This document discusses exploring the differences between how men and women speak. It prompts the reader to reflect on their own experiences and knowledge about gender differences in spoken language. The reader is challenged to analyze a transcript of men talking and consider how gender affects their conversation and relationship. They are then asked to imagine rewriting the conversation with female speakers and changing aspects to reflect typical differences between male and female speech.
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Men vs women talk lesson 1
1. Men vs Women - Talk
L/O: Be able to
Explore the differences between the way men
and women speak
Identify features of conversation in a transcript
and reflect on how the sexes differ in the way
they speak
2. Starter
Feedback from homework Tannen and
Lakoff post-its
Spoken language what do you remember?
3. New information
Do men and women speak differently?
Reflecting on what you know about spoken
language, write down your ideas
Try and link your ideas to experiences you
have had
Can you come up with 5 statements you
believe to be true?
4. Challenge
Look at the transcript of men talking
How does gender affect the conversation
between the boys?
What do you learn about their relationship
through the way they talk to each other?
What sort of things could we look for?
5. Development
Imagine the same conversations but between
Re-write the conversation but make the
speakers female what do you change?
6. Homework
Go to the blog and have a look
Leave a comment
Bring back a suggestion
7. Reflect
What have you learnt about the way men and
women speak differently?
What did you do to learn this?