For three years, Jima Chevalier has been maintaining the Old Santa Fe Gift Shop, originally created 50 years ago by Santa Fe's Curandera of the Heart, Connie Hernandez. Chevalier spends her days talking to tourists and locals about Hernandez and the history of Our Lady of the Rosary, the oldest Madonna in the United States. Hernandez has devoted her life to caring for the Madonna and using her as a spiritual healer. The future of the shop is uncertain as Hernandez grows frailer with no children to take over her legacy, but Chevalier works hard to preserve Hernandez's place in people's hearts and carry on her compassionate work.
Father Dante is a priest who has been pressured into laundering money for the local mob through donations to his church. He is plagued with guilt and writes a letter to the IRS to confess. When he calls an IRS tip line, they call back and the church secretary answers, alerting the mob. The mob confronts Father Dante and threatens to kill him and others if he confesses. In the end, Father Dante is killed by the mob in the confessional booth. Sister Cynthia grows suspicious of the money laundering when a donated motorcycle disappears. She breaks into Father Dante's office to get records of the laundering operation.
Fundamentos de la ciencia de la seguridad y salud ocupacionalASI El Salvador
El documento describe un programa modular de capacitaci坦n en seguridad y salud ocupacional ofrecido por ASI. El programa consta de siete m坦dulos que cubren temas como la responsabilidad empresarial en seguridad, la relaci坦n entre seguridad y productividad, e identificaci坦n de riesgos. El m坦dulo 1 se enfoca en los fundamentos de la seguridad y salud ocupacional y su importancia para prevenir accidentes. El programa busca identificar riesgos comunes y desarrollar mecanismos espec鱈ficos para cada industria a fin de
This document contains product information including a product code, type, specifications, date and person. It lists measurements and colors for an item produced on a given date by a named individual.
Curso como aprender a comunicar mejor para evitar conflictosiLabora
Este curso de 20 horas tiene como objetivo mejorar las habilidades de comunicaci坦n y prevenir conflictos. Se enfoca en mejorar la expresi坦n oral y escrita, aprender a comunicarse de manera adecuada en entornos sociales y laborales, y adquirir herramientas para el desarrollo profesional y humano. Est叩 dirigido a profesionales como mandos medios, comerciales, relacionistas p炭blicos, secretarias y vendedores. Los contenidos incluyen t辿cnicas de comunicaci坦n oral y escrita, roles en grupos, din
This is the inspiring tale of a humble Salvadoran campesino who rose from his precarious status as an illegal immigrant in the United States to realize the American Dream and became a millionaire. It is the story of a man who left his small village barefoot, his pockets empty, with only a single change of clothing and a suitcase full of dreams, who reached the pinnacle of success in the world卒s greatest economic power.
Jill Pankey is a colorful and whimsical oil painter whose work chronicles her life and adventures. She draws inspiration from her friends and family. Pankey's paintings feature bright colors and movement. Her work is shown in galleries across the United States and in New Zealand. Pankey began painting at a young age and pursued art despite being told it wasn't a reliable career. She has found success through her vibrant paintings and has had many commissions over the years.
Roque Garcia has operated a food truck in the plaza in Santa Fe, New Mexico since 1982. He reminisces about how the area used to be predominantly Spanish-speaking with local businesses, but has now been taken over by tourists and Anglo culture. Though he opened other restaurants, Santa Fe remains his favorite and home. He wishes the city hadn't changed so much but acknowledges the tourism is now important for businesses.
The document discusses Chicana poet Lorna Dee Cervantes and her poem "Beneath the Shadow of the Freeway." It describes how early Chicano poetry focused on affirming Mexican heritage but often did not critique sexism within the community. Cervantes states she wrote to document her personal history as a Chicana, which was missing from both mainstream and Chicano literature. The poem describes growing up in a woman-led family living beneath the freeway and deals with themes of domestic violence and finding strength within oneself.
Rizal had his first experiences with schooling in Bi単an. He lodged with his aunt and was enrolled in Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz's private school. There, he had his first school brawl when he wrestled and defeated a classmate named Pedro. He also engaged in an arm wrestling match with another classmate, Andres Salandaan. His uncles helped guide his studies and encouraged his intellectual and physical development during this time in Bi単an.
The document discusses several poems written by women from different backgrounds and time periods. It provides context about the authors' lives and experiences that influenced their writing. Sandra Cisneros wrote "Old Maids" about rejecting societal expectations for women to marry. Maya Angelou's "Phenomenal Woman" celebrates a woman's confidence in herself rather than worrying about beauty standards. Sara Teasdale's "I'm Not Yours" reflects on her own marital experiences and desires. Elizabeth Barrett Browning's sonnet "How Do I Love Thee" expresses her unconditional love for her husband Robert Browning.
Harry, who was nearing the end of his life, helped his friend Larry process unresolved grief over his father's suicide decades earlier. During their final conversations, Harry provided comfort, closure, and fatherly love to Larry. Harry passed away peacefully with his friend by his side.
This document provides biographical information about the Mallorcan poet Maria Ant嘆nia Salv. It notes that she was born in 1869 in Palma, Mallorca and died in 1958 in Llucmajor. Her most important works were "Lluneta de Pag竪s" from 1952 and "El Meu Estat D'ara". It describes her poetry as having elements of modern poetry and discusses the themes of the poems "Lluneta de Pag竪s", about the sky, and "El Meu Estat D'ara", about feelings.
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Similar to Melissa Romero curandera of the heart (8)
This is the inspiring tale of a humble Salvadoran campesino who rose from his precarious status as an illegal immigrant in the United States to realize the American Dream and became a millionaire. It is the story of a man who left his small village barefoot, his pockets empty, with only a single change of clothing and a suitcase full of dreams, who reached the pinnacle of success in the world卒s greatest economic power.
Jill Pankey is a colorful and whimsical oil painter whose work chronicles her life and adventures. She draws inspiration from her friends and family. Pankey's paintings feature bright colors and movement. Her work is shown in galleries across the United States and in New Zealand. Pankey began painting at a young age and pursued art despite being told it wasn't a reliable career. She has found success through her vibrant paintings and has had many commissions over the years.
Roque Garcia has operated a food truck in the plaza in Santa Fe, New Mexico since 1982. He reminisces about how the area used to be predominantly Spanish-speaking with local businesses, but has now been taken over by tourists and Anglo culture. Though he opened other restaurants, Santa Fe remains his favorite and home. He wishes the city hadn't changed so much but acknowledges the tourism is now important for businesses.
The document discusses Chicana poet Lorna Dee Cervantes and her poem "Beneath the Shadow of the Freeway." It describes how early Chicano poetry focused on affirming Mexican heritage but often did not critique sexism within the community. Cervantes states she wrote to document her personal history as a Chicana, which was missing from both mainstream and Chicano literature. The poem describes growing up in a woman-led family living beneath the freeway and deals with themes of domestic violence and finding strength within oneself.
Rizal had his first experiences with schooling in Bi単an. He lodged with his aunt and was enrolled in Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz's private school. There, he had his first school brawl when he wrestled and defeated a classmate named Pedro. He also engaged in an arm wrestling match with another classmate, Andres Salandaan. His uncles helped guide his studies and encouraged his intellectual and physical development during this time in Bi単an.
The document discusses several poems written by women from different backgrounds and time periods. It provides context about the authors' lives and experiences that influenced their writing. Sandra Cisneros wrote "Old Maids" about rejecting societal expectations for women to marry. Maya Angelou's "Phenomenal Woman" celebrates a woman's confidence in herself rather than worrying about beauty standards. Sara Teasdale's "I'm Not Yours" reflects on her own marital experiences and desires. Elizabeth Barrett Browning's sonnet "How Do I Love Thee" expresses her unconditional love for her husband Robert Browning.
Harry, who was nearing the end of his life, helped his friend Larry process unresolved grief over his father's suicide decades earlier. During their final conversations, Harry provided comfort, closure, and fatherly love to Larry. Harry passed away peacefully with his friend by his side.
This document provides biographical information about the Mallorcan poet Maria Ant嘆nia Salv. It notes that she was born in 1869 in Palma, Mallorca and died in 1958 in Llucmajor. Her most important works were "Lluneta de Pag竪s" from 1952 and "El Meu Estat D'ara". It describes her poetry as having elements of modern poetry and discusses the themes of the poems "Lluneta de Pag竪s", about the sky, and "El Meu Estat D'ara", about feelings.
1. MelissaRomero
Santa Fe Social Doc
I workedwithTomand I do notthinkhe is turninginthe photos
SANTA FE, N.M. Nestledawayfromthe hustle andbustle thatisthe plazasitsa quaintpiece of
Santa Fe history.The OldSanta Fe GiftShop isa destinationforpeoplewhowouldlike abitof
For three yearsJimaChevalierhasbeenmaintainingthe legacythatwascreated50 yearsago by
Santa FesCuranderaof the Heart, Connie Hernandez.Locatedat529 OldSanta Fe Tr., the shop
WhenaskedhowChevaliercame tobe Hernandezshelpershe said,Ijustfell intoit.Iwas
writinga bookon her life whenshe fell andbecame hospitalized.Herfamilycame tome and askedif I
couldcontinue writinginthe backso thatsomeone couldkeepaneye onher.Ive beenhere ever
In betweenherwritingsChevalierspendsherdaystalkingtotourists,andlocalsalike,aboutthe
missionof Hernandezandthe historyof La Conquistadora, ourcountrysoldestMadonna,whichis
housedatthe St.Francis Cathedral of SantaFe.
Believedtohave beencommissionedin1448 Our Lady of the Rosaryhas beenprotectedbya
secretsocietybythe name of La Cofradiade Conquistadorasince the 1650s. For the last 400 years
Hernandezsfamilyhasbeenapart of thisconfraternityandhasdedicatedtheirlivestoher
NevermarriedandwithnochildrenHernandezpersonallyhasdevotedherentire life toLa
Conquisatadora.She dressesherandbrushesherhair,Chevaliersaid.She alsousedtogether ready
for events all overthe country.Connie isfrail now andthose responsibilitieswill be transferredto
someone else.
HernandezandChevaliernowdedicate theirtime tothe tinyshopfilledwithtributestothe
Madonna and otherspiritual gifts.Manyartisansinthe areahave theirworkson the shelves,eachwith
a correspondingmanilaenvelope fortheirsales.Connielovestohelpoutanyone she canand for some
she doesnteventake acommission,Chevaliersaid.
Hernandezhasbecome somewhatof areligiousiconherself,attractingpeoplefromall overthe
worldwhocome for spiritual guidance.
We call her the Curanderaof the Heart, because she doesnotpractice traditionallywithherbs
and potions,butshe isreveredasa spiritual healerinherownright, Chevaliersaid.
She tellsastory of a youngmotherpregnantwithtwinswhose waterbroke atjustseven
months.The hospital sentherhome andtoldherthat the sac wouldrepairitself.Eventuallyshe went
intolabor,as one wouldexpect,andthe girls were bornintocritical care.The desperate motherasked
2. Hernandeztopray for herbabies,whichshe did,andtheymade a miraculousturnaround.Bothare now
healthyandthrivingtothisday,and a picture of themcan be seennexttoa little shrine onthe counter.
Storieslike these aboundfromChevaliersmemoryasshe workshardto preserve aspotfor
Hernandezinanyonesheartthatwill listen.
I am not sure what the future holdsforthislittle place.Connie isgettingfrailerasthe daysgo
on and I have mydoubtsthat we will be here ayear fromnow,Chevaliersaid.She hasniecesand
nephews,butnochildrentotake onher cause.Connie issucha compassionate womanitwill be hardto
fill hershoes.
If compassionisa requirementtotake overthe mantle of herfrienditseemsthatChevalieris
well onherway.She patientlyturnsherattentiontoanintoxicatedmanreadyforconversationand
endswitha have a good day.