This is one of the slide which I prepared for teaching Megalithic monuments and period, which is a good source of information about the ancient Tamilakam.
3. Megalithic Period
The period when the
monuments were
constructed is known
as the Megalithic
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4. Nannangadi
The practice of burying the remains of the
deceased by placing them it in a big urn
prevailed in ancient Tamilakam.
The urns used for burying the dead body are
known as urn burials or nannangadi
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5. Megalithic monuments
In some areas big stones were placed above the
urn, stone circle, dolmen,cist, rock
chamber, thoppikkallu (tomb stone ) ,
kudakkallu (umbrella stone ), sarcophagus,
menhir, etc were remarkable among them.
They are known as the megalithic monuments.
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6. Megalithic period
The period when the megalithic monuments
were constructed is known as the megalithic
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