A 2-year-old child presented with a 4-day history of high fever, cough, and runny nose. On examination, the child had a rash on the ears and along the hairline spreading to the trunk, as well as small white lesions inside the mouth. The most likely diagnosis is measles. Measles is an acute viral illness characterized by a fever and rash. It presents initially with cough, runny nose, and red eyes followed by a maculopapular rash that starts on the face and spreads downward.
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Measle Dr Saleem Sharif Medical City Hospital Lahore Peads Department.pptx
4. A 2 Years Old Child is brought to OPD with Complaints of
High Grade Fever for last 4 Days. He has Cough and
Rhinorrhea for last 4 days. O/E, he is having
Rash on Ear and along the Hair Line spreading to Trunk
small WHITE LESIONS inside patient mouth. Rest of the
Examination is not Specific.
What can be the diagnosis?
Measles virus is a single stranded RNA Virus
Family : Paramyxoviridae
Genus: Morbillivirus
Measles is an acute highly contagious viral disease characterized by final stage of
maculopapular rash erupting successively over the neck,face,boday,arms,legs and is
accompanied by high grade fever
Highest incidence is in winters
9. Mode of transmission is by direct or indirect contact and droplets spray
Unusual below the age of 4-6 months
Period of infectivity 4 days before and 5 days after the appearance of rash
There are 3 clinical stages of measles
Incubation stage
Prodromal stage
Maculopapular rash stage
Last approximately 10_12 days
Body temp may increase slightly 9-10 days from the date of infection and then
subside for 24 hrs or so
The patient may transmit virus by 9th-10th day after exposure and occasionally as
early as 7th day, before the illness can b diagnosed
Last for 3-5 days
Low to moderate grade fever
These symptoms nearly almost precedes the appearance of KOPLIKS spots(whitish
spots, presents on buccal mucosa opposite to lower molar,Pathogonomic sign of
measles)by 2-3 days
High grade fever (104-105 F)
Rash usually starts as faint macules on the face behind the ears and along the
Fading of rash proceeds downward in same sequence as it appearance
Post cervical lymphadenopathy and slight splenomegaly may be present
Abdominal pain may be present due to mesenteric lymphadenopathy
Diagnosis of measles is primarily clinical
Serology is most common method of laboratory diagnosis
Detection of measles virus-specific IgM in a single specimen of serum or oral fluid
is considered diagnostic of acute infection
Fourfold increase in measles virus specific IgG antibody levels between acute and
convalescent phase serum specimens
Respiratory system : otitis media,pneumonia
GI complications : post measles gastroeneteritis,gangrene of mouth
Haemorrhagic measles
Subacute scerolosing panencephalitis(very rare)
Eye :corneal ulcerations, conjunctivitis,optic nerve damage occur rarely
Heart : myocarditis, cardiac failure
No specific antiviral therapy needed
Good nursing care is essential
Antipyretics for high grade fever
Bed rest
Adequate fluid intake
Relief of cough(humidification of room may relief irritating cough )
Antibacterial therapy for superadded infection
Vitamin A (reduce morbidity and mortality)
50,000 IU in < 6 months
1 lac IU < 1 year
2 lac IU > 1 year
21. Prognosis
Self limited disease lasting 7-10 days often without sequelae
Attenuated live measles vaccine : 95% protection against natural disease
Immunity appears to be life long
Should b administered at 6-9 months of age
Acc to EPI schedule
MR at 9 Months of age (0.5ml S/C) : left deltoid
MR at 15 Months of age (0.5ml S/C) : Left deltoid
#19: Measles virus specific IgM may not b detectable 4-5 days or more after rash onset and usually fall to undetectable levels within 4-8 weeks of rash onset