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Santa Fe Social Doc
I workedwithTomand I do notthinkhe is turninginthe photos
SANTA FE, N.M.  Nestledawayfromthe hustle andbustle thatisthe plazasitsa quaintpiece of
Santa Fe history.The OldSanta Fe GiftShop isa destinationforpeoplewhowouldlike abitof
For three yearsJimaChevalierhasbeenmaintainingthe legacythatwascreated50 yearsago by
Santa FesCuranderaof the Heart, Connie Hernandez.Locatedat529 OldSanta Fe Tr., the shop
WhenaskedhowChevaliercame tobe Hernandezshelpershe said,Ijustfell intoit.Iwas
writinga bookon her life whenshe fell andbecame hospitalized.Herfamilycame tome and askedif I
couldcontinue writinginthe backso thatsomeone couldkeepaneye onher.Ive beenhere ever
In betweenherwritingsChevalierspendsherdaystalkingtotourists,andlocalsalike,aboutthe
missionof Hernandezandthe historyof La Conquistadora, ourcountrysoldestMadonna,whichis
housedatthe St.Francis Cathedral of SantaFe.
Believedtohave beencommissionedin1448 Our Lady of the Rosaryhas beenprotectedbya
secretsocietybythe name of La Cofradiade Conquistadorasince the 1650s. For the last 400 years
Hernandezsfamilyhasbeenapart of thisconfraternityandhasdedicatedtheirlivestoher
NevermarriedandwithnochildrenHernandezpersonallyhasdevotedherentire life toLa
Conquisatadora.She dressesherandbrushesherhair,Chevaliersaid.She alsousedtogether ready
for events all overthe country.Connie isfrail now andthose responsibilitieswill be transferredto
someone else.
HernandezandChevaliernowdedicate theirtime tothe tinyshopfilledwithtributestothe
Madonna and otherspiritual gifts.Manyartisansinthe areahave theirworkson the shelves,eachwith
a correspondingmanilaenvelope fortheirsales.Connielovestohelpoutanyone she canand for some
she doesnteventake acommission,Chevaliersaid.
Hernandezhasbecome somewhatof areligiousiconherself,attractingpeoplefromall overthe
worldwhocome for spiritual guidance.
We call her the Curanderaof the Heart, because she doesnotpractice traditionallywithherbs
and potions,butshe isreveredasa spiritual healerinherownright, Chevaliersaid.
She tellsastory of a youngmotherpregnantwithtwinswhose waterbroke atjustseven
months.The hospital sentherhome andtoldherthat the sac wouldrepairitself.Eventuallyshe went
intolabor,as one wouldexpect,andthe girls were bornintocritical care.The desperate motherasked
Hernandeztopray for herbabies,whichshe did,andtheymade a miraculousturnaround.Bothare now
healthyandthrivingtothisday,and a picture of themcan be seennexttoa little shrine onthe counter.
Storieslike these aboundfromChevaliersmemoryasshe workshardto preserve aspotfor
Hernandezinanyonesheartthatwill listen.
I am not sure what the future holdsforthislittle place.Connie isgettingfrailerasthe daysgo
on and I have mydoubtsthat we will be here ayear fromnow,Chevaliersaid.She hasniecesand
nephews,butnochildrentotake onher cause.Connie issucha compassionate womanitwill be hardto
fill hershoes.
If compassionisa requirementtotake overthe mantle of herfrienditseemsthatChevalieris
well onherway.She patientlyturnsherattentiontoanintoxicatedmanreadyforconversationand
endswitha have a good day.

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Melissa Romero curandera of the heart

  • 1. MelissaRomero Santa Fe Social Doc I workedwithTomand I do notthinkhe is turninginthe photos SANTA FE, N.M. Nestledawayfromthe hustle andbustle thatisthe plazasitsa quaintpiece of Santa Fe history.The OldSanta Fe GiftShop isa destinationforpeoplewhowouldlike abitof spiritualityalongwiththeirsouvenirs. For three yearsJimaChevalierhasbeenmaintainingthe legacythatwascreated50 yearsago by Santa FesCuranderaof the Heart, Connie Hernandez.Locatedat529 OldSanta Fe Tr., the shop overflowswithrelicsrangingfromsacredtosilly. WhenaskedhowChevaliercame tobe Hernandezshelpershe said,Ijustfell intoit.Iwas writinga bookon her life whenshe fell andbecame hospitalized.Herfamilycame tome and askedif I couldcontinue writinginthe backso thatsomeone couldkeepaneye onher.Ive beenhere ever since. In betweenherwritingsChevalierspendsherdaystalkingtotourists,andlocalsalike,aboutthe missionof Hernandezandthe historyof La Conquistadora, ourcountrysoldestMadonna,whichis housedatthe St.Francis Cathedral of SantaFe. Believedtohave beencommissionedin1448 Our Lady of the Rosaryhas beenprotectedbya secretsocietybythe name of La Cofradiade Conquistadorasince the 1650s. For the last 400 years Hernandezsfamilyhasbeenapart of thisconfraternityandhasdedicatedtheirlivestoher preservation. NevermarriedandwithnochildrenHernandezpersonallyhasdevotedherentire life toLa Conquisatadora.She dressesherandbrushesherhair,Chevaliersaid.She alsousedtogether ready for events all overthe country.Connie isfrail now andthose responsibilitieswill be transferredto someone else. HernandezandChevaliernowdedicate theirtime tothe tinyshopfilledwithtributestothe Madonna and otherspiritual gifts.Manyartisansinthe areahave theirworkson the shelves,eachwith a correspondingmanilaenvelope fortheirsales.Connielovestohelpoutanyone she canand for some she doesnteventake acommission,Chevaliersaid. Hernandezhasbecome somewhatof areligiousiconherself,attractingpeoplefromall overthe worldwhocome for spiritual guidance. We call her the Curanderaof the Heart, because she doesnotpractice traditionallywithherbs and potions,butshe isreveredasa spiritual healerinherownright, Chevaliersaid. She tellsastory of a youngmotherpregnantwithtwinswhose waterbroke atjustseven months.The hospital sentherhome andtoldherthat the sac wouldrepairitself.Eventuallyshe went intolabor,as one wouldexpect,andthe girls were bornintocritical care.The desperate motherasked
  • 2. Hernandeztopray for herbabies,whichshe did,andtheymade a miraculousturnaround.Bothare now healthyandthrivingtothisday,and a picture of themcan be seennexttoa little shrine onthe counter. Storieslike these aboundfromChevaliersmemoryasshe workshardto preserve aspotfor Hernandezinanyonesheartthatwill listen. I am not sure what the future holdsforthislittle place.Connie isgettingfrailerasthe daysgo on and I have mydoubtsthat we will be here ayear fromnow,Chevaliersaid.She hasniecesand nephews,butnochildrentotake onher cause.Connie issucha compassionate womanitwill be hardto fill hershoes. If compassionisa requirementtotake overthe mantle of herfrienditseemsthatChevalieris well onherway.She patientlyturnsherattentiontoanintoxicatedmanreadyforconversationand endswitha have a good day.