1) A screw thread is created by cutting a helical groove around the outside of a cylinder (external thread) or inside a hole (internal thread) to enable a screwed connection between two parts.
2) Key terms used to describe screw threads include the major diameter (largest), minor diameter (smallest), pitch (distance between threads), lead (distance the screw advances per turn), flank (straight side of the thread), crest (top edge), and root (bottom edge).
3) Other terms are the pitch diameter (imaginary cylinder at equal thread/space width), thread angle (angle between thread flanks), and references provided for more information.
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Me2126 notes 10
1. Machine Drawing Unit 2
Lecture Notes 10
A screw thread is obtained by cutting a continuous helical groove on a cylindrical
surface (external thread). The threaded portion engages with a corresponding
threaded hole (internal thread); forming a screwed fastener. Following are the terms
associated with screw threads :-
1. Major (nominal) diameter :-
This is largest diameter of the screw thread, touching the crests on external thread
or the roots of an internal thread.
2. Minor (core diameter) :-
This is the smallest diameter of a screw thread, touching the roots or core of an
external thread (root or core diameter) or the crests of an internal thread.
3. Pitch diameter :-
This is the diameter of an imaginary cylinder, passing through the threads at the
points where the thread width is equal to the space between the threads.
4. Pitch :-
It is the distance measured parallel to the axis, between corresponding points on
adjacent screw threads.
5. Lead :-
It is the distance a screw advances axially in one turn.
6. Flank :-
Flank is the straight portion of the surface, on either side of the screw thread
7. Crest :-
It is the peak edge of a screw thread, that connects the adjacent flanks at the top.
8. Root :-
It is the bottom edge of the thread that connects the adjacent flanks at the bottom.
9. Thread angle :-
It is the angle included btwn. the flanksof the thread, measured in an axial plane.
References : Machine Drawing by Narayana, Kannnaiah and Venkata Reddy