Restraints are devices used to limit a patient's movement and can become medico-legal hazards if not used properly. Restraints should only be used to prevent falls, limit movement, or prevent a patient from hurting others. Common types of restraints include belt restraints, wrist restraints, boxing gloves, and restraining sheets, but they can become hazards if too tight, applied incorrectly, or the wrong size. Nurses must be careful when using restraints to avoid threats to patient safety.
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1. Medico-legal hazards
Definition -It is any thread to the safety
of a patient and all people under direct
or indirect care of health professionals
2. Restraints -they are restrictive
devices used to limit a patient's
How they become hazard
They become hazards if they are too tight e.g
belt restraints
If the nurse is not careful when using them
on the patient
Incorrect size
3. When to use them
Prevent a patient from falling
Limit movement
Prevent a patient from hurting others
4. Common types
Belt restraints
Wrist restraints
Boxing gloves
Restraining sheets