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Tynesha Matthews
(720) 365-7335  Tynesha.matthews@gmail.com  Aurora, CO 80017
Self-motivated and organized professionalwith overfouryearsexperience providing thoroughand skillfulsupportto
individuals,groups,and facilities.
 Patient care & safety
 Knowledge of medical
 Organization and
communication skills
 Medication administration
 Patient Advocacy and support
 Privacy/ HIPPA Regulations
 Vital signs & patient monitoring
Young Black Professionals in Health Denver, CO 03/2014- Current
 Participated in thebarbershop blood pressurescreening
 Participated in a youth research day for middle and high school students
 Displayed strong clinical skills in assessing vital signs
Developmental Pathways/Continuum of Colorado Aurora, CO 03/2014- 03/2016
Life Skills Specialist
 Provided nursing assistance care for 6 developmentally delayed adults in a long-term-care facility
 Preserve patient dignity and minimize discomfort while carrying out duties such as diapering, bandage changes, meal-time feeding, and
 Commended for chart accuracy, effective team collaboration, patient relations and consistent delivery of empathetic care.
 Assisted residents with activities of daily living including transferring using assistive devices, dressing and grooming.
 Complied with HIPPA standards in all patient documentation and interactions.
WellPoint Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Denver, CO 07/2013-03/2014
Customer Service Representative
 Assisted customers with their queries and problems by phone, email and letters
 Took payments for health insurance premiums
 Obtained and reviewed provider submitted claims to patients
 Served as the liaison between doctors and patients
 Assisted customer service representatives answer questions on the lead line
 Trained and assisted team mates with their inventory that they could not complete themselves
Love and Faith Christian FellowshipGreensboro, NC 02/2012-05/2013
Health and Wellness/ First ResponseTeam
 Trained in in basic life support
 Displayed clinical skills in performing glucose checks
 Provided health education and resources
 Obtained and recorded vital signs
 Assisted in blood drive
 Assisted in medical situations during church services
Wake Forest School of Medicine Biochemistry/CancerBiology Laboratory Winston-Salem, NC 10/2012-05/2013
Research Assistant
 Investigated theresult of varying chemical and environmental effects on DNA breakage in the human Thyroid
 Collected and harvest cells, extract DNA to obtain a minimum of 4 ng of DNA resulting in an adequate DNA pool for PCR to evaluate the
experimental hypotheses
 Documented and organized patient data
 Analyzeand problem solve theresults
 Run Statistical Analysis tests to determine scientific significance of patient results
 Trained other research assistants in PCR techniques, DNA harvest, and laboratory notebook keeping
Emergency Medical Technician Greensboro, NC 06/2012
 Trained in in basic life support
 Utilized Automated external defibrillator, airway adjuncts, and blood control and bandaging
 Trained to provideemergency care to sick and injured
 Analyzed and problem solved under extreme pressureand time constraints to determine theseverity of situations
 Collected vital signs and imperative medical and personal histories from patients
ExcelsiorYouth Center Aurora, CO 05/2010-12/2011
Day Treatment Counselor/Driver
 Utilized conflict management and problem solving skills to communicate with clients under distress
 Coordinated and sustained monthly progress meetings for parents, therapists, case workers, parole, probation officers clients and case
 Developed, implemented, and maintained excel spreadsheets for admission and audit insurance compliance documentation
 Trained co-workers on individual client counseling techniques, database systems, and systemprocesses
 Planned, designed, and scheduled driving routes for client transportation
 Created monthly behavioral and academic progress reports for court, case workers, parents, and school officials
 Medicine distribution and documentation
 Lead in-home family therapy, counseling & coaching of clients
University of Colorado Boulder Reproductive Endocrinology Laboratory Boulder, CO 08/2007-01/2010
Undergraduate Research Assistant
 Examined theeffect of various factors on theGnRH neurons in mice
 Interpreted laboratory results using problem solving and analytical skills
 Mated and maintained the mice to ensure an adequate number of mice specimens with the desired genotypes
 Ran PCR on extracted DNA for genotyping
 Collected mice brains in order to treat brain samples with immuno-stain to visualize and count GnRH neurons in the
Hypothalamic/pituitary region of thebrain
 Performed research documentation and notebook keeping for detailed and accurate records of laboratory techniques and results
University of Colorado Dental Clinic, Boulder, CO 12/2006- 08/2007
 Performed administrative procedures for patients including scheduling appointments and procedures, and billing
 Promoted strong customer relations by greeting clients
 Ensured adequate equipment for each appointment by maintain and cleaning dental tools
 Captured, developed, and organized both periodontal and panoramic dental x-rays
 Provided pre- and post-operative care instructions
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG), Greensboro, NC
BS in Biology 05/2013
The University of Colorado at Boulder (CU), Boulder, CO
BA in Psychology 05/2010
 Best Student Poster Award in Front Range Neuroscience Meeting in 2009
 Employee of theMonth and Department of the Month in 2010
 Deans List and Chancellors List in 2011 & 2012
 Co-author of article published in theJournal of Neuroendocrinology: Chung WC, Matthews TA, TataBK, TsaiP-S. Compound
deficiencies in multiple FGF signaling components differentially impact the murine GnRH system. Journal of
Neuroendocrinology 22: 944-950, 2010

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  • 1. Tynesha Matthews (720) 365-7335 Tynesha.matthews@gmail.com Aurora, CO 80017 Self-motivated and organized professionalwith overfouryearsexperience providing thoroughand skillfulsupportto individuals,groups,and facilities. SUMMARYOF QUALIFICATIONS Patient care & safety Knowledge of medical terminology Organization and communication skills Medication administration Patient Advocacy and support Privacy/ HIPPA Regulations Vital signs & patient monitoring EXPERIENCE Young Black Professionals in Health Denver, CO 03/2014- Current Participated in thebarbershop blood pressurescreening Participated in a youth research day for middle and high school students Displayed strong clinical skills in assessing vital signs Developmental Pathways/Continuum of Colorado Aurora, CO 03/2014- 03/2016 Life Skills Specialist Provided nursing assistance care for 6 developmentally delayed adults in a long-term-care facility Preserve patient dignity and minimize discomfort while carrying out duties such as diapering, bandage changes, meal-time feeding, and bathing. Commended for chart accuracy, effective team collaboration, patient relations and consistent delivery of empathetic care. Assisted residents with activities of daily living including transferring using assistive devices, dressing and grooming. Complied with HIPPA standards in all patient documentation and interactions. WellPoint Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Denver, CO 07/2013-03/2014 Customer Service Representative Assisted customers with their queries and problems by phone, email and letters Took payments for health insurance premiums Obtained and reviewed provider submitted claims to patients Served as the liaison between doctors and patients Assisted customer service representatives answer questions on the lead line Trained and assisted team mates with their inventory that they could not complete themselves Love and Faith Christian FellowshipGreensboro, NC 02/2012-05/2013 Health and Wellness/ First ResponseTeam Trained in in basic life support Displayed clinical skills in performing glucose checks Provided health education and resources Obtained and recorded vital signs Assisted in blood drive Assisted in medical situations during church services Wake Forest School of Medicine Biochemistry/CancerBiology Laboratory Winston-Salem, NC 10/2012-05/2013 Research Assistant Investigated theresult of varying chemical and environmental effects on DNA breakage in the human Thyroid Collected and harvest cells, extract DNA to obtain a minimum of 4 ng of DNA resulting in an adequate DNA pool for PCR to evaluate the experimental hypotheses Documented and organized patient data Analyzeand problem solve theresults Run Statistical Analysis tests to determine scientific significance of patient results Trained other research assistants in PCR techniques, DNA harvest, and laboratory notebook keeping Emergency Medical Technician Greensboro, NC 06/2012 EMT-Basic Trained in in basic life support Utilized Automated external defibrillator, airway adjuncts, and blood control and bandaging Trained to provideemergency care to sick and injured Analyzed and problem solved under extreme pressureand time constraints to determine theseverity of situations Collected vital signs and imperative medical and personal histories from patients
  • 2. ExcelsiorYouth Center Aurora, CO 05/2010-12/2011 Day Treatment Counselor/Driver Utilized conflict management and problem solving skills to communicate with clients under distress Coordinated and sustained monthly progress meetings for parents, therapists, case workers, parole, probation officers clients and case management Developed, implemented, and maintained excel spreadsheets for admission and audit insurance compliance documentation Trained co-workers on individual client counseling techniques, database systems, and systemprocesses Planned, designed, and scheduled driving routes for client transportation Created monthly behavioral and academic progress reports for court, case workers, parents, and school officials Medicine distribution and documentation Lead in-home family therapy, counseling & coaching of clients University of Colorado Boulder Reproductive Endocrinology Laboratory Boulder, CO 08/2007-01/2010 Undergraduate Research Assistant Examined theeffect of various factors on theGnRH neurons in mice Interpreted laboratory results using problem solving and analytical skills Mated and maintained the mice to ensure an adequate number of mice specimens with the desired genotypes Ran PCR on extracted DNA for genotyping Collected mice brains in order to treat brain samples with immuno-stain to visualize and count GnRH neurons in the Hypothalamic/pituitary region of thebrain Performed research documentation and notebook keeping for detailed and accurate records of laboratory techniques and results University of Colorado Dental Clinic, Boulder, CO 12/2006- 08/2007 Receptionist Performed administrative procedures for patients including scheduling appointments and procedures, and billing Promoted strong customer relations by greeting clients Ensured adequate equipment for each appointment by maintain and cleaning dental tools Captured, developed, and organized both periodontal and panoramic dental x-rays Provided pre- and post-operative care instructions EDUCATION The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG), Greensboro, NC BS in Biology 05/2013 The University of Colorado at Boulder (CU), Boulder, CO BA in Psychology 05/2010 AWARDS Best Student Poster Award in Front Range Neuroscience Meeting in 2009 Employee of theMonth and Department of the Month in 2010 Deans List and Chancellors List in 2011 & 2012 Co-author of article published in theJournal of Neuroendocrinology: Chung WC, Matthews TA, TataBK, TsaiP-S. Compound deficiencies in multiple FGF signaling components differentially impact the murine GnRH system. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 22: 944-950, 2010