This document is a remedial module from the Puerto Rico Department of Education for an 8th grade English class. It contains an introductory letter addressed to the student explaining that completing the exercises in this module will help improve their English skills and be added to their grades. The module consists of multiple choice exercises spanning various pages to assist the student with skills needed for their English class.
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M¨®dulos de Ingl¨¦s 8
Subsecretar¨ªa para Asuntos Acad¨¦micos
P.O. Box 190759, San Juan, PR 00919-0759 ? Tel.: (787)773-3060/3064
El Depart am ent o de Educaci ¨®n no di sc rimi na de ni nguna m anera por raz¨®n de edad, raz a, c ol or, sexo,
nacim iento, C ondici ¨®n de v et erano, i deol og¨ªa pol ¨ªt ic a o reli gi os a, ori gen o c ondi ci ¨®n s oci al , ori ent ac i¨®n s exual
o ident i dad de g¨¦nero, dis capac idad o im pedimento f ¨ªsic o o mental; ni por ser v ¨ªc tim a de vi ol enc i a dom¨¦st ic a,
agresi ¨®n s exual o ac ec ho.
January 2020
Student¡¯s Name:
School Name:
SIE number:
School code: Municipality:
2. PAGE 2
Remedial Module
English ¨C 8th Grade
Dear Student:
We are providing you with this module as a tool to assist you with the skills
you need for your English class. In it, you will find multiple choice exercises
for you to choose the right answer.
The Puerto Rico Department of Education will validate your participation and
effort in answering the exercises contained in this module. The scores
obtained will be added to your grades and academic progress report.
We hope that, once you complete your eighth grade, you will obtain the same
satisfaction that we¡¯ve had creating these exercises to help you.