This is our fourth newsletter for our Extra Life 2015.
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Extra Life 2015 Meeting 4
In This Issue
Stream Themes?
Upcoming Events
ATL Guild 2015
#FridayThe13th Horror Stream
#FridayThe13th Horror Stream
Our #FridayThe13th horror stream turned out really well! Several people tuned
into our stream while we were playing games such as: Five Nights at Freddys 3,
Among the Sleep, Cry of Fear, and Dying Light. We didnt raise any money during
this event but we were able to get videos of us playing and will be uploaded to
YouTube as soon as possible. We can use these videos to bring more awareness
to us and Extra Life!
A huge shout out to fellow Extra Lifer, GRtist, for simulcasting his horror stream
along with us! We believe this helped increase our chances for others to tune in
and watch as we both were playing horror games. Please check out his streams if
you get a chance at and help support his hospital in Grand Rapids,
Stream Themes?
We would like to offer a chance to our followers to select another theme for our
live stream. After completing our horror stream, what else would you like to see us
do? We are open to suggestions and game ideas! Please send us an email at
The Wing竪d Blades Newsletter Meeting 4 March 23rd, 2015
2. Our flyer is here!
We now have our flyer! Compliments to CJ Haynes for getting this together! On
top of donating or playing games, passing out flyers is a great way to help our
cause and spread the word about Extra Life and our team! If you pass out flyers,
take a selfie or a picture of where you went! We will post those pictures on our
Facebook page! We appreciate any help that you can offer Download
our flyer here and start spreading them
around! You can email your pictures to
Team Stats
Already we have raised a total of
Huge recognition to Nathan Rose!
Hes already raised $225 for our
team! $25 of which was from our
sponsor! CSI Security
Keep up the great work! We are
already at 13% of our goal!
Upcoming events!
It is a little short notice but the Ex-
tra Life Atlanta Guild will be host-
ing a Console Tournament at Joy-
stick Gamebar! All members are
welcome to come and participate!
Look out for possibly our first 24
hour marathon sometime in April!
We are still coming up with ideas
for it so make sure you follow us
on our social media sites for up-
As of March 10th, 2015
Email us pictures of you hanging our flyer! Lets go support Joystick Gamebar!
3. Where does my
money go?
The Childrens Healthcare of
Atlanta allocates your funds
to a few Family Services.
Chaplaincy: Chaplains
provide spiritual support and
guidance to patients and
families as they seek heal-
ing, meaning and hope
through the experience of
illness or recovery from inju-
Social Workers: They use
their skills in assessment
and intervention to provide
our families with counseling,
education, and resources to
enhance their coping and
well-being with illness or
Child Life Special-
ists: They promote coping
and normalization with op-
portunities for patients to
play and interact in our activ-
ity centers.
Teachers: Our teachers are
highly qualified, Georgia-
certified educators who pro-
vide quality educational sup-
port to our child patients of
elementary, middle, high
school and special educa-
tion age.
Interpreters: Interpreters
and translators play a vital
role with our families and
can help prevent or reduce
the risk of inadequate or
unsafe care. They help
bridge communication and
cultural gaps and serve as
advocates to our patients
and their families
Family Library: Offers edu-
cational materials, recrea-
tional materials such as puz-
zles, books, board games
and DVDs.
Extra Life Atlanta Guild 2015 Kick-off Meeting
Atlanta Guild 2015 Kick-off!
The 2015 Kick-off meeting was definitely a lot of fun to participate in. Cody, Alyssa, and
I got to meet with Rae Bucher (President), Joshua Ahearn (Vice President), and a few
other Atlanta Guild members. We all exchanged introductions including how long and
how we got started with Extra Life. Most of us have been doing it for several years! We
also shared ideas for events that we want to try and participate in as well. More on
events as we hear more about them!
The guilds biggest focus for 2015 this year is to recruit more members to Extra Life.
This is the same goal that our team had as well! Whether its joining our team or making
your own, the kids are the ones that benefits from more people signing up and raising
money! If anyone is interested please feel free to join us or go to the Extra Life website
and make your own team! Lets make 2015 the biggest and most impactful year for the
Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta!
-Todd Michaels
4. Contact Us
Have questions or ideas?
(678) 939-2952
If you would like to get a
hold of us the best way
will be through our Face-
book page. Feel free to
call or email us though if
you prefer.
Important Links
Donation Page:
Extra Life Forums:
Play Games. Heal Kids.