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Media Violence Persuasive
Is Your Child Exposed to Media Violence?
We live in a society where violence is meticulously and silently engraining in our daily lives. As time progresses, the entertaining media that children
and adolescents have access to everyday such as movies, commercials, TV shows, children's cartoons, video games, toys, etc. become more and more
violent. Media violence negatively affects the behavior of those exposed to it, especially children and teenagers who experience violent media on an
everyday basis. With the new generations being born and raised in a society where violence is widely accepted and expressed, children are showing
violent behavior in earlier stages of life, which often begins with verbal threats or minor incidents, but...show more content...
Children are ought to believe that in reality violence is the way to end conflict and that in doing so they need to be rewarded instead of corrected.
There is a fine but real line between what is healthy and not in television for children to watch, with big prosecutions that in the long run include police
involvement, jail, and ultimately death.
Furthermore, death is not only one of the causes of youth violence; in present time death is also the most common. " In the year 2000, violence 
suicide, homicide, accidents, and assaults  was the leading cause of death among young people" ("Media violence: facts," 2005). If none of the
above statements made against media violence have been convincing, this should at least be shocking to most. How is it possible that living in a
society where we call ourselves superior and modernly developed, acts of violence account for the most part of youth deaths? And not only that but
nothing is done to change this pattern. It could be arguable that the youth's violent behavior involved with the deaths mentioned is not necessarily
correlated with violence in the media, but to a genetic disparity. Even though this could be it has been researched that "very young children will
imitate aggressive acts on TV in their play with peers" (Beresin, 2009).These aggressive imitation soon outgrow from just play to real case scenarios
when the children grow up, causing atrocious effects.
Media violence and its consequences are
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Media Violence Essay
There has been farreaching research on the link between televised violence and violent behavior amongst adolescents. Current studies have shown a
direct correlation between aggressive conduct and watching violence depicted in many media services and suggest that media is a variable that put
children at risk of aggressive behavior (Huesmann, MoiseTitus, Podolski, & Eron, 1992). According to the American Psychological Association,
watching playing violent scenes them on games and television, can desensitize children to the suffering and pain of others and may be a greater risk
of acting aggressively toward others and they're less bothered by violence in general and less likely to see anything wrong with it. Studies disclose that
children...show more content...
Many argue that media violence is at least partly to blame for the school shootings in Littleton, Colorado, Taber, Alberta and Erfurt, Germany.
Proponents of the idea that violence depicted on both television and video games affects the behavior of children state that, contrary to other beliefs,
these scenes teach a higher sense of the justification of the use of violence in different situations (Tompkins, 2003). It teaches that violence is a correct
avenue to solve differences, which is not an acceptable action within real life situations. The classic setting of using violence for a virtuous cause may
interpret in daily life into a validation for using violence to even the score against supposed victimizers. Consequently, defenseless youth who have
been maltreated may be tempted to use aggressive means to resolve problems.
The hero in most of these scenes also teaches them that violence has no consequences because he/she never gets in trouble for their actions. Most
psychologists agree that experiences teach children during their early years and have a longstanding effect on their lives. Toddlers between the ages of
eighteen to sixteen months are intelligent enough to comprehend the significance of the programs (Tompkins, 2003) that they watch and respond in the
same manner to both actual and acted violence since their link between dream and actuality is still not strong. Furthermore, toddlers between the ages
of three and five years are
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Media Violence
There has been a rapid growth in the amount of studies performed designed to at looking at the potentially harmful effects of the consumption of
violent media and the impact it has on psychological factors. Two psychological factors that have been researched are empathy and aggression and how
violent media influences these two emotions. Theories that have tried explaining the pathway from the viewing of violence in media and the impact on
aggression have generally focused on the role of violent media being used by consumers as observational learning and promoting the development of
aggressive tendencies. It is thought that the exposure to violence and violent acts contribute to the development of aggressive behaviour (Anderson, et
al.,...show more content...
One literature review that has already looked at this is Wiedeman et al (2015) which investigated factors that could potentially influence the impact
that aggressive and violent media have on children. The purpose of their study was to discuss the relevant research that had been previously carried
out on the topic and examine if various factors could potentially impact the risk of being influenced by violent media. A few of the factors looked at
in their study and is relevant to this research report includes time that was spent watching media and the content of the media and how they influence
violent behaviour. They found that exposure to aggressive or violent behaviour whether it was for a brief period or a prolonged time, can not only
increase the level of aggressive behaviour shown, but also have an impact on the desensitization to violence and the suffering of other which relates
back to empathy levels. Another is Bartholow et al (2005) that looked at the consequences of the exposure to violent media to Empathy, aggressive
behaviour and the likelihood of having a hostile personality. The study primarily looked at the effects of violent video game consumption in children
up to seventeen years of age as they reportedly spend up to seven hours a week playing them. The researchers conducted two studies to examine the
link between violent
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Media and Violence Essay
In the globalization era, the first power among in this world is media. It is very important to recognize that media violence has been caused several
problems in everyday life, especially, television, because we cannot only hear the sound but we can see the visual as well. If we think carefully about
media violence, it has roots in the unease that has historically been expressed whenever a new entertainment or communications medium appears on the
scene that appeals to the masses. We can seen, as John Fiske writes on his book, Understanding Popular Cultural in 1989:
"Represented violence is popular (in a way that social violence is not) because it offers points of relevance to people living in societies where the
power and...show more content...
However, as Gerbner demonstrates on the power of media violence, "It shows one's place in the 'pecking order' that runs society". In addition,
violence could be defined as exertion or the threat of physical force that may affect to body harm. Thus, the reports of violence on acts are not in
proportion with the ratio of other news. The limitation of public is largely its view of effects of exposure to media violence as aggressive behavior. It
could be due to the fact that the public rarely considers that there may be effects that are physiological, emotional, attitudinal, and cognitive. Moreover,
the public continuingly complains that there is too much violence that involves in the media, especially on television. As Karen Boyle (1999) drawing
on the work of Suzanne Kappeler, writes:
"Violenceon and off screenis an interactional behavior not an isolated act. Onscreen,as in life, violent behaviors are not confined to physical blows,
but include verbal abuse,harassment, intimidation, threats, imprisonment and other behaviors by which the abuser enforcesor reinforcestheir power
and control of others".
In the contemporary content, violence and the threat of violence always combine with the reproduction of power relationships and construction of
meaning in the production in all domains of social life. As John and friends (1997) has been illustrated on the way in which people
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Media Violence Sociology
I don't know if media violence contributes to the amount aggression in the world, but I think it definitely normalizes it. People are so used to seeing
violence and aggression on and in the news that the news organizations have to hunt for a feelgood story so the whole broadcast isn't all negative.
Adults and young adults are typically able to control their aggression, but kids who grow up watching the news with their parents are learning that
violence and aggression is normal, and no one will really only talk about it, instead of doing anything about it. When I was a kid, my family would
watch the news together while having dinner. This was just after 9/11 happened, so all of the news coverage was over in Iraq and Afghanistan about
how many
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There's no escaping it! We can't run or hide from it because no matter where we go it'll find us. We're trapped! And the worst part of this scenario is
that we're addicted to it. Violence is everywhere and we all have an addiction for it. We're exposed to it in everyday and we love to watch violence on
television. There are many different representations of violence evident in movies and Television. Media violence can best be described in the words
of Gerbner and Signorelli: "Most research studies have defined media violence as the depiction of overt physical action that hurts or kills or threatens
to do so... It depicts social relationships that force to control, dominate, provoke, or annihilate. By demonstrating who can get away with...show more
It is evident that there is an effect that seeing violence, even if it is fake violence, that leads people to express themselves differently whether it is
excitement, resent, or to be afraid of the scene (Berger 147). Here, I was inspired to create this part through a quote from Diane Brook's article, Rape
on Soaps: The Legal Angle. She stated that: "Perhaps it is not good to "scare" a woman into submission by visualizing the horrors of sexual violence,
but it suggests reason to open discussion and facetoface encounters with victims" (Fineman and McCluskey 117). Essentially this quote is
commenting that the viewer is forced to see in the perspective of the victim or female regardless of their gender. Like TV programs I wanted the viewer
to see this piece as through a different perspective in order to recognize the violence inflicted on women.
The scenes in the bottom right corner are representations of rape. Rape is a common theme that is easily depicted on shows such as CSI and
Criminal Minds. I had to represent this aspect in my drawing because not only am I against rape but the vast majority of scenes in television are
often representing women being victimized. According to Brooks, rape that appears in soap operas or crime shows usually do not appear as an issue
but rather it adds to melodramatise the situation (Fineman and McCluskey 109). She continues to state that: "It provides a required base of "realism"
that is demanded by contemporary TV
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Media Violence Essay
Media Violence
Media violence is one of the most debated public issues society faces today. Television screens are loaded with the glamorization of weapon carrying.
Violence constitute as amusing and trivialized. Needless portrayals of interpersonal violence spread across the television screens like wild fire.
Televisions spew the disturbing events such as children being assaulted, husbands inflicting domestic abuse on their wives and children succumbing to
abuse by their parents. Scenes of betrayal, anguish, infiltrate the television screen. Unfortunately, a child becomes subjected to media violence.
Everything a child sees or hears in the media affects them in some way or another. The precise effects of media violence on children are...show more
We as a society cannot succumb to believing such an opinion because we are very familiar with violence and criminal activity resembling something
from a movie scene or television show. Most violent acts shown on television go unpunished and are often accompanied by humor. Rarely does the
media display the consequences of human suffering leading a child accept its reality. Of course, crime can become the result of a number of influences
working together; even researchers point out the independent influence alone cannot directly contribute to the effect.
Evidence show children imitate aggressive behavior. Researchers conducted a study on students happening in the mid 1990's in Israel. The focus of the
study captured the effects of influence from children watching World Wrestling Federation (WWF) matches. The study revealed startling evidence
demonstrating the students in the selected schools developed imitative behavior depicting what they say in the wrestling matches. The children
practiced banging heads, throwing opponents to the floor, jumping onto them from furniture, pulling hair and poking their eyes with fingers. No
surprise when about half of the responding principals reported that these new behaviors resulted in the use of first aid. In addition, the study found one
fourth of the reported injuries required emergency room visits or other professional medical care (Dube, 2000). In yet another
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The Impact of Media Violence Essays
Media Violence and its negative impact has been discussed and debated for many years As children grow into teens they encounter as vast amount of
violence in the media, negatively impacting today's youth. Teenagers who are exposed to media violence will fail to develop effective socialization
strategies and resort more readily to violence, which makes society a more dangerous place. Through social contact, individuals learn to think and act
in certain ways, this type of learning is called socialization. One of the most influential agents of socialization is mass media. Children spend an average
of four hours in front of a television each day, and with each passing hour, they witness between twenty and twentyfive aggressive acts...show more
They cause disruptions in neighborhoods and put the lives of their neighbors in danger by getting involved with a life of crime. Everything these
individuals learned was by observing it on the television, this is known as the imitation effect (Phillips). What they observed was violence, so they
learned to be violent.
The way people behave and problem solve is also impacted from exposure to violence in the media. Jeffery Johnson, of Columbia University,
conducted an experiment in which he observed over seventy families within seventeen years, focusing on their viewing habits and various behavioral
tendencies, finding that the amount of televisions watched during childhood increased the likelihood of behaving aggressively (Phillips). This
experiment is one of many showing that media violence directly impacts behaviour, and has people resorting more readily to violence. Not only does
violence in the media have an impact on the way people behave socially, but according to a study done by Dimitri Christakis of the University of
Washington, children who watched double the average television viewing hours were twentyfive percent likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder. (Phillips) People diagnosed with ADHD have difficulty focusing, are overactive, and often cannot control their behaviour,
disrupting the way people do things ("ADD / ADHD in Children"). Being in a classroom or on the job with someone who has ADHD will not only affect
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Media & Violence Essay
Violence in the Media and how it Affects Society
The effect of media is profound and farreaching. All over the world, the media influences our values and intrudes upon our deepseated ideologies and
beliefs. Indeed the media has been a powerful force in influencing people's perceptions, and more importantly, their behavior as well. Business,
politicians, and showbiz personalities pay huge sums of money to media firms in order create an image or change an existing one. Politics in
particular, has been making use of the media to generate public support for their campaigns and support for certain policies and legislations.
Indeed, the power of the media to affect our behavior has long been proven. Among the most pressing...show more content...
from the National Institute on Media and the Family).
于 Children between the ages of 8 and 18 spend more time exposed to various forms of media (TV, computer, game consoles, music, etc) than any
other activity in their lifetime. (Kaiser Family Foundation qtd. from the National Institute on Media and the Family).
于 Of over a thousand studies that have been done on the effects of violence in television and movies, majority of them conclude that individuals,
especially children who spend significant time watching violence on TV and movies are more likely to display aggressive or violent behavior, attitudes
and values. (Senate Committee; Congressional Public Health Summit qtd. from the National Institute on Media and the Family)
According to these figures, the younger the age of the individual, the more susceptible they become to the adverse effects of exposure to media
violence. (Trend 93) The aggressiveness are often latent and presents later in life which is adds to the difficulty of measuring the actual effects of
media violence. (Freedman 137)
Women who spend long hours watching TV violence are more likely to respond violently towards their spouses. There is an increase in physicality
among women with higher media violence exposure. (Partenheimer) In the same vein, men who
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Media Violence Essay
Media Violence
Violence is used in many ways in promos as a hook to draw viewers into the program. That is because violence is an effective promotional device. But
severe permanent damage could be done to the children's minds by such pornographic and sadistic material, in which detail is powerfully realistic. The
increasing demand of comics, the wide use of the Internet, and viewing television are the main forms of media, which have caused people's minds to
perform violence. First of all, comics play an important role in the promotion of Media Violence. The comics were universally condemned. They were
badly produced, on poor paper with cheap print. They were full of sadistic violence, horrific obsession with death, lustful...show more content...
She died in that incident. Comics come with illustrations that consist of violent scenes that make comics even more believable. The deceived reader
tends to mix reality and fantasy, and without realizing it, he or she tends to long for his or her hero in time of need, when the only person who can
help achieve and solve his or her problems is himself or herself. They lack independence and confidence. Furthermore, satire comics have the tendency
to send the wrong messages to the public.
Political figures use comics to ensure their success in the elections. By this, they are hoping to gain extra support from the public. This also causes
conflict as the satire most probably affects and insults the opposition, resulting in violence. Besides that, the Internet, a growing form of media,
contributes to media violence in today's society. People, who view pornographic content in the Internet, increase their sexual appetite and tend to
fantasize about sexrelated activities. Such explicit material affects almost everyone. Their need for sexual pleasure increases their desire to have sex.
Sometimes, when the viewer is really disturbed, lonely and frustrated, they need to satisfy their appetite so they indulge in rape. Since the Internet is
such a largescale network, which is accessible to a lot of people, messages can be spread at great speed with a touch of a button. Racists and
supremacist groups have discovered this and are making full
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Media Violence Persuasive

  • 1. Media Violence Persuasive Is Your Child Exposed to Media Violence? We live in a society where violence is meticulously and silently engraining in our daily lives. As time progresses, the entertaining media that children and adolescents have access to everyday such as movies, commercials, TV shows, children's cartoons, video games, toys, etc. become more and more violent. Media violence negatively affects the behavior of those exposed to it, especially children and teenagers who experience violent media on an everyday basis. With the new generations being born and raised in a society where violence is widely accepted and expressed, children are showing violent behavior in earlier stages of life, which often begins with verbal threats or minor incidents, but...show more content... Children are ought to believe that in reality violence is the way to end conflict and that in doing so they need to be rewarded instead of corrected. There is a fine but real line between what is healthy and not in television for children to watch, with big prosecutions that in the long run include police involvement, jail, and ultimately death. Furthermore, death is not only one of the causes of youth violence; in present time death is also the most common. " In the year 2000, violence suicide, homicide, accidents, and assaults was the leading cause of death among young people" ("Media violence: facts," 2005). If none of the above statements made against media violence have been convincing, this should at least be shocking to most. How is it possible that living in a society where we call ourselves superior and modernly developed, acts of violence account for the most part of youth deaths? And not only that but nothing is done to change this pattern. It could be arguable that the youth's violent behavior involved with the deaths mentioned is not necessarily correlated with violence in the media, but to a genetic disparity. Even though this could be it has been researched that "very young children will imitate aggressive acts on TV in their play with peers" (Beresin, 2009).These aggressive imitation soon outgrow from just play to real case scenarios when the children grow up, causing atrocious effects. Media violence and its consequences are Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. Media Violence Essay There has been farreaching research on the link between televised violence and violent behavior amongst adolescents. Current studies have shown a direct correlation between aggressive conduct and watching violence depicted in many media services and suggest that media is a variable that put children at risk of aggressive behavior (Huesmann, MoiseTitus, Podolski, & Eron, 1992). According to the American Psychological Association, watching playing violent scenes them on games and television, can desensitize children to the suffering and pain of others and may be a greater risk of acting aggressively toward others and they're less bothered by violence in general and less likely to see anything wrong with it. Studies disclose that children...show more content... Many argue that media violence is at least partly to blame for the school shootings in Littleton, Colorado, Taber, Alberta and Erfurt, Germany. Proponents of the idea that violence depicted on both television and video games affects the behavior of children state that, contrary to other beliefs, these scenes teach a higher sense of the justification of the use of violence in different situations (Tompkins, 2003). It teaches that violence is a correct avenue to solve differences, which is not an acceptable action within real life situations. The classic setting of using violence for a virtuous cause may interpret in daily life into a validation for using violence to even the score against supposed victimizers. Consequently, defenseless youth who have been maltreated may be tempted to use aggressive means to resolve problems. The hero in most of these scenes also teaches them that violence has no consequences because he/she never gets in trouble for their actions. Most psychologists agree that experiences teach children during their early years and have a longstanding effect on their lives. Toddlers between the ages of eighteen to sixteen months are intelligent enough to comprehend the significance of the programs (Tompkins, 2003) that they watch and respond in the same manner to both actual and acted violence since their link between dream and actuality is still not strong. Furthermore, toddlers between the ages of three and five years are Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. Media Violence There has been a rapid growth in the amount of studies performed designed to at looking at the potentially harmful effects of the consumption of violent media and the impact it has on psychological factors. Two psychological factors that have been researched are empathy and aggression and how violent media influences these two emotions. Theories that have tried explaining the pathway from the viewing of violence in media and the impact on aggression have generally focused on the role of violent media being used by consumers as observational learning and promoting the development of aggressive tendencies. It is thought that the exposure to violence and violent acts contribute to the development of aggressive behaviour (Anderson, et al.,...show more content... One literature review that has already looked at this is Wiedeman et al (2015) which investigated factors that could potentially influence the impact that aggressive and violent media have on children. The purpose of their study was to discuss the relevant research that had been previously carried out on the topic and examine if various factors could potentially impact the risk of being influenced by violent media. A few of the factors looked at in their study and is relevant to this research report includes time that was spent watching media and the content of the media and how they influence violent behaviour. They found that exposure to aggressive or violent behaviour whether it was for a brief period or a prolonged time, can not only increase the level of aggressive behaviour shown, but also have an impact on the desensitization to violence and the suffering of other which relates back to empathy levels. Another is Bartholow et al (2005) that looked at the consequences of the exposure to violent media to Empathy, aggressive behaviour and the likelihood of having a hostile personality. The study primarily looked at the effects of violent video game consumption in children up to seventeen years of age as they reportedly spend up to seven hours a week playing them. The researchers conducted two studies to examine the link between violent Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Media and Violence Essay In the globalization era, the first power among in this world is media. It is very important to recognize that media violence has been caused several problems in everyday life, especially, television, because we cannot only hear the sound but we can see the visual as well. If we think carefully about media violence, it has roots in the unease that has historically been expressed whenever a new entertainment or communications medium appears on the scene that appeals to the masses. We can seen, as John Fiske writes on his book, Understanding Popular Cultural in 1989: "Represented violence is popular (in a way that social violence is not) because it offers points of relevance to people living in societies where the power and...show more content... However, as Gerbner demonstrates on the power of media violence, "It shows one's place in the 'pecking order' that runs society". In addition, violence could be defined as exertion or the threat of physical force that may affect to body harm. Thus, the reports of violence on acts are not in proportion with the ratio of other news. The limitation of public is largely its view of effects of exposure to media violence as aggressive behavior. It could be due to the fact that the public rarely considers that there may be effects that are physiological, emotional, attitudinal, and cognitive. Moreover, the public continuingly complains that there is too much violence that involves in the media, especially on television. As Karen Boyle (1999) drawing on the work of Suzanne Kappeler, writes: "Violenceon and off screenis an interactional behavior not an isolated act. Onscreen,as in life, violent behaviors are not confined to physical blows, but include verbal abuse,harassment, intimidation, threats, imprisonment and other behaviors by which the abuser enforcesor reinforcestheir power and control of others". In the contemporary content, violence and the threat of violence always combine with the reproduction of power relationships and construction of meaning in the production in all domains of social life. As John and friends (1997) has been illustrated on the way in which people Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Media Violence Sociology I don't know if media violence contributes to the amount aggression in the world, but I think it definitely normalizes it. People are so used to seeing violence and aggression on and in the news that the news organizations have to hunt for a feelgood story so the whole broadcast isn't all negative. Adults and young adults are typically able to control their aggression, but kids who grow up watching the news with their parents are learning that violence and aggression is normal, and no one will really only talk about it, instead of doing anything about it. When I was a kid, my family would watch the news together while having dinner. This was just after 9/11 happened, so all of the news coverage was over in Iraq and Afghanistan about how many Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. MEDIA VIOLENCE Essay There's no escaping it! We can't run or hide from it because no matter where we go it'll find us. We're trapped! And the worst part of this scenario is that we're addicted to it. Violence is everywhere and we all have an addiction for it. We're exposed to it in everyday and we love to watch violence on television. There are many different representations of violence evident in movies and Television. Media violence can best be described in the words of Gerbner and Signorelli: "Most research studies have defined media violence as the depiction of overt physical action that hurts or kills or threatens to do so... It depicts social relationships that force to control, dominate, provoke, or annihilate. By demonstrating who can get away with...show more content... It is evident that there is an effect that seeing violence, even if it is fake violence, that leads people to express themselves differently whether it is excitement, resent, or to be afraid of the scene (Berger 147). Here, I was inspired to create this part through a quote from Diane Brook's article, Rape on Soaps: The Legal Angle. She stated that: "Perhaps it is not good to "scare" a woman into submission by visualizing the horrors of sexual violence, but it suggests reason to open discussion and facetoface encounters with victims" (Fineman and McCluskey 117). Essentially this quote is commenting that the viewer is forced to see in the perspective of the victim or female regardless of their gender. Like TV programs I wanted the viewer to see this piece as through a different perspective in order to recognize the violence inflicted on women. The scenes in the bottom right corner are representations of rape. Rape is a common theme that is easily depicted on shows such as CSI and Criminal Minds. I had to represent this aspect in my drawing because not only am I against rape but the vast majority of scenes in television are often representing women being victimized. According to Brooks, rape that appears in soap operas or crime shows usually do not appear as an issue but rather it adds to melodramatise the situation (Fineman and McCluskey 109). She continues to state that: "It provides a required base of "realism" that is demanded by contemporary TV Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. Media Violence Essay Media Violence Media violence is one of the most debated public issues society faces today. Television screens are loaded with the glamorization of weapon carrying. Violence constitute as amusing and trivialized. Needless portrayals of interpersonal violence spread across the television screens like wild fire. Televisions spew the disturbing events such as children being assaulted, husbands inflicting domestic abuse on their wives and children succumbing to abuse by their parents. Scenes of betrayal, anguish, infiltrate the television screen. Unfortunately, a child becomes subjected to media violence. Everything a child sees or hears in the media affects them in some way or another. The precise effects of media violence on children are...show more content... We as a society cannot succumb to believing such an opinion because we are very familiar with violence and criminal activity resembling something from a movie scene or television show. Most violent acts shown on television go unpunished and are often accompanied by humor. Rarely does the media display the consequences of human suffering leading a child accept its reality. Of course, crime can become the result of a number of influences working together; even researchers point out the independent influence alone cannot directly contribute to the effect. Evidence show children imitate aggressive behavior. Researchers conducted a study on students happening in the mid 1990's in Israel. The focus of the study captured the effects of influence from children watching World Wrestling Federation (WWF) matches. The study revealed startling evidence demonstrating the students in the selected schools developed imitative behavior depicting what they say in the wrestling matches. The children practiced banging heads, throwing opponents to the floor, jumping onto them from furniture, pulling hair and poking their eyes with fingers. No surprise when about half of the responding principals reported that these new behaviors resulted in the use of first aid. In addition, the study found one fourth of the reported injuries required emergency room visits or other professional medical care (Dube, 2000). In yet another Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 8. The Impact of Media Violence Essays Media Violence and its negative impact has been discussed and debated for many years As children grow into teens they encounter as vast amount of violence in the media, negatively impacting today's youth. Teenagers who are exposed to media violence will fail to develop effective socialization strategies and resort more readily to violence, which makes society a more dangerous place. Through social contact, individuals learn to think and act in certain ways, this type of learning is called socialization. One of the most influential agents of socialization is mass media. Children spend an average of four hours in front of a television each day, and with each passing hour, they witness between twenty and twentyfive aggressive acts...show more content... They cause disruptions in neighborhoods and put the lives of their neighbors in danger by getting involved with a life of crime. Everything these individuals learned was by observing it on the television, this is known as the imitation effect (Phillips). What they observed was violence, so they learned to be violent. The way people behave and problem solve is also impacted from exposure to violence in the media. Jeffery Johnson, of Columbia University, conducted an experiment in which he observed over seventy families within seventeen years, focusing on their viewing habits and various behavioral tendencies, finding that the amount of televisions watched during childhood increased the likelihood of behaving aggressively (Phillips). This experiment is one of many showing that media violence directly impacts behaviour, and has people resorting more readily to violence. Not only does violence in the media have an impact on the way people behave socially, but according to a study done by Dimitri Christakis of the University of Washington, children who watched double the average television viewing hours were twentyfive percent likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. (Phillips) People diagnosed with ADHD have difficulty focusing, are overactive, and often cannot control their behaviour, disrupting the way people do things ("ADD / ADHD in Children"). Being in a classroom or on the job with someone who has ADHD will not only affect Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 9. Media & Violence Essay Violence in the Media and how it Affects Society The effect of media is profound and farreaching. All over the world, the media influences our values and intrudes upon our deepseated ideologies and beliefs. Indeed the media has been a powerful force in influencing people's perceptions, and more importantly, their behavior as well. Business, politicians, and showbiz personalities pay huge sums of money to media firms in order create an image or change an existing one. Politics in particular, has been making use of the media to generate public support for their campaigns and support for certain policies and legislations. Indeed, the power of the media to affect our behavior has long been proven. Among the most pressing...show more content... from the National Institute on Media and the Family). 于 Children between the ages of 8 and 18 spend more time exposed to various forms of media (TV, computer, game consoles, music, etc) than any other activity in their lifetime. (Kaiser Family Foundation qtd. from the National Institute on Media and the Family). 于 Of over a thousand studies that have been done on the effects of violence in television and movies, majority of them conclude that individuals, especially children who spend significant time watching violence on TV and movies are more likely to display aggressive or violent behavior, attitudes and values. (Senate Committee; Congressional Public Health Summit qtd. from the National Institute on Media and the Family) According to these figures, the younger the age of the individual, the more susceptible they become to the adverse effects of exposure to media violence. (Trend 93) The aggressiveness are often latent and presents later in life which is adds to the difficulty of measuring the actual effects of media violence. (Freedman 137) Women who spend long hours watching TV violence are more likely to respond violently towards their spouses. There is an increase in physicality among women with higher media violence exposure. (Partenheimer) In the same vein, men who
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  • 11. Media Violence Essay Media Violence Violence is used in many ways in promos as a hook to draw viewers into the program. That is because violence is an effective promotional device. But severe permanent damage could be done to the children's minds by such pornographic and sadistic material, in which detail is powerfully realistic. The increasing demand of comics, the wide use of the Internet, and viewing television are the main forms of media, which have caused people's minds to perform violence. First of all, comics play an important role in the promotion of Media Violence. The comics were universally condemned. They were badly produced, on poor paper with cheap print. They were full of sadistic violence, horrific obsession with death, lustful...show more content... She died in that incident. Comics come with illustrations that consist of violent scenes that make comics even more believable. The deceived reader tends to mix reality and fantasy, and without realizing it, he or she tends to long for his or her hero in time of need, when the only person who can help achieve and solve his or her problems is himself or herself. They lack independence and confidence. Furthermore, satire comics have the tendency to send the wrong messages to the public. Political figures use comics to ensure their success in the elections. By this, they are hoping to gain extra support from the public. This also causes conflict as the satire most probably affects and insults the opposition, resulting in violence. Besides that, the Internet, a growing form of media, contributes to media violence in today's society. People, who view pornographic content in the Internet, increase their sexual appetite and tend to fantasize about sexrelated activities. Such explicit material affects almost everyone. Their need for sexual pleasure increases their desire to have sex. Sometimes, when the viewer is really disturbed, lonely and frustrated, they need to satisfy their appetite so they indulge in rape. Since the Internet is such a largescale network, which is accessible to a lot of people, messages can be spread at great speed with a touch of a button. Racists and supremacist groups have discovered this and are making full Get more content on HelpWriting.net