Signs Youre In A Good Relationship
1. You have a gut feeling
2. You make future plans
3. You have your own relationship lingo
4. You trust each other
5. You express your individuality
6. You have similar life goals and values
7. Youre having fun
8. You act like true teammates
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Mendel tevel positive & negative signs for your relationship
4. You have a gut feeling
You make future plans
You have your own relationship lingo
You trust each other
You express your individuality
You have similar life goals and values
Youre having fun
You act like true teammates
8. Chronic Criticism
Assuming the Worst
Discussions Usually Start out Negative
Chronic Contemptuousness
You've Stopped Doing the Things You Love
You're Always on the Defensive
Your Arguments Get Out of Control
You Put Up Walls
You Can't Remember Why You Fell in Love
9. Disrespect
Dominating the relationship
Treating her with inequality
Breaking her boundaries
A negative attitude toward her suggestions
Not supporting her dreams or her heart
Emotional constipation
10. Disrespect
Dominating the relationship
Treating her with inequality
Breaking her boundaries
A negative attitude toward her suggestions
Not supporting her dreams or her heart
Emotional constipation