Matt Cooper presented a 7 step process for building a digital measurement plan. The steps are: 1) Identify key metrics to measure beyond vanity metrics, 2) Establish business goals and objectives, 3) Define what constitutes quality traffic, 4) Segment traffic based on quality, 5) Identify top performing marketing channels, 6) Optimize campaigns based on segmentation and performance, 7) Communicate results in a report focusing on outcomes, observations, recommendations, and trends. The process helps define, measure, and communicate the success of digital marketing efforts.
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Building a Digital Measurement Plan - PSE Web 2013
1. Building a Digital Measurement
How to de鍖ne, measure, and communicate
the success of your digital marketing
3. Matt Cooper
Director of Digital Measurement @ ISL
14 Years Consulting Experience
Areas of Expertise:
≒ Digital Marketing Strategy
≒ Analytics & Measurement
≒ Web Application Development
≒ E-Commerce
≒ Google Adwords & Analytics Certi鍖ed
4. ISL Web Marketing & Development
We are a Digital Marketing Agency that helps
our clients connect with their customers
across all digital channels, creating engaging
user experiences that produce a measureable
return on their investment
Google Analytics & Adwords
8. A measurement plan delivers answers
≒ What numbers should we measure?
≒ What channels should we use?
≒ How can we improve our campaign performance?
≒ How do we communicate the results?
26. Macro
≒ RSVP to open house
≒ Book a campus tour
≒ Used the requirements form
≒ Download application form
≒ Clicked recruiter email address
Recruitment supporting goals
Step 3 De鍖ne quality traf鍖c
27. Traf鍖c quality scale
Dont bounce
View few pages
Requirements Form
Downloaded App
Clicked recruiter email
Open House
Campus Tour
Step 3 De鍖ne quality traf鍖c
55. Open House campaign objectives
≒ Raise awareness of the event
≒ Promote date and time
≒ Generate new undergrad applications
Step 6 Optimize your campaigns
56. Open House campaign tactics
≒ Display
≒ Paid search
≒ Facebook (Organic & Paid)
≒ Twitter
≒ LinkedIn Ads
Step 6 Optimize your campaigns
57. Macro
≒ Application downloads
≒ Phone calls
≒ Watch video
≒ Viewed virtual tour
≒ Signed up for email newsletter
Supporting goals
Step 6 Optimize your campaigns