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How did you use new technologies in the construction and
research, planning and evaluation stages?
Blogger has during the pre-production as it allowed us to look at previous
years work to get the idea. It also allowed us to post work to show the
process which leads to our product. Blogger is a good website for this as it
lets us post work as a group
The canon camera was useful during the pre-production of our product,
this is because we used it to take still images of the storyboard we created
to plan our video. Making the animatic gave us a rough idea of what the
video will look like. During the production of my music video the Canon
DSLR camera allowed me to film in HD to make the video look clear and
more professional. Once I finished filming the camera has a memory card
which makes it easy import and transfer videos. When the video was
transferred into the iMac, I used a software called iMovie which allowed
me to edit the video by cutting unwanted scenes , and adding effects, for
example slow-motion. The camera also allowed me to take picture of the
main character in my music video for the digipak front cover.
際際滷share is a website which allowed me to present work in a different
way onto blogger, as it allowed me to post PowerPoints making my work
clearly presentable. Prezi, same as slideshare allowed me to post work
into blogger in a more creative way, as it makes more interesting
transitions and is more visual.
Pixlr is a website which helped in the making of the digipak and
magazine cover. It allowed me to import an image which was
taken with the camera for the front cover and then use
different effects. Using the different editing effects I was able to
change the colour of the image and add text.
Social networks such as twitter and Facebook helped with the
audience research as we found out that the band had many
fans and followers, having nearly a million twitter followers and
over five million Facebook likes. YouTube allowed was useful
during research as well because we were able to watch other
videos and what their genre is associated with. Our final
product was posted on YouTube which means it can be viewed
and shared globally.

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  • 1. How did you use new technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
  • 2. Blogger has during the pre-production as it allowed us to look at previous years work to get the idea. It also allowed us to post work to show the process which leads to our product. Blogger is a good website for this as it lets us post work as a group The canon camera was useful during the pre-production of our product, this is because we used it to take still images of the storyboard we created to plan our video. Making the animatic gave us a rough idea of what the video will look like. During the production of my music video the Canon DSLR camera allowed me to film in HD to make the video look clear and more professional. Once I finished filming the camera has a memory card which makes it easy import and transfer videos. When the video was transferred into the iMac, I used a software called iMovie which allowed me to edit the video by cutting unwanted scenes , and adding effects, for example slow-motion. The camera also allowed me to take picture of the main character in my music video for the digipak front cover. 際際滷share is a website which allowed me to present work in a different way onto blogger, as it allowed me to post PowerPoints making my work clearly presentable. Prezi, same as slideshare allowed me to post work into blogger in a more creative way, as it makes more interesting transitions and is more visual.
  • 3. Pixlr is a website which helped in the making of the digipak and magazine cover. It allowed me to import an image which was taken with the camera for the front cover and then use different effects. Using the different editing effects I was able to change the colour of the image and add text. Social networks such as twitter and Facebook helped with the audience research as we found out that the band had many fans and followers, having nearly a million twitter followers and over five million Facebook likes. YouTube allowed was useful during research as well because we were able to watch other videos and what their genre is associated with. Our final product was posted on YouTube which means it can be viewed and shared globally.