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MD Practice Solutions is Proud to be the
only Channel Partner in the Midwest for
M*Modal Solutions
With healthcare delivery models undergoing rapid change, its
never been more important to use solutions that facilitate
collaboration and improve workflow  both within and outside
the traditional confines of the hospital or practice.
In a world of EHRs, Meaningful Use, ACOs and increasing regulations, how will healthcare providers keep up with
all these new requirements, yet still do what they do best  deliver quality patient care?

With M*Modals cloud-based products and outsourced services, your organization will smooth the transition
from fee-for-service healthcare delivery to newer models that will be driven by the quality improvements in
patient outcomes.

M*Modal Fluency Direct: integrates flawlessly with leading EHRs and other clinical systems. Rather than
typing, physicians simply speak into their EHR. In a single step, their voice is instantly populates their system
of choice.

M*Modal Fluency for Transcription: a single document management and workflow solution integrating the
capture of voice with speech recognition, editing and electronic signature tools. Offers document distribution
and EHR integration capabilities as well as advanced reporting analytics for data-driven decisions in support of
workflow and quality improvements

M*Modal Fluency for Imaging: redefines reporting by combining three solutions into one comprehensive
platform Speech Understanding technology with real-time prompts, unified worklists and departmental
business analytics to measurably improve productivity, efficiency, quality and patient outcomes
M*Modal Fluency for Coding: uniquely combines computer-assisted-coding, an embedded encoder and
powerful workflow management tools to instantly impact your bottom line and ease the transition to ICD-10

M*Modal Fluency for Practices: enables physician practices to be compliant and productive with a cloud-
based document management platform, easy dictation, quality transcription, and seamless integration with
EHRs and other clinical systems.

Being able to capture the patients story accurately has a huge impact on patient care. So it is
critical that we can capture as much depth and richness as possible. And M*Modal allows us to
do that. Dan Fischman, MD
Lead physician and champion, Clinical Informatics projects, PinnacleHealth

                          Call MD Practice Solutions

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MDPS M*Modal

  • 1. MD Practice Solutions is Proud to be the only Channel Partner in the Midwest for M*Modal Solutions With healthcare delivery models undergoing rapid change, its never been more important to use solutions that facilitate collaboration and improve workflow both within and outside the traditional confines of the hospital or practice. In a world of EHRs, Meaningful Use, ACOs and increasing regulations, how will healthcare providers keep up with all these new requirements, yet still do what they do best deliver quality patient care? With M*Modals cloud-based products and outsourced services, your organization will smooth the transition from fee-for-service healthcare delivery to newer models that will be driven by the quality improvements in patient outcomes. M*Modal Fluency Direct: integrates flawlessly with leading EHRs and other clinical systems. Rather than typing, physicians simply speak into their EHR. In a single step, their voice is instantly populates their system of choice. M*Modal Fluency for Transcription: a single document management and workflow solution integrating the capture of voice with speech recognition, editing and electronic signature tools. Offers document distribution and EHR integration capabilities as well as advanced reporting analytics for data-driven decisions in support of workflow and quality improvements M*Modal Fluency for Imaging: redefines reporting by combining three solutions into one comprehensive platform Speech Understanding technology with real-time prompts, unified worklists and departmental business analytics to measurably improve productivity, efficiency, quality and patient outcomes
  • 2. M*Modal Fluency for Coding: uniquely combines computer-assisted-coding, an embedded encoder and powerful workflow management tools to instantly impact your bottom line and ease the transition to ICD-10 M*Modal Fluency for Practices: enables physician practices to be compliant and productive with a cloud- based document management platform, easy dictation, quality transcription, and seamless integration with EHRs and other clinical systems. Being able to capture the patients story accurately has a huge impact on patient care. So it is critical that we can capture as much depth and richness as possible. And M*Modal allows us to do that. Dan Fischman, MD Lead physician and champion, Clinical Informatics projects, PinnacleHealth Call MD Practice Solutions 708-273-3733