Step by Step Installation of Microsoft SQL Server油2012 Sameh AboulDahab
The document outlines the software and hardware requirements for installing Microsoft SQL Server 2012 with Business Intelligence. The software requirements include .NET 3.5 SP1, .NET 4.0, Windows PowerShell 2.0, and Internet Explorer 7 or later. The hardware requirements specify a minimum of 6 GB hard disk space, 512 MB memory for Express editions or 1 GB for other editions, and recommended memory of 1 GB or 4 GB. It also lists recommended minimum processor speeds and types.
The document provides instructions for using EXPRESSSCOPE Engine 3 to remotely manage NEC Express5800 host systems, including configuring the host system and management PC network settings, using the remote management web interface to monitor systems and configure settings, and using command line commands to control the host system and view logs.
Y棚u c畉u: Hai server c畉u h狸nh Active - Active v s畛 d畛ng chung m畛t Disk_Cluster (Tr棚n SAN STORAGE) hay n坦i c叩ch kh叩c l 2 Server s畉 s畛 d畛ng chung m畛t 畛 tr棚n SAN STORAGE 畛 ghi d畛 li畛u vo 坦.
(B狸nh th動畛ng n畉u theo c董 ch畉 Cluster th狸 trong t畉i m畛t th畛i i畛m th狸 ch畛 c坦 m畛t Server 動畛c ph辿p truy c畉p vo v湛ng Disk 坦 畛 ghi d畛 li畛u v Server c嘆n l畉i ch畛 d畛 ph嘆ng kh担ng 動畛c ph辿p truy c畉p vo v湛ng disk 坦, khi server ch鱈nh b畛 s畛 c畛 th狸
Server d畛 ph嘆ng m畛i 動畛c truy c畉p.
Sau 但y m狸nh s畉 h動畛ng d畉n b畉n c畉u h狸nh Cluster File System theo m担 h狸nh Acitve/Active 畛 cho 2 Server c湛ng truy c畉p c湛ng m畛t l炭c 畛 l動u v 畛c d畛 li畛u nh動 m畛t 畛 Share b狸nh th動畛ng.
The document contains code for a programming system menu program in Vietnamese. It defines data segments for storing menu text and prompts for 20 exercises. It displays a main menu, gets a numeric key input from the user, and branches to the corresponding exercise code section to display prompts and get/display additional input. The exercises include getting single character input and output, string input/output, arithmetic operations, and other basic programming tasks.
How to backup active directory domain services database in windows server 201...laonap166
The document discusses how to backup the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) database in Windows Server 2012 R2. It describes backing up the AD DS database and system state using either the Windows Server Backup graphical user interface (GUI), the Wbadmin.exe command-line tool, or PowerShell. The backup captures important AD DS components like the Ntds.dit file, SYSVOL folder, registry hives, and certificate services database to ensure they can be restored in the event of data loss or corruption.
Dns backup and recovery in windows server 2012 r2laonap166
This document provides steps for backing up and restoring a DNS zone using DNSCMD and the DNS Manager in Windows Server 2012 R2. It outlines backing up the zone and related Active Directory integrated zone to files. It then shows deleting the zones to simulate disaster recovery and restoring the zones from the backup files using DNSCMD. The restored zone is then changed to be stored in Active Directory and have secure dynamic updates enabled.
Dns backup and recovery in windows server 2012 r2laonap166
Mcsa 2012 local group policy
1. MCSA 2012 Local Group Policy
Khi user ng nh畉p th狸 h畛 ch畛u nh畛ng 叩p 畉t c畛a HDH, trong qu叩
tr狸nh qu畉n l箪 ta c坦 nhu c畉u h畉n ch畉 hay th棚m vo c叩c quy畛n h畉n
c畛a h畛 khi truy c畉p 畛ng d畛ng hay truy c畉p ti nguy棚n.
C叩c th畛i HDH windows c滴 th狸 ta ph畉i m畛 c叩c file system.ini 畛
c畉u h狸nh. T畛 windows 98 tr畛 l棚n, Microsoft cho ph辿p ta th畛c hi畛n
c畉u h狸nh b畉ng Registry, b畉ng c担ng c畛 ny th狸 admin c坦 th畛 thi畉t l畉p
c叩c quy 畛nh 叩p 畉t l棚n h畛 th畛ng, user . V狸 vi畛c ch畛nh s畛a registry
r畉t ph畛c t畉p, Microsoft l畉y 1 s畛 key trong registry 畛 t畉o thnh
Group Policy (ch鱈nh s叩ch nh坦m) gi炭p c叩c admin c坦 th畛 ch畛nh s畛a
d畛 dng.
Group Policy c坦 th畛 叩p d畛ng l棚n local computer hay m担i tr動畛ng
Group Policy tr棚n local computer 動畛c g畛i l Local Group Policy
(local policy).
C担ng c畛 qu畉n l箪 local policy:
C叩ch 1:
run -> gpedit.msc (xu畉t hi畛n c担ng c畛 qu畉n l箪 l Local Group
Policy Editor).
2. C叩ch 2:
run -> mmc (giao di畛n console root), menu File ch畛n
Add/Remove Snap-in.
ch畛n Group Policy Object Editor, 畛 m畉c 畛nh Local computer -
> add r畛i save l畉i.
4. Policy g畛m 2 ph畉n:
Computer Configuration: n畉u thi畉t l畉p c叩c policy trong ph畉n ny
th狸 畛i t動畛ng b畛 t叩c 畛ng l computer v user account
User Configuration: 畛i t動畛ng b畛 t叩c 畛ng l user account.
C叩c gi叩 tr畛 c坦 tr棚n Policy c畛a Windows:
Not configured/Defined: kh担ng can thi畛p vo policy, 畛 m畉c
畛nh theo Microsoft ( gi叩 tr畛 m畉c 畛nh c坦 l炭c s畉 l disable policy,
c坦 l炭c s畉 l enable policy).
Enabled: b畉t policy.
Disable: t畉t policy.
C叩ch 叩p 畉t policy 達 hi畛u ch畛nh cho h畛 th畛ng:
M畛t s畛 Policy s畉 t畛 畛ng c坦 hi畛u l畛c.
5. Ta vo run -> cmd, d湛ng l畛nh: gpupdate /force 畛 b畉t bu畛c h畛
th畛ng c畉p nh畉t policy.
N畉u gpupdate /force m v畉n ch動a th畉y c坦 hi畛u l畛c th狸 log off sau
坦 log on l畉i.
3 b動畛c tr棚n kh担ng d湛ng 動畛c th狸 Restart server (l動u 箪: ch畛 d湛ng
khi 3 c叩ch tr棚n kh担ng c坦 hi畛u l畛c).
M畛t s畛 policy th動畛ng d湛ng:
1/ B畉t/T畉t ch畛c nng Display shutdown event tracker: 但y l
ch畛c nng b畉t ta khai b叩o l箪 do n畉u t畉t server.
Computer configuration Administrative Templates System: b棚n
ph畉i ch畛n Display shutdown event tracker
6. 2/ C叩c policy li棚n quan 畉n Control Panel
User Configuration Administrative Templates Control Panel
+ Show only specified Control Panel items: ch畛 cho ph辿p s畛 d畛ng 1
s畛 item trong control panel do admin ch畛 畛nh.
enable r畛i click show, ta nh畉p 炭ng t棚n item tr棚n control panel m
ta cho ph辿p hi畛n th畛
v鱈 d畛 ch畛 cho ph辿p hi畛n th畛 item fonts
8. + Prohibit access to Control Panel and PC settings: c畉m truy
c畉p Control Panel. B畉t l畛i c畛a policy ny l nh畛ng thi畉t l畉p li棚n
quan 畉n control panel 畛u b畛 c畉m ( Screen solution, Properties
Computer, v.v 畛u b畛 c畉m).
3/ C叩c policy li棚n quan 畉n Desktop
User Configuration Administrative Templates Desktop
+ Remove Recycle Bin icon from desktop: m畉t icon Recycle Bin 畛
desktop (mu畛n m畉t th狸 enable policy ny).
9. 4/ C叩c policy li棚n quan 畉n Start Menu v Taskbar
User Configuration Administrative Templates Start Menu
and Taskbar
+ Remove Run menu from Start menu: c畉m ch畉y menu Run (b畉m
Windows + R c滴ng b畛 c畉m).
5/ C叩c policy li棚n quan 畉n System
+ Prevent access to the command prompt: c畉m s畛 d畛ng cmd.
+ Dont run specified Windows application: c畉m c叩c 畛ng d畛ng c畛a
enable, ch畛n show
M畛i 畛ng d畛ng s畉 c坦 file th畛c thi (*.exe), ch畛 c畉n add file th畛c thi l
policy c畉m 動畛c 畛ng d畛ng.
v鱈 d畛: c畉m internet explore (IE), file th畛c thi c畛a IE l iexplore.exe
10. + Run only specified Windows application: ch畛 cho ch畉y c叩c 畛ng
d畛ng 動畛c ch畛 畛nh.
Local Security Policy (ch鱈nh s叩ch b畉o m畉t)
N坦 n畉m trong Computer Configuration Windows Settings
Security Settings ho畉c c坦 th畛 m畛 n坦 b畉ng l畛nhsecpol.msc
C叩c security policy th動畛ng g畉p:
Account Policies (ch鱈nh s叩ch ti kho畉n):
1/ Password Policies: nh畛ng ch鱈nh s叩ch li棚n quan 畉n m畉t kh畉u
11. + Minimum password length: quy 畛nh chi畛u di t畛i thi畛u c畛a m畉t
+ Minimum password age: tu畛i th畛 t畛i thi畛u c畛a 1 password, n畉u
quy 畛nh l 2 th狸 sau 2 ngy password m畛i c坦 th畛 動畛c 畛i.
+ Maximum password age: tu畛i th畛 t畛i a c畛a 1 password (m畉c
畛nh 42 ngy). L炭c ny user n畉u kh担ng mu畛n thay 畛i password
th狸 c坦 th畛 畉t l畉i password c滴, do 坦 ta c畉n 1 policy 畛 ngn c畉n
vi畛c ny l:
+ Enforce password history: n畉u ch畛n 3 th狸 n坦 s畉 nh畛 3 password
tr動畛c 坦 c畛a user. L畉n 1 畉t pass: 12 3 th狸 n坦 s畉 nh畛 l畉i, v n坦 s畉
nh畛 t畛i a c叩i s畛 m ta ch畛 畛nh. Theo y棚u c畉u c畛a Microsoft th狸
n棚n 畛 24 (!!).
+ Password must meet complexity requirements: ph畉i 畉t
password ph畛c t畉p (xem l畉i b Local User and Group). N畉u kh担ng
mu畛n 畉t ph畛c t畉p th狸 disable.
+ Store passwords using reversible encryption: m畉c 畛nh windows
l動u user, password d動畛i d畉ng m達 h坦a trong file SAM (Security
Account Manager), c坦 2 d畉ng m達 h坦a l Reversible (c坦 th畛 d畛ch
ng動畛c m達 h坦a 2 chi畛u) v Irreversible ( kh担ng th畛 d畛ch ng動畛c
12. m達 h坦a 1 chi畛u). N畉u enable th狸 h畛 th畛ng s畉 m達 h坦a 2 chi畛u, lm
gi畉m 畛 an ton khi c坦 ng動畛i no 坦 l畉y 動畛c file SAM.
2/ Account lockout Policy: c叩c ch鱈nh s叩ch kh坦a ti kho畉n
+ Account lockout threshold: ng動畛ng 畛 quy 畛nh kh坦a ti kho畉n
(m畉c 畛nh l kh担ng kh坦a). N畉u ta ch畛 畛nh threshold l 3 th狸 n畉u
nh畉p sai password 3 l畉n th狸 s畉 kh坦a ti kho畉n (l畉n 4 nh畉p 炭ng
c滴ng kh担ng 動畛c). D湛ng 畛 ch畛ng d嘆 m畉t kh畉u.
+ Account lockout duration (T1) : kh坦a ti kho畉n trong v嘆ng bao
nhi棚u ph炭t (gi畉 s畛 ta kh坦a trong 30 ph炭t)
+ Reset account lockout counter after (T2): nh畛 c坦 b畛 畉m
(counter) m h畛 th畛ng th畛ng k棚 動畛c s畛 l畉n ng nh畉p sai, policy
ny quy 畛nh th畛i gian b畛 畉m reset l畉i v畛 0. L炭c ny ng動畛i d湛ng
m畛i c坦 th畛 ti畉p t畛c ng nh畉p
L動u 箪: th畛i gian T1 >= T2.
Khi ti kho畉n b畛 kh坦a th狸 s畉 hi畛n d畉u check Account is locked out
N畉u ng動畛i d湛ng kh担ng mu畛n 畛i 畉n h畉t th畛i gian T2 畛 ng
nh畉p th狸 c坦 th畛 nh畛 admin b畛 check .
N畉u T1 = 0 th狸 ti kho畉n s畉 b畛 kh坦a cho 畉n khi admin b畛 check.
13. Local Policies: c叩c ch鱈nh s叩ch c畛c b畛
User rights assignment: g叩n quy畛n cho ng動畛i d湛ng.
+ Allow log on locally: cho ph辿p ng nh畉p tr棚n m叩y.
+ Deny log on locally: c畉m ng nh畉p tr棚n m叩y ( n畉u user v畛a
動畛c Allow, v畛a b畛 Deny th狸 Deny m畉nh h董n => b畛 c畉m log on).
+ Shut down the system: cho ph辿p user no 動畛c t畉t m叩y.
+ Change the system time: cho ph辿p ch畛nh gi畛 h畛 th畛ng.
Security Option:
Trong giao di畛n log-on, m畉c 畛nh h畛 th畛ng hi畛n th畛 c叩c user ang
c坦 => kh担ng b畉o m畉t, ta d湛ng policy
+ Interactive logon: Do not display last user name (kh担ng hi畛n th畛
user name cu畛i c湛ng v 畛ng th畛i kh担ng hi畛n ra c叩c user khi ng
+ Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL + ALT + DEL : khi log-
on kh担ng c畉n b畉m t畛 h畛p 3 ph鱈m
+ Shutdown: Allow system to be shutdown without having to log
on: cho ph辿p t畉t m叩y m kh担ng c畉n log on.
+ Account: Rename administrator account : 畛i t棚n ti kho畉n
C叩c policy li棚n quan 畉n v畉n 畛 truy c畉p ti nguy棚n m畉ng.
+ Secpol.msc -> security options -> local policies
-> Security Options
Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts:
C叩c ch畉 畛 truy c畉p m畉ng
Classic (default) : cho ph辿p ch畛ng th畛c b畉ng c叩c ti kho畉n tr棚n
local computer c畛a m叩y chia s畉.
Guest: ch畛 cho ph辿p vo b畉ng ti kho畉n guest.
Account: Limit local account use of blank password to console log
on only: c畉m ti kho畉n kh担ng c坦 password truy c畉p ti nguy棚n
-> User Rights Assignment
Access this computer from the network: cho ph辿p user, group truy
c畉p ti nguy棚n (m畉c 畛nh l t畉t c畉 user).
14. Deny access to this computer from the network : c畉m user, group
no 坦 truy c畉p ti nguy棚n (n畉u v畛a allow, v畛a deny th狸 deny 動u
ti棚n h董n).
Nh動 m狸nh 達 tr狸nh by, c叩c policy ta v畛a k畛 tr棚n l Local Group
Policy 叩p 畉t cho t畉t c畉 user tr棚n h畛 th畛ng. T畛 Windows Vista tr畛
l棚n, Microsoft h畛 tr畛 c担ng c畛 叩p policy cho 1 user c畛 th畛 l Local
User Policy.
Start -> Run -> MMC -> Add/Remove Snap-in -> Group Policy
Object Editor -> Browse -> tab user ch畛 畛nh user c畛 th畛 -> OK
(mu畛n th棚m bao nhi棚u user th狸 lm l畉i b畉y nhi棚u l畉n).
15. L動u 箪 1: C叩c policy l動u trong 1 file l:
動畛ng d畉n: C: Windows System32 Group Policy
M畉c 畛nh folder Group Policy b畛 畉n, ta ph畉i hi畛n th畛 c叩c file 畉n.
16. Machine: l動u c叩c policy c畛a m叩y t鱈nh, User: c叩c policy li棚n quan
畉n user.
Ta x坦a folder ny v restart th狸 WIndows s畉 ph叩t sinh c畉u h狸nh
default => m畉t policy.
L動u 箪 2:
Ta nh畉n th畉y Administrator c坦 th畛 ng nh畉p vo safe mode khi b畛
disable, th狸 畛 b畉o m畉t ti kho畉n Administrator (built-in) ta c畉n
lm c叩c b動畛c sau:
17. + T畉o user add vo group Administrators.
+ Rename ti kho畉n Administrator built-in.
+ 畉t password ph畛c t畉p cho Administrator built-in.
N畉u c叩c b畉n mu畛n t狸m hi畛u th棚m v畛 c叩c policy th狸 download file