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Master Composter
Class 1: July 20, 2015
 Neil Kaufman
 Walt Draker
 Amy Kirwin
 City of San Marcos- SolidWaste Program
 Collects volunteer hours
What about you?
 What is your name?
 What is your day job?
 How did you hear about this course?
 How much experience do you have with composting?
 What are your goals for this course?
 State ofTexas Alliance for Recycling
 Provides resources, technical
assistance, and networking
 Mission of STAR:To increase
recycling rates to the highest level
afforded by balanced economic and
sustainability principles for the
benefit ofTexas
 Sara Nichols (Program Director)
Master Composter
 Community-based program
of citizen education and
volunteer development
 Launched in February 2014
with Teach theTeacher
instructors course
 2 programs in 2014 (SM and
 43 candidates
Course Overview
Whats in it for you?
 Books on composting
 Hands-on experience with large-scale
 In-depth, technical education
 Refined gardening intuition
 Networking between university and
local communities
 Certification (resume gold)
 Compost confidence!
Course Overview
Course Requirements
 20 hours of classroom time
 ~5 hours of field time
 Make-up classes available
 20 hours of volunteer work
 Must be completed within 6 months of
classroom time
 Many opportunities available
 $20 fee
 Pays for your books and snacks
Volunteer Opportunities
 Report to Amy Kirwin
 Must be compost related
 Create your own
 How-to videos
 Farmers market outreach
 School visits
Course Overview
 Class 1, July 20
 Overview of course
 Overview of content
 History of composting
 Class 2, July 22
 General compost
 Backyard techniques
 Indoor techniques
 Class 3, July 25
 Class trip to compost pile
 Application of compost
 Landscaping inTX
 Class 4, July 27
 Plant science
 Soil science
 Class 5, July 29
 Environmental issues
 Guest speaker,TDS
 Class 6, August 1
 TDS Compost facility
 Reasons to compost
 To make compost for gardening
 To reduce food waste
 Any others?
 It matters why you compost
 Determine your goals before starting
 What you want out of your compost changes the
way you manage your pile from beginning to end
Compost Summary
developing an intuition
So, what is this course ultimately about?
History of Composting
the dirtiest kind of history
History of Composting
1. decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer.
 Compost is a completely natural process
 Humans began utilizing this natural biochemistry more than
10,000 years ago.
 Archeological evidence suggests that one of the first
deliberate uses of compost was in the Akkadian Empire with
the consolidation, curing, and re-application of livestock
History of Composting
Ancient Civilizations
 Tribes of Israel
 Prehistoric British
Ancient Texts
 The Bible
 Kitab al Falahah
History of Composting
 Jean-Baptiste Boussingault, 1802-1887
 French chemist
 That plant growth is proportional to the amount of available
assimilatory nitrogen
 The importance of crop rotation
 Legume soil N-fixation
 Plants obtain dissolved nutrients in solution, not humus.
 Justus von Liebig corroborated the improved theory on
History of Composting
 Rudolph Steiner, 1861-1925
 Austrian philosopher
 Pioneer of biodynamic agriculture
 Advocated for chemical-free farming
 Believed in a connection between astrology
and soil fertility/crop production
 GeorgeWashington Carver, 1864-
 American botanist and inventor
 Advocated farmers to make their own
fertilizer utilizing farm animals
 Sir Albert Howard, 1873-1947
 British agronomist
 considered father of organic agriculture
 Experimented with C:N ratios
 Devised the Indore method of composting
History of Composting
 J. I. Rodale, 1898-1971
 Pioneer of the organic method in
the US
 Monthly publication, Organic
Farming and Gardening
 Contributed many innovations for
 Lady Eve Balfour, 1898-1990
 British soil scientist
 Published empirical support for
 EstablishedThe SoilAssociation
The Basics of Compost
What is compost?
com揃post, k辰mpst/
1. decayed organic material
used as a plant fertilizer.
Compost is organic matter that has
been decomposed and recycled as
a fertilizer and soil amendment
Compost is the biological reduction
of organic wastes to humus
Compost requires 3 abiotic
 Carbon/Nitrogen feedstock
 Oxygen (for aerobic
Breakdown of the Carbon/Nitrogen
 Feedstock should be from high-carbon
sources and high-nitrogen sources
 The ratio between the two feedstocks
is approximately 3:1
 This is also known as the brown:green
The C:N is important!
 If C:N is too high (too much
carbon), then decomp. will slow
down and dry up
 If C:N is too low (too much
nitrogen), then pile can go
anaerobic, the pile will smell
really bad, and compost will be
 Which is a better problem to
Optimum decomposition occurs
when starting mix is 30:1
Rules for compost ingredients
 No meat
 No dairy
 No fatty/oily foods or liquids (e.g. salad dressing)
 No fireplace or coal ash
 Be mindful of pesticide residue on fruit rinds/peels
 Cut up big food scraps for easier decomposition
 Grind up egg shells
 Avoid too many acidic fruits
 Take off produce stickers
Compost Introduction
Step 1: Find a spot to set up your pile
 Avoid direct sunlight
 Avoid floodable areas
 Bare soil base is ideal
 Be mindful of large critters
 Snakes, mice, raccoons
 Should be accessible
 Should be within reach of hose
Compost Introduction
Step 2: Determine your method of composting
 Choose method based on:
Compost Introduction
Step 3: Layer your pile
 Place a layer of sticks at the
bottom for drainage and air
 Add browns
 Add greens
 Cover greens with browns
 Cover pile with lid to keep in
moisture and heat
Compost Introduction
Step 4: Harvest your compost
 Harvest method depends on
composting method
 Compost is ready when there is no
more ammonia smell
 Squeeze test to determine
 Avoid gardening with premature
 Low pH can burn plants
 Screen compost if using for
Compost Introduction
Step 5: Garden!
Neil Kaufman
Email: Neil.Kaufman1@gmail.com
Phone: (210)995-8483
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
License.To view a copy of this license, visit

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  • 2. Instructors Neil Kaufman Walt Draker Coordinator Amy Kirwin City of San Marcos- SolidWaste Program Coordinator Collects volunteer hours
  • 3. What about you? What is your name? What is your day job? How did you hear about this course? How much experience do you have with composting? What are your goals for this course?
  • 4. STAR State ofTexas Alliance for Recycling Provides resources, technical assistance, and networking Mission of STAR:To increase recycling rates to the highest level afforded by balanced economic and sustainability principles for the benefit ofTexas Sara Nichols (Program Director) Snichols@recyclingstar.org Master Composter Community-based program of citizen education and volunteer development Launched in February 2014 with Teach theTeacher instructors course 2 programs in 2014 (SM and Houston) 43 candidates
  • 5. Course Overview Whats in it for you? Books on composting Hands-on experience with large-scale composting In-depth, technical education Refined gardening intuition Networking between university and local communities Certification (resume gold) Compost confidence!
  • 6. Course Overview Course Requirements 20 hours of classroom time ~5 hours of field time Make-up classes available 20 hours of volunteer work Must be completed within 6 months of classroom time Many opportunities available $20 fee Pays for your books and snacks Volunteer Opportunities Report to Amy Kirwin Must be compost related Create your own opportunities How-to videos Farmers market outreach School visits
  • 7. Course Overview Class 1, July 20 Introduction Overview of course Overview of content History of composting Class 2, July 22 General compost types Backyard techniques Indoor techniques Class 3, July 25 Class trip to compost pile Troubleshooting Application of compost Landscaping inTX Class 4, July 27 Plant science Soil science Microbiodiversity Class 5, July 29 Environmental issues Guest speaker,TDS Class 6, August 1 TDS Compost facility visit Schedule
  • 8. Compost WHY DO YOU COMPOST? Summary Reasons to compost To make compost for gardening To reduce food waste Zen/Therapy Experimentation/Science Any others? It matters why you compost Determine your goals before starting What you want out of your compost changes the way you manage your pile from beginning to end
  • 9. Compost Summary developing an intuition So, what is this course ultimately about?
  • 10. History of Composting the dirtiest kind of history
  • 11. History of Composting com揃post k辰mpst/ noun 1. decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer. Compost is a completely natural process Humans began utilizing this natural biochemistry more than 10,000 years ago. Archeological evidence suggests that one of the first deliberate uses of compost was in the Akkadian Empire with the consolidation, curing, and re-application of livestock manure
  • 12. History of Composting Ancient Civilizations Romans Greeks Tribes of Israel Egyptians Prehistoric British Chinese NativeAmericans Ancient Texts The Bible Talmud Kitab al Falahah
  • 13. History of Composting Jean-Baptiste Boussingault, 1802-1887 French chemist Discovered: That plant growth is proportional to the amount of available assimilatory nitrogen The importance of crop rotation Legume soil N-fixation Plants obtain dissolved nutrients in solution, not humus. Justus von Liebig corroborated the improved theory on humus
  • 14. History of Composting Rudolph Steiner, 1861-1925 Austrian philosopher Pioneer of biodynamic agriculture Advocated for chemical-free farming Believed in a connection between astrology and soil fertility/crop production GeorgeWashington Carver, 1864- 1943 American botanist and inventor Advocated farmers to make their own fertilizer utilizing farm animals Sir Albert Howard, 1873-1947 British agronomist considered father of organic agriculture Experimented with C:N ratios Devised the Indore method of composting
  • 15. History of Composting J. I. Rodale, 1898-1971 Pioneer of the organic method in the US Monthly publication, Organic Farming and Gardening Contributed many innovations for composting Lady Eve Balfour, 1898-1990 British soil scientist Published empirical support for composting EstablishedThe SoilAssociation
  • 16. The Basics of Compost
  • 17. Compost What is compost? Introduction com揃post, k辰mpst/ 1. decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer. Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and soil amendment Compost is the biological reduction of organic wastes to humus Wikipedia MerriamWebster Rodale
  • 18. Compost Compost requires 3 abiotic ingredients Water Carbon/Nitrogen feedstock Oxygen (for aerobic decomposition) Introduction Breakdown of the Carbon/Nitrogen Feedstock should be from high-carbon sources and high-nitrogen sources The ratio between the two feedstocks is approximately 3:1 This is also known as the brown:green
  • 19. Compost The C:N is important! If C:N is too high (too much carbon), then decomp. will slow down and dry up If C:N is too low (too much nitrogen), then pile can go anaerobic, the pile will smell really bad, and compost will be unhealthy Which is a better problem to have? Introduction Optimum decomposition occurs when starting mix is 30:1
  • 20. Compost Rules for compost ingredients No meat No dairy No fatty/oily foods or liquids (e.g. salad dressing) No fireplace or coal ash Be mindful of pesticide residue on fruit rinds/peels Cut up big food scraps for easier decomposition Grind up egg shells Avoid too many acidic fruits Take off produce stickers Introduction
  • 21. Compost Introduction Step 1: Find a spot to set up your pile Avoid direct sunlight Avoid floodable areas Bare soil base is ideal Be mindful of large critters Snakes, mice, raccoons Should be accessible Should be within reach of hose
  • 22. Compost Introduction Step 2: Determine your method of composting Choose method based on: Budget Space Effort Feedstock Intent
  • 23. Compost Introduction Step 3: Layer your pile Place a layer of sticks at the bottom for drainage and air Add browns Add greens Cover greens with browns Water Cover pile with lid to keep in moisture and heat
  • 24. Compost Introduction Step 4: Harvest your compost Harvest method depends on composting method Compost is ready when there is no more ammonia smell Squeeze test to determine moisture Avoid gardening with premature compost Low pH can burn plants Screen compost if using for seedlings
  • 27. Neil Kaufman Email: Neil.Kaufman1@gmail.com Phone: (210)995-8483 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.