La Primera Guerra Mundial trajo grandes p辿rdidas humanas, principalmente de hombres j坦venes que lucharon en la guerra, y transformaciones sociales como la incorporaci坦n de la mujer al trabajo y el empobrecimiento de las clases medias en los pa鱈ses involucrados. Tambi辿n gener坦 modificaciones territoriales con el nacimiento de nuevos estados como Finlandia, Estonia, Letonia, Lituania, Polonia, Yugoslavia, Checoslovaquia y Hungr鱈a. La guerra signific坦 un desastre econ坦mico para Europa debido a los enormes
Este documento presenta un problema de matem叩ticas sobre la cantidad de litros de gasolina necesarios para recorrer una distancia de 120 km basado en la informaci坦n de que se necesita 1 gal坦n (4.5 litros) para recorrer 40 km. Explica c坦mo resolverlo usando una regla de tres y concluye que la cantidad correcta es 13.5 litros.
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Het MCMT-model is de kapstok van ieder social business project; bepaal de optimale combinatie van mensen, content en middelen binnen de beschikbare tijd.
In veel sociale media projecten wordt de focus gelegd op het media aspect. Er wordt een Facebook-pagina opgetuigd, een LinkedIn-groep gestart of een Twitter-campagne opgezet. Wat mij betreft begin je dan al verkeerd
Wil je sociale media succesvol inzetten? Dan zal jij je moeten focussen op het sociale, menselijke aspect. In een zakelijke context doe je dit door gebruik te maken van het MCMT-model: binnen de tijd die er beschikbaar is, bepaal je welke mensen welke content via welke middelen gaan verspreiden om de communicatie en de relatie met hun doelgroep te verbeteren en op die manier een bijdrage te leveren aan de doelstellingen van de organisatie.
In deze presentatie leg ik het MCMT-model in detail uit, zodat jij dit model kan gebruiken voor jouw eigen social business projecten.
Over 70% of Americans are overweight or obese, with Mississippi having the highest rate of obesity at over 30%. Childhood obesity has also sharply increased, with obesity rates in children aged 6 to 11 nearly tripling over the past 30 years. Maintaining obesity costs approximately $550,000 over an individual's lifetime. Americans spend over $33 billion annually on weight loss products and services.
El m辿todo de Vogel describe la viscosidad y densidad de crudos en funci坦n de la presi坦n y temperatura, indicando que los crudos vivos tienen una viscosidad y densidad que depende de si la presi坦n es menor o mayor que la presi坦n de burbuja, mientras que la viscosidad y densidad de los crudos sub-saturados depende 炭nicamente de si la presi坦n es mayor que la presi坦n de burbuja. Adem叩s, presenta una ecuaci坦n para calcular la variaci坦n de la viscosidad y densidad con la presi坦n y temperatura.
The document discusses mindset theory and provides classroom activities and strategies to promote a growth mindset. It describes the differences between a fixed and growth mindset. People with a fixed mindset believe their traits are set, while those with a growth mindset see their qualities as something that can be developed through effort. The document then provides several classroom activities and strategies teachers can use to foster a growth mindset in students, such as using concept placemats, guess boxes, process praise, and teaching about the brain. It cautions that while growth mindset can be beneficial, it is not a panacea and has limitations in alleviating all challenges.
This document discusses 3 photographs - a photo from the Great Depression showing a concerned woman and two children that could represent that era, a precisely timed photo of a bullet exiting an apple and exploding it, either at sunset or sunrise, and a sunset photo over mountains where the glow radiates through some clouds after a storm.
Zviewer is an Android app that allows users to stream live video from Zmodo H.264 DVRs and IP cameras. The 3-step installation process involves downloading the app from the Google Play store or copying the app file to an Android device. Users can then open the app, add and manage devices by inputting their information, and view live video streams. Basic controls allow switching between channels, changing display modes, and taking screenshots. An on-screen PTZ control panel enables pan, tilt, zoom, and other camera functions.
El documento presenta el curr鱈culum vitae de Carlos A. De La Torre D., ingeniero civil ecuatoriano que se gradu坦 de la Universidad T辿cnica de Ambato y obtuvo una maestr鱈a en ingenier鱈a sismo resistente. A lo largo de su carrera, ha dise単ado puentes atirantados y colgantes sobre varios r鱈os ecuatorianos y ha asistido a cursos y seminarios sobre dise単o de estructuras sismo resistentes y puentes.
Sociale media succesvol inzetten voor jouw organisatieJochem Koole
In deze presentatie behandel ik de drie pijlers die essentieel zijn voor het succesvol zakelijk inzetten van sociale media: mensen, content en middelen.
De presentatie is gericht op B2B dienstverleners. Aangezien kennis tegenwoordig geen macht meer is, staat hun business model onder druk. Tegelijkertijd is het voor de hand liggend dat medewerkers van B2B dienstverleners via sociale media de relatie met hun collegas, partners en klanten verstevigen en daarmee een zakelijk voordeel behalen.
This document discusses advanced information and communication technologies (ICT) and the paradigm shift in learning they enable. It defines advanced ICT as technologies driving changes in how people work, communicate, teach and learn. Key attributes of advanced ICT include digital natives who grew up with these technologies having different characteristics than digital immigrants. There is also a paradigm shift in learning from a linear to a more random, parallel and graphic approach. The document promotes discussion of emerging technologies reflecting this paradigm shift and how participants have used advanced ICT in their personal or professional lives.
The document classifies and describes four main types of bone fractures: simple (closed) fractures where the skin remains intact; compound (opened) fractures where the broken bone protrudes through the skin; compression fractures resulting from bone crushing; and spiral fractures caused by twisting forces which are common in children's wrists. It notes that fracture healing depends on age, health, and fracture type, and that all fractures carry an infection risk so proper treatment is important.
#KC Social Media Command Center - All-Star GameMatt Staub
Presentation from the September 7, 2012 Social Media Club of Kansas City Breakfast, featuring the community-led Social Media Command Center for the MLB All-Star Game.
Introduction of the IMAGING 3.0 roadmap. Overview of modern IT tools for radiologists.
亠亟舒于仍亠仆亳亠 亟仂仂亢仆仂亶 从舒 IMAGING 3.0. 弍亰仂 仂于亠仄亠仆仆 丐-亠亠仆亳亶 亟仍 舒亟亳仂仍仂亞亳亠从仂亶 仗舒从亳从亳.
El m辿todo de Vogel describe la viscosidad y densidad de crudos en funci坦n de la presi坦n y temperatura, indicando que los crudos vivos tienen una viscosidad y densidad que depende de si la presi坦n es menor o mayor que la presi坦n de burbuja, mientras que la viscosidad y densidad de los crudos sub-saturados depende 炭nicamente de si la presi坦n es mayor que la presi坦n de burbuja. Adem叩s, presenta una ecuaci坦n para calcular la variaci坦n de la viscosidad y densidad con la presi坦n y temperatura.
The document discusses mindset theory and provides classroom activities and strategies to promote a growth mindset. It describes the differences between a fixed and growth mindset. People with a fixed mindset believe their traits are set, while those with a growth mindset see their qualities as something that can be developed through effort. The document then provides several classroom activities and strategies teachers can use to foster a growth mindset in students, such as using concept placemats, guess boxes, process praise, and teaching about the brain. It cautions that while growth mindset can be beneficial, it is not a panacea and has limitations in alleviating all challenges.
This document discusses 3 photographs - a photo from the Great Depression showing a concerned woman and two children that could represent that era, a precisely timed photo of a bullet exiting an apple and exploding it, either at sunset or sunrise, and a sunset photo over mountains where the glow radiates through some clouds after a storm.
Zviewer is an Android app that allows users to stream live video from Zmodo H.264 DVRs and IP cameras. The 3-step installation process involves downloading the app from the Google Play store or copying the app file to an Android device. Users can then open the app, add and manage devices by inputting their information, and view live video streams. Basic controls allow switching between channels, changing display modes, and taking screenshots. An on-screen PTZ control panel enables pan, tilt, zoom, and other camera functions.
El documento presenta el curr鱈culum vitae de Carlos A. De La Torre D., ingeniero civil ecuatoriano que se gradu坦 de la Universidad T辿cnica de Ambato y obtuvo una maestr鱈a en ingenier鱈a sismo resistente. A lo largo de su carrera, ha dise単ado puentes atirantados y colgantes sobre varios r鱈os ecuatorianos y ha asistido a cursos y seminarios sobre dise単o de estructuras sismo resistentes y puentes.
Sociale media succesvol inzetten voor jouw organisatieJochem Koole
In deze presentatie behandel ik de drie pijlers die essentieel zijn voor het succesvol zakelijk inzetten van sociale media: mensen, content en middelen.
De presentatie is gericht op B2B dienstverleners. Aangezien kennis tegenwoordig geen macht meer is, staat hun business model onder druk. Tegelijkertijd is het voor de hand liggend dat medewerkers van B2B dienstverleners via sociale media de relatie met hun collegas, partners en klanten verstevigen en daarmee een zakelijk voordeel behalen.
This document discusses advanced information and communication technologies (ICT) and the paradigm shift in learning they enable. It defines advanced ICT as technologies driving changes in how people work, communicate, teach and learn. Key attributes of advanced ICT include digital natives who grew up with these technologies having different characteristics than digital immigrants. There is also a paradigm shift in learning from a linear to a more random, parallel and graphic approach. The document promotes discussion of emerging technologies reflecting this paradigm shift and how participants have used advanced ICT in their personal or professional lives.
The document classifies and describes four main types of bone fractures: simple (closed) fractures where the skin remains intact; compound (opened) fractures where the broken bone protrudes through the skin; compression fractures resulting from bone crushing; and spiral fractures caused by twisting forces which are common in children's wrists. It notes that fracture healing depends on age, health, and fracture type, and that all fractures carry an infection risk so proper treatment is important.
#KC Social Media Command Center - All-Star GameMatt Staub
Presentation from the September 7, 2012 Social Media Club of Kansas City Breakfast, featuring the community-led Social Media Command Center for the MLB All-Star Game.
Introduction of the IMAGING 3.0 roadmap. Overview of modern IT tools for radiologists.
亠亟舒于仍亠仆亳亠 亟仂仂亢仆仂亶 从舒 IMAGING 3.0. 弍亰仂 仂于亠仄亠仆仆 丐-亠亠仆亳亶 亟仍 舒亟亳仂仍仂亞亳亠从仂亶 仗舒从亳从亳.