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ScienceMediaWatchRichard Masters
MethodRandomly selected issue of Nature (Nature 436, 504-509 (28 July 2005)Use W.o.K and PubMed to look at all citing articles Document and analyse all findings focussing on bias and media coverage
My Article
Evidence for magmatic evolution and diversity on Mars from infrared observationsP. R. Christensen1, H. Y. McSween, Jr2, J. L. Bandfield1, S. W. Ruff1, A. D. Rogers1, V. E. Hamilton3, N. Gorelick1, M. B. Wyatt1, B. M. Jakosky4, H. H. Kieffer5, M. C. Malin6 & J. E. Moersch2Department of Geological Sciences, Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona 85287, USADepartment of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996, USAInstitute of Geophysics and Planetology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USAUniversity of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USAUS Geological Survey, Emeritus, Carson City, Nevada 89703, USAMalin Space Science Systems, San Diego, California 92191, USA
AbstractCompositional mapping of Mars at the 100-metre scale with the Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) has revealed a wide diversity of igneous materials. Volcanic evolution produced compositions from low-silica basalts to high-silica dacite in the Syrtis Major caldera. The existence of dacite demonstrates that highly evolved lavas have been produced, at least locally, by magma evolution through fractional crystallization. Olivine basalts are observed on crater floors and in layers exposed in canyon walls up to 4.5 km beneath the surface. This vertical distribution suggests that olivine-rich lavas were emplaced at various times throughout the formation of the upper crust, with their growing inventory suggesting that such ultramafic (picritic) basalts may be relatively common. Quartz-bearing granitoid rocks have also been discovered, demonstrating that extreme differentiation has occurred. These observations show that the martian crust, while dominated by basalt, contains a diversity of igneous materials whose range in composition from picritic basalts to granitoids rivals that found on the Earth.
Goals: Bias Assess each citing article for the following biases:A - any one of the listed authors (who wrote the original paper).B - any authors from the same research institutionC - any authors known to be or have been associated with the authors of the paper (Search for all original article author names in citing authors paper history).
What else to look for What kind of article has cited the original?Where was the citing article publishedPeer-reviewed journal?What is the journals impact factor?Did the citing article get any press coverage?
Preliminary Findings
Preliminary FindingsHighest Impact Factor: Science 29.747Lowest Impact Factor: Sensors 1.821Impact Factors hovered around 3. Specialist nature of research All journals were peer reviewedNo NPG
Citation Type Preliminary Findings
Findings: Bias
Findings: Biases
Analysis Predominant Type A biasOne instance of stand alone Type C
Bias Analysis AOf the 14 Type A bias 8 were due to P.R. ChritensenMember of the THEMIS team (NASA satellites to study energy releases from Earth's magnetosphere)Worked with Mars Student Imaging Project for the all of studies using images of marsAny paper I looked at which used THEMIS imaging has P.R. Christensen as an author
Bias Analysis CMars Reconnaissance Orbiter's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE)Eliason EM油(Eliason, Eric M.) worked with H.Y. McSweenEvidences for a Noachian-Hesperian orogeny in Mars2006
Media coverageHigher the impact factor= more results + increased chance of media coverage Due to the nature of citing articles, (geology of mars). Press coverage was limited to journal PR, esoteric One instance of media coverage=Science Exception of water on mars type stories resulting from Detection of Hydrated Silicates in Crustal Outcrops in the Northern Plains of Mars (no citation bias)
Hindu Times Editorial

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Media sciencewatch presentation3

  • 2. MethodRandomly selected issue of Nature (Nature 436, 504-509 (28 July 2005)Use W.o.K and PubMed to look at all citing articles Document and analyse all findings focussing on bias and media coverage
  • 4. Evidence for magmatic evolution and diversity on Mars from infrared observationsP. R. Christensen1, H. Y. McSween, Jr2, J. L. Bandfield1, S. W. Ruff1, A. D. Rogers1, V. E. Hamilton3, N. Gorelick1, M. B. Wyatt1, B. M. Jakosky4, H. H. Kieffer5, M. C. Malin6 & J. E. Moersch2Department of Geological Sciences, Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona 85287, USADepartment of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996, USAInstitute of Geophysics and Planetology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USAUniversity of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USAUS Geological Survey, Emeritus, Carson City, Nevada 89703, USAMalin Space Science Systems, San Diego, California 92191, USA
  • 5. AbstractCompositional mapping of Mars at the 100-metre scale with the Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) has revealed a wide diversity of igneous materials. Volcanic evolution produced compositions from low-silica basalts to high-silica dacite in the Syrtis Major caldera. The existence of dacite demonstrates that highly evolved lavas have been produced, at least locally, by magma evolution through fractional crystallization. Olivine basalts are observed on crater floors and in layers exposed in canyon walls up to 4.5 km beneath the surface. This vertical distribution suggests that olivine-rich lavas were emplaced at various times throughout the formation of the upper crust, with their growing inventory suggesting that such ultramafic (picritic) basalts may be relatively common. Quartz-bearing granitoid rocks have also been discovered, demonstrating that extreme differentiation has occurred. These observations show that the martian crust, while dominated by basalt, contains a diversity of igneous materials whose range in composition from picritic basalts to granitoids rivals that found on the Earth.
  • 6. Goals: Bias Assess each citing article for the following biases:A - any one of the listed authors (who wrote the original paper).B - any authors from the same research institutionC - any authors known to be or have been associated with the authors of the paper (Search for all original article author names in citing authors paper history).
  • 7. What else to look for What kind of article has cited the original?Where was the citing article publishedPeer-reviewed journal?What is the journals impact factor?Did the citing article get any press coverage?
  • 9. Preliminary FindingsHighest Impact Factor: Science 29.747Lowest Impact Factor: Sensors 1.821Impact Factors hovered around 3. Specialist nature of research All journals were peer reviewedNo NPG
  • 13. Analysis Predominant Type A biasOne instance of stand alone Type C
  • 14. Bias Analysis AOf the 14 Type A bias 8 were due to P.R. ChritensenMember of the THEMIS team (NASA satellites to study energy releases from Earth's magnetosphere)Worked with Mars Student Imaging Project for the all of studies using images of marsAny paper I looked at which used THEMIS imaging has P.R. Christensen as an author
  • 15. Bias Analysis CMars Reconnaissance Orbiter's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE)Eliason EM油(Eliason, Eric M.) worked with H.Y. McSweenEvidences for a Noachian-Hesperian orogeny in Mars2006
  • 16. Media coverageHigher the impact factor= more results + increased chance of media coverage Due to the nature of citing articles, (geology of mars). Press coverage was limited to journal PR, esoteric One instance of media coverage=Science Exception of water on mars type stories resulting from Detection of Hydrated Silicates in Crustal Outcrops in the Northern Plains of Mars (no citation bias)
  • 20. BBC