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Metrics in Technical Services

                          Morgan O.H. McCune
               Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas
            8th Annual Brick and Click Libraries, Nov. 7, 2008

Beaufort Scale
 00              0Calm
                 1Light Air
                 2Light Breeze
                 3Gentle Breeze
                 4Moderate Breeze
                 5Fresh Breeze
                 6Strong Breeze
                 7Near Gale
                 8Fresh Gale
                 9Strong Gale
                 10Whole Gale
                 11Violent Storm

The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the
     stormy present. The occasion is piled high with
     difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our
     case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.
                        --Abraham Lincoln, Dec. 1, 1862


In a stormy present, how do we 
  Measure performance?
  Define excellent service?
  Account for what we do?
  Record history?
  Chart our course into the future?
  Show how we count?

Educated guesses are not always correct.
   Sometimes the storm clouds of change
   (or emotion) hide our guiding stars.

   Metrics give us real measures by which
   to navigate.

Definition: Metric
     A metric is a standard unit of measure  or more
     generally, part of a system of parameters, or systems of
     measurement, or a set of ways of
     quantitatively/qualitatively and periodically
     measuring, assessing, controlling or selecting a person,
     process, event, or institution, along with the
     procedures to carry out measurements and the
     procedures for the interpretation of the assessment in
     the light of previous or comparable assessments.

 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrics 10/14/2008

Definition: Quantity/Quality
 QuantitativeHow many? How fast?
 25 bibliographic records per day
 25 authority records per month

 QualitativeHow good?
 25 copy bibliographic records per day
 10 original records per day
 25 Tables of Contents added
 16 access points added per 100 records
 2 errors per 100=2% error rate

 More on quality--

 though it is often assumed and praised in the literature
   of bibliographic control, it doesnt seem to be well
   delineated(Graham, 214)

 25 TOC added/30 access points added (extent: how
   much information is provided in the record)
 2 errors per 100=2% error rate (accuracy: the correctness
   of what is provided)

Individual Performance

  Annual reviews
  Special recognitions/awards
  Tenure documents

Department Performance
  Physical processing

  Reports to Dean/Manager

Library Performance
  Technical services

  Reports to University

University Performance
  Learning Resources (Library)
  Biology Dept.
  Communications Dept.

  Reports to Regents, Boards,

Individual Performance

  Performance evaluations/reviews

 New catalogers need:

  Specific, measurable, and achievable objectives
   (Charbonneau, 42)
  Evaluation based on real performance
  To be encouraged to set their own benchmarks and to
   participate in establishing unit benchmarks
  Standards that include both quantity and quality

Definition: Benchmark
 1. a standard of excellence, achievement, etc., against which
   similar things must be measured or judged
 2. any standard of reference by which others can be
   measured or judged
 of, pertaining to, or resulting in a benchmark: benchmark
   test, benchmark study

     www.dictionary.com, viewed 10/30/2008


     An internal study of my own work/the units work, using
     quality and quantity measures, might help me/us establish
     a benchmark for myself/the unit against which I/we can
     measure performance/s.

     A less experienced employee might compare their
     performance against a benchmark of experience to know
     when they are up to speed

     Keeping stats

Time Analysis
  Allows for computation of cataloging speed (10 records
   per 2 hours) when job includes many duties
  Gives a clear picture of how much time a special
   project is taking from regular duties
  Useful in making decisions about reorganizations and
   staff levels
  Sometimes yields surprises!

Tracking Time

Ongoing Performance Evaluation
  Individual staff members

     Praise and room for improvement comments based
     on real data, along with specific goals and objectives.

     In fact, all catalogers need what new catalogers need.
     The winds of change make this even more important.
     Metrics must change as the environment changes.

Despite the negativity often leveled at production
     requirements, individual and departmental
     performance nearly always improves when the
     organization establishes specific expectations, tracks
     productivity, and rewards high volume, high quality
     throughput. Even professionals should be held
     accountable for the way they spend their time and for a
     measurable level of production. (Fischer, Lugg, and
     Boese, 3)

     Core performance factors: Professional communication;
     Expertise and technical knowledge; Creativity/innovation;
     Planning and organization; Accountability; Resource

     The candidate seeking tenure or promotion will create a
     dossier documenting his or her effectiveness as a
     productive faculty member of the Library and the

     Excerpts from PSU Axe Library Faculty Promotion/Tenure Guidelines:
     http://library.pittstate.edu/office/FacultyTenure_PromotionGuidelines.pdf , viewed

My Tenure Portfolio
  Should demonstrate my understanding of my part of
   the institutional puzzle; my mission; department
   mission; the library mission; the university mission
  Will include metrics and time studies
  Must communicate my performance to non-library

Department Performance
  Cost analysis
  Workflow analysis

  Decision making

Cost Analysis
  How much does it cost to catalog a resource?
  How much would it cost to catalog at a higher/lower
     level of quality? (extent)

  How much does it cost to deliver material to the
     customer? (including purchase price and all

Definition: Input
 Inputs or input measures
  Easiest to quantify
  Typically grouped into five broad categories: budget,
   staff, collections, facilities, technology
   (Matthews, 20)

 Input: 100 new books, 2 staff members, 2 workstations,
   access to WorldCat

Definition: Output
 Outputs or output measures
  Indicate the degree to which library and its services are
  More often than not, are simply counts to indicate
   volume of activity
  (Matthews, 20)

 Output: 100 book records (10 original; 90 copy); 15
  authority records; 25 books checked out in 5 weeks

Workflow Analysis
 Process design/Flowcharting

  Identify bottlenecks
  Identify problems with space layout;
    movement between process areas
  Identify unnecessarily duplicated work
  Assign tasks most efficiently

Benchmarking a
     In the library literature, the term benchmarking is
     used most often in reference to comparing a librarys
     or units performance against that of a peer agency or
     unit, in order to improve performance and identify
     best practices.

  Library A outputs more cataloging records per month
     than Library B. Why?

  How does our performance compare to a tech services
     dept with similar acquisitions, staff, and processes?
Planning/Decision Making
  Outsourcing, yes or no
  Request additional funds/positions
  Protect existing positions
  Special projects
  Eliminate backlogs without ceasing incoming work
  Reorganization of library departments
  Setting departmental standards

Library Performance

      assessment of library performance should be
     defined and shaped by its connections and
     contributions to institutional goals and desired
     education outcomes. (Lindauer, 559)

The Mission Statement
  provide materials and services that effectively enable
   members of the University community to attain their
   teaching and learning, discovery, and engagement goals
  creation and maintenance of collections
  efficient and effective services to all who use the Library
  strategic master planning  links these goals, objectives,
   and strategies to the University budget

 Excerpts from Axe Library mission statement: http://library.pittstate.edu/office/

The Assessment Loop
     Reiterative, ongoing process; re-planning and
     continuous improvement




Definition: Culture of Assessment
     An organizational attitude that can be achieved by
     creating systems and structures that are based on
     continuous assessment and evaluation. A culture that
     is customer focused and uses assessment
     systematically (Dudden, 20)

Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
 Looking at more than just the bottom line

     Kaplan, Robert, and David Norton. Balanced Scorecard:
     Translating Strategy Into Action. Boston: Harvard Business
     School Press, 1996.

     The system  provides a method of aligning business
     activities to the vision and strategy of the organization,
     improving internal and external communications, and
     monitoring organization performance against strategic

     Balanced Scorecard Institute www.balancedscorecard.org
Balanced Scorecard at UVa
    Internal processes; and,
    Learning and the future

     Four to eight metrics are selected for each perspective, each
     metric with a specific target.

      At the end of the measurement period there should be no
     question as to whether the organization has successfully met the

     (Self, 57-58)

Internal processes
     Acquire, create, organize, preserve and deliver information
     resources in a timely, efficient, and accurate manner

     MetricProcessing time for routine acquisitions

     Target 1Process 90% of in-print books from North America
     within one month

     http://www.lib.virginia.edu/bsc/metrics/all0708.html viewed

Definition: Dashboard
 More than a picture

                                                        1    80
                                             87         2    70
                         52                             3    60
                    49                                  5
            6                                     124   6
                                                        7    30
                         70                             8    20
                                        99                   10
                                                                  1   2   3   4   5   6   7

                                     Tied to real
                         Speed       Delivery in real time
                          10 day     Intranet/Internet
                                     Visual picture of whats
                                      happening now
           New         Reference
        Acquisitions   Accuracy
            100           95%


     a suite of services that libraries use to solicit, track,
     understand, and act upon users opinions of service

     Cost: $3,200.00 per institution (Website viewed

  Survey instrument adapted from SERVQUAL
   (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, Berry)
  Library asks users to take the survey. Survey answers
   are sent to central database, analyzed and return to
   library in reports describing users experience of library
  Measures three dimensions of service quality:
   Information Control; Affect of Service; Library as
University Performance
     Everything the library does should tie in with the
     University mission; the library is part of the
     performance of the entire University.

OUTPUTS                         OUTCOMES

     For academic libraries: educational outcomes

     In universities and other school settings, librarians
     are being asked not just whether they provided
     learning resources but also if their service contributed
     to the success of the student (Dudden, 9)

Those of us working in technical services and
     cataloging in particular need to find ways to assess the
     impact of our work on the population served, and to
     communicate this information (Show how we count!)

  Catalog use studies
  Catalog accuracy studies
  Something new?
  Make sure to assess service to both Brick and Click

Questions to Ask About Metrics
  Do we have a culture of assessment that will enable
   ongoing measurement?
  How can we foster a culture of assessment?
  Are our plans based on our mission?
  What funding is available or can be made available for
   implementation of a long-term assessment project?

More questions 
  Are we measuring something that is actionable? Is it
     something that can be changed?
    Are we measuring something that is relevant (fits the
    Is our process iterative? Are we using the results in re-
    Are we seeing continuous improvement?
    Is the process fostering the culture of assessment?

Fair Winds!


Works Cited
 Charbonneau, Mechael D. Production Benchmarks for Catalogers in
   Academic Libraries: Are We There Yet? Library Resources & Technical
   Services 49.1 (2005): 40-48.

 Dudden, Rosalind Farnam. Using Benchmarking, Needs Assessment, Quality
   Improvement, Outcome Measurement, and Library Standards: A How-To-
   Do-It-Manual With CD-ROM. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2007.

 Fischer, Ruth, Rick Lugg, and Kent C. Boese. Cataloging: How to Take a
    Business Approach. First published in The Bottom Line (2004).

 Graham, Peter S. Quality in Cataloging: Making Distinctions. Journal of
   Academic Librarianship 16.4 (1990): 213-218.

Works Cited (cont.)
 Lindauer, Bonnie Gratch. Defining and Measuring the
   Librarys Impact on Campuswide Outcomes. College &
   Research Libraries 59.6 (1998): 546-570.

 Matthews, Joseph R. Evaluation and Measurement of Library
  Services. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited, 2007.

 Self, James. From Values to Metrics: Implementation of the
   Balanced Scorecard at a University Library. Performance
   Measurement and Metrics 4.2 (2003): 57-63.


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Measuring the Wind: Metrics in Technical Services

  • 1. Metrics in Technical Services Morgan O.H. McCune Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas 8th Annual Brick and Click Libraries, Nov. 7, 2008 11/7/2008
  • 2. Beaufort Scale 00 0Calm 1Light Air 2Light Breeze 3Gentle Breeze 4Moderate Breeze 5Fresh Breeze 6Strong Breeze 7Near Gale 8Fresh Gale 9Strong Gale 10Whole Gale 11Violent Storm 11/7/2008 12Hurricane
  • 3. The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. --Abraham Lincoln, Dec. 1, 1862 http://showcase.netins.net/web/creative/lincoln/speeches/congress.htm 11/7/2008
  • 4. In a stormy present, how do we Measure performance? Define excellent service? Account for what we do? Record history? Chart our course into the future? Show how we count? 11/7/2008
  • 5. Educated guesses are not always correct. Sometimes the storm clouds of change (or emotion) hide our guiding stars. Metrics give us real measures by which to navigate. 11/7/2008
  • 6. Definition: Metric A metric is a standard unit of measure or more generally, part of a system of parameters, or systems of measurement, or a set of ways of quantitatively/qualitatively and periodically measuring, assessing, controlling or selecting a person, process, event, or institution, along with the procedures to carry out measurements and the procedures for the interpretation of the assessment in the light of previous or comparable assessments. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrics 10/14/2008 11/7/2008
  • 7. Definition: Quantity/Quality QuantitativeHow many? How fast? 25 bibliographic records per day 25 authority records per month QualitativeHow good? 25 copy bibliographic records per day 10 original records per day 25 Tables of Contents added 16 access points added per 100 records 2 errors per 100=2% error rate 11/7/2008
  • 8. DefinitionExtent/Accuracy More on quality-- though it is often assumed and praised in the literature of bibliographic control, it doesnt seem to be well delineated(Graham, 214) 25 TOC added/30 access points added (extent: how much information is provided in the record) 2 errors per 100=2% error rate (accuracy: the correctness of what is provided) 11/7/2008
  • 9. Individual Performance Paraprofessional Professional Tenure-track Annual reviews Special recognitions/awards Tenure documents 11/7/2008
  • 10. Department Performance Acquisitions Cataloging Physical processing Reports to Dean/Manager 11/7/2008
  • 11. Library Performance Technical services Reference Circulation etc. Reports to University President 11/7/2008
  • 12. University Performance Learning Resources (Library) Biology Dept. Communications Dept. etc. Reports to Regents, Boards, etc. 11/7/2008
  • 13. Individual Performance Training Performance evaluations/reviews Tenure 11/7/2008
  • 14. Training New catalogers need: Specific, measurable, and achievable objectives (Charbonneau, 42) Evaluation based on real performance To be encouraged to set their own benchmarks and to participate in establishing unit benchmarks Standards that include both quantity and quality 11/7/2008
  • 15. Definition: Benchmark noun 1. a standard of excellence, achievement, etc., against which similar things must be measured or judged 2. any standard of reference by which others can be measured or judged adjective of, pertaining to, or resulting in a benchmark: benchmark test, benchmark study www.dictionary.com, viewed 10/30/2008 11/7/2008
  • 16. Benchmark An internal study of my own work/the units work, using quality and quantity measures, might help me/us establish a benchmark for myself/the unit against which I/we can measure performance/s. A less experienced employee might compare their performance against a benchmark of experience to know when they are up to speed Keeping stats 11/7/2008
  • 18. Time Analysis Allows for computation of cataloging speed (10 records per 2 hours) when job includes many duties Gives a clear picture of how much time a special project is taking from regular duties Useful in making decisions about reorganizations and staff levels Sometimes yields surprises! 11/7/2008
  • 20. Ongoing Performance Evaluation Individual staff members Teams Praise and room for improvement comments based on real data, along with specific goals and objectives. In fact, all catalogers need what new catalogers need. The winds of change make this even more important. Metrics must change as the environment changes. 11/7/2008
  • 21. Despite the negativity often leveled at production requirements, individual and departmental performance nearly always improves when the organization establishes specific expectations, tracks productivity, and rewards high volume, high quality throughput. Even professionals should be held accountable for the way they spend their time and for a measurable level of production. (Fischer, Lugg, and Boese, 3) 11/7/2008
  • 22. Tenure Core performance factors: Professional communication; Expertise and technical knowledge; Creativity/innovation; Planning and organization; Accountability; Resource management The candidate seeking tenure or promotion will create a dossier documenting his or her effectiveness as a productive faculty member of the Library and the University. Excerpts from PSU Axe Library Faculty Promotion/Tenure Guidelines: http://library.pittstate.edu/office/FacultyTenure_PromotionGuidelines.pdf , viewed 11/5/2008 11/7/2008
  • 23. My Tenure Portfolio Should demonstrate my understanding of my part of the institutional puzzle; my mission; department mission; the library mission; the university mission Will include metrics and time studies Must communicate my performance to non-library faculty 11/7/2008
  • 24. Department Performance Cost analysis Workflow analysis Benchmarking Planning Decision making 11/7/2008
  • 25. Cost Analysis How much does it cost to catalog a resource? How much would it cost to catalog at a higher/lower level of quality? (extent) How much does it cost to deliver material to the customer? (including purchase price and all processing) 11/7/2008
  • 26. Definition: Input Inputs or input measures Easiest to quantify Typically grouped into five broad categories: budget, staff, collections, facilities, technology (Matthews, 20) Input: 100 new books, 2 staff members, 2 workstations, access to WorldCat 11/7/2008
  • 27. Definition: Output Outputs or output measures Indicate the degree to which library and its services are utilized More often than not, are simply counts to indicate volume of activity (Matthews, 20) Output: 100 book records (10 original; 90 copy); 15 authority records; 25 books checked out in 5 weeks 11/7/2008
  • 28. Workflow Analysis Process design/Flowcharting Time Identify bottlenecks Identify problems with space layout; movement between process areas Identify unnecessarily duplicated work Assign tasks most efficiently 11/7/2008
  • 29. Benchmarking a Department/Library In the library literature, the term benchmarking is used most often in reference to comparing a librarys or units performance against that of a peer agency or unit, in order to improve performance and identify best practices. Library A outputs more cataloging records per month than Library B. Why? How does our performance compare to a tech services dept with similar acquisitions, staff, and processes? 11/7/2008
  • 30. Planning/Decision Making Outsourcing, yes or no Request additional funds/positions Protect existing positions Special projects Eliminate backlogs without ceasing incoming work Reorganization of library departments Setting departmental standards 11/7/2008
  • 31. Library Performance Assessment 11/7/2008
  • 32. Assessment/Mission assessment of library performance should be defined and shaped by its connections and contributions to institutional goals and desired education outcomes. (Lindauer, 559) 11/7/2008
  • 33. The Mission Statement provide materials and services that effectively enable members of the University community to attain their teaching and learning, discovery, and engagement goals creation and maintenance of collections efficient and effective services to all who use the Library strategic master planning links these goals, objectives, and strategies to the University budget Excerpts from Axe Library mission statement: http://library.pittstate.edu/office/ 11/7/2008
  • 34. The Assessment Loop Reiterative, ongoing process; re-planning and continuous improvement Implement Evaluate Plan Use Results 11/7/2008
  • 35. Definition: Culture of Assessment An organizational attitude that can be achieved by creating systems and structures that are based on continuous assessment and evaluation. A culture that is customer focused and uses assessment systematically (Dudden, 20) 11/7/2008
  • 36. Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Looking at more than just the bottom line Kaplan, Robert, and David Norton. Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy Into Action. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1996. The system provides a method of aligning business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improving internal and external communications, and monitoring organization performance against strategic goals. Balanced Scorecard Institute www.balancedscorecard.org 11/7/2008
  • 37. Balanced Scorecard at UVa User; Finance; Internal processes; and, Learning and the future Four to eight metrics are selected for each perspective, each metric with a specific target. At the end of the measurement period there should be no question as to whether the organization has successfully met the target. (Self, 57-58) 11/7/2008
  • 38. Internal processes Acquire, create, organize, preserve and deliver information resources in a timely, efficient, and accurate manner MetricProcessing time for routine acquisitions Target 1Process 90% of in-print books from North America within one month http://www.lib.virginia.edu/bsc/metrics/all0708.html viewed 11/5/2008 11/7/2008
  • 39. Definition: Dashboard More than a picture 90 00 1 80 5 44 87 2 70 52 3 60 4 50 49 5 40 6 124 6 7 30 6 70 8 20 9 99 10 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11/7/2008
  • 40. Dashboard Tied to real measurements Cataloging Reference Speed Delivery in real time Satisfaction 10 day Intranet/Internet 96% turnaround Visual picture of whats happening now New Reference Acquisitions Accuracy 100 95% 11/7/2008
  • 41. 晦庄恢河雨粥晦+ www.libqual.org a suite of services that libraries use to solicit, track, understand, and act upon users opinions of service quality Cost: $3,200.00 per institution (Website viewed 11/5/2008) 11/7/2008
  • 42. 晦庄恢河雨粥晦+ Survey instrument adapted from SERVQUAL (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, Berry) Library asks users to take the survey. Survey answers are sent to central database, analyzed and return to library in reports describing users experience of library service. Measures three dimensions of service quality: Information Control; Affect of Service; Library as Place. USER FOCUSED! 11/7/2008
  • 43. University Performance Everything the library does should tie in with the University mission; the library is part of the performance of the entire University. 11/7/2008
  • 44. OUTPUTS OUTCOMES For academic libraries: educational outcomes In universities and other school settings, librarians are being asked not just whether they provided learning resources but also if their service contributed to the success of the student (Dudden, 9) 11/7/2008
  • 45. Those of us working in technical services and cataloging in particular need to find ways to assess the impact of our work on the population served, and to communicate this information (Show how we count!) Catalog use studies Catalog accuracy studies Something new? Make sure to assess service to both Brick and Click patrons! 11/7/2008
  • 46. Questions to Ask About Metrics Do we have a culture of assessment that will enable ongoing measurement? How can we foster a culture of assessment? Are our plans based on our mission? What funding is available or can be made available for implementation of a long-term assessment project? 11/7/2008
  • 47. More questions Are we measuring something that is actionable? Is it something that can be changed? Are we measuring something that is relevant (fits the mission)? Is our process iterative? Are we using the results in re- planning? Are we seeing continuous improvement? Is the process fostering the culture of assessment? 11/7/2008
  • 48. Fair Winds! mmccune@pittstate.edu 11/7/2008
  • 49. Works Cited Charbonneau, Mechael D. Production Benchmarks for Catalogers in Academic Libraries: Are We There Yet? Library Resources & Technical Services 49.1 (2005): 40-48. Dudden, Rosalind Farnam. Using Benchmarking, Needs Assessment, Quality Improvement, Outcome Measurement, and Library Standards: A How-To- Do-It-Manual With CD-ROM. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2007. Fischer, Ruth, Rick Lugg, and Kent C. Boese. Cataloging: How to Take a Business Approach. First published in The Bottom Line (2004). http://www.ebookmap.net/pages/Publications.php Graham, Peter S. Quality in Cataloging: Making Distinctions. Journal of Academic Librarianship 16.4 (1990): 213-218. 11/7/2008
  • 50. Works Cited (cont.) Lindauer, Bonnie Gratch. Defining and Measuring the Librarys Impact on Campuswide Outcomes. College & Research Libraries 59.6 (1998): 546-570. Matthews, Joseph R. Evaluation and Measurement of Library Services. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited, 2007. Self, James. From Values to Metrics: Implementation of the Balanced Scorecard at a University Library. Performance Measurement and Metrics 4.2 (2003): 57-63. 11/7/2008