Consumers of tomorrow insights and observations about generation z Duong Vo
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Consumers of tomorrow_insights_and_observations_about_generation_zRobert Kostka-Zawadzki
Generation Z is defined as those born between the mid-1990s and 2010. They are digital natives who are comfortable with technology and prefer simple, interactive designs. They are more socially responsible due to greater access to information. Marketers should adopt technology-based channels, appeal to Gen Z's desire for value and multifunctional products, and promote environmentally friendly options to connect with this generation.
This document discusses social media use among millennials and tips for managing millennial employees. It begins by defining millennials as those born between 1982-1993 who are tech-savvy, globally connected, and rely heavily on technology. It then defines social media and provides statistics on millennial usage. It also discusses differences between Gen X parents and millennials regarding posting photos online, as well as a California law requiring removal of minor-posted content. Finally, it lists five tips for managing millennials, such as offering digital freedom, volunteering together, and recognizing that non-monetary incentives are also important.
This document discusses how to connect with "Digital Natives", the generation that has grown up with computers, the internet, and digital technology. It defines Digital Natives as those born in the mid-1990s and after, who process information differently due to constant digital stimulation shaping brain development. Digital Natives are networked, preferring constant online connection; they want instant gratification and access information from anywhere at any time. They are also visual, tactile learners who easily multitask and engage with "gamified" experiences. The document provides insights into how Digital Natives share information, define themselves through online networks and comments, and prefer to learn through interactive experiences over text.
Consumers of Tomorrow - Insights and Observations About Generation Z Duong Vo
Examines Generation Z and the defining traits and trends of the age group. Provides insight into the implications for companies trying to target this unique generation of consumers
This document provides a history of the development of the internet and key technologies that enabled it such as the telegraph, radio, telephone, and television. It discusses how each technology changed communication and the world. It then covers the development of the internet itself from the 1960s onward and the creation of the World Wide Web in 1990. Finally, it discusses the rise of social media marketing and how marketers can leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and more to engage with customers and promote their business.
This article discusses predictions for the future of technology and cyber risk. It suggests that technological growth and human evolution will continue exponentially, with human systems interacting more closely with technology through devices like nanobots interfacing with the brain. Major predictions for 2030-2050 include widespread driverless transportation, smart grids addressing climate change, and computers ordering household items based on behaviors. The article also notes challenges around regulating the internet to balance innovation, privacy, and human rights.
The authors launched an online community called 8095 Live composed of 500 Generation Y consumers to gain insights into this influential demographic. Some key learnings from maintaining this community included keeping engaged members who share an age range but not necessarily common interests, creating a strong community identity, and discussing topics across a wide range of life stages relevant to the diverse members. The community provided valuable insights for marketers but presented unique challenges compared to interest-based communities.
Social Media introduction document i wrote 3 years ago, still very relevant for most clients, specifically for the brands who are just focusing on marketing opportunity and missing the real opportunity of strengthening workforce and culture, customer support services.
At SXSW there was no one key trend - as Bruce Springsteen said there was instead a set of "key notes". This presentation has a look at the five key macro trends and 10 key sub-trends that lay under these.
The document discusses the rise of new media technologies and their impact on society. It notes that people now spend much of their time immersed in media through activities like social networking. The 21st century has become the digital age as technologies like smartphones and the internet increasingly reshape daily life. This represents a shift from older analog media to new digital, networked media where content across different formats converges.
The document discusses the rise of social media and its impact. It notes that social media is transforming people from passive content consumers to active publishers. It provides statistics showing the rapid growth of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. It also outlines ways that both individuals and businesses can benefit from social media by building connections and engaging with customers.
goviral Cannes 2012, Generation Social Mads Holmen
際際滷s from goviral's opening seminar at the Cannes Lions 2012.
The title of the seminar is: "Engaging generation social"
The next mass medium could be called social mixed media. It consists of all previous media in one, mixed in new and increasingly amazing ways. People now experience, share and purchase goods, entertainment and content in ways previously unimaginable and completely platform agnostic.
While the big screen might still be in the living room, under the surface social media is boiling and it is the young, the digital native, GenY, who drives the change. They consume on demand and opt in and out as they like and the older and affluent are the followers.
By 2015 generation social will be the single largest consumer group on the planet with tremendous influence on the purchase behavior of others.
It is in this reality advertising has to take on a new role. Ren辿 examines how we move advertising forward to engage, impact and give generation social a reason to be receptive and opt in. The focus is be on engaging formats that deliver high impact experiences like branded entertainment, premium formats and social content.
Filling the digital skills through cultural change or How to make your whole workforce social media-savvy and inject digital into the DNA of your business
by Patty Keegan, Director, Digital Chameleon
To make Knowledge accessible to all, a Global Knowledge Bank can be established as a conglomeration of Arab, African, American, Chinese and Indian Knowledge Banks. Knowmatics offers the basic key for setting up the Global Knowledge Bank. Details are specified.
IMF and World Bank failed miserably just for their money power without Wisdom and Knowledge. Their Data and Data based Analysis, Interpretations, Projections can only aggravate the Crisis of Humanity. None of them could dream of the the present global economic crisis, in stead they projected unlimited growth and boom. The Age of Information is dead and we are entering the Era of Knowledge.
For most people living and working in developed parts of the world, it is difficult to remember life Before Digitalthe time before computers, Internet, and mobile phones. For those under age 25, it is not just difficult but virtually impossible to remember such a predigital existence.
These people are known as Millenials, and Social Media is embedded in their DNA.
Nobel Prize Nomination - Steven (Steve) Jobs and William (Bill) GatesClement Manoko
This nomination letter nominates Bill Gates and Steve Jobs for the 2011 Nobel Prize. It summarizes their contributions to the fields of computing and technology, including Gates founding Microsoft and developing early versions of BASIC programming language, and Jobs co-founding Apple and pioneering personal computers and mobile devices. The letter argues that their innovations have advanced communication and helped realize an information society, connecting people globally and facilitating areas like education, democracy, and globalization.
The document discusses how new technologies have affected generations born after Millennials known as Centennials or Generation Z. It argues that constant exposure to technologies from a young age has integrated technology into how Centennials learn, socialize and engage with the world. However, older generations like Millennials view technology differently as a tool rather than a lifestyle, creating a gap in understanding. Bridging this gap could help Centennials reach their full potential and lead future technological advances.
This document contains notes from a presentation on social media and technology. It discusses the history and growth of digital technology and social media, moving from limited participation and distribution monopolies to today's era of user-generated content and business models based on social media. It also examines the shift to more open and participatory media, debates around the impacts of these changes, and implications for business and policy. Throughout it references experts like Marshall McLuhan and perspectives from both optimists and pessimists about social media's effects.
This document discusses the evolution of new media from traditional forms to digital formats. It outlines shifts from oral to textual to audiovisual communication and from extended families to individualism. New media is defined as interactive digital communication on cyberspace using various platforms. The convergence of telecommunications, media, and information through digital technologies is described. Social media is presented as user-created and driven. Statistics on mobile and internet users and popular social media sites are provided. Both new opportunities and challenges of new media are mentioned, including new business models, politics, jobs and success stories.
The key steps to developing a social media strategy are to 1) tie social media goals to the organization's mission and objectives, 2) decide which tools best meet those goals, 3) develop engaging content, 4) assign owners and define the audience, and 5) create an implementation and evaluation schedule. The strategy should leverage various social media tools like blogs, videos, podcasts, and social networking.
Youth Information Transformers as Actors of Changebicyclemark
The document discusses how information is transformed and presented to young people. It covers three eras in how information has been distributed from times of scarcity to the current era of abundance due to digital technologies and the internet. It also discusses how information can be stacked or presented to young people, the importance of reliable and legitimate sources, and providing context. Finally, it examines how civic websites conceptualize and engage their young audiences, noting the diversity in views and importance of local contexts.
With the world keeps evolving, there will always be a trend to watch out. Here is the Generation C, the future generation who always connected across all screens and having control of their lives.
The widely-held belief that for-profit investments can only maximize financial returns and social purpose can only be pursued through charityis obsolete. For the next generation, value has to be created and shared across both sectors and by everyone. Creating shared value however, can not happen through silos of social responsibility or philanthropy, it has to be a values-based investment which is why crowdfunding, pay-for-success, venture philanthropy, impact investing and other social finance vehicles are becoming so powerful.
Digital Anarchy: The Bitcoin Effect examines the potential to democratize financial exchanges by providing digital access to capital. Though one-third of humanity remains unbanked, remarkably more than one billion of these people has access to a mobile phone and thus could use bitcoin (or a derivative thereof) to participate financially. Considering the framework of humanitarian capitalism, the fact that bitcoin does not require a central authority to qualify or limit the participation of another human being is an important differentiator to fiat and bank-controlled instruments. This presentation argues that the innovation of bitcoin and the blockchain not only has the capacity to build registries of multi-entity contracting, it also offers the potential to create self-enforcing smart contracts between free individuals. Ultimately, the transparency of the blockchain has the potential to end corruption and empower a free society.
The groundswell of peer-to-peer exchanges across mobile and social platforms empowers people everywhere and anywhere to produce and share with as much authority as they are able to consume and buy. This presentation was developed to explain our SxSW panel entitled: Digital Anarchy: the "bitcoin" effect.
Bitcoin is not only giving banks a run for their money, it threatens to disrupt the centralized power of all sorts of business, political and social infrastructures. Most importantly, bitcoin enables a true "peer economy." This interactive panel discussion will explain how bitcoin is fast becoming a catalyst for change and how the blockchain has the power to uproot a number of our most recognizable dot coms. The peer economy is inevitable, because humans cannot survive unless we significantly increase what we share as equals.
Gov 2.0 for Texas Certified Public Manager (CPM ) ProgramGovLoop
Workshop delivered for the Texas Certified Public Manager (CPM ) Program, June 2010.
For more information on Gov 2.0, please visit
Social meets crm federated press september 28,
Social media is transforming customer relationships by giving customers more control over how they interact with brands. Companies that embrace social media can gain valuable customer insights, strengthen advocacy, and improve service. By integrating social technologies into traditional CRM systems, businesses can deepen customer relationships, drive efficiencies, and optimize their workforce to succeed in the new customer-centric environment.
Social Media introduction document i wrote 3 years ago, still very relevant for most clients, specifically for the brands who are just focusing on marketing opportunity and missing the real opportunity of strengthening workforce and culture, customer support services.
At SXSW there was no one key trend - as Bruce Springsteen said there was instead a set of "key notes". This presentation has a look at the five key macro trends and 10 key sub-trends that lay under these.
The document discusses the rise of new media technologies and their impact on society. It notes that people now spend much of their time immersed in media through activities like social networking. The 21st century has become the digital age as technologies like smartphones and the internet increasingly reshape daily life. This represents a shift from older analog media to new digital, networked media where content across different formats converges.
The document discusses the rise of social media and its impact. It notes that social media is transforming people from passive content consumers to active publishers. It provides statistics showing the rapid growth of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. It also outlines ways that both individuals and businesses can benefit from social media by building connections and engaging with customers.
goviral Cannes 2012, Generation Social Mads Holmen
際際滷s from goviral's opening seminar at the Cannes Lions 2012.
The title of the seminar is: "Engaging generation social"
The next mass medium could be called social mixed media. It consists of all previous media in one, mixed in new and increasingly amazing ways. People now experience, share and purchase goods, entertainment and content in ways previously unimaginable and completely platform agnostic.
While the big screen might still be in the living room, under the surface social media is boiling and it is the young, the digital native, GenY, who drives the change. They consume on demand and opt in and out as they like and the older and affluent are the followers.
By 2015 generation social will be the single largest consumer group on the planet with tremendous influence on the purchase behavior of others.
It is in this reality advertising has to take on a new role. Ren辿 examines how we move advertising forward to engage, impact and give generation social a reason to be receptive and opt in. The focus is be on engaging formats that deliver high impact experiences like branded entertainment, premium formats and social content.
Filling the digital skills through cultural change or How to make your whole workforce social media-savvy and inject digital into the DNA of your business
by Patty Keegan, Director, Digital Chameleon
To make Knowledge accessible to all, a Global Knowledge Bank can be established as a conglomeration of Arab, African, American, Chinese and Indian Knowledge Banks. Knowmatics offers the basic key for setting up the Global Knowledge Bank. Details are specified.
IMF and World Bank failed miserably just for their money power without Wisdom and Knowledge. Their Data and Data based Analysis, Interpretations, Projections can only aggravate the Crisis of Humanity. None of them could dream of the the present global economic crisis, in stead they projected unlimited growth and boom. The Age of Information is dead and we are entering the Era of Knowledge.
For most people living and working in developed parts of the world, it is difficult to remember life Before Digitalthe time before computers, Internet, and mobile phones. For those under age 25, it is not just difficult but virtually impossible to remember such a predigital existence.
These people are known as Millenials, and Social Media is embedded in their DNA.
Nobel Prize Nomination - Steven (Steve) Jobs and William (Bill) GatesClement Manoko
This nomination letter nominates Bill Gates and Steve Jobs for the 2011 Nobel Prize. It summarizes their contributions to the fields of computing and technology, including Gates founding Microsoft and developing early versions of BASIC programming language, and Jobs co-founding Apple and pioneering personal computers and mobile devices. The letter argues that their innovations have advanced communication and helped realize an information society, connecting people globally and facilitating areas like education, democracy, and globalization.
The document discusses how new technologies have affected generations born after Millennials known as Centennials or Generation Z. It argues that constant exposure to technologies from a young age has integrated technology into how Centennials learn, socialize and engage with the world. However, older generations like Millennials view technology differently as a tool rather than a lifestyle, creating a gap in understanding. Bridging this gap could help Centennials reach their full potential and lead future technological advances.
This document contains notes from a presentation on social media and technology. It discusses the history and growth of digital technology and social media, moving from limited participation and distribution monopolies to today's era of user-generated content and business models based on social media. It also examines the shift to more open and participatory media, debates around the impacts of these changes, and implications for business and policy. Throughout it references experts like Marshall McLuhan and perspectives from both optimists and pessimists about social media's effects.
This document discusses the evolution of new media from traditional forms to digital formats. It outlines shifts from oral to textual to audiovisual communication and from extended families to individualism. New media is defined as interactive digital communication on cyberspace using various platforms. The convergence of telecommunications, media, and information through digital technologies is described. Social media is presented as user-created and driven. Statistics on mobile and internet users and popular social media sites are provided. Both new opportunities and challenges of new media are mentioned, including new business models, politics, jobs and success stories.
The key steps to developing a social media strategy are to 1) tie social media goals to the organization's mission and objectives, 2) decide which tools best meet those goals, 3) develop engaging content, 4) assign owners and define the audience, and 5) create an implementation and evaluation schedule. The strategy should leverage various social media tools like blogs, videos, podcasts, and social networking.
Youth Information Transformers as Actors of Changebicyclemark
The document discusses how information is transformed and presented to young people. It covers three eras in how information has been distributed from times of scarcity to the current era of abundance due to digital technologies and the internet. It also discusses how information can be stacked or presented to young people, the importance of reliable and legitimate sources, and providing context. Finally, it examines how civic websites conceptualize and engage their young audiences, noting the diversity in views and importance of local contexts.
With the world keeps evolving, there will always be a trend to watch out. Here is the Generation C, the future generation who always connected across all screens and having control of their lives.
The widely-held belief that for-profit investments can only maximize financial returns and social purpose can only be pursued through charityis obsolete. For the next generation, value has to be created and shared across both sectors and by everyone. Creating shared value however, can not happen through silos of social responsibility or philanthropy, it has to be a values-based investment which is why crowdfunding, pay-for-success, venture philanthropy, impact investing and other social finance vehicles are becoming so powerful.
Digital Anarchy: The Bitcoin Effect examines the potential to democratize financial exchanges by providing digital access to capital. Though one-third of humanity remains unbanked, remarkably more than one billion of these people has access to a mobile phone and thus could use bitcoin (or a derivative thereof) to participate financially. Considering the framework of humanitarian capitalism, the fact that bitcoin does not require a central authority to qualify or limit the participation of another human being is an important differentiator to fiat and bank-controlled instruments. This presentation argues that the innovation of bitcoin and the blockchain not only has the capacity to build registries of multi-entity contracting, it also offers the potential to create self-enforcing smart contracts between free individuals. Ultimately, the transparency of the blockchain has the potential to end corruption and empower a free society.
The groundswell of peer-to-peer exchanges across mobile and social platforms empowers people everywhere and anywhere to produce and share with as much authority as they are able to consume and buy. This presentation was developed to explain our SxSW panel entitled: Digital Anarchy: the "bitcoin" effect.
Bitcoin is not only giving banks a run for their money, it threatens to disrupt the centralized power of all sorts of business, political and social infrastructures. Most importantly, bitcoin enables a true "peer economy." This interactive panel discussion will explain how bitcoin is fast becoming a catalyst for change and how the blockchain has the power to uproot a number of our most recognizable dot coms. The peer economy is inevitable, because humans cannot survive unless we significantly increase what we share as equals.
Gov 2.0 for Texas Certified Public Manager (CPM ) ProgramGovLoop
Workshop delivered for the Texas Certified Public Manager (CPM ) Program, June 2010.
For more information on Gov 2.0, please visit
Social meets crm federated press september 28,
Social media is transforming customer relationships by giving customers more control over how they interact with brands. Companies that embrace social media can gain valuable customer insights, strengthen advocacy, and improve service. By integrating social technologies into traditional CRM systems, businesses can deepen customer relationships, drive efficiencies, and optimize their workforce to succeed in the new customer-centric environment.
Gov 2.0 for Environmental Protection Agency and Executive Women in GovernmentAndrew Krzmarzick
際際滷 deck used for two presentations on same day - morning session for the Environmental Protection Agency and afternoon session for the Executive Women in Government organization. Delivered on Thursday, November 5, 2009. For more information, please visit and http://www/
Presentation for the Chicago Federal Executive Board delivered in Chicago on November 9, 2009. For more information, please visit or
Generazioni Culturali Z, Y, X, Baby Boomer, Tradizionalisti Clay Casati
Alfa 竪 la prima generazione del secondo millennio (nati dopo il 2010). La Generation We rappresenta la potenza emergente dei Millennials, che independenti politicamente, socialmente, filosoficamente intendono implementare un piano di cambiamenti radicali in America e in tutto il mondo.
Per la prima volta, nella storia, coesistono 5 differenti Generazioni Culturali: (1) Generazione Z - Internet Generation, (2) Generazione Y - the Millennials, (3) Generazione X - the Baby Busters, (4) Baby Boomers, (5) Tradizionalisti - Silent Generation.
A presentation detailing the distinct value set of the millennial generation and some of the events that have led to their differing perception of time and space. The presentation than illustrate some case studies from the car industry, providing some examples of companies who are effectively engaging this generation.
This document provides demographic information about the Millennial generation:
- The Millennial generation is defined as those born between 1982-2002, numbering around 80 million. They are more ethnically diverse than previous generations.
- Millennials grew up with technology and the Internet playing a central role. They are the most digitally literate generation and heavy users of media and digital platforms.
- As this generation enters their prime spending and career years, they represent a huge economic force. All marketing efforts should target and message to Millennials to attract this influential consumer group.
This document discusses trends affecting the future of work, including technological advances, globalization, the network economy, the knowledge society, and demographics. It focuses on millennials and generation Z, describing their characteristics and how they are reshaping the workplace. Companies like IBM, Unilever, and Microsoft are highlighted as innovating to attract and engage millennial talent through initiatives like digital hiring processes, reverse mentoring programs, and internal communities focused on the millennial experience.
Web 2.0 for Texas State Certified Public Manager (CPM)Andrew Krzmarzick
Presentation delivered for the Texas State Certified Public Manager (CPM) Program in Levelland, TX in June 2009. Similar to other presentations here, but includes some Texas-specific examples of social media being used by government.
This document provides information about the Texas State CPM Program in Levelland, TX. It was authored by Andrew Krzmarzick, a senior project coordinator at the Graduate School of the USDA, and is dated June 19, 2009. The document contains information about brainstorming and applying for the Texas State CPM Program.
This document discusses generational trends and consumer segments among Generation Z, Generation Y, Generation X, and Baby Boomers. It provides an overview of each generation including key demographic statistics and identifies representative consumer segments within each generation. The document also discusses trends relevant to each generation and provides predictions about what to expect from each generation in the coming years.
Unpredictable Earnings: The volatility of pay packets and its impact on livin...ResolutionFoundation
Most people are used to receiving regular monthly pay cheques, hopefully with the occasional bonus and an annual rise. But while this is often taken for granted, for other workers the size and timing of their pay cheques are far more volatile with knock on effects on their ability to pay bills, save, plan ahead and smooth their living standards over time. But with Brits notoriously adverse to talking about pay, the scale of earnings volatility across the country is unknown.
How many workers are subject to volatile earnings, and how much does the timing and size vary from pay cheque to pay cheque? Who is most likely to experience earnings volatility, and in which industries is it most prevalent? What are the wider living standards consequences for families? And what can policy makers do to mitigate the impacts of unpredictable earnings?
JD Euroway presents itself as a trusted investment advisory firm, but is there more beneath the surface? Uncover the hidden role of Fritz, the firms deceptive tactics, and why investors should be wary of Talal Hameds sudden rise as its public face.
People say they are intimidated by online attacks from the president, concerned about harm to their businesses or worried about the safety of their families.
The Johns Hopkins Maya Trial_ A Landmark Case of Medical Negligence.docxvoice ofarticle
The Johns Hopkins Maya trial has captured national attention as a defining case of medical negligence, legal controversy, and institutional accountability. Filed by the Kowalski family against Johns Hopkins All Childrens Hospital, the lawsuit centers around the alleged mistreatment of Maya Kowalski, a young girl diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The jurys verdict, awarding the family $261 million, has ignited discussions about patient rights, medical ethics, and legal recourse in cases of hospital negligence.
Anna Hall_ Beyond the Heptathlon, A Story Woven in Grit and Gold.docxvoice ofarticle
Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Youve probably heard the name "Anna Hall." Track and field circles, especially those following the heptathlon, are buzzing. But, you know, a name on a medal doesn't tell the whole story, does it? We're talking about a person, a life, a journey thats way more interesting than any Wikipedia entry. So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let's unravel the tapestry that is the Anna Hall biography. It's a story of grit, sheer willpower, and a whole lot of heart. This isn't just about records and rankings; its about the human being behind the accolades.
John Schmitz touts his business acumen and helping the poor. However the record shows more than 50 code violations on his properties that he's owned in the past.
Belle Dingle has been at the heart of some of Emmerdales most emotional and intense plots. From struggling with schizophrenia to dealing with a toxic relationship, her journey has kept viewers hooked.
One of Belle Dingles most gripping storylines was her experience with domestic abuse. Her relationship with Tom King started with love but soon turned controlling and manipulative. After enduring months of emotional pain, Belle finally took a stand, reporting Tom to the police and reclaiming her freedom.
Belle Dingles resilience makes her one of Emmerdales strongest characters, and fans cant wait to see whats next for her!
Michael Thomas Lewis_ The Stalking Case That Shocked the WNBA.docxvoice ofarticle
In January 2025, 55-year-old Michael Thomas Lewis from Denton, Texas, was arrested for felony stalking of WNBA star Caitlin Clark. His persistent harassment caused Clark severe distress, forcing her to change her public appearances and daily routine for safety. Despite multiple warnings from law enforcement, Lewis continued his troubling behavior. His actions escalated to the point where authorities intervened, arresting him near the Indiana Fevers home arena in Indianapolis. The arrest highlighted the serious impact of stalking on athletes and public figures, emphasizing the need for stronger protective measures against such threats to personal safety.
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Indianapolis Shooting_ A Critical Analysis of the February 24, 2025 Incident....voice ofarticle
The February 24, 2025, Indianapolis Shooting at The Wylde @ Eagle Creek apartments has intensified concerns about public safety on the city's west side. An 18-year-old man was critically injured in the incident, which is part of a troubling trend of violent crime in the area. Residents and officials are calling for increased security measures and community interventions to address the ongoing violence. Law enforcement continues to investigate the circumstances surrounding the shooting, urging anyone with information to come forward. The incident underscores the broader need for strategic efforts to enhance safety and prevent further acts of violence.
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Honoring Joy Saunders Obituary: A Life of Kindness and ServiceNorthland News
It is rare to find someone as selfless as Joy Saunders. With her passing on April 12, 2024, the world lost a truly remarkable soul. Joy Saunders obituary is not just about remembering her but celebrating the legacy she left behind.
A lifelong advocate for kindness, she dedicated her time to helping the less fortunate, supporting charities, and leading community programs. Whether through volunteer work or small acts of generosity, she believed in making the world a better place.
Her compassion and unwavering commitment to humanity continue to inspire those she touched. Though she is no longer with us, her legacy of love lives on. Joy Saunders obituary reminds us to carry forward her spirit of giving.
The Tragic Case of Teresa Youngblut & the Fatal Shooting of David Maland.docxvoice ofarticle
On January 20, 2025, a routine traffic stop on Interstate 91 in Coventry, Vermont, escalated into a deadly encounter, resulting in the fatal shooting of U.S. Border Patrol Agent David Maland. The suspect, 21-year-old Teresa Youngblut, was taken into custody following the incident, while Felix Bauckholt, a German national, was also implicated. Authorities are investigating potential ties to the radical Zizian cult, raising national concerns. The tragic event has sparked debates on law enforcement safety and extremist threats. As details emerge, officials continue to piece together the circumstances surrounding this shocking act of violence.
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1. Media for The Millennial Generation
The Y Generation? What do we really know about? What media will engage them?
July, 2012.
2. Media for The Millennial Generation
How brands can be more effective on their media, by
investing a bit more of their money in alternative
media, not traditional anymore.
3. Media for The Millennial Generation
Numbers. How much in NYC?
3.970.595 people in NY
Between 20 to 34 years old
20% of NY Population
Keywords: believe, engagement, social, entrepreneurs, trend setters,
connected, environment responsible, fearless, work, fun, life quality.
This generation are the future and the companies will need to rethink
their communication strategies and budget, in order to get into this
target minds.
4. Media for The Millennial Generation
Some behavior differences between TheM nd Generation X:
They are Faster
The free time they
have, is to have fun. Not Loads of Information
to read a newspaper.
They research what
They share Generation they want where they
everything want, anytime
They are difficult to They need to be
retain engaged
5. Media for The Millennial Generation
A little history about media and generations.
The Devices.
The Millennial
Baby Boomers X Generation
Information Information
Sources Sources
6. Media for The Millennial Generation
A little history about media and generations.
The Media.
Traditional Traditional Ad+
Ad+ Direct Digital + Mobile +
Advertising: TV
Mkt + Digital Search + Social
Ad, Press Ads
Media Media + Buzz +
Later X Generation and early The Millennial
Generation have similar behavior, because they are a
7. Media for The Millennial Generation
A little history about media and generations.
How and where they consume their media??
Baby Boomers
8. Media for The Millennial Generation
A little history about media and generations.
How and where they consume their media??
Generation X
9. Media for The Millennial Generation
A little history about media and generations.
How and where they consume their media??
The Millennial
They are everywhere, all the
time, always looking for
But this more has to be
interesting, consistent,
10. Media for The Millennial Generation
The Millennial Generation were born (and raised) under the
INTERNET sign, and they represent 20% of NY Population*
(AOL) Shared
On Demand
Social (Blogs, Search Social
Forums) (Google) Content
11. Media for The Millennial Generation
The Millennial Generation were born (and raised) under the
INTERNET sign, and they represent 20% of NY Population*
Portals Content
EARLY The Millennial Generation
On Demand
Social (Blogs, Search Social
Forums) (Google) Content
12. Media for The Millennial Generation
The Millennial Generation were born (and raised) under the
INTERNET sign, and they represent 20% of NY Population*
Portals Content
LATE The Millennial Generation
On Demand
Social (Blogs, Search Social
Forums) (Google) Content
13. Media for The Millennial Generation
The Millennial Generation were born (and raised) under the
INTERNET sign, and they represent 20% of NY Population*
The Millennial Generation are a ENGAGED generation (specially the 18-
24 ones).
They need user-based advertising, user centered- websites, specific
and relevant content.
They are changing the behavior of Advertising.
They dont trust mass media.
They dont trust Sponsored Links.
They really needs to know if you are selling has a good reputation.
They feel an obligation on sharing information about products.
Good or bad.
They trust in people. And they like to share stories!
14. Media for The Millennial Generation
And if they trust people.
Mass Media (TV,
Magazines, Newspaper)
Traditional Web Media Social Media
(Display, Sponsored search,
Email MKT)
Social Engagement
Product/Brand Websites
Product Hot sites
Social Commerce
15. Media for The Millennial Generation
And if they are storytellers, the traditional media can become less effective
each day
Because: we really need to create experience to engage this target.
THE ADVERTISING FOR The Millennial Generation:
Word of mouth, is the passing of information from person to person
by oral communication.
Storytelling is the oldest form of word-of-mouth communication
where one person tells others of something, whether a real event or
something made up. (Wikipedia)
16. Media for The Millennial Generation
And if they are storytellers, the traditional media can become less effective
each day
Because: we really need to create experience to engage this target.
Using much less money that used on TV or Press (and even digital
media), this kind of Advertising is a great tool to really engage
consumers and spread the message by using some communication
Tactics like:
1- Social Networking
2- Product / Service Experience
3- Events
4- Mobile Apps
5- Sampling
6- Product Placements
7- Content
8- PR
17. Media for The Millennial Generation
The Millennial Generation are ON DEMAND generation.
They were born already in a Web Scenario, and they dont have the
Traditional Media on their background. And today, they are using all
the web and Technology sources they have, to tell the market, what
kind of information/advertising they want to see.
So, for The Millennial Generation, the faster you give them
information, relevant content on demand, in the right time and place
and all organized in a easy way to be spread trough all devices they
use, more assertive will you will be.