively refreshing tokens before expiration. A shared storage like a cache can store credentials to avoid duplicate requests. A token management server can further centralize OAuth handling. Security best practices like securely storing refresh and access tokens are also covered.
The document discusses AdWords scripts for managing multiple AdWords accounts from a central MCC account using JavaScript. It provides an overview of MCC scripts, how to get started with them, and examples of common tasks like accessing child accounts, selecting a specific account, processing accounts in parallel, and returning results.
This document summarizes a presentation about new features in the AwReporting tool. AwReporting is an open source Java tool that allows users to download AdWords reports via the API and generate PDF and HTML reports from the data. The presentation covers how to get reports from AwReporting, generate custom reports, do math with report data, and other new features like Google Drive support and performance improvements. It also provides resources for using AwReporting and lists types of reports that can be generated.
Getting Started with AdWords API and Google Analyticsmarcwan
Google Analytics is a platform that allows businesses to measure user interactions across devices to gain insights and optimize performance. It offers various analysis tools and APIs that developers can use to build applications that integrate with Google Analytics. The Google Analytics developer program provides benefits like quota increases and promotional opportunities to help developers build successful analytics integrations and applications.
This document discusses Google Shopping and Merchant Center. It provides an overview of how to set up and manage Shopping campaigns, including uploading product data through feeds or the Content API, using product dimensions for bidding and filtering, and creating product partitions to organize product inventory. The presenter provides code examples in Java for common tasks like setting up a Shopping campaign, defining product dimensions, and applying filters.
The document summarizes the new features, changes, and deprecations in version 201402 of the Google AdWords API. Key updates include support for shopping campaigns and new ad extensions in the API, new report types, and a new bidding strategy. ClientLogin authentication has been deprecated and replaced with OAuth2.0. Several campaign features have also moved out of beta testing.
This document discusses various options for targeting online advertising campaigns through Google, including targeting by location, location demographics, mobile criteria, and dynamic search ads. It provides examples of how to target specific locations, location groups combining places of interest and income levels, mobile devices and apps, and automatically generate ads based on website content. Resources for each targeting method are also listed.
El documento presenta consejos y trucos sobre el uso de reportes en la API de AdWords. Explica conceptos clave como la atribución simple vs múltiple y cómo se registran las estadísticas. Además, clasifica los diferentes tipos de reportes y ofrece ejemplos de cómo obtener la estructura de una cuenta y desarrollar aplicaciones que usen reportes.
El documento presenta buenas prácticas y estrategias para manejar los límites de frecuencia (rate limits) de la API de AdWords. Se recomienda agrupar operaciones en pocas solicitudes y actualizar solo los campos necesarios. También se discuten tres enfoques para manejar rate limits usando colas de mensajes, incluyendo una sola cola, colas con selectores y múltiples colas.
Este documento presenta una introducción a OAuth 2.0 y cómo obtener tokens de acceso para acceder a los servicios de AdWords API. Explica los pasos para crear una ID de cliente y secreto de cliente, obtener un token de acceso mediante la aprobación del propietario de la cuenta, y luego acceder a los servicios de AdWords API con ese token. También describe los diferentes flujos de OAuth 2.0 y los recursos disponibles para obtener más información.
You can learn what can LabVIEW NXG Web Module do in this training slide. You can easily develop web application using Web Module.
LabVIEW NXG Web Moduleについて学習します。LabVIEW NXG Web Moduleを使用することで、スタイリッシュなウェブアプリケーションを簡単に開発することができます。
This document discusses tools and services for optimizing Google Ads accounts, including Kratu for discovering optimization opportunities. It describes profiling accounts, using services like Targeting Idea and Traffic Estimator for keyword research and estimates, and optimizing through an iterative process. The document demonstrates Kratu for analyzing account data and displaying issues and opportunities, and provides resources for using Kratu with a backend like AwReporting.
The presentation provided an overview of Google AdWords feeds including what's new, location feeds, reporting, and best practices. Key updates included feed name uniqueness, new call extension metrics, and three new feed types for apps, reviews, and locations based on Google Places data. Location feeds are associated with a Places account and have attributes and items managed automatically. Reporting on feed item performance is available, and best practices include using built-in versus custom feeds and the proper order for deleting feed components.
The document discusses optimizing OAuth 2.0 requests when using the Google AdWords API. It recommends sharing access tokens across threads and servers to minimize requests. Handling access token expiration is key, including proactively refreshing tokens before expiration. A shared storage like a cache can store credentials to avoid duplicate requests. A token management server can further centralize OAuth handling. Security best practices like securely storing refresh and access tokens are also covered.
The document discusses AdWords scripts for managing multiple AdWords accounts from a central MCC account using JavaScript. It provides an overview of MCC scripts, how to get started with them, and examples of common tasks like accessing child accounts, selecting a specific account, processing accounts in parallel, and returning results.
This document summarizes a presentation about new features in the AwReporting tool. AwReporting is an open source Java tool that allows users to download AdWords reports via the API and generate PDF and HTML reports from the data. The presentation covers how to get reports from AwReporting, generate custom reports, do math with report data, and other new features like Google Drive support and performance improvements. It also provides resources for using AwReporting and lists types of reports that can be generated.
Getting Started with AdWords API and Google Analyticsmarcwan
Google Analytics is a platform that allows businesses to measure user interactions across devices to gain insights and optimize performance. It offers various analysis tools and APIs that developers can use to build applications that integrate with Google Analytics. The Google Analytics developer program provides benefits like quota increases and promotional opportunities to help developers build successful analytics integrations and applications.
This document discusses Google Shopping and Merchant Center. It provides an overview of how to set up and manage Shopping campaigns, including uploading product data through feeds or the Content API, using product dimensions for bidding and filtering, and creating product partitions to organize product inventory. The presenter provides code examples in Java for common tasks like setting up a Shopping campaign, defining product dimensions, and applying filters.
The document summarizes the new features, changes, and deprecations in version 201402 of the Google AdWords API. Key updates include support for shopping campaigns and new ad extensions in the API, new report types, and a new bidding strategy. ClientLogin authentication has been deprecated and replaced with OAuth2.0. Several campaign features have also moved out of beta testing.
This document discusses various options for targeting online advertising campaigns through Google, including targeting by location, location demographics, mobile criteria, and dynamic search ads. It provides examples of how to target specific locations, location groups combining places of interest and income levels, mobile devices and apps, and automatically generate ads based on website content. Resources for each targeting method are also listed.
El documento presenta consejos y trucos sobre el uso de reportes en la API de AdWords. Explica conceptos clave como la atribución simple vs múltiple y cómo se registran las estadísticas. Además, clasifica los diferentes tipos de reportes y ofrece ejemplos de cómo obtener la estructura de una cuenta y desarrollar aplicaciones que usen reportes.
El documento presenta buenas prácticas y estrategias para manejar los límites de frecuencia (rate limits) de la API de AdWords. Se recomienda agrupar operaciones en pocas solicitudes y actualizar solo los campos necesarios. También se discuten tres enfoques para manejar rate limits usando colas de mensajes, incluyendo una sola cola, colas con selectores y múltiples colas.
Este documento presenta una introducción a OAuth 2.0 y cómo obtener tokens de acceso para acceder a los servicios de AdWords API. Explica los pasos para crear una ID de cliente y secreto de cliente, obtener un token de acceso mediante la aprobación del propietario de la cuenta, y luego acceder a los servicios de AdWords API con ese token. También describe los diferentes flujos de OAuth 2.0 y los recursos disponibles para obtener más información.
End to-end how to build a platform (Spanish)marcwan
El documento describe un enfoque paso a paso para que las empresas asociadas desarrollen una plataforma para administrar campa?as de AdWords de clientes utilizando la API de AdWords. Se proponen tres fases tecnológicas principales: generación de informes, creación y administración de cuentas, y optimización automatizada. Cada fase agrega más funcionalidad y permite administrar más cuentas por gerente de cuenta a medida que la plataforma se vuelve más sofisticada.
La herramienta AwReporting permite descargar informes de AdWords de forma automatizada y almacenarlos en una base de datos local. Esto reduce la curva de aprendizaje para trabajar con la API de AdWords y proporciona un punto de partida para la automatización y optimización de campa?as. La herramienta es de código abierto y puede extenderse fácilmente para crear informes personalizados y integrarse con otros sistemas.
El documento resume las últimas actualizaciones de la API de AdWords, incluyendo nuevas funcionalidades como la importación de conversiones fuera de línea, cambios en los nombres obligatorios de campa?as y grupos de anuncios, y cinco funcionalidades que ya no están en beta como los modificadores de ofertas de criterios de visualización y anuncios de búsqueda dinámica. También proporciona ejemplos de código para utilizar estas nuevas características a través de la API.
El documento proporciona una introducción a AdWords Scripts, que permite automatizar AdWords mediante el uso de JavaScript. Explica cómo acceder a la información de la cuenta de AdWords, los principales casos de uso, requisitos y capacidades de los scripts como acceder a entidades, informes y actualizaciones. También cubre la demostración de cómo crear el primer script para obtener campa?as y obtener ayuda a través de la documentación y foros.
El documento presenta una capacitación sobre cómo mejorar las páginas móviles y las conversiones a través de la API de AdWords. Cubre temas como la creación de anuncios y ajuste de precios para dispositivos móviles, los 8 fundamentos esenciales de una página móvil efectiva, y herramientas útiles como HTML5 Rocks, depuración remota y emulación móvil.
O documento discute boas práticas e rate limits na AdWords API. Ele explica que executar opera??es em batch e agrupar opera??es por entidade melhora o desempenho. Também descreve o que s?o rate limits e como tratá-los, incluindo usar filas de mensagens para distribuir carga e controlar a velocidade de requisi??es.
O documento discute o protocolo OAuth 2.0 para autentica??o na API do AdWords. Ele explica que o OAuth 2.0 fornece autoriza??o segura e padronizada para a API sem usar nomes de usuário e senhas. O documento também discute como preparar uma aplica??o, obter tokens de acesso, fluxos OAuth 2.0, melhores práticas e recursos.
The document discusses optimizing landing pages for mobile devices. It covers displaying mobile ads in the AdWords API, 8 tips for mobile landing pages including prioritizing speed and visible content, and mobile development tools like HTML5 Rocks. The tips are to deliver faster content, ensure good performance, provide full content on all devices, adapt designs for different screens, focus on the user experience, include accessibility, code for robustness, and prioritize above-the-fold content.
5. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
● AdWords のデータをプログラムから操作する方法
● JavaScript を使用
● 開発環境は AdWords UI の中に用意
AdWords スクリプトの復習
6. Script
Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
function main() {
// AWQL を使って指定した名前のキャンペーンを取得
var demoCampaign = AdWordsApp.campaigns().
withCondition("Name='Demo campaign'").get().next();
// AWQL を使って、直下の広告グループを取得
var demoAdGroup = demoCampaign.adGroups().
withCondition("Name='Demo adgroup'").get().next();
// 広告グループの設定を変更
AdWords スクリプトの復習
7. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
● MCC レベルで使える AdWords スクリプト
● 多くのアカウントを管理可能に
MCC スクリプトとは?
8. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
● 現在は、すべての方がご利用になれます
9. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
● 1つのスクリプトで複数のアカウントを管理可能
● 1つのスクリプトを複数のアカウントにコピーする必要なし
● 複数のアカウントを並列に処理
10. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
● 管理している全てのアカウントの入札単価を調整
● 複数アカウントのレポートを出力
11. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
MCC スクリプトを使ってみる
13. Script
Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
初めての MCC スクリプト
function main() {
// 全ての子アカウントを取得
var accountIterator = MccApp.accounts().get();
// 取得したアカウントを順に処理
while (accountIterator.hasNext()) {
var account =;
// 子アカウントのパフォーマンス データを取得
var stats = account.getStatsFor("THIS_MONTH");
// ログに出力
Logger.log("%s,%s,%s,%s", account.getCustomerId(), stats.getClicks(),
stats.getImpressions(), stats.getCost());
14. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
● アカウントを管理する機能を提供
● 子アカウントを取得
● 操作するアカウントを選択
● 複数のアカウントを並列に処理
MccApp クラス
15. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
var accountIterator = MccApp.accounts().get();
● MccApp.accounts メソッドを使用
● デフォルトでは、全ての子アカウントを返す(サブMCCは除く)
16. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
● アカウント レベルでフィルターすることが可能
var accountIterator = MccApp.accounts()
.withCondition('LabelNames CONTAINS "xxx"')
17. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
● Customer Id を直接指定することも可能
var accountIterator = MccApp.accounts()
.withIds(['123-456-7890', '345-678-9000'])
18. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
● デフォルトでは、スクリプトが置かれているアカウント
● を使い、操作対象アカウントを変更
● AdWordsApp クラスを使いアカウントを操作
● 最後に操作対象をMCC アカウントへ戻すことを忘れずに!
19. Script
Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
var childAccount = MccApp.accounts().withIds(["918-501-8835"])
// 現在のMCCアカウントを保存
var mccAccount = AdWordsApp.currentAccount();
// 子アカウントを選択;
// 子アカウントへの処理を実行
// 操作対象を MCC アカウントに戻す;
21. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
● AccountSelector.executeInParallel メソッドを使
● 50 アカウントまで並列に処理可能
● すべての処理終了後、オプションで callback 関数を実行可
22. Script
Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
function main() {
function processAccount() {
Logger.log("Operating on %s",
// アカウントへの処理を実行
// ...
23. Script
Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
function main() {
function processAccount() {
function allFinished(results) {
Callback 関数を指定
24. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
● Callback 関数の results 引数を使用
● ExecutionResult オブジェクトの配列
● 1つのアカウント処理につき、1つの ExecutionResult
25. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
● ExecutionResult オブジェクトが含む情報
● CustomerId
● Status (Success, Error, Timeout)
● Error (もしあれば)
● processAccount の返り値
26. Script
Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
function processAccount() {
return AdWordsApp.campaigns().get().totalNumEntities().toString();
function allFinished(results) {
var totalCampaigns = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
totalCampaigns += parseInt(results[i].getReturnValue());
Logger.log("There are %s campaigns under MCC ID: %s.",
27. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
● 処理関数は string の返り値を返すことができる
● 複雑なオブジェクトを返したい場合には、JSON.stringify /
JSON.parse を使用してオブジェクトの serialize /
deserialize を行う
● 大きな値を返したい場合には、各種データストレージを使う
(E.g. SpreadSheetApp, DriveApp...)
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main() 関数
executeInParallel() をアカウント
A, B, C へ実行
29. Google Inc. - All Rights Reserved
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