This document provides methodology for designing reliability into mechanical components. It discusses testing wear-related parts for 2 times their expected cycle life to ensure no failures occur during operational use. It also describes using a probabilistic design method called stress/strength interference to design non-wear parts subjected to reversing loads, selecting a safety margin probability number based on the mean and standard deviation of material strength and stress functions. All components should be designed to have a reliability better than a target for the total operational use time.
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Mechanical component reliability
The following provides methodology for designing-in reliability into
mechanical components
Cycle Life = Life before wearout
Reliability Of Wear Related Parts
The wear related parts should be tested for 2 x Cycle Life ( or to any equivalent Accelerated
Life) to assure that no wearout failures could occur during the Operational Use (Note 1) of
TBD hours of the unit. At the end of the test, the components should be examined for wear.
Should use industry published failure rate data or Empirical Reliability Models like Naval
Surface Warfare Center (NSWC-06/LE10) to calculate the Reliability. The expected reliability
is TBD
Reliability Of None -Wear Related Parts
For mechanical components subjected to reversing mechanical loads that exhibit a single
failure mode (fatigue, creep, degradation and the like), the reliability should be designed-in by
selecting the probability number representing the Safety Margin (SM) (Note 2)
SM =
( µS − µs )
+ σs
Where µs = Mean Stress of the failure governing stress function
σs = Standard Deviation of Stress function
µS = Mean Strength of the material
σS = Standard Deviation of the material Strength
This is called the Stress/Strength Interference and the Probabilistic Design method. This
method assumes that the material properties are time independent because of their slow
change. All these components should be designed to have a Reliability better than TBD for
the Operational Use (Note 1) of the unit
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note 1: Operational Use Time = (In House Testing Time) + (Test Time during Storage)
+ (Mission Flight Time)
Note 2: When SM = 3.0, Reliability = 0.99865
When SM = 3.5, Reliability = 0.99977
When SM = 4.0, Reliability = 0.99996
Reliability (R)
Hilaire Ananda Perera
Long Term Quality Assurance
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