Media can have negative influences on teenagers such as promoting obesity, stereotypes, violence and commercialism. Teenagers spend over $500 million each year on advertised products seen on TV. Excessive TV and computer use, defined as more than two hours per day, can increase the likelihood of obesity. However, media is not entirely bad and can also be used for educational purposes as well as keeping informed and connected to others through news, documentaries and communication tools.
2. Whyis media badforteenagers?Media isbadbecauseitbringsnegativeinfluencesabouttheschool, obesity, advertising, stereotypes, violence, sex, etc.
3. Media has a lot of influenceonteenagersChildrenunder 12 yearsspend more than 500 milliondollars a yearon tv advertisedproducts.
4. Consecuences of mediaPeoplewhowatch tv orstay at computer more thantwohoursis more likelyto be obese in thefuture.Italsoaffectsthefeelings and thethinking of teenagers
5. But, noteverythingisbadMedia isusedforeducation and goodentertaining. Liket.v. documentals, internet pages, educationalvideogames, etc.Media isalsousedformanydifferentthingsliketheweather, news, educationpurposes and tostaycomunicatedwithotherpeople.