This document outlines a media plan for Flagler College in Tallahassee to increase awareness and enrollment. The plan includes advertising on digital billboards, radio spots, banners in parking garages, and a float in the Springtime Tallahassee parade. The budget allocates funds for a billboard near Tallahassee Community College and bus ads, concentrating spending on the fall semester leading up to registration deadlines.
This document discusses the need for quality education options for children from military families. It notes that over 91% of military children attend public schools, which they often have to change frequently due to their families' relocations. This can negatively impact their academic performance. The document outlines how Congress failed to pass an amendment in 2009 that would have created a pilot program providing scholarships for some military children to attend private schools. It argues that expanding education choices for military families is important for recruitment and retention.
The document announces the Race to the Top High School Commencement Challenge, where public schools can apply to have President Obama speak at their graduation. It provides details on the application process, including essay questions focusing on college and career readiness. Schools must submit applications by March 15th, after which finalists will be selected and the public can vote for the winning school to host the President's commencement speech.
This document provides information about International Education Week (IEW) hosted by the U.S. Department of State and Department of Education. IEW is an opportunity to celebrate international education and exchange worldwide. The 2010 theme is "Striving for a Sustainable Future" from November 15-19. Five reasons to celebrate IEW are provided, including that international education prepares students for the global economy and international cooperation contributes to education solutions. Information is given on participating in local IEW events and activities hosted by EducationUSA Mexico City.
The document is World Wildlife Fund's (WWF) crisis communication plan regarding their chief financial officer being caught poaching near a black rhino sanctuary in Africa. The plan includes press releases, phone bank statements, speeches, and sample questions and answers to address the situation. It outlines WWF acknowledging responsibility and taking action by replacing their CFO and supporting the rhino sanctuary through donations, education initiatives, and symbolic rhino adoptions.
Patrick Letizia Madison Avenue Securities, Inc.
- The role of gold: what is the optimal allocation? by David Varadi, Jerry Wagner, David Wismer
- What happens when the NASDAQ breaks its 200-day moving average?
- Actively managing 401(k)s (Paul Mauro, SII Investments)
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a sobre la elaboraci坦n de proyectos y anteproyectos de investigaci坦n para estudiantes del programa Master of Art in Education - Online Education de la Unad Florida en el curso EDU 5201 - Ambiente de Aprendizaje en L鱈nea. La gu鱈a incluye informaci坦n sobre conceptos relacionados con la investigaci坦n cient鱈fica, tipos de investigaci坦n, y metodolog鱈as como el uso de blogs y otros recursos web 2.0. El objetivo es proporcionar a los estudiantes conocimientos y herramientas para realizar proyectos de investigaci坦n
The study investigated the effect of a self-control program on the social skills of mentally retarded students. Students were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group received a month of training in self-control skills like self-monitoring and self-reinforcement. Pre- and post-tests found that the social skills of students in the experimental group significantly improved after the program, while no significant change was seen in the control group. The results suggest that self-control programs can effectively increase the social skills of mentally retarded students.
Este documento trata sobre las t辿cnicas de la comunicaci坦n. Explica que la comunicaci坦n es el intercambio de mensajes entre personas y que existen diferentes niveles de lenguaje como el popular, erudito y t辿cnico. Tambi辿n identifica problemas que pueden afectar la comunicaci坦n como la emotividad del transmisor, la atenci坦n del receptor o las caracter鱈sticas del mensaje. Por 炭ltimo, introduce conceptos como el m辿todo IPLER para mejorar la lectura y las nuevas formas de comunicaci坦n a trav辿s de las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n.
This document provides an investment analysis of Hibbett Sports Incorporated (HIBB). Key points include:
- The analyst assigns HIBB a "Market Perform" rating and 12-month target price of $52, a 25% increase from the current price of $41.50.
- HIBB focuses on smaller markets in the southern and midwestern US, offering regionally tailored apparel and equipment.
- Its strategy of targeting less competitive markets has been successful. It is undergoing a store expansion program focused on opening new locations within two hours of existing stores.
- Strong customer relationships and superior service have helped drive brand loyalty, positioning HIBB for continued growth. However,
Este documento expresa preocupaciones sobre la pol鱈tica ecuatoriana y la situaci坦n de los campesinos. El autor critica a los candidatos presidenciales por ser corruptos y populistas. Tambi辿n critica las leyes que protegen a los animales salvajes y que proh鱈ben la miner鱈a. El autor argumenta que los campesinos son discriminados y marginados en el sistema de salud y telecomunicaciones. Pide que se considere m叩s a los campesinos y que se los trate con igualdad.
Este documento discute el conflicto en las organizaciones. Identifica varios tipos de conflicto, como intraindividual, interindividual, intragrupal e intergrupal. Explica los efectos del conflicto como acelerar el cambio, pedir modificaciones de pol鱈ticas, cultivar innovaci坦n, pero tambi辿n puede resultar en p辿rdida de tiempo y recursos. Finalmente, propone estrategias para enfrentar el conflicto como la competici坦n, colaboraci坦n, compromiso, evitar o acomodar.
Com creueu que ens afecten les noves tecnologies a la nostra vida quotidiana?
Creieu que el Whatsapp, el Facebook i l'Skype (les m辿s emprades) tenen conseq端竪ncies psicol嘆giques en nosaltres?
Com ha estat aquesta evoluci坦?
Qu竪 creu la gent?
Este documento describe la educaci坦n a distancia y los principios de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia de Colombia (UNAD). Explica que la educaci坦n a distancia se caracteriza por la comunicaci坦n no contigua entre estudiantes y profesores mediada por la tecnolog鱈a. Luego describe el modelo pedag坦gico de la UNAD basado en el aprendizaje aut坦nomo a trav辿s de ambientes virtuales y mediaciones pedag坦gicas.
RECAST was established in 1977 as a research institution in Nepal to research renewable energy technologies. Its objectives include developing and disseminating indigenous technologies. RECAST's research areas include renewable energy, natural products, biotechnology, and appropriate technology. It has conducted significant research on solar, micro-hydro, biomass, and biodiesel technologies. Notable projects include developing improved cookstoves, solar dryers, biogas plants, and extracting biodiesel from jatropha. More recently, RECAST developed a rocket stove dryer that uses 50% less fuel and produces higher quality dried cardamom than traditional methods.
El documento describe el uso de multimedios e hipermedios para fortalecer el aprendizaje colaborativo. Explica modelos y estrategias de trabajo colaborativo como Delphi y lluvia de ideas. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo el aprendizaje colaborativo permite lograr objetivos m叩s ricos al reunir soluciones de varias personas. Adem叩s, propone una arquitectura para sistemas colaborativos que integra servicios sincr坦nicos y asincr坦nicos, y presenta tres ejemplos de software educativo que usan enfoques colabor
FlaglerMarketing ResearchPlan Final Copy (1)Rebecca Weider
This document outlines a market research plan to address declining spring semester enrollment at Flagler College-Tallahassee. The plan identifies the problem as a lack of student awareness about incentives like affordable tuition, quality education, and convenience. A survey of 100 Tallahassee Community College students will test messaging around these incentives and determine which resonates best. The research aims to inform fall semester marketing that increases spring enrollment. Conducting anonymous surveys requires little budget. The goal is to boost Flagler College-Tallahassee's reputation and make more students aware of the benefits.
This document outlines a media plan to increase awareness of and enrollment in Flagler College Tallahassee programs. Key objectives are to increase awareness among community college students, promote benefits like small class sizes, and increase enrollment from 9% to more than TCC graduates. The plan includes a SWOT analysis and compares competitors' strategies. It recommends targeting primary and secondary audiences across multiple media like billboards, social media, and campus events. An itemized budget of $15,000 is allocated across media over three semesters.
This document proposes a high school writing outreach program called "The Write-Link" to be run by Eastern Michigan University's English department. The program aims to reach four main audiences: high school students interested in writing careers, their English teachers, parents, and EMU faculty involved in the program. It will be a competitive 5-day program for 20 students focusing on different writing disciplines each day through hands-on activities and presentations to help students explore writing career options. Persuasive strategies like the program name, response letters, news releases, and PSAs were used to promote the benefits of the program to students, schools, and the community.
The document discusses programs and initiatives in Champaign Unit 4 Schools. It summarizes that the district uses a Schools of Choice process to promote diversity. It describes new magnet programs at three elementary schools focused on STEM, international baccalaureate, and microsociety/leadership. These programs receive an MSAP grant and have seen success, such as recognition for the STEM academy. The district is working to sustain the magnet programs after the grant ends.
This document provides an overview of the School of Communication at Illinois State University. It discusses the various majors and sequences offered including Communication Studies, Journalism, Mass Media, Public Relations, and Communication Education. It also summarizes resources and opportunities available to students such as academic advising, the honors program, civic engagement experiences, and the new Social Media Analytics Command Center (SMACC) lab. Student involvement in organizations is encouraged to help develop communication skills.
Kids on Campus is an organization that provides afterschool and summer programs for at-risk students in Athens County, Ohio. It was founded in 1996 and partners with local schools and organizations. Recently, Kids on Campus underwent structural changes and created a strategic communications plan to promote its new vision, mission, and goals. The plan aims to inform students, families, and administrators about Kids on Campus programs through various outreach materials and develop a consistent public message. The suggested vision is for Kids on Campus to help at-risk children and their families realize their full potential by providing localized programs that encourage family involvement, healthy living, and community outreach.
This marketing plan aims to increase enrollment in Georgia State University's new Master of Arts in Creative & Innovation Education (MACIE) program from 10 students in its first year to 40 by year four. The primary target audience is mid-career creative professionals in metro Atlanta working with children, such as teachers, teaching artists, and nonprofit professionals. The plan outlines digital marketing, print collateral, event exhibits, and information sessions to build awareness of MACIE's interdisciplinary curriculum and pathways among this audience. The goal is to enroll at least 20 qualified applicants by the October 2016 deadline to reach the minimum first cohort of 10 students starting in January 2017.
Marketing Segmentation and Product Definition
Shana Williams
Professor Joan Draper
Mercy College
Marketing 225 DLA
Marketing Segmentation and Product Definition
The Industry
The new service that caters to education reform is The Col School of Secondary Education. This school offers a secondary education everywhere in the U.S. with strategic rock climbing. These courses last every nine weeks without interfering with other required credits. This would enhance the need for competition through meeting the preferences of the schools, parents, and students within the market of education. Along with strategic rock climbing courses, this school will also feature arithmetic, science, and humanities courses . The concept and implementation of The Col School of Secondary Education would intrigue the interest of students and instructors alike since it bases on effective and efficient assimilation of public schools. Education boards has never seen a service like this ever because it allows students who would like to gain cultural knowledge by traveling, decision making, problem solving, and fitness, hence, the opportunity to take classrooms by storm. It is crucial for the product to follow the quality standards of classrooms in order to appeal effectively and appropriately to parents and relevant institutions. The Col School of Secondary Education falls in the education industry in that it is a form of outdoor classrooms at enhancing the minds of instructors and students. This allows instructors to be more responsible for students and challenges them in the classroom by trusting the student as well as themselves. It is ideal for the organization to venture into this industry because of great demand for the change in education reform and effective communication and education system in order to minimize the lack of attentiveness and structure in the classroom. The industry is broken and has lackluster in that the modern society depends on technology for most of its activities. This indicates of the modern society and technology is crucial, but what has happened to making leaders as well as fit individuals in an morbidly obese society?
The Need that the Product or Service Addresses
Col school of rock climbing would aim at enhancing our students to be future leaders and members of society and across the globe. Students will gain characteristics such as planning, concentration, goal setting, sense of achievement, and spatial awareness. These prove to be ideal for todays job market as well as post secondary education. The service offers something new to education due to the fact that there is so much fuss with education reform and teachers. This is as a result of the lack of creativity in the classroom, students becoming too overly dependent on teachers, and teachers not bein ...
Americans believe a college education is worth the money, but they dont believe college is affordable and dont know where to go to get reliable information about financial aid, according to the findings of an extensive research study conducted on behalf of a broad coalition of higher education associations and institutions. The study identifies a wide gap between what the public knows about financing higher education and what it believes it knows. The study overwhelmingly showed that the public is not aware of how much financial aid is available to help meet college bills or where to find it. They also greatly overestimate the price of attending college. Overall, the study revealed six key findings:
- The public worries a great deal about the price of college. Seventy-one percent of those surveyed believe that college is too expensive. Additionally, 79 percent of African Americans and 82 percent of Hispanics are more likely to think that college is not affordable.
- Despite the publics worries about the affordability of higher education in general and a positive self-assessment of their personal ability to afford it, the public has a distorted view of what it costs to attend college thinking it costs considerably more than it does.
- Fifty-five percent of those surveyed do not think colleges try to keep the amount they charge at affordable levels for families, and 80 percent think colleges and universities make a profit.
Myths and Realities about Paying for College
Myth: You really dont need college to be a success look at Bill Gates.
Reality: Bill Gates story is exceptional. Today, the average annual income of male fulltime workers with a bachelors degree is over 50 percent higher than for those with a high school diploma. Those with an associate degree earn 20 percent more than high school graduates. The earnings differentials are larger for women. Today, some postsecondary education or training is necessary for almost every good job.
Myth: Only minorities get extra help.
Reality: Very little aid is awarded solely on the basis of students race or ethnicity. Generally, students from racial or ethnic minority groups are more likely to receive scholarships because they are more likely to have financial need.
Myth: Community colleges offer only vocational education.
Reality: Community colleges provide a wide range of educational options, all at a low cost to students. Open admissions, nearby locations, a wide array of courses, flexible class schedules, and low tuition prices make community colleges readily accessible for everyone.
Myth: There is no basis for the soaring increase in college prices.
Reality: Colleges are trying to do even better, searching for new and innovative ways to cut costs and minimize tuition increases.
1. Kapatirang Pilipino plans to host a two-day, one-night outreach program called F.I.E.R.C.E. to bring approximately 60 Filipinx high school students to campus to promote Filipinx empowerment and higher education.
2. The program will focus on the four pillars of Kapatirang Pilipino - academic, social, political and cultural - to make higher education seem attainable and encourage the students.
3. The targeted high school students are from underprivileged schools in California with significant Filipinx populations and low academic ratings to provide support and resources.
Market Analysis Harmon-Hodge Stem School 2Megan Clapham
The document provides a market analysis for Harmon-Hodge STEM School, a private K-8 STEM school in Tampa, Florida. It analyzes the school's strengths such as its clear mission and values. It also examines weaknesses like the school's small size and lack of information online. Opportunities for expansion, such as adding high school grades, are discussed. Competition from other local schools is identified as a threat. The analysis concludes with recommendations to diversify the student body and appeal to donors through restructuring the website and promoting STEM education.
Este documento trata sobre las t辿cnicas de la comunicaci坦n. Explica que la comunicaci坦n es el intercambio de mensajes entre personas y que existen diferentes niveles de lenguaje como el popular, erudito y t辿cnico. Tambi辿n identifica problemas que pueden afectar la comunicaci坦n como la emotividad del transmisor, la atenci坦n del receptor o las caracter鱈sticas del mensaje. Por 炭ltimo, introduce conceptos como el m辿todo IPLER para mejorar la lectura y las nuevas formas de comunicaci坦n a trav辿s de las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n.
This document provides an investment analysis of Hibbett Sports Incorporated (HIBB). Key points include:
- The analyst assigns HIBB a "Market Perform" rating and 12-month target price of $52, a 25% increase from the current price of $41.50.
- HIBB focuses on smaller markets in the southern and midwestern US, offering regionally tailored apparel and equipment.
- Its strategy of targeting less competitive markets has been successful. It is undergoing a store expansion program focused on opening new locations within two hours of existing stores.
- Strong customer relationships and superior service have helped drive brand loyalty, positioning HIBB for continued growth. However,
Este documento expresa preocupaciones sobre la pol鱈tica ecuatoriana y la situaci坦n de los campesinos. El autor critica a los candidatos presidenciales por ser corruptos y populistas. Tambi辿n critica las leyes que protegen a los animales salvajes y que proh鱈ben la miner鱈a. El autor argumenta que los campesinos son discriminados y marginados en el sistema de salud y telecomunicaciones. Pide que se considere m叩s a los campesinos y que se los trate con igualdad.
Este documento discute el conflicto en las organizaciones. Identifica varios tipos de conflicto, como intraindividual, interindividual, intragrupal e intergrupal. Explica los efectos del conflicto como acelerar el cambio, pedir modificaciones de pol鱈ticas, cultivar innovaci坦n, pero tambi辿n puede resultar en p辿rdida de tiempo y recursos. Finalmente, propone estrategias para enfrentar el conflicto como la competici坦n, colaboraci坦n, compromiso, evitar o acomodar.
Com creueu que ens afecten les noves tecnologies a la nostra vida quotidiana?
Creieu que el Whatsapp, el Facebook i l'Skype (les m辿s emprades) tenen conseq端竪ncies psicol嘆giques en nosaltres?
Com ha estat aquesta evoluci坦?
Qu竪 creu la gent?
Este documento describe la educaci坦n a distancia y los principios de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia de Colombia (UNAD). Explica que la educaci坦n a distancia se caracteriza por la comunicaci坦n no contigua entre estudiantes y profesores mediada por la tecnolog鱈a. Luego describe el modelo pedag坦gico de la UNAD basado en el aprendizaje aut坦nomo a trav辿s de ambientes virtuales y mediaciones pedag坦gicas.
RECAST was established in 1977 as a research institution in Nepal to research renewable energy technologies. Its objectives include developing and disseminating indigenous technologies. RECAST's research areas include renewable energy, natural products, biotechnology, and appropriate technology. It has conducted significant research on solar, micro-hydro, biomass, and biodiesel technologies. Notable projects include developing improved cookstoves, solar dryers, biogas plants, and extracting biodiesel from jatropha. More recently, RECAST developed a rocket stove dryer that uses 50% less fuel and produces higher quality dried cardamom than traditional methods.
El documento describe el uso de multimedios e hipermedios para fortalecer el aprendizaje colaborativo. Explica modelos y estrategias de trabajo colaborativo como Delphi y lluvia de ideas. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo el aprendizaje colaborativo permite lograr objetivos m叩s ricos al reunir soluciones de varias personas. Adem叩s, propone una arquitectura para sistemas colaborativos que integra servicios sincr坦nicos y asincr坦nicos, y presenta tres ejemplos de software educativo que usan enfoques colabor
FlaglerMarketing ResearchPlan Final Copy (1)Rebecca Weider
This document outlines a market research plan to address declining spring semester enrollment at Flagler College-Tallahassee. The plan identifies the problem as a lack of student awareness about incentives like affordable tuition, quality education, and convenience. A survey of 100 Tallahassee Community College students will test messaging around these incentives and determine which resonates best. The research aims to inform fall semester marketing that increases spring enrollment. Conducting anonymous surveys requires little budget. The goal is to boost Flagler College-Tallahassee's reputation and make more students aware of the benefits.
This document outlines a media plan to increase awareness of and enrollment in Flagler College Tallahassee programs. Key objectives are to increase awareness among community college students, promote benefits like small class sizes, and increase enrollment from 9% to more than TCC graduates. The plan includes a SWOT analysis and compares competitors' strategies. It recommends targeting primary and secondary audiences across multiple media like billboards, social media, and campus events. An itemized budget of $15,000 is allocated across media over three semesters.
This document proposes a high school writing outreach program called "The Write-Link" to be run by Eastern Michigan University's English department. The program aims to reach four main audiences: high school students interested in writing careers, their English teachers, parents, and EMU faculty involved in the program. It will be a competitive 5-day program for 20 students focusing on different writing disciplines each day through hands-on activities and presentations to help students explore writing career options. Persuasive strategies like the program name, response letters, news releases, and PSAs were used to promote the benefits of the program to students, schools, and the community.
The document discusses programs and initiatives in Champaign Unit 4 Schools. It summarizes that the district uses a Schools of Choice process to promote diversity. It describes new magnet programs at three elementary schools focused on STEM, international baccalaureate, and microsociety/leadership. These programs receive an MSAP grant and have seen success, such as recognition for the STEM academy. The district is working to sustain the magnet programs after the grant ends.
This document provides an overview of the School of Communication at Illinois State University. It discusses the various majors and sequences offered including Communication Studies, Journalism, Mass Media, Public Relations, and Communication Education. It also summarizes resources and opportunities available to students such as academic advising, the honors program, civic engagement experiences, and the new Social Media Analytics Command Center (SMACC) lab. Student involvement in organizations is encouraged to help develop communication skills.
Kids on Campus is an organization that provides afterschool and summer programs for at-risk students in Athens County, Ohio. It was founded in 1996 and partners with local schools and organizations. Recently, Kids on Campus underwent structural changes and created a strategic communications plan to promote its new vision, mission, and goals. The plan aims to inform students, families, and administrators about Kids on Campus programs through various outreach materials and develop a consistent public message. The suggested vision is for Kids on Campus to help at-risk children and their families realize their full potential by providing localized programs that encourage family involvement, healthy living, and community outreach.
This marketing plan aims to increase enrollment in Georgia State University's new Master of Arts in Creative & Innovation Education (MACIE) program from 10 students in its first year to 40 by year four. The primary target audience is mid-career creative professionals in metro Atlanta working with children, such as teachers, teaching artists, and nonprofit professionals. The plan outlines digital marketing, print collateral, event exhibits, and information sessions to build awareness of MACIE's interdisciplinary curriculum and pathways among this audience. The goal is to enroll at least 20 qualified applicants by the October 2016 deadline to reach the minimum first cohort of 10 students starting in January 2017.
Marketing Segmentation and Product Definition
Shana Williams
Professor Joan Draper
Mercy College
Marketing 225 DLA
Marketing Segmentation and Product Definition
The Industry
The new service that caters to education reform is The Col School of Secondary Education. This school offers a secondary education everywhere in the U.S. with strategic rock climbing. These courses last every nine weeks without interfering with other required credits. This would enhance the need for competition through meeting the preferences of the schools, parents, and students within the market of education. Along with strategic rock climbing courses, this school will also feature arithmetic, science, and humanities courses . The concept and implementation of The Col School of Secondary Education would intrigue the interest of students and instructors alike since it bases on effective and efficient assimilation of public schools. Education boards has never seen a service like this ever because it allows students who would like to gain cultural knowledge by traveling, decision making, problem solving, and fitness, hence, the opportunity to take classrooms by storm. It is crucial for the product to follow the quality standards of classrooms in order to appeal effectively and appropriately to parents and relevant institutions. The Col School of Secondary Education falls in the education industry in that it is a form of outdoor classrooms at enhancing the minds of instructors and students. This allows instructors to be more responsible for students and challenges them in the classroom by trusting the student as well as themselves. It is ideal for the organization to venture into this industry because of great demand for the change in education reform and effective communication and education system in order to minimize the lack of attentiveness and structure in the classroom. The industry is broken and has lackluster in that the modern society depends on technology for most of its activities. This indicates of the modern society and technology is crucial, but what has happened to making leaders as well as fit individuals in an morbidly obese society?
The Need that the Product or Service Addresses
Col school of rock climbing would aim at enhancing our students to be future leaders and members of society and across the globe. Students will gain characteristics such as planning, concentration, goal setting, sense of achievement, and spatial awareness. These prove to be ideal for todays job market as well as post secondary education. The service offers something new to education due to the fact that there is so much fuss with education reform and teachers. This is as a result of the lack of creativity in the classroom, students becoming too overly dependent on teachers, and teachers not bein ...
Americans believe a college education is worth the money, but they dont believe college is affordable and dont know where to go to get reliable information about financial aid, according to the findings of an extensive research study conducted on behalf of a broad coalition of higher education associations and institutions. The study identifies a wide gap between what the public knows about financing higher education and what it believes it knows. The study overwhelmingly showed that the public is not aware of how much financial aid is available to help meet college bills or where to find it. They also greatly overestimate the price of attending college. Overall, the study revealed six key findings:
- The public worries a great deal about the price of college. Seventy-one percent of those surveyed believe that college is too expensive. Additionally, 79 percent of African Americans and 82 percent of Hispanics are more likely to think that college is not affordable.
- Despite the publics worries about the affordability of higher education in general and a positive self-assessment of their personal ability to afford it, the public has a distorted view of what it costs to attend college thinking it costs considerably more than it does.
- Fifty-five percent of those surveyed do not think colleges try to keep the amount they charge at affordable levels for families, and 80 percent think colleges and universities make a profit.
Myths and Realities about Paying for College
Myth: You really dont need college to be a success look at Bill Gates.
Reality: Bill Gates story is exceptional. Today, the average annual income of male fulltime workers with a bachelors degree is over 50 percent higher than for those with a high school diploma. Those with an associate degree earn 20 percent more than high school graduates. The earnings differentials are larger for women. Today, some postsecondary education or training is necessary for almost every good job.
Myth: Only minorities get extra help.
Reality: Very little aid is awarded solely on the basis of students race or ethnicity. Generally, students from racial or ethnic minority groups are more likely to receive scholarships because they are more likely to have financial need.
Myth: Community colleges offer only vocational education.
Reality: Community colleges provide a wide range of educational options, all at a low cost to students. Open admissions, nearby locations, a wide array of courses, flexible class schedules, and low tuition prices make community colleges readily accessible for everyone.
Myth: There is no basis for the soaring increase in college prices.
Reality: Colleges are trying to do even better, searching for new and innovative ways to cut costs and minimize tuition increases.
1. Kapatirang Pilipino plans to host a two-day, one-night outreach program called F.I.E.R.C.E. to bring approximately 60 Filipinx high school students to campus to promote Filipinx empowerment and higher education.
2. The program will focus on the four pillars of Kapatirang Pilipino - academic, social, political and cultural - to make higher education seem attainable and encourage the students.
3. The targeted high school students are from underprivileged schools in California with significant Filipinx populations and low academic ratings to provide support and resources.
Market Analysis Harmon-Hodge Stem School 2Megan Clapham
The document provides a market analysis for Harmon-Hodge STEM School, a private K-8 STEM school in Tampa, Florida. It analyzes the school's strengths such as its clear mission and values. It also examines weaknesses like the school's small size and lack of information online. Opportunities for expansion, such as adding high school grades, are discussed. Competition from other local schools is identified as a threat. The analysis concludes with recommendations to diversify the student body and appeal to donors through restructuring the website and promoting STEM education.
This document provides sources and advice for finding colleges and funding tuition. It recommends starting with high school career counselors, who can provide information on college qualifications and programs to attend during junior year. Websites like Bigfuture and directories by state help search for schools based on interests, location, and majors. It also discusses financial aid options like scholarships, grants, work-study programs, and tax credits to help afford college costs, which have risen significantly. The document stresses doing research like on college costs and financial aid applications and deadlines.
The document describes the APSSP (Argosy Post Secondary Student Support Program) scholarship program at the University of Florida Institute of Technology (UFIT). The program aims to increase UFIT's low freshman retention and graduation rates by providing academic, social, and financial support to low-income incoming freshmen. The support includes tutoring, counseling, housing, meals, and funding to cover tuition and books for the first year or three semesters. The goal is for recipients to develop competence, manage emotions, and gain independence through the program's support structures to help them persist and succeed in their studies.
The document outlines a marketing plan for a new student communication app at Columbia College Chicago. It includes research from student surveys and focus groups which found that students want a single source for event and activity information. A SWOT analysis determined an app would address weaknesses in the current system. The plan details the target audience, competitive apps, mock-ups of the proposed app, and an advertising strategy to encourage students to download it. The goal is to improve student engagement across campus through a convenient mobile app.
The proposed project, The Artistic Interpretations from Children of Imprisoned Parents, will provide monthly programming for children of incarcerated parents in Washington D.C., their support networks, and others interested in assisting. The programming will engage students through cathartic artistic expression like poetry, drawing, and photography. The goal is to help the students heal relationships with incarcerated parents, reconcile their identities, finish high school, and pursue higher education. Founder Yasmine Arrington hopes artistic expression will empower the students and break cycles of incarceration. ScholarCHIPS is requesting $10,000 from the DCCAH INNOVATE grant to fund the monthly workshops and create a poetry book at the end of six
The document describes a proposed pickleball instructional class for young adults ages 16-29 at Lee's Summit Parks and Recreation. It would teach beginners how to play pickleball using equipment provided at Upper Banner Park. Strengths include the growing popularity of pickleball and interest in existing LSPR programs. Weaknesses could be awareness of the location and instructor quality. Marketing would promote the program on social media and at other LSPR events to generate interest in other pickleball programs. The budget and similar national programs are also summarized.
- The document proposes a career week event to be held monthly at a local recreational center, involving community members speaking to students about various careers and colleges providing information.
- The week-long event would include activities like students researching careers and making booklets tracking their interests. A community dinner on Friday would allow students to share their books and interests with families and the community.
- Surveys would evaluate the event's effectiveness in motivating students to consider future education and careers. Ongoing involvement of community members, students, faculty and parents could sustain the project annually. The proposed budget of $12,200 would cover food, speakers and scholarships.
Meaning: New education designates a pedagogical movement whose main characteristic
is the involvement of the person in his own training.Origin: This expression was used
from the 1890s, that is to say with the appearance of the first schools providing new
education. The very first opened in 1889 on English soil. The new education defends the
idea that learning must above all serve an overall evolution of the person.
1. 1 Media Plan
Flagler College Tallahassee Media Plan
Leila Jett, Katelyn Harvey, Yulonda Mitchell,
Jessica Callaghan
2. 2 Media Plan
Media Plan Objectives
Flagler College-Tallahassees media plan will seek ways to increase the
awareness of Flagler College-Tallahassee. Flagler College has been in Tallahassee at
Tallahassee Community College for about 15 years. The college currently offers bachelor
degrees in Accounting, Education, Strategic Communication and Business.
Currently, Flagler College-Tallahassee enrolls about 9% of Tallahassee Community
College Graduates. A major objective is to increase the number of graduates from TCC.
Secondarily, we would like to increase the awareness of Flagler College-Tallahassee
among community college students from Pensacola to Jacksonville. Flagler College-
Tallahassee would also like to increase enrollment to allow for day and evening classes in
every major offered at the college.
Flagler College-Tallahassee currently uses the message "Flagler Works!" and we have
incorporated this into the plan that will be presented. The population at Flagler is very
diverse with a combination of traditional and non-traditional students.
Competitive Analysis
Budget Analysis:Competitors budgets (industry) and leading competitors media use
Media Selection Analysis: Media used by competitors, media vehicles used by
competitors, Industry timing of media delivery.
Enrolling into Flagler College certainly has its benefits, which makes the private
institution a top pick over its local competitors. Flaglers primary competitor is Barry
University, and its secondary competitors are Saint Leo University and Thomas
3. 3 Media Plan
Flagler is conveniently located on the campus of Tallahassee Community College, and
offers five different Bachelor of Arts programs in Accounting, Business Administration,
Elementary Education, Elementary Education/Exceptional Student Education and
Strategic Communication (Public Relations). Flagler is also the most affordable private
school, with classes averaging around $225 per credit. The institution also awards
students with the Florida Resident Access Grant (FRAG), which covers 1/3 to 1/2 of a
students class tuition. Flagler aims to attract both traditional and nontraditional students,
working adults who need a flexible schedule and enjoy learning in a smaller class size.
Day and evening classes are offered for most programs for that very reason.
Flaglers primary competitor, Barry University is located on the community college
campus like Flagler but offers four Bachelor of Arts programs in Administration, Health
Services Administration, Information Technology, and Public Administration. This is the
only college of the group that provide Masters degree programs, including Master of
Arts in Administration and Master of Arts in Public Administration. In addition, Barry
differs in the aspect of their PACE program which stands for The School of Professional
and Career Education. This is an accelerated program designated for their target audience
who consist of nontraditional students or working adults. This school is also more
expensive than Flagler College with classes ranging from $454 per credit hour, however
they do provide the FRAG grant as well. Additionally, Barry provides a small class size
setting and a flexible schedule where students have the option to attend class once a week
in the evening, Saturdays, or online.
4. 4 Media Plan
Saint Leo University is one of Flaglers secondary competitors. Likewise, it is
conveniently located on the campus of Tallahassee Community College and offers three
different Bachelor programs in Criminal Justice, Psychology, and Sport Business.
Students have the option to choose class during the day, evening, weekend, or online.
Saint Leo is also a bit more expensive than Flagler ranging $246 per credit hour but they
do provide the FRAG grant to their students. This school is for non-traditional students
who prefer a smaller class size and flexible schedule.
Flaglers last secondary competitor is Thomas University, which is also located on the
campus of Tallahassee Community College. This private school only offers one Bachelor
of Arts program in Social Work. They target non-traditional students who need a flexible
schedule just like the rest of their competitors and offer the night, day and online classes.
This school is the most expensive per credit hour that also does not provide the FRAG
grant to its students since they are not a Florida university.
Neither of the three schools, Barry, Saint Leo, or Thomas University have a direct budget
for their Tallahassee campuses. Barry University has a complete zero budget and claimed
to do all of their marketing on their own. They use permanent signs such as banners as
well as E-mail, newsletters, booths on TCC campus and have faculty speak to TCC
classes. They advertise year round. Saint Leo does its marketing through their main
campus which provides them with year round advertising budget to put out billboards,
radio ads, one television commercial, Facebook and using presence marking by setting up
a booth on TCCs campus. Last we have Thomas University who also gains their
marketing budget through their main campus. They are provided with banners year
round, as well as social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
5. 5 Media Plan
Likewise, they set up a booth on TCCs campus to inform students about their program.
Media Strategy
Our Media Strategy is organized in a calendar format. Each event is color
coordinated in order to keep track and visualize what needs to done each week. The PR
department at Flagler will keep up with making post to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or
LinkedIn that correspond with the events/news for each week.
August 16: To start off a new school year Flagler will be joining TCC in their Week of
Welcome. This event is to get students involved in volunteer work for the community.
TCCs goal is to get 50,000 hours in honor of them being established for 50 years. TCC
alumni that are currently at Flagler will have a booth at the event in order to show
support, spread the word about Flagler and students TCC to Flagler stories. Flagler will
advertise the scholarship for the Flagler Lion which will be coming up in October.
September 16: Throughout this month Flagler is going to focus on advertising for the
Flagler Lion Scholarship. Flagler will have up posters and flyers in classrooms around
TCC with the information about the scholarship and how to enter. They will also be
posting to all social media outlets.
October16: There will be two days that the Flagler Lion will be spotted on campus for
students to get their picture with. Also, this month Flagler will be advertising spring
registration due dates on digital billboards located at high traffic intersections in
November 16: The billboard for spring registration will end this month on November 2nd
which is also the last day to register for spring. At the end of this month Flagler will run
6. 6 Media Plan
the Why Flagler? commercial. This ad will have student testimonies on why they
choose Flagler. Flagler will also post signs throughout FSU parking garages.
December 16: The first day of this month Flagler will get the Dean to do a radio
broadcasting to talk about the upcoming year. The FSU banners in the parking garage
will come down at the end of this month.
January 17: This month Flagler will start 2017 off by building Flaglers Springtime
Tallahassee float. This will be a project that will be worked on for the next two months.
Flagler will air our newest commercial Not just a student. This commercial leads into
the Spring Time Tallahassee Float.
February 17, March 17 and April 17: Flagler will continue to work on the float and
booth every other weekend. The last day of March is the kickoff of the Spring Time
Tallahassee event. Flagler staff will set up the booth Friday afternoon. Saturday, April 1st
students will be in the parade. Flagler PR staff will post updates throughout all three
May 17: The Flagler banners will go back up this month in the FSU parking garages.
Flagler will also display new campus signs throughout TCC. Flagler students will draw
huge chalk arrows to each sign in order to bring attention to them.
June17: Flagler will do radio broadcasting with the Dean for the upcoming Fall
semester. Flagler ads will go back up on the digital billboards around Tallahassee. Flagler
will advertise the upcoming Fall registration deadlines and orientation dates.
July17: The billboards will come down the day registration closes for Flagler. Flagler PR
department will post updates for orientation.
7. 7 Media Plan
August 17: This month Flagler will participate in the Student Success Summit. TCC
puts on this event in order to help students who need class advising. Flagler will have a
booth for students who are in their last semester at TCC that would be interested in
attending Flagler in the spring.
In order to maximize potential enrollment, spending will be concentrated on
improving awareness leading up to the Fall semester at Flagler. A billboard located at the
intersection of Appleyard Drive and Tennessee Street will boost impressions by over
110,000 per week (Lamar Strategic Communications). The billboard will run during the
month of July for both years of the campaign at a cost of $1,300.00 per month, resulting
in a total cost of $2,600.00. A large amount of Tallahassee Community College students
travel the route past the billboard to go to T.C.C. every day, so the billboard location is
ideal for boosting awareness in college students seeking their degree.
StarMetro bus line presents another viable, as well as affordable, source for
advertising to college students. With prices as low as $40.00 per month and an
installation/removal fee of $12.00, StarMetro offers nearly 100,000 impressions per
month (OnCity Advertising) for interior advertising cards. Advertising Flaglers degree
programs during the month of July for each year will greatly increase awareness of Fall
enrollment in degree-seeking individuals.
In addition to billboards and bus advertisements, banners advertising Flagler
College are a reusable, affordable resource in promoting the college. One large, four by
eight foot banner costs $47.99 from Vista Print and can be used nearly anywhere. Five
8. 8 Media Plan
banners at $239.95 will give Flagler the flexibility to use them to their fullest potential in
multiple areas and with multiple designs.
Television and radio commercials are indispensable when it comes to classic
advertising. Flagler can benefit greatly from both, with 30-second ad-spots running
around $25.00 on radio (Red Hills Broadcasting) and $500.00 television (Comcast
Spotlight). Running these commercials ahead of Fall enrollment will further increase
awareness of the benefits of attending Flagler College.
Social media is at the heart of the target market, so boosting posts pertaining to
upcoming enrollment is critical. By contributing as little as $20.00, a post can viewed by
more than double the original impressions (Facebook). With social media in mind, the
Flagler mascot lion costume will generate buzz among users. A quality lion costume that
is consistent with the Flagler brand is priced at $400.00 and can be used for many years
to come. The free enrollment is $1,000.00, with $500.00 going towards the Springtime
Tallahassee raffle and $500.00 towards the Flagler Lion Mascot contest. $500.00 has
been set aside for renting a trailer and decorating it for Springtime Tallahassee.
Springtime Tallahassee attracts over 200,000 people per year (Springtime Tallahassee
website), so Flaglers presence will result in a large amount of impressions.
Basic media around T.C.C. campus is highly beneficial to improving knowledge
of Flagler. Purchasing low-cost items as giveaways can be a productive, memorable way
for promoting the brand. Flagler sunglasses are only $6.95 a pair and have a high
retention rate, due to their practicality. Flagler cozies are also a popular, affordable
medium, at only $4.95 a piece. A 60-piece pack of sidewalk chalk is only $5.00 and can
be used as a fun, memorable way to direct students towards Flagler events.
9. 9 Media Plan
Lastly, updating the campus signage is important in keeping the conversation
about Flagler going. New sign boards are $250 a piece and panels are only $48 for each
side. Four new signs and eight new panels will give Flagler the edge on showing off the
new programs and benefits to attending Flagler College.
10. 10 Media Plan
Increasing your Career Success. (n.d.). Retrieved August 7, 2016, from
Springtime Tallahassee. (n.d.). Retrieved August 7, 2016, from
(n.d.). Retrieved August 8, 2016, from
(n.d.). Retrieved August 8, 2016, from
Lamar Advertising (Contact: Julia Causseaux
OnCity Advertising (Contact: James Scully