Drivers delivering food orders currently have to switch between multiple apps like email, calling, and maps apps to get order details and navigate efficiently. This MVP user feedback aimed to get driver perspectives on efficiently delivering orders using a single app. Feedback indicated that browsing orders, navigating to destinations, and calling customers were most important. However, switching between the app and maps was unclear, the "Go Online" flow was annoying, and drivers were reluctant to update inventory. Next steps include refining flows, embedded maps, and automating inventory updates to improve the driver experience.
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EECS 441 - MealJet MVP 1 - User Testing
1. MVP 1 User Feedback
Jashanjit Kaur, Kruthi Sabnis Krishna,
Rahul Raina, Austin Feight, David Quesada
2. Problem
Customer orders food
(Veg/Meat options)
Driver picks
up meals
Driver delivers
food using the app
Target User: Driver who is delivering the food
3. Problem
Current Process:
Driver gets these orders as emails
He switches between multiple applications such as his email client, calling
application and Google Maps
Driver has to figure out most efficient sequence of delivering orders by himself
System fails when there are multiple drivers
Aim: Deliver orders efficiently and safely
4. Our Approach
Task Scenarios (for Usability Issues)
Discover problems faced by users
Understand causes of the problems
Feature Testing (for Users Attitudes)
Importance Rating
Satisfaction Rating
5. Summary
Overall Satisfaction: 3.4
Importance Satisfaction
Ratings (1-5)
Browsing orders 4.2 4.0
Navigating to the destination 4.4 3.2
Marking an order as complete 4.4 3.4
Canceling an order 4.1 3.4
Calling the customer 4.6 4.0
Update Inventory 3.6 3.4
6. What we confirmed
Participants liked the concept
Information provided for each order was
Font size, iconography, color scheme was
easy to locate in a moving vehicle
EECS441 3:00 PM 42%
John Smith
10 E William St
Meat (2)
8 orders in queue
7. Surprises
Unclear UX
Switching between maps and app wasnt as easy as we thought
Go Online flow was annoying
Reluctant to update inventory
8. Next Steps
Refine the current interaction flow
Introduce demo and prompts
Provide embedded maps
Inventory management without going offline
Automating inventory updates
Send texts along with calls