BBM originated as an alternative to Yahoo chat rooms and SMS messaging after their rise in popularity. While it faces competition from iMessage and WhatsApp, BBM still has over 50 million active users, up from 28 million last year, appealing as a social tool over iMessage. RIM has integrated BBM deeply into its devices, allowing sharing of photos, links, app recommendations, and a social music feature called BBM Music. Currently, WhatsApp has co-opted the BBM concept by working across all smartphones without requiring special plans, whereas BBM is limited to BlackBerry devices and may require additional charges.
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1. How is being originated
The idea behind the origination was after the trend of
yahoo chat rooms and ever rising inflated sms
Is it going to be continued?
Already being tuff competition faced BBM from I message
and whatsaap its still has more than 50-million active users
(it had 28-million just a year ago).
Since bbm appeals more socializing tool then I message
2. How did it progress
RIM knows its secret is the deep integration of BBM
into all facets of its devices. You can share anything
on BBM. Pictures, links, recommend apps BBM
Musicis a great example of this. This is music made
social. Youre able to download 50 songs to your
profile, but also have access to all the music in your
BBM contacts profiles too.
How will it co opt
Currently the concept of BBM is co-opted by the app called Whatsapp,
like BBM is only designed for BlackBerry devices and also with special
recharge package.
Where as whatsaap functions on all smart phones and it does not
require any special recharge package it also works on WiFi