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Mega Trends & Counter Trends:
Create Marketing Plans
with Lasting Impact
Presented to                March 2010

Lake Charles Ad Fed
Our mission today

      Define and describe mega trends and counter
      trends that influence your markets.

      Understand how todays trends affect how your
      markets respond to your messaging

      Learn how to get an edge in creating marketing
      plans and advertising campaigns with impact


         Fleeting, in the moment
         Louboutin skin cage pumps
          or Kors gladiator flats?
         Individualism is established
         Flavors, sounds, styles that
          appeal to the me inside
         Retro-looking automobiles
         60s clothing

Mega Trends

        Aging p p
          g g population
        Immigration and diversity
        Population growth
        Suburban sprawl

     Megatrend: large, social, economic, political, environmental
     or technological change that is slow to form Influences wide
     range of activities, processes, perceptions, possibly for

Megatrends and Trends
     Megatrend:   Aging population
     T d          Buying h bit
                  B i habits, elder care, healthcare, workforce gaps
                                 ld       h lth          kf
                  when baby boomers retire

     Megatrend:   Assimilation
     Trends:      Shift from acculturation to maintaining ethnic identities

     Megatrend:   Redefinition of family and role of family
     Trends:      Single-headed HHs, unmarried couples, home schooling

Behavioral Mega Trends

        Smart products
        Smart kids*
        Time compression
        Libra effect

Where kids can do what they Wannado..250 ways

                                          Art Academy
                                          Movie production
                                          State Farm Bank
                                          Circus training
                                          Stor telling
                                          Flight simulators
                                          Broadway theater
                                          Pizza chef school
                                          City courthouse
                                          Publix supermarket
                                          Coffeehouse (adults)

Global Consumer Trends

                          Age complexity
                          Gender complexity
                          Life stage complexity
                          Income complexity
                          Sensory experiences*
                          Less is more

Travel Anywhere.(Be One with the World)

Consumer Trend #1: Business as Unusual

Consumer Trend #2: Urbany

Subtrend: Urban Pride

Consumer Trend #3: Real-time Reviews

     Live reviews from aboard the maiden flight of BAs new all-business service between London
     City and JFK

Innovative Marketing Trends  Tools

                     Leveraging offline & online
                     Green & grey
                      Co creation (ideation &
                     CGA (consumer generated
                       d  )
                     Buzz tracking
                     New value marketing
                     Crowd sourcing (open call)*

Consumer Trend #4: [F]luxury

Old Brands are Fresh

Counter Trends

                       Life is good
                     Counter Trend
                       Trust no one

                       Eat healthy
                     Counter Trend
                       Eat like a king

Consumer Trend #9: Profile Myning

Consumer Trend #10: Maturialism

Trends in How We Work

              Outsourcing / collaboration
              24/7 culture


                   Outsourcing / collaboration
                   24/7 culture

Trends in How We Work

              Outsourcing / collaboration
              24/7 culture
              Spirituality in the
               S i it lit i th workplace
                                    k l
              The third place 

The Third Place

      Def: A place other than
         home or work where a
         person can go to relax
         and feel part of the
        Comfortable place
         where its easy to enter
        Are your clients creating
         this for their customers?
        Are you creating this for
         your employeesyour

B-to-B Marketing Trends

          Define customer needs / REAL VALUE
          Lead charge / process for ORGANIC GROWTH
          Generate better B-to-B marketing / METRICS  ROI
                           B to B
          Bring full t t i impact of marketing t THE C-SUITE
           B i f ll strategic i    t f    k ti to     C SUITE

     ISBM Trends 2010 Study

What to do?

        Consumer centric  immerse yourself in their lives
        Think small  be a brand evangelist  word of mouth,
         limited run makes it exclusive
        Keep your edge  stay fresh on trend cool curiosity
                                 fresh,    trend,
        Tap in to pop culture  celebs are trendsetters
        Free agents empowered by tech  like niche brands like
                g        p          y
         LG, changing brand loyalty  all about NOW
        Brand personality  live relationship with customer 
         stand f something
           t d for      thi

Want to Keep Up with Marketing Trends?
      tenbyten.org                  Collects pictures and words every hour with headlines of whats happening right now. Interactive presentation
                                    of the pictures and words that define the time.
      news.agendainc.com            A blog about pop culture and brand strategy.
         gp                         An automated trend discovery system for blogs.
                                                               y y             g
      thecoolhunter.net             Roaming the globe so youre in the know.
      dailycandy.com                The latest trendy items by city. Updated daily with features on new products, services, restaurants, more.
      flavorpill.com                Publisher of filtered cultural information, distributed in a series of graphical email magazines.
      google.com/trends/hottrends   A fascinating look at the top search terms, by category. Whats on other peoples minds?
      iconoculture.com              Translates emerging trends and consumer insights across p
                                                   g g                          g           product categories, lifestyle segments, and
                                                                                                        g     ,       y     g     ,
                                    demographic groups.
      influxinsights.com            Articles about emerging trends.
      marumushi.com/apps/newsm      A visual snapshot of world news.
      psfk.com                      A blog dedicated to interesting cultural trends and tidbits.
      splendora com                 A fashion and style site with city guides weekly forecasts articles and more
                                                                       guides,       forecasts, articles,   more.
      springwise.com                New business ideas from around the world.
      transculturalism.com          Focused on cross-cultural interests including identity and the modern quest for belonging.
      trendcentral.com              Bite-sized insights into global consumer trends.
      trendhunter.com               A magazine dedicated to finding whats cool before anybody else.
      trendwatching com             Most visited source for information on consumer trends Taps over 6 000 trend-spotters to identify emerging
                                     Most         source                            trends.          6,000
      urbanpioneerproject.com       A global social anthropology eliciting the aid of urban volunteers.
      utne.com                      Reprints the best articles from over 2,000 alternative media sources to collect the latest ideas and trends
                                    emerging in our culture.

     Source: GetFutureThink.com

Life Philosophy: Keep the Shiny Side Up!

     Contact me at ssaurage@SaurageResearch.com or on Facebook or LinkedIn
     Blog: www RealitySpikes com


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Mega Trends & Counter Trends

  • 1. Mega Trends & Counter Trends: Create Marketing Plans with Lasting Impact Presented to March 2010 Lake Charles Ad Fed
  • 2. Our mission today Define and describe mega trends and counter trends that influence your markets. Understand how todays trends affect how your markets respond to your messaging Learn how to get an edge in creating marketing plans and advertising campaigns with impact 2
  • 3. Definition Fads Fleeting, in the moment Louboutin skin cage pumps or Kors gladiator flats? Trends Individualism is established Flavors, sounds, styles that appeal to the me inside Retro-looking automobiles 60s clothing 3
  • 4. Mega Trends Aging p p g g population Immigration and diversity Population growth Suburban sprawl Megatrend: large, social, economic, political, environmental or technological change that is slow to form Influences wide form. range of activities, processes, perceptions, possibly for decades 4
  • 5. Megatrends and Trends Megatrend: Aging population Trends: T d Buying h bit B i habits, elder care, healthcare, workforce gaps ld h lth kf when baby boomers retire Megatrend: Assimilation Trends: Shift from acculturation to maintaining ethnic identities Megatrend: Redefinition of family and role of family Trends: Single-headed HHs, unmarried couples, home schooling 5
  • 6. Behavioral Mega Trends Smart products p Smart kids* Time compression Libra effect 6
  • 7. Where kids can do what they Wannado..250 ways Art Academy Movie production State Farm Bank Circus training Storytelling Stor telling Flight simulators Broadway theater y Pizza chef school City courthouse Publix supermarket Coffeehouse (adults) 7
  • 8. Global Consumer Trends Age complexity Gender complexity Life stage complexity Income complexity Sensory experiences* Connectivity Individualism Less is more 8
  • 9. Travel Anywhere.(Be One with the World) 9
  • 10. Consumer Trend #1: Business as Unusual 10
  • 11. Consumer Trend #2: Urbany 11
  • 13. Consumer Trend #3: Real-time Reviews Live reviews from aboard the maiden flight of BAs new all-business service between London City and JFK 13
  • 14. Innovative Marketing Trends Tools Leveraging offline & online connections ti Green & grey Co-creation Co creation (ideation & products) CGA (consumer generated advg) d ) Buzz tracking New value marketing New Crowd sourcing (open call)* 14
  • 15. Consumer Trend #4: [F]luxury 15
  • 16. Old Brands are Fresh 16
  • 17. 17
  • 18. Counter Trends Trend Life is good Counter Trend Trust no one Trend Eat healthy Counter Trend Eat like a king 18
  • 19. Consumer Trend #9: Profile Myning 19
  • 20. Consumer Trend #10: Maturialism 20
  • 21. Trends in How We Work Outsourcing / collaboration 24/7 culture Authenticity 21
  • 22. Authenticity Outsourcing / collaboration 24/7 culture Authenticity 22
  • 23. Trends in How We Work Outsourcing / collaboration 24/7 culture Authenticity Spirituality in the S i it lit i th workplace k l The third place 23
  • 24. The Third Place Def: A place other than home or work where a person can go to relax and feel part of the community Comfortable place where its easy to enter conversation Are your clients creating this for their customers? Are you creating this for your employeesyour clients? 24
  • 25. B-to-B Marketing Trends Define customer needs / REAL VALUE Lead charge / process for ORGANIC GROWTH Better UNDERSTANDING/ TOOLS for MANAGING VALUE Generate better B-to-B marketing / METRICS ROI B to B SPEED NEW OFFERINGS / HIT RATE De- commoditization Bring full t t i impact of marketing t THE C-SUITE B i f ll strategic i t f k ti to C SUITE ISBM Trends 2010 Study 25
  • 26. 26
  • 27. What to do? Consumer centric immerse yourself in their lives Think small be a brand evangelist word of mouth, limited run makes it exclusive Keep your edge stay fresh on trend cool curiosity fresh, trend, Tap in to pop culture celebs are trendsetters Free agents empowered by tech like niche brands like g p y LG, changing brand loyalty all about NOW Brand personality live relationship with customer stand f something t d for thi 27
  • 28. Want to Keep Up with Marketing Trends? tenbyten.org Collects pictures and words every hour with headlines of whats happening right now. Interactive presentation of the pictures and words that define the time. news.agendainc.com A blog about pop culture and brand strategy. blogpulse.com gp An automated trend discovery system for blogs. y y g thecoolhunter.net Roaming the globe so youre in the know. dailycandy.com The latest trendy items by city. Updated daily with features on new products, services, restaurants, more. flavorpill.com Publisher of filtered cultural information, distributed in a series of graphical email magazines. google.com/trends/hottrends A fascinating look at the top search terms, by category. Whats on other peoples minds? iconoculture.com Translates emerging trends and consumer insights across p g g g product categories, lifestyle segments, and g , y g , demographic groups. influxinsights.com Articles about emerging trends. marumushi.com/apps/newsm A visual snapshot of world news. ap/newsmap.cfm psfk.com A blog dedicated to interesting cultural trends and tidbits. splendora.com splendora com A fashion and style site with city guides weekly forecasts articles and more guides, forecasts, articles, more. springwise.com New business ideas from around the world. transculturalism.com Focused on cross-cultural interests including identity and the modern quest for belonging. trendcentral.com Bite-sized insights into global consumer trends. trendhunter.com A magazine dedicated to finding whats cool before anybody else. trendwatching.com trendwatching com Most visited source for information on consumer trends Taps over 6 000 trend-spotters to identify emerging Most source trends. 6,000 trends. urbanpioneerproject.com A global social anthropology eliciting the aid of urban volunteers. utne.com Reprints the best articles from over 2,000 alternative media sources to collect the latest ideas and trends emerging in our culture. Source: GetFutureThink.com 28
  • 29. Life Philosophy: Keep the Shiny Side Up! Contact me at ssaurage@SaurageResearch.com or on Facebook or LinkedIn Blog: www RealitySpikes com www.RealitySpikes.com @RealitySpikes 29