Women in Uganda have significant untapped economic potential that could boost family incomes, public health, and national economic growth if not held back by gender bias. Empowering women, as outlined in MDG3, is critical for Uganda's development, as women reinvest their earnings in their families and communities and have high repayment rates on loans. Small daily actions are needed to strengthen women's roles and protect them from preventable deaths during childbirth and from HIV/AIDS in order to unlock Uganda's economic potential.
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1. Women are potential
economic power-
houses. If women
were not held back by
gender bias, families
would be richer and
healthier, and
UgandaÃs economy
would boom.
That is why MDG3, empowerment of women, is the
most important MDG.
In almost all cases...
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• what women earn, they spend on their children and
the home.
• when women borrow, they invest in productive assets.
• when women borrow, they pay back.
Investing in girls and
women pays. Do
something everyday
to strengthen women
and build Uganda.
Men, every woman who dies
in childbirth or from HIV
leaves a devastated family.
Do something daily to
promote safe deliveries,
stop domestic violence and
the spread of HIV.
Because UGANDA cannot
Design: Michael Kalanzi, STF
get out of POVERTY
without women