The document summarizes the services provided by Media Swag, including creating a 3-page website on their domain for $50 that can be customized. Artists can purchase their own domain for $100 and link it to the site. The site includes hosting, basic design, and maintenance. Musicians can also sell their music on the site and keep 100% of royalties. Radio slots on Media Swag Radio are also available for $100 for 3 months.
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Media swag purpose and service
4. The Swag Pages is a network of 3 page websites domain named
( from Media Swag to the artist.
The artist can purchase their own domain ( and link
it to the site.
Your site is designed by the craftsmanship of Brian Eakins personally
to ensure satisfaction in every project. This site includes
hosting, design and maintenance but does not include graphic
design. Feel free to submit photos or previous graphic design to
include in site.
The cost is only $50 to have your Swag Page listed and created, and
$100 if you wish to sale music On Your wag Page. Sale your music
online and keep %100 of the royalties.
7. Brian @ Media Swag
Reserve Your Swag Page today!
9. 0
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10. 265 people visited this site
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11. Register your slot for one year on Media Swag Radio and contribute towards placing this
station in the limelight and promote yourself in a bold brand new way. This slot requires a
creative mind to constantly open dialogue to interesting new topics and mixshow concepts.
The show is streamed through an internal or external soundcard that is set to push to the
media swag server. Server info is given to show hosts. The show will be licensed to play music
and costs $100 for 3 months of your slot. You may sell advertising rights on your show.
14. 1 year hosting
Hosting SSL available for ecommerce
1 year domain registration
Domain *free domain
Unlimited pages
Design Ecommerce, lead generator, interactive