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Digital TechnologyMobile Phones- used to communicate with the group via texting and could also access internet on phone, used more in a2 as most of the production was viewable online.	Blogs- used to present work online, were not used in as, made it easier to find work and easier  to organise workEmail- used to communicate with group, used more at as because at A2 used blogging, face book and mobile phones more.Face Book- again used to communicate with the group was predominately used at A2.Digital Camera- used to film with, at AS skill levels were low, which lead to a poor film, however in A2 skill levels increased and i also introduced the use of a tripod to keep the camera steady and not shaky.Still Camera- used to take photographs of various things, could then be manipulated with software.  For example, for the use of magazines.Dv tape- stored our film on it, purchased my own in a2 as in as work was copied over.Power Point- used to present work, can be put on to blog via slide shareAdobe premier- used to edit the film, in as windows movie maker was used, but this is more advanced and was needed for a2Google-used to research, for example researching short films.
In As my work was presented through the use of PowerPoint and word, which was then printed out and kept in a folder, it was plain and boring.In a2 my work was presented in a number of ways:Microsoft wordMicrosoft PowerPointBlogsPodcastsPhotographsSpider diagramsMontagesfilmsI became much more creative having done my As coursework and the ways I presented in A2 were much more interesting. Creativity
Research and Planning.In my As coursework my research and planning was very un organised and mostly written after the production.In As it was mostly presented in word, and sometimes in Power Point.In a2 it was much more organised and was posted and completed at the correct date it should have been. It was presented in a variety of different formats and then posted on to the blog, for example through power points, pictures and text.The planning for A2 was done before the film, it shows the development of our ideas.
Post ProductionIncluded in my post production in As was:Editing- for editing in AS i used the basic editing software already on the computer, which was windows movie maker, it was very basic and very easy to use, requiring a low level of skill. Magazines- my magazine was created using Microsoft word, which again requires a very low level of skill.Posters- posters were created using Microsoft word, which is very basic and does not offer much editing techniquesIncluded in my post production in A2 was:Editing- for A2 editing I used an editing software called Adobe premier, it was much more advanced than windows movie maker and allowed me to create an overall better product.Magazines- in my A2 coursework my magazine was firstly created in word, and then was manipulated in paint shop pro, to add effects to the pictures.Posters- In a2 my poster was created using paint shop pro, I could manipulate the picture easily and add different effects, for example make it look like a cartoon.
Using conventions from real media texts.In my AS production not many conventions from real media texts were used at all, there were a few which were followed, prior to creating my short film i had done little research in to conventions so did not include many at all in my filmIn my a2 production I did a lot more research in to conventions from real media texts so i could put these in to my film, for example for my a2 film was fast paced with quick cuts, as its genre was action, and most action films are fast paced.

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Media a2 aaaa

  • 1. Digital TechnologyMobile Phones- used to communicate with the group via texting and could also access internet on phone, used more in a2 as most of the production was viewable online. Blogs- used to present work online, were not used in as, made it easier to find work and easier to organise workEmail- used to communicate with group, used more at as because at A2 used blogging, face book and mobile phones more.Face Book- again used to communicate with the group was predominately used at A2.Digital Camera- used to film with, at AS skill levels were low, which lead to a poor film, however in A2 skill levels increased and i also introduced the use of a tripod to keep the camera steady and not shaky.Still Camera- used to take photographs of various things, could then be manipulated with software. For example, for the use of magazines.Dv tape- stored our film on it, purchased my own in a2 as in as work was copied over.Power Point- used to present work, can be put on to blog via slide shareAdobe premier- used to edit the film, in as windows movie maker was used, but this is more advanced and was needed for a2Google-used to research, for example researching short films.
  • 2. In As my work was presented through the use of PowerPoint and word, which was then printed out and kept in a folder, it was plain and boring.In a2 my work was presented in a number of ways:Microsoft wordMicrosoft PowerPointBlogsPodcastsPhotographsSpider diagramsMontagesfilmsI became much more creative having done my As coursework and the ways I presented in A2 were much more interesting. Creativity
  • 3. Research and Planning.In my As coursework my research and planning was very un organised and mostly written after the production.In As it was mostly presented in word, and sometimes in Power Point.In a2 it was much more organised and was posted and completed at the correct date it should have been. It was presented in a variety of different formats and then posted on to the blog, for example through power points, pictures and text.The planning for A2 was done before the film, it shows the development of our ideas.
  • 4. Post ProductionIncluded in my post production in As was:Editing- for editing in AS i used the basic editing software already on the computer, which was windows movie maker, it was very basic and very easy to use, requiring a low level of skill. Magazines- my magazine was created using Microsoft word, which again requires a very low level of skill.Posters- posters were created using Microsoft word, which is very basic and does not offer much editing techniquesIncluded in my post production in A2 was:Editing- for A2 editing I used an editing software called Adobe premier, it was much more advanced than windows movie maker and allowed me to create an overall better product.Magazines- in my A2 coursework my magazine was firstly created in word, and then was manipulated in paint shop pro, to add effects to the pictures.Posters- In a2 my poster was created using paint shop pro, I could manipulate the picture easily and add different effects, for example make it look like a cartoon.
  • 5. Using conventions from real media texts.In my AS production not many conventions from real media texts were used at all, there were a few which were followed, prior to creating my short film i had done little research in to conventions so did not include many at all in my filmIn my a2 production I did a lot more research in to conventions from real media texts so i could put these in to my film, for example for my a2 film was fast paced with quick cuts, as its genre was action, and most action films are fast paced.