
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
By: Thomas Nelan.
Date: 13 March, 2015.
Question #2:
 What does the term Meiji mean? Can you say something about
the companys history? Why would the name Meiji have more
positive connotations in Japan than in China?
Meiji Company History;
What does the term Meiji mean?;
Chinese v- Japanese connotations of the name Meiji.
Meiji Corporate History Overview
 1906: Meiji Sugar Company Ltd;
 1916: Tokyo Confectionary Company Ltd (Meiji Seica) Estd.
 1917: Kyukoto Condensed Milk Company Ltd Estd.
 1940: Renamed Meiji Dairies Corporation;
Meiji Dairies Meiji Seica
Meiji Company Ltd
Meiji Company History: Kyukoto
Condensed Milk Company Ltd
 1917: Meiji introduced condensed milk to Japan.
 1951: Meiji launches Soft Curd Meiji Infant Formula:
 1968: Meiji launches Meiji Baby Rice Gruel; &;
Meiji Infant Kaju Orange Juice.
- Infant nutrition a priority for Chinese Govt._ JERI Report.
- Wen Jiabao 500 gram dairy declaration:
11th & 12th National Plan targets.
- Chinese One-Child Policy:
-Parents & grandparents sought best possible food
intake for child.
-Risk to child is risk to future of China.
The Meaning of Meiji:
 The meaning of  , and;
 The meaning of Meiji.
The Meaning of Meiji
 Soft lower-case lettering: Cheerfulness of a corporation in the food and health
sector and warm connections with each customer.
 Red colour: uplifting colour, joy of living. First colour humans learn after being
born, signifying desire to be part of peoples lives from their birth.
 iji: A group of people supporting each other.
 e represents a smiling face welcoming those people.
The historical meaning
of Meiji
 1868 - 1912:
-Sakoku Period ends;
- Direct imperial rule restored;
- Transition to modern industrial world power;
- Reform and innovation encouraged in all areas;
- Wakon Yosai: Japanese Spirit, Western Technology;
- By 1900 new industry competing with agriculture.
 Meiji: Enlightened Rule.
 Meiji Sugar Company Ltd. founded 1906.
Connotations of Meiji in a
Chinese context.
 Japanese foreign aggression under Emperor Meiji:
 1894/95: - War with China relating to control of Korea,
- Chinese surprise at being beaten by minnow.
- Gained control of Taiwan.
 1904/05: -Victory in war against Russia- foothold in
China and SE Asia.
 Relevance of history? Great Leap Forward:
Mao Zedong attempt to collectivise dairy farming in the
1950s still carried legacy issues.
Collectivised Farming Propaganda.
Collectivised Farming Reality
Connotations of  in a
Chinese context.
 Meiji is synonymous with Japan:
- Japan is synonymous with expansionist aggression;
- Previously mentioned aggression plus:
- 1931 invasion of Manuchria;
- 1937 Rape of Nanking (300,000 dead).
- Comfort women.
Connotations of  in a
Chinese context.
 Meiji is synonymous with Japan:
- 2005: School history book demonstrations: 3 weeks.
-Senkaku / Daioyu Islands dispute;
- Yasukuni Shrine visits;
- Anti- Japanese movement indicates rising tide of
popular nationalism.
Schoolbook Protest. Islands Protest.
Abe visits Yasukuni Shrine 2013 &
Its natural for
leaders to visit
Connotations of   in a
Japanese context.
 Meiji messages:
- Tasty Enjoyment, Health and Reassurance.
- Ashita wo motto oishiku (Tomorrow will be more tasty).
Meiji: Bright.
Connotations of   in a
Japanese context.
 Meiji Group aim to brighten customers daily lives by
providing customers of all ages, from infants to the elderly,
with foods that offer tastiness and enjoyment, as well as
products that contribute to customers physical and
emotional well-being. _ Meiji Press Release 2010.
 Long-term plan (Meiji 2020 Vision)Three Key-Words:
- Treasure children!
- Invigorate adults!
- Create excitement for all!
 Aim: Brand Loyalty: Repeat purchases at premium prices.
Connotations of   in a
Japanese context.
Impact of connotations:
 Marketing Communication Aims:
- Category need:
- Brand awareness:
- Brand attitude:
- Brand purchase intention:
-Purchase facilitation.
 Brand attitude: a consumers particular impression of
a brand, formed by emotions, logic and cognitive
beliefs. _ Dibb, Simkin, Pride and Ferrell; Marketing Concepts and Strategies.
Contributors to
Negative Brand Attitude:
 2010: Foot and Mouth disease in Japan- 12 month ban;
 2011: Fukushima Daiichi Disaster- Radioactivity stigma;
 2011: Radioactive Caesium found in infant formula;
 2013: Price fixing scandal in China.
 2013: Tense Chinese-Japanese relations.
 Recall 400,000 tins from shelves;
 Formula sourced from Australia;
 Exposure to dairy-product advertising in news media has little
effect on dairy purchase decisions.
 Sales 90% down.

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Meiji Presentation

  • 1. By: Thomas Nelan. Date: 13 March, 2015.
  • 2. Question #2: What does the term Meiji mean? Can you say something about the companys history? Why would the name Meiji have more positive connotations in Japan than in China? Overview: Meiji Company History; Examine: What does the term Meiji mean?; Explore: Chinese v- Japanese connotations of the name Meiji.
  • 3. Meiji Corporate History Overview 1906: Meiji Sugar Company Ltd; 1916: Tokyo Confectionary Company Ltd (Meiji Seica) Estd. 1917: Kyukoto Condensed Milk Company Ltd Estd. 1940: Renamed Meiji Dairies Corporation; 2011: Meiji Dairies Meiji Seica Meiji Company Ltd
  • 4. Meiji Company History: Kyukoto Condensed Milk Company Ltd 1917: Meiji introduced condensed milk to Japan. 1951: Meiji launches Soft Curd Meiji Infant Formula: 1968: Meiji launches Meiji Baby Rice Gruel; &; Meiji Infant Kaju Orange Juice. - Infant nutrition a priority for Chinese Govt._ JERI Report. - Wen Jiabao 500 gram dairy declaration: 11th & 12th National Plan targets. - Chinese One-Child Policy: -Parents & grandparents sought best possible food intake for child. -Risk to child is risk to future of China.
  • 5. The Meaning of Meiji: The meaning of , and; The meaning of Meiji.
  • 6. The Meaning of Meiji Soft lower-case lettering: Cheerfulness of a corporation in the food and health sector and warm connections with each customer. Red colour: uplifting colour, joy of living. First colour humans learn after being born, signifying desire to be part of peoples lives from their birth. iji: A group of people supporting each other. e represents a smiling face welcoming those people.
  • 7. The historical meaning of Meiji 1868 - 1912: -Sakoku Period ends; - Direct imperial rule restored; - Transition to modern industrial world power; - Reform and innovation encouraged in all areas; - Wakon Yosai: Japanese Spirit, Western Technology; - By 1900 new industry competing with agriculture. Meiji: Enlightened Rule. Meiji Sugar Company Ltd. founded 1906.
  • 8. Connotations of Meiji in a Chinese context. Japanese foreign aggression under Emperor Meiji: 1894/95: - War with China relating to control of Korea, - Chinese surprise at being beaten by minnow. - Gained control of Taiwan. 1904/05: -Victory in war against Russia- foothold in China and SE Asia. Relevance of history? Great Leap Forward: Mao Zedong attempt to collectivise dairy farming in the 1950s still carried legacy issues.
  • 11. Connotations of in a Chinese context. Meiji is synonymous with Japan: - Japan is synonymous with expansionist aggression; - Previously mentioned aggression plus: - 1931 invasion of Manuchria; - 1937 Rape of Nanking (300,000 dead). - Comfort women.
  • 12. Connotations of in a Chinese context. Meiji is synonymous with Japan: Recently: - 2005: School history book demonstrations: 3 weeks. -Senkaku / Daioyu Islands dispute; - Yasukuni Shrine visits; - Anti- Japanese movement indicates rising tide of popular nationalism.
  • 14. Abe visits Yasukuni Shrine 2013 & 2014. Its natural for leaders to visit Yasukuni_17/02/2015
  • 15. Connotations of in a Japanese context. Meiji messages: - Tasty Enjoyment, Health and Reassurance. - Ashita wo motto oishiku (Tomorrow will be more tasty). Meiji: Bright. Meiji: Stability, Well-balanced, Rule.
  • 16. Connotations of in a Japanese context. Meiji Group aim to brighten customers daily lives by providing customers of all ages, from infants to the elderly, with foods that offer tastiness and enjoyment, as well as products that contribute to customers physical and emotional well-being. _ Meiji Press Release 2010. Long-term plan (Meiji 2020 Vision)Three Key-Words: - Treasure children! - Invigorate adults! - Create excitement for all! Aim: Brand Loyalty: Repeat purchases at premium prices.
  • 17. Connotations of in a Japanese context.
  • 18. Impact of connotations: Marketing Communication Aims: - Category need: - Brand awareness: - Brand attitude: - Brand purchase intention: -Purchase facilitation. Brand attitude: a consumers particular impression of a brand, formed by emotions, logic and cognitive beliefs. _ Dibb, Simkin, Pride and Ferrell; Marketing Concepts and Strategies.
  • 19. Contributors to Negative Brand Attitude: 2010: Foot and Mouth disease in Japan- 12 month ban; 2011: Fukushima Daiichi Disaster- Radioactivity stigma; 2011: Radioactive Caesium found in infant formula; 2013: Price fixing scandal in China. 2013: Tense Chinese-Japanese relations. Recall 400,000 tins from shelves; Formula sourced from Australia; Exposure to dairy-product advertising in news media has little effect on dairy purchase decisions. Sales 90% down.