The document analyzes media consumption across different age groups from 0-10 years old to 71+ years old. It divides age groups into more specific ranges and examines differences in media use between males and females in each group. Younger age groups from 0-21 years old use a wider variety of media that increases as technology advances, while older groups from 41+ years old use less media and prefer simpler options like television and radio.
2. Age Groups
The reason that we chose to use these age
groups are because there are changes in
the media consumption between each
group. It is easier to analyse the data as the
changes are more significant than using age
groups with 10 year or 5 year gaps, its easier
with a range.
3. Other Divisions to consider
Disposable Income
Relationships and Family
4. Results for 0-10 years
Media used- TV, DVD player, CD player, MP3/iPod, Tablet,
Wii, Games Console
Males- Play more video
games on different
medias such as Play
Station, XBOX, Tablet, IPod
Touch etc
Females- Watch more TV
and films on mainly the TV.
They then listen to music
and play some games but
not as much as males.
5. Results for 11-15 years
Media used- TV, CD player, IPod/MP3, Radio, DVD Player,
Mobile Phone, Laptop, Computer, Social Networks, Video
and Computer Games.
Males- Again males
play more games than
females and dont
social network as much
but usually has an
account on main
networks such as
Facebook and Twitter.
Females- Social
Network more than
males and spend more
time on their phone or
laptop than any other
6. Results for 16-21 years
Media used- TV, CD player, IPod/MP3, Radio, DVD Player,
Mobile Phone, Smart Phone, Laptop, Computer, Wider range of
Social Networks, Video and Computer Games, Internet
Shopping, Downloading music, watching videos online.
Males-Play more games
on games consoles than
any other media and
watch TV or listen to
music online. Music
downloads are very
popular. Use Social
Networking more and
Smart Phones are very
Females- Wider range of
Social Networks like
Snapchat and
Instagram. Music
Downloads and Internet
Shopping very common.
Smart Phones are used
continuously and
cinema trips with friends
are common.
7. Results for 22-30 years
Media used- TV, CD player, IPod/MP3, Radio, DVD Player, Mobile
Phone, Smart Phone, Laptop, Computer, Wider range of Social
Networks including LinkedIn, Video and Computer Games less
common, Internet Shopping, Downloading music, watching videos
Males- Less games are
played as work
becomes more
important. Smart
Phones become more
important and LinkedIn
is a common Social
Network for
Females- Internet
shopping is common with
women of this age as they
typically have young
families and shopping
online is convenient for
them. Less time spent on
many devices usually
have one main device.
This tends to be their smart
8. Results for 31-40 years
Media used- TV, CD player, IPod/MP3, Radio, DVD Player,
Mobile/Smart Phone, Laptop, Computer, Wider range of Social
Networks including LinkedIn, Video and Computer Games less
common, Internet Shopping more common, Ebooks, uncommon to
download media.
Males- Again less
games are played as
work becomes more
important. Ipads are
more common for
commuting. Ebooks are
used for commuting
Females- Use their smart
phones daily and
possibly computer for
work either at home or
at work. Ebooks are
more common as more
time to read or use it to
pass commuting time.
9. Results for 41- 60 years
Media used- TV, CD player, IPod, Radio, DVD Player,
Mobile/Smart Phone, Laptop, Computer, Tablet, Small range of
Social Networks mainly Facebook, Internet Shopping, TV catch
up services common.
Males- More
businessmen using
Mobiles or Smart
Phones, laptops etc
TV catch up used to
see shows they missed.
Not too much range in
technology used.
Females- Less devices
used mainly laptops and
Smart Phone. Still keeps
up to date on Social
Media, TV catch ups
and TV common as
retirement becomes
10. Results for 61-70
Media used- TV, CD player, IPod, Radio, DVD Player,
Mobile/Smart Phone, Laptop/Computer, Tablet, Very small
range of Social Networks such as Facebook, TV catch up
Both Males and Females use a lot less media. They watch
TV more often and start to replace laptops and
computers with Tablets for ease of use. May have one or
two social networking sites to talk to family and friends.
Radio used more often and DVD players arent
uncommon. Both genders use similar media as they
reach retirement age and a lot less than younger
generations although change is forced upon them.
11. Results for 71+
Media used- TV, CD player, Radio, DVD Player, Mobile Phone,
Laptop/Computer, Tablets maybe.
Both Males and Females use simple media such as Radio
and TV but some of the population embrace change
and start using tablets whereas majority resist and use
simple mobile phones if any.