Re-Balancing Economics with EthicsPaul H. Carr The Golden Rule of ethics must re-balance our economy. At present, those with the gold make the rules. “Any economic system should serve people, not the other way around” (Pope Francis).
According to economist Thomas Piketty’s recent “Inequality of Capital,” the top income earners now have 60% of our national income. From 1942 to 1980, however, the same high income people had only 34%. I will show what happened after 1980 to bring about our present income inequality. It has contributed to the unexpected political success of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.
Caso 8NanciyEste documento resume la iniciativa de Google de digitalizar millones de libros de bibliotecas universitarias y públicas para permitir que los usuarios busquen frases y palabras clave. Mientras que Google afirma que esto es un servicio público, la industria editorial y autores tienen preocupaciones sobre los derechos de autor y el control que Google tendría sobre la base de datos digital.
How Competitive Rumors and Customer Insights Empower the Sales Force to Grow The webinar discusses how competitive intelligence collected by salespeople can empower them and grow market share for their company. It explores challenges in collecting and using competitive intelligence from the perspective of salespeople. The webinar suggests that leadership support, clear expectations, recognition, and coaching can help motivate salespeople to collect competitive intelligence. It also notes potential issues like disrupting the sales process, opportunity costs of time spent analyzing intelligence, and risks of relying too heavily on intelligence over customer needs.
Fear of FrailtyHome Instead Senior Care/Northern ColoradoFrailty—a syndrome of weakness, fatigue, and declining physical activity—is one of the major contributors to seniors’ loss of independence. There are different causes of frailty for different people. A health crisis, like a heart attack or stroke, may be responsible. In other seniors, weight loss and falls may signal frailty.
MICHAEL SUKACH Resume 1Michael SukachMichael Sukach has over 15 years of experience in customer service roles. He has worked in customer service and supervisor roles providing excellent customer service and managing teams. His experience includes working in marine retail, telecommunications customer service, and security. He has strong problem solving, communication, and multi-tasking skills.
Denman_Highlights2015-FINALviewLo2Tony MeuserThe document summarizes research projects presented at Ohio State University's 20th annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. It describes 20 selected projects across various academic disciplines. The projects involved undergraduate students conducting independent research or working with faculty and graduate students. They explored topics such as the effects of parental military deployment on adolescents, the ethics of prophylactic organ removal, the relationship between depression and neuroinflammation, laser welding of dissimilar metals, synergistic hearing loss from chemotherapy and noise exposure, and bobcat population expansion in Ohio forests. The forum highlights the compelling work of motivated undergraduate researchers at Ohio State.
7 steps in registration of llp in chennaiBala NadarFormation of an Indian Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) requires minimum 2 partners and 2 designated partners, with at least 1 Indian resident. The partners and designated partners can be the same. Contributions are required from each partner. Designated partners must obtain a DPIN and one partner needs a digital signature certificate. The process involves applying for these, reserving a company name, drafting legal documents like the LLP agreement, filing forms with registrar of companies, and receiving a certificate of incorporation.
ReferenceUrszula WoźniakUrszula Wozniak worked as a Junior Designer for Beam for 12 months. During that time, she was hard working, reliable, and had a positive attitude. She learned quickly, found creative solutions to design problems, and was not afraid to take on new tasks. Ula engaged productively in discussions, had a good imagination, and was intelligent. Her director will miss having her in the studio.
Report (Survey) by Aida's groupKolej Tun Datu Tuanku Hj BujangThe survey found that almost half of the students do not eat breakfast. Those who do eat bread and drink water most commonly. More than half of students feel breakfast is not important. The majority experience feeling weak if they skip breakfast. Students had varying ideas of healthy breakfasts, with fruits and milk or cookies and milo being most popular choices. The survey provided insight into students' breakfast habits and perceptions of its importance.
Science is Fun! Atoms in ActionPaul H. CarrThis document discusses atoms and their properties. It explains that everything is made of atoms, and focuses on specific atoms like hydrogen, helium, carbon, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. It includes images from microscopes showing the structure and movement of atoms. The overall message is that atoms are the basic building blocks of all matter and understanding their behavior helps explain various scientific phenomena like pressure, bonding, and energy transfer through respiration.
Gestão por ProcessosWandick Rocha de AquinoGestão por Processos
Esta apresentação tem como objetivo principal disseminar conceitos que auxiliam compreender a Gestão por Processos.
Gestão por Processos - BPM - foco em resultadosCompanyWebO documento discute a importância da documentação dos processos de negócio de uma organização. A documentação torna os processos mais estruturados e eficientes, permitindo a melhoria contínua, transferência de conhecimento e conformidade. Além disso, a documentação apoia mudanças e inovações, fornecendo visibilidade dos processos.
Fear of FrailtyHome Instead Senior Care/Northern ColoradoFrailty—a syndrome of weakness, fatigue, and declining physical activity—is one of the major contributors to seniors’ loss of independence. There are different causes of frailty for different people. A health crisis, like a heart attack or stroke, may be responsible. In other seniors, weight loss and falls may signal frailty.
MICHAEL SUKACH Resume 1Michael SukachMichael Sukach has over 15 years of experience in customer service roles. He has worked in customer service and supervisor roles providing excellent customer service and managing teams. His experience includes working in marine retail, telecommunications customer service, and security. He has strong problem solving, communication, and multi-tasking skills.
Denman_Highlights2015-FINALviewLo2Tony MeuserThe document summarizes research projects presented at Ohio State University's 20th annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. It describes 20 selected projects across various academic disciplines. The projects involved undergraduate students conducting independent research or working with faculty and graduate students. They explored topics such as the effects of parental military deployment on adolescents, the ethics of prophylactic organ removal, the relationship between depression and neuroinflammation, laser welding of dissimilar metals, synergistic hearing loss from chemotherapy and noise exposure, and bobcat population expansion in Ohio forests. The forum highlights the compelling work of motivated undergraduate researchers at Ohio State.
7 steps in registration of llp in chennaiBala NadarFormation of an Indian Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) requires minimum 2 partners and 2 designated partners, with at least 1 Indian resident. The partners and designated partners can be the same. Contributions are required from each partner. Designated partners must obtain a DPIN and one partner needs a digital signature certificate. The process involves applying for these, reserving a company name, drafting legal documents like the LLP agreement, filing forms with registrar of companies, and receiving a certificate of incorporation.
ReferenceUrszula WoźniakUrszula Wozniak worked as a Junior Designer for Beam for 12 months. During that time, she was hard working, reliable, and had a positive attitude. She learned quickly, found creative solutions to design problems, and was not afraid to take on new tasks. Ula engaged productively in discussions, had a good imagination, and was intelligent. Her director will miss having her in the studio.
Report (Survey) by Aida's groupKolej Tun Datu Tuanku Hj BujangThe survey found that almost half of the students do not eat breakfast. Those who do eat bread and drink water most commonly. More than half of students feel breakfast is not important. The majority experience feeling weak if they skip breakfast. Students had varying ideas of healthy breakfasts, with fruits and milk or cookies and milo being most popular choices. The survey provided insight into students' breakfast habits and perceptions of its importance.
Science is Fun! Atoms in ActionPaul H. CarrThis document discusses atoms and their properties. It explains that everything is made of atoms, and focuses on specific atoms like hydrogen, helium, carbon, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. It includes images from microscopes showing the structure and movement of atoms. The overall message is that atoms are the basic building blocks of all matter and understanding their behavior helps explain various scientific phenomena like pressure, bonding, and energy transfer through respiration.
Gestão por ProcessosWandick Rocha de AquinoGestão por Processos
Esta apresentação tem como objetivo principal disseminar conceitos que auxiliam compreender a Gestão por Processos.
Gestão por Processos - BPM - foco em resultadosCompanyWebO documento discute a importância da documentação dos processos de negócio de uma organização. A documentação torna os processos mais estruturados e eficientes, permitindo a melhoria contínua, transferência de conhecimento e conformidade. Além disso, a documentação apoia mudanças e inovações, fornecendo visibilidade dos processos.
Gestão por Processos - BPM - foco em resultadosCompanyWeb
Meie VõImas Rahvuskangelane Kalevipoeg
1. Meie võimas rahvuskangelane Kalevipoeg. Hiid kes kaitses oma rahvast vaenlase eest,
kes võitles allmaailmaga ja viimaks päästis põrgupiigad Sarviktaadi käest.
Paraku oli ka meie tugev ja töökas Kalevipoeg veidike rumal.
Hakkas ta küll kohe põldu harima, kuid puhkuse ajaks sidus ruunal jalad kinni
ja too söödi sellepärast ära.
Või et ta käis venemaalt laudu toomas ja tagasi tulles peksis neid vaenlastega võideldes puruks
kui poleks okasteta
siilike soovitanud serviti lüüa oleks tõenäoliselt meie riigi pealinnaks Pärnu või mõni
muu Eesti väikelinn.
Küll aga ei peatanud rumalus meie Kalevipoega, ta soovis õppida, seetõttu võttis ette
reisi maailma äärele, kust leidis penilased. Aga pole hea halvata. Kalevipoeg andis ära isa
Ta oli ka joodik, ning tema joomahullus viis viimaks tülini, mille Kalevipoeg lahendas
Soome Sepa poja tapmisega!
Aga tubli Kalevipoja paturegistrile võiks lisadaga seksuaalne ahistamine.
Kalevipoeg häbistas Saarepiigat nii, et too uputas end.
Jah, see on meie võimas rahvuskangelane Kalevipoeg.