The document discusses SyCERS, a framework for designing and simulating dynamically reconfigurable embedded systems using SystemC. It allows modeling reconfiguration by exploiting SystemC's module structure. SyCERS aims to address issues with dynamic reconfigurability in embedded system design and has been integrated into the Earendil framework. Experimental results and comparisons between versions of SyCERS are presented, with plans for future work and conclusions.
El documento describe la inteligencia colectiva como la forma de inteligencia que está distribuida universalmente, mejorada continuamente y coordinada en tiempo real a través de la movilización efectiva de habilidades. Se basa en el reconocimiento mutuo y enriquecimiento de los individuos. Herramientas como Wikipedia, YouTube y Flickr permiten la coordinación de conocimiento e inteligencia colectiva en línea para beneficio de toda la humanidad.
El documento resume los principales eventos y movimientos de la Edad Moderna, incluyendo el humanismo, el Renacimiento, avances científicos como el paso del geocentrismo al heliocentrismo, y los descubrimientos geográficos como los viajes de Colón. Explica cómo estos desarrollos llevaron a la expansión de Europa y el surgimiento de imperios coloniales, así como la crisis religiosa de la Reforma protestante.
Este documento anuncia el Concurso Nacional de las Cátedras CONCYTEC 2008 patrocinado por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica de Perú (CONCYTEC) y la Embajada de Francia en Perú. Se invita a la comunidad científica y tecnológica a participar enviando propuestas entre el 9 de junio y el 29 de agosto de 2008.
This document summarizes Raymond Nguyen's math results, covering topics such as whole numbers, place value, patterns, operations, times tables, mental strategies, decimals, fractions, measurement, and chance and data. Key areas studied include decimal and fraction concepts, operations with decimals and fractions, problem solving skills, geometry topics like shapes and symmetry, and interpreting graphs and charts.
The document discusses proposals to help struggling American students and schools. It suggests simplifying grant application processes to get money to schools more quickly. It also proposes consequences for schools that fail standardized tests for multiple years in a row, ranging from allowing student transfers to reconstructing the entire school. Additionally, it notes criticisms of solely using standardized tests and argues for recognizing different student learning styles and cultural backgrounds.
This document is a schedule for a dog show event taking place on August 16, 2008 at Viubr?ten holiday center in Norway. The schedule lists the times for various dog competitions and events through the day, including registration times for contests in puppy driving, sprint racing, weight pulling, and tug-of-war. An evening social gathering is also mentioned. The document promotes that Bulls of Crown kennel will be presenting the dog breeder of the year award that evening.
O relatório descreve uma vasta planície com excelente salubridade e abund?ncia de água potável. A área possui uma flora rica e uniforme devido às condi??es climáticas regulares. O relatório expressa a convic??o de que a área demarcada reúne as melhores condi??es possíveis para se construir uma grande capital com clima temperado e saudável, abastecida por águas abundantes.
In 2007 the congregation read through "The Message" New Testament by Eugene Peterson. This lesson is taken from the assigned reading from May 27-Jun 2.
This document provides a brief overview of sights seen and experiences had in Sangkhlaburi, Thailand in June 2008. Key locations and things mentioned include the Sangkhlaburi school, watching movies, beautiful scenery, Buddhist temples (Wats), local houses, the Pattanarak rubber tree, a training center, food, interacting with a group, seeing elephants, and visiting the 3 Pagoda Pass. It also references sex workers and the organization Baan Unrak. The document ends with a thank you.
This document discusses the importance of conducting user experience (UX) research in authentic, real-world contexts to understand how digital technologies impact people's lives beyond just interfaces. It notes that the company conducted over 1,900 studies with nearly 2,000 participants and that great design and usability do not guarantee commercial success. The document advocates conducting UX research in people's native environments and timing studies appropriately to truly understand user experiences in the moment.
Un joven le pidió a un amigo que le tomara una foto durante un viaje. Cuando el amigo abrió la cámara, gritó y se desmayó. Murió dos días después de un ataque al corazón. Cuando revelaron las fotos, había una mujer parada junto al joven aunque sus amigos dijeron que estaba solo. La historia continúa afirmando que si compartes la historia y la foto con 13 personas, tendrás buena suerte, pero si no lo haces te arrepentirás.
The document discusses various approaches to instructional design and utilizing technology in teaching. It suggests achieving a mix of deficiency, competence, socialization, and counseling models of instruction. It also emphasizes developing a student-centered approach using tools like PowerPoint, email, online discussions, and libraries to enhance learning opportunities while allowing for individual skills and constraints. The goal is to encourage active learning, feedback, and developing understanding through problem-solving and critical thinking.
The document discusses SyCERS, a framework for designing and simulating dynamically reconfigurable embedded systems using SystemC. It allows modeling reconfiguration by exploiting SystemC's module structure. SyCERS aims to address issues with dynamic reconfigurability in embedded system design and has been integrated into the Earendil framework. Experimental results and comparisons between versions of SyCERS are presented, with plans for future work and conclusions.
El documento describe la inteligencia colectiva como la forma de inteligencia que está distribuida universalmente, mejorada continuamente y coordinada en tiempo real a través de la movilización efectiva de habilidades. Se basa en el reconocimiento mutuo y enriquecimiento de los individuos. Herramientas como Wikipedia, YouTube y Flickr permiten la coordinación de conocimiento e inteligencia colectiva en línea para beneficio de toda la humanidad.
El documento resume los principales eventos y movimientos de la Edad Moderna, incluyendo el humanismo, el Renacimiento, avances científicos como el paso del geocentrismo al heliocentrismo, y los descubrimientos geográficos como los viajes de Colón. Explica cómo estos desarrollos llevaron a la expansión de Europa y el surgimiento de imperios coloniales, así como la crisis religiosa de la Reforma protestante.
Este documento anuncia el Concurso Nacional de las Cátedras CONCYTEC 2008 patrocinado por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica de Perú (CONCYTEC) y la Embajada de Francia en Perú. Se invita a la comunidad científica y tecnológica a participar enviando propuestas entre el 9 de junio y el 29 de agosto de 2008.
This document summarizes Raymond Nguyen's math results, covering topics such as whole numbers, place value, patterns, operations, times tables, mental strategies, decimals, fractions, measurement, and chance and data. Key areas studied include decimal and fraction concepts, operations with decimals and fractions, problem solving skills, geometry topics like shapes and symmetry, and interpreting graphs and charts.
The document discusses proposals to help struggling American students and schools. It suggests simplifying grant application processes to get money to schools more quickly. It also proposes consequences for schools that fail standardized tests for multiple years in a row, ranging from allowing student transfers to reconstructing the entire school. Additionally, it notes criticisms of solely using standardized tests and argues for recognizing different student learning styles and cultural backgrounds.
This document is a schedule for a dog show event taking place on August 16, 2008 at Viubr?ten holiday center in Norway. The schedule lists the times for various dog competitions and events through the day, including registration times for contests in puppy driving, sprint racing, weight pulling, and tug-of-war. An evening social gathering is also mentioned. The document promotes that Bulls of Crown kennel will be presenting the dog breeder of the year award that evening.
O relatório descreve uma vasta planície com excelente salubridade e abund?ncia de água potável. A área possui uma flora rica e uniforme devido às condi??es climáticas regulares. O relatório expressa a convic??o de que a área demarcada reúne as melhores condi??es possíveis para se construir uma grande capital com clima temperado e saudável, abastecida por águas abundantes.
In 2007 the congregation read through "The Message" New Testament by Eugene Peterson. This lesson is taken from the assigned reading from May 27-Jun 2.
This document provides a brief overview of sights seen and experiences had in Sangkhlaburi, Thailand in June 2008. Key locations and things mentioned include the Sangkhlaburi school, watching movies, beautiful scenery, Buddhist temples (Wats), local houses, the Pattanarak rubber tree, a training center, food, interacting with a group, seeing elephants, and visiting the 3 Pagoda Pass. It also references sex workers and the organization Baan Unrak. The document ends with a thank you.
This document discusses the importance of conducting user experience (UX) research in authentic, real-world contexts to understand how digital technologies impact people's lives beyond just interfaces. It notes that the company conducted over 1,900 studies with nearly 2,000 participants and that great design and usability do not guarantee commercial success. The document advocates conducting UX research in people's native environments and timing studies appropriately to truly understand user experiences in the moment.
Un joven le pidió a un amigo que le tomara una foto durante un viaje. Cuando el amigo abrió la cámara, gritó y se desmayó. Murió dos días después de un ataque al corazón. Cuando revelaron las fotos, había una mujer parada junto al joven aunque sus amigos dijeron que estaba solo. La historia continúa afirmando que si compartes la historia y la foto con 13 personas, tendrás buena suerte, pero si no lo haces te arrepentirás.
The document discusses various approaches to instructional design and utilizing technology in teaching. It suggests achieving a mix of deficiency, competence, socialization, and counseling models of instruction. It also emphasizes developing a student-centered approach using tools like PowerPoint, email, online discussions, and libraries to enhance learning opportunities while allowing for individual skills and constraints. The goal is to encourage active learning, feedback, and developing understanding through problem-solving and critical thinking.