Sverre is an international business man with over 20 years of experience in sales, management, and leadership positions. He has a creative mind and entrepreneurial spirit. He holds two master's degrees and enjoys taking on roles where he can help businesses grow, such as developing new markets and opportunities. Sverre has extensive experience managing projects, building businesses, and understanding customer needs in various industries such as IT, healthcare, and retail.
4. I have an entrepreneurial spirit and a creative mind and enjoy leading people and doing business. During some twenty years I have gained experience from mainly sales and management positions. I have international experience including temporary assignments in most western European countries and residential periods in USA, Germany and Russia. I have good technical and financial understanding with experience from industries such as IT, healthcare, retail, logistics/wholesale and business broker. I hold two master degrees, one in science and one in business administration. I enjoy working in roles where I manage business in growth. I like to work with sales, develop business opportunities and establish new markets.
8. Growing businessCustomer first Effective Leadership CRM financial performance business DevelopmentBuilding Team spirit OFFERING Development IT Services and managementMarketing & communicationproduct Business excellenceProfitability efficient Operations e-businessmarket Positioning lean sales and account managementResults‐Driven team development InnovationqualityProgressive Thinking relieving customer pains FAST Learning Customer-Focused Environmentally Friendlysetting vision & directionworking together Organic growth Technical excellence
10. flexibility people honesty Optimism making a differenceenthusiasm emotions Aspirations determination growth passion Compassion innovation simplicity prestige-less Responsibility actiontrust Humor devotion love mentoring humanitylearning Coaching loyalty teaching humility focus caring listening quality FUNHARD WORK understanding ideas contribution speed
11. Sverre will offer you a creative, unique & fresh approach to your business, market and customers
12. In our complex woIn Our Complex World theBusiness Landscape has changed forever. Business Unusual is the key to survival & beyond.
13. CustomerBehaviorhas changedUnderstand the CustomerStay close to the customerSocial BehaviorConsumer ActivityConsumer & Market ResearchEnvironmentMarketing strategyDynamicsThoughtsFeelingsActionWhat they thinkHow they feelWhat they doExperimentsConcept of exchange
16. theMoment Of TruthEvery time your business touches a customer, it communicates a “moment of truth”This makes you responsible for each “moment of truth”
18. leadershipWorked as a leader most of my professional life. Learnt to handle leadership in daily work with and feedback from subordinates and in dialogue with my peers.Several management training programs over the years. The most recent is Tieto Accelerator Program in 2009.I explore new ways. I coach people to grow. I am action oriented and I engage others. I am more coaching than controlling. I am a good listener. I am clear about the important matters, such as strategy, goals and focus. I help my people succeed.Results in MTR-i: Highest Team Role: Explorer. 2nd Highest Team Role: SculptorI look outside the box and I get things done.
22. Personnel that I have coached to take on responsibility outside their comfort zones – that have developed and succeeded. Personnel that give me good feed-back.Examples of resistance and conflicts Not waiting to deal with difficult situations. Often dialogue has been enough. Sometimes it has not worked out and replacement or dismissal was needed.
23. Resistance caused by suspicion or worry. Solved after some time working together.
24. People who do not want to, are not so easy, especially if there is no will to change. I have tried a simple can do - want to do matrix.
25. Sometimes there has been negative energy. In these cases I try to convey a belief in the future. To create a new attitude that we shall succeed.Economy - Financials – AdminMBA graduate (part time 2003-2007). Business economy studies (1991-1992).Good understanding of business economics. Accounting in own businesses for 15 years. Book keeping, annual reporting, investments, financing, controlling, budgets, product calculations, cash flow, etc.Head of businesses / business units with profit and loss responsibility for 10 years.SME management.Financial reporting in large corporations.Merger and aqusitions. (Part time engagement in business broker Impentab – my father’s business).
26. Business acumenSverre's Data & Elektronik (1986-1991). Selling consultancy services and homemade computers.Buying and selling cars (1991-1998).E-commerce. Selling auto parts. (2003-)Making business for Order Hemelektronik (2000-2003), Provisio AB (2003-2006) and Tieto (2007-2009). Making business with customers , partners and suppliers. I am very interested in the business issues. I have good technical and financial understanding, but it is in the business opportunities and the interaction with customers and partners that my satisfaction comes.
27. Project managementDME93 (1994). Design and roll-out of new development environment for IKEAs IT unit. Local project. 6 persons (FTE) for 6 months.
28. PL (1995). Design and roll-out of new enterprise architecture for IKEA stores in northern Europe. International project. Project team 8 FTE from SE & DE for 10 months. Local implementation teams in 7 countries.
29. PL2 (1995). Similar as PL but covering whole Europe. International project. Project team 12 FTE from SE, DE, AU & CH for 8 months. Local implementation teams in 15 countries.
30. Ikea Common Client (1996). Similar as PL2. Updated content & worldwide implementation. International project. Project team 17 FTE from SE, DE, AU, SG & US during 12 months. Local implementation teams in 20 countries.
31. IKEA Russia IT (1998-99). Part of build-up of IKEA in Russia. All systems needed (100+) for IKEAs operations in Russia. My project engages 50 people for 24 months.
32. Project Management Project (2000). An organizational change project. Implementation of a new project management process and steering model for projects throughout IKEA.
33. Logistics & ERP project at Order (2001). Wharehouse automation and e-commerce. Local project.
34. Surgery Planning at Landstinget Dalarna (2004). First large customer project of Provisio AB. I took the project management role in order to learn our customers business and to create add-on business.
36. Owner and orderer of 100+ projects from 2000 and onwardsSalesOrder Hemelektronik AB (2000 – 2003). Account management of the large accounts. Increased sales every year. I won OnOff as customer for Nokia cell phones worth 11 M€ pa. I won Freetel as new customer worth 7 M€ pa.Provisio AB (2003-2006). Handled the sales and marketing activities myself. Created strong customer focus among all staff. Growth of sales figures was 53% from 2004 to 2005 and 54% from 2005 to 2006. Starting from scratch in 2003, we were market leaders in Sweden by 2006. Tieto (2007-2009). Handled Provisio sales cases in 2007. Sales management responsibilities in 2008 and 2009. Bid manager in large bids. My team closed some 300 cases in 2009. Largest won deal was a 16 M€ case.
37. NegotiationFairly good negotiator and confortable in that role.A few courses over the years.My creativity helps me to find ways around lock-ups or to come up with ideas with high customer values in price pressure situations.Ten years experience of B2B negotiations on primarily the supplier side and in partner relations.
38. Build-upsSverre's Data & Elektronik (1986-1991). Own part-time business. Started my first business at age of 19. Provided some income during university studies.IKEA Russia (1998-1999). I was one of five project managers establishing IKEA in Russia. A couple of the guys were old IKEA profiles with long build-up experience. IKEA’s former CEO Anders Moberg and founder Ingvar Kamprad are personally part of the Russia project’s board. During a couple of years I get the opportunity to work closely with and learn from some very inspiring and colorful people. Merge of Champion and Order Hemelektronik (2002). Member of Champion Radio’s board of directors. As Champion and Order merged we built a new production plant and automated warehouse in Helsingborg. (2003-). Established the e-commerce site The daily operations is handled by my wife since several years.Provisio AB (2003-2006). Established and built up Provisio AB with two partners. Worked as CEO focusing on sales and marketing. After success in Sweden I focused on new markets from 2005 (Denmark, Norway, Holland and Middle East). Exit in beginning of 2007.Anesthesia Record (2005-2006). I applied for and won funding from Vinnova to develop an anesthesia record with automated data capture from anesthesia machines (link). Executed as a joint project with the University Hospital in Lund and Malmö University. Sold as add-on to Tieto in 2007.
39. UNIONS & labor lawBusiness law & agreementsNegotiation with unions (1997-). Occasional contacts in conjunction with reorganizations, appointments and dismissals. Worked under the conditions in large corporations with collective agreements as well as smaller businesses without such agreements.Labor law training (1998).Customer and supplier agreements (2000-2003). Responsible for Orders large account agreements as well as major supplier agreements. Worked with in house lawyer.Law school (2003-2007). As part of the MBA program I study business law and some civil law.Business law and agreements (2003-2007). Responsible for all Provisio’s agreements. Worked with external lawyer.Customer and partner agreements (2007-). Authority to sign agreements up to 1 M€. In-house lawyers handle the legal issues.
40. Information & media relationsMarketing . Responsible for the marketing activities at Provisio (2003-2006) and Tieto (2009). Participated in numerous exhibitions in Sweden, Germany, US and UAE. Speaker at conferences. Presence on the web. Advertizing. Press releases. (links found on Google)Media Relations (2003-2006). Got articles in Rapidus, Sydsvenska Dagbladet and Dagens Industri. Good contact with journalists on Rapidus and Dagens Industri. Interviewed on TV news broadcast (link to YouTube)Marketing education (2003-2007) as part of the MBA program.Social media project for Tieto (2009)
41. ITSystems development (1986-1991)Systems management (1991-1994)Database administration (1994-1995)IT Projects (1991-2000)IT Service Management. ITIL. CMM. (1997-2000)Enterprise Architecture (1994-1996, 1998-2000)Managing software businesses (2003-)ERP systems (2000-2003)E-commerce (2003-)Healthcare information systems (2003-)
42. industriesFull time engagementsConstruction & Production (1991-1994)Retail, wholesale and distribution. IKEA. (1994-2000)Wholesale and logistics. B2B. Retailer customers. (2000-2003)Healthcare. (2003-2009) Part time engagementsFinancial and insurance services (2000-2003)Business broker (2000-)E-commerce (2000-)Security (2008)
44. Feb 2007 - current TIETO Healthcare Scandinavia Director / Head of Sales & Marketing, 2009 Director iHIS, 2008 Manager, Provisio product business, 2007April 2003 – Feb 2007 PROVISIO AB Founder, partner and CEO2000 - March 2003 ORDER HEMELEKTRONIK AB Vice president, Business Area Director1994 – 2000 IKEA Senior Project Manager 1998 – 2000 IT Manager Northern Europe 1997 – 1998 Project Manager 1994 – 19961991 – 1994 TETRA PAK Systems EngineerUniversity qualifications M.Sc. Electrical Engineering. MBA. E-business.
45. You need me on your team … 73 999 3000
Editor's Notes
#20: Har jobbat i ledande roll i övervägande delen av yrkeslivet. Det är viktigt att hantera ledarskapet framgångsrikt för att uppnå resultat i företag och projekt. Jag har gått igenom flera chefsutbildningsprogram men huvudsakligen lärt mig hantera ledarskapet i det praktiska arbetet med mina medarbetare och genom dialog med andra chefer. Man skall inte glömma bort att lägga tid på de erfarna och drivna medarbetarna. Genom att coacha dem kan man göra storverk. De medarbetare som ännu inte kan, kan lätt ta mycket tid i anspråk, så glöm inte bort de erfarna. De som inte vill får man vara speciellt observant på. Jag utforskar nya och bättre sätt för att hitta dold potential i medarbetare, saker eller situationer. Jag är handlingsorienterad och får lätt med mig andra i handling. Jag är mer coachande än styrande. Jag lyssnar på mina medarbetare. I de viktiga frågorna så som strategi, mål och fokusering är jag tydlig vad som gäller. Jag ger medarbetare (som jag inte har tappat förtroende för) stor frihet att lösa sina uppgifter och ger dem befogenheter att ta sitt ansvar. Jag arbetar för att mina medarbetare skall bli framgångsrika och när de lyckas så lyckas jag. Jag leder gärna med hjälp av ett företags värderingar. Rysslandsprojektet som jag drog i hamn.Hela resan med Provisio.Nokiakontraktet och Freetel kontraktet på Order.Några avtal på Tieto.Personal som jag coachat till att ta större och större ansvar utanför sin komfortzon. Personal som har utvecklats och lyckats väldigt väl. Olika exempel... Besvärliga situationer blir inte bättre av att man väntar. Dialog är det viktiga. Vid konflikter mellan personal har det oftast räckt med att samla de berörda och pratat igenom och rett ut problemen. I enstaka fall har det inte fungerat och jag har behövt placera om eller avsluta anställningen med en medarbetare. Motstånd kan ibland bara vara misstänksamhet eller oro och då brukar det ganska snabbt lösa sig efter en tids arbete ihop. Ibland kan man ha problem med medarbetare som inte vill och de är inte helt enkla. Speciellt om det inte finns någon motivation till att förändra. Någon gång har jag jobbat med en enkel kan-vill matris. Ibland kan motstånd bero på stämningen på avdelningen, en allmän stämning som suger energi. Då gäller det att förmedla en tro på framtiden och en känsla av att vi som team kan lyckas och att skapa en ny stämning och en attityd att vi skall lyckas.
#23: På TetraPak arbetade jag i några projekt. De tre första åren på IKEA jobbade jag som projektledare och drev tre projekt. Ett lokalt, ett europeiskt och ett globalt. De två sista åren på IKEA jobbade jag som senior projektchef och drev ett stort projekt med sju delprojekt.På Order beställde jag en del projekt och styrde genom strygruppsmedverkan. Likaså på Tieto. På Provisio drev vi ständigt projekt där jag var affärsansvarig mot kund. Ett av projekten i Provisio drev jag själv för att på så sätt sätta mig in i kundens verksamhet. Har haft en hel del projektledarutbildning under årens lopp.
#25: Cirka 10 års erfarenhet av förhandlingar på framförallt leverantörssidan eller i partnerrelationer. Jag är en ganska god förhandlare och känner mig trygg i den rollen. Jag har gått några utbildningar under årens lopp. Har glädje av min kreativitet, tex att hitta vägar ur låsningar eller hitta uppslag med stort upplevt kundvärde i en prispress situation. Jag är ingen jurist men jag har skrivit många avtal både rörande produkt och tjänst i B2B sammanhang.
#26: Provisio byggde jag upp från grunden. 4 års verksamhet.Rysslandsprojektet på IKEA var ett uppbyggnads/etableringsprojekt. 2 års erfarenhet.Ett års erfarenhet från merge mellan Order och Champion. Projekt där vi flyttade Champions verksamhet från Malmö och byggde nytt lager och nya lagersystem i Helsingborg.e-handelsverksamheten har jag byggt upp från grunden. Har funnits i ca 7 år och drivs av min fru idag.Sverres Data & Elektronik startade jag och körde själv under studietiden.
#27: Inget jag jobbat specifikt med, men kontakter som skett till och från i samband med omorganiseringar, tillsättningar eller uppsägningar under sammanlagt ca tio år. Har arbetat under de förutsättningar som finns i större bolag med kollektivavtal och de som finns i mindre bolag utan kollektivavtal. Har läst arbetsrätt.
#28: Ganska blygsam erfarenhet från området. Hanterade marknadsföringen och PR arbetet på Provisio. Fick in en del artiklar i Rapidus. Blev intervjuad på ekonominyheterna i TV. Har fått mediaträning i två omgångar. Är mediaansvarig på Tieto i rollen som (Försäljnings- och) Marknadsdirektör men kontakterna med media är för få, ett område vi måste förbättra. Jag är en av Tietos officiella talespersoner.