Melissa was hired as the Video Library Media Manager and impressed management with her work reorganizing the library. She was then asked to assist with writing a new multimedia standard and providing expertise for a new engineering document database called DMCS. DMCS replaced an older system and Melissa created training guides and trained over 900 users on the new system. She took on increasing responsibilities including reporting and searches lead and was promoted for her work on DMCS.
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Melissa Ruth at Lockheed Martin, 2009-2012
2. ? Hired as Video Library Media Manager, Melissa
orchestrated a new Video Library database, created
a new process for converting DVD videos, provided
recommendations, installed and trained staff on
new technology and software needed.
? Impressed with Melissa’s work on the Video Library
in 3 short months, management requested
Melissa’s assistance on writing a new Multi-Media
Management Standard to be used on the Hanford
site for Department of Energy contractors.
3. ? While working on the Multi-Media
Management Standard, management
requested Melissa’s technical expertise on the
new engineering document control release
database coming in 2010, known as DMCS.
? Replacing a 10 yr old database, DMCS was a
COTS product, configured for use on the
Hanford site.
5. ? Web Based
? SQL Server
? Relational
? Object Oriented
? Database
? SSRS Reporting & eQL Reporting
? 600,000 Documents
? 100,000 Objects
? 1600 Users
6. ? Having experience in training both classroom
and web training, Melissa created all training
guides for all users of the system, including
video training guides for basic features. These
training guides then drove business processes
across the site.
? In all, Melissa has written 70+ user guides and personally trained 900
of the current 1600 users.
7. ? DMCS supports the engineering process for 3 primary contractors.
? Communication and procedure changes must come from each contractor’s management.
? Not all contractors function or perform work in the same way.
? Each contractor manages their own document control staff processing vendor submittals
into DMCS.
? eB created the software functionality for active nuclear facilities.
? Hanford is not an active nuclear facility.
? eB designed the core functionality of this software to manage the life cycle of equipment
within a facility, with the document as a related object changed after the fact.
? Hanford Site focus is on the document as the focal point, with the equipment changes
? The software functionality is robust. The learning curve was steep.
? Hanford Site is slow to change
? ~11,000 employees spread out across 3 contractors with varying scopes of work.
? Hanford engineering community still relies heavily on paper.
? DMCS forces a level of configuration control on the Hanford site that
management wanted but the field was not prepared for.
8. ? As complex as DMCS was, searching the system
became a challenge for users. Already a liaison
between Document Control and the DMCS
software team , Melissa became the DMCS
reports and searches lead.
? For the searches that could be created within DMCS, Melissa worked
with the users to create the needed searches.
? For those that required more technical solutions, Melissa worked with
the software team to convert design and data requirements into
useable SQL Server Reports that could be incorporated into DMCS.
9. Thank you for your contribution to the
Document Management & Control System
(DMCS) implementation. It was an
extraordinarily difficult task that
demanded creativity, technical
innovation, analytical skills and many
long hours. As reporting and searches
lead, a document control representative
and a key person for communicating with
the customer’s engineering organizations,
you performed admirably. Especially
notable is your ability to quickly translate
document control’s and the engineering’s
needs into workable solutions with the eB
product. The project could not have
succeeded without you.
10. ? Melissa was promoted to Lead Document Control
Specialist, assisting the manager in all management
responsibilities for the department while still
working with the DMCS team.
? As Lead Document Control Specialist, Melissa managed all processes and
procedures for both Engineering Document Control and Vendor Submittal
Document Control.
? Melissa assisted with budget management & analysis as well as staffing
? Melissa also was the Subject Matter Expert for all configuration control
process questions regarding DMCS.
? Melissa continued to provide search and report assistance as well as
training for DMCS during this time.
11. ? After a DOE teleconference with other DOE
sites hearing about the software struggles they
were experiencing regarding for document
management, Melissa visualized sharing current
DMCS technology with other DOE locations.
? Melissa wrote an abstract and submitted it to
speak at the DOE Information Management
Conference which was approved and selected
for presentation at the April 2012 conference.
13. ? Melissa presented to DOE the same week she
graduated with her MBA from Western
Governors University Washington.
15. ? Melissa presented to DOE the same week she
spoke at her graduation ceremony receiving her
MBA from Western Governors University
(WGU) Washington.
? Her speech can be seen by clicking
on the picture.
16. ? Due to re-structuring, an upgrade to DMCS and
new projects for the DMCS team, Melissa was
promoted to DMCS Project Lead, taking on the
project management responsibilities.
? Melissa assisted with budget management & analysis as well as
priority and organizational structure decisions.
? Melissa managed the project schedule, project plan and technical
staff working on the projects as well as assists in DMCS system design
as functional administration staff.
? Melissa continued to provide search and report assistance as well as
training for DMCS during this time.
17. 2/2010 2/2011 6/2012
“The Multi-Media Library Management “Melissa, “Melissa again thanks for taking the initiative
Assessment was submitted today. Thank I have printed out the user guide for WIP with this situation. These stats are pretty
you again for your quality job on getting Rev 01, and I understand the process, darn good.
this action completed.” seems how I have already had an Initial Thanks.”
Release. I have also had 2 WIP
8/2010 drawings, and I am scared that it is so 2/2012
“Just another example of what a easy! J This was a great addition to our “Thank you Melissa:
wonderful job Melissa is doing for system. This is good feedback for me to share with
DMCS. She has done an excellent job of Thanks!” WRPS customers and their management.”
providing users guides and training to the
Release station people, engineers, and 6/2-11 3/2012
designers. And sometimes the users are “Melissa, “Your team is awesome! Last month I got an
not very nice or happy. She is providing I just tried out your report and all I can email with the first version of this document
excellent customer support to DMCS. say is Wow! That is so easy to use – I at 9MB. Just now I received the next
Thank you.” wish I had it Saturday afternoon! You revision, twice, for a grand total of 20KB – a
can bet I will use it on my remaining 10 fold reduction in size. I just looked at the
9/2010 farms and I will forward it to the rest of file and it appears now to be at 18MB,
“Thank you Melissa. You have been the folks in my group because we are receiving that PDF twice certainly would
excellent to work with. “ often called upon to search old have put me in “email jail”, but the link
drawings! works great. Your efforts are much
10/2010 Thanks very much for all the work!” appreciated.”
“Melissa has done a great job as our
reports and searches lead. The database
structure is complex and the user’s needs
varied, but Melissa has stepped up time
and again.”
18. ? “HDCS is a four letter word now.”
--MSA System Engineer/Design Authority
? “The improvement of the relationships between
documents, changes to those documents and
equipment related to those documents has
increased since moving to DMCS. The data base is
easy to use and allows retrieval of information in a
variety of ways, document number, engineer,
system, equipment etc. This allows for fast
retrieval if you do not know the document number
when searching.”
--CIO/Records Management & Document Control
19. ? “DMCS is a 1-stop shopping experience for
documents under configuration control!
Everything you want or need to know about a
document under configuration control is
located within this application including a link
to the record and change documentation that is
maintained in the electronic repository. There is
no need to look elsewhere, only one place that
provides all the current information.”
--Document Control & Record Management Program Lead
20. ? “I have really enjoyed working with DMCS. I
have confidence in the configuration control
provided by the DMCS system. I have found the
search capabilities invaluable for research and
reference tasks. It is an improvement on our
previous system in that it allows much more
data to be collected and searched on for each
drawing. It also allows reference files to be
associated with the drawing.”
--Electrical Designer
21. ? “Configuration Management is the foundation
of a solid document control program. eB
delivered the product spot on and Lockheed
Martin builds on that foundation. Great
processes and innovative automation continues
the expansion of DMCS and realigns the
Engineering community to electronic media.”
--Contents & Records Management Director