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Mental Status Examination Report
I. identifyingData
Date of Birth:
Civil Status:
Educational Attainment:
Date of Admission:
Date of Interview:
II. Genral Obeservation
III. Summary of Findings
a. Intellectual Functioning
b. Emotional Functioning
c. Interpersonal Functioning
IV. Recommendation
Signature OverPrintedName
2 | P a g e
Mental Status Examination Report
A. Appearance.Describe the patientsapperance and overallphysical impression.
a. BodyType  Obeese  Overweight  Under Weight  Emaciated(verythin,mukhangmay
b. ApparentAge  Younger  StatedAge  Older
c. Clothes  Undressed  Underdressed  Overdressed  Bizarre  Militaristic
 Okay forWork  Okay forAge  Stylish  Okay forWeather
d. Grooming  Good  Satisfactory  Poor-disheveled(untidy,lackingorder)
 Neglected(Bodyodor,halitosis- badbreath)
e. Hair  Bizarre Style (odd:unsual,strange)  Unnatural color  Male- unshavenfacial hair
f. Nails  Trim  Long  Dirty  Short  Others
B. Overt Behavior. Referstobothquantitative andqualitative aspectsof the patientsmotorbehavior.
a. Mannerism- particularwayof talkingor moving.
 Toyingwithhair  Tappinghis/hertoes  Others._________________
b. Tics- part of the bodymovesrepeatedly,suddenly,anduncontrollably.
 Face  Arms  Hand  Others._________________
c. Gestures- amovementof body,especiallyhandsandarmsthat shows or emphasizesanideaora feeling.
 Present,specify._________________  Absent
d. Echopraxia- involuntaryimitationof movementsof othersalsokownasechomotism.
 Present  Absent
3 | P a g e
e. Hyperactivity  Yes  No
f. StereotypedBehavior- lackingoriginalityorindividuality,imitatingthe wackyneighbororcharacter of knownpersonality.
g. Wringingof Hands- to squeeze ortwisthandto make dry
 Present  Absent
h. Facial Expression
 Relaxed  Laughed  Angry
 Tensed  Happy  Suspicious
 Smiled  Sad  Tearful when discussing
i. Eye Contact
 Good  Brief contact quicklybroken,castingonlyforshorttime
 Normal  Avoided
C. Attitude.Descriptionof patientsattitude towardsthe examinercanbe describedas:cooperative,friendly,attentive,interested,
frank,seductive,comtemptuous,perplexed,apathetic,hostile, playful,ingratiating,evasive,andguarded.Anynumberof other
adjectivescanbe used.The level of rapportestablishedshouldbe recorded.
 Cooperative  Friendly  Unconcerned  Careless
 Open  Hurried  Polite  Negativistic/Critical
 Thoughful  Hostile  Quiet  SomewhatShy
 Imitable  Defensive Motivated/Focused
II. State of Consciousness.Personss mindandthoughtawareness,attention.
 AlertAndOriented  Sleepy  Tired  Uninterested
 Lethargic(slowtomove or act)
III. Attentionand Concentration
a. Askclientthe daysof the weekinorderbeginningwithMonday.
b. Askto clienttorecite the days of the weekinbackwardorder.
c. Askclientthe monthsof the monthsof the yearin orderbeginningwithJanuary.
4 | P a g e
d. Askclienttorecite the monthsof the yearin backwardorder.
 Satisfactory(Perfect)  Sufficient(With3-4Errors)
 MidlyDeficient(5-6Errors)  Poor  Distractible
IV. Speech.Abilitytospeak,communicate,orexpressof thoughtsinspokenwords.
 Understandable (couldinitiate andhold)  Rapid, Loud,And Mumured
 Normal Volume  Confident  Dear
 Meaningful  Hard to understand  Unwillingtoengage
 Slowing,quite,andhesitant  Use of odd or bizarre words
 Stuttering  Unable to comprehend  Difficultyfindingwords
V. Orientation: Orientationaboutplace,person,andtime.
Place:Alammo bakungnasaanka? _____________________________________________________________
Bakit kanandito? ___________________________________________________________________________
1. Sino angnangangalagasamagulang?________________________________________
2. Noongikaway nasabahay ninyo sino angkasama mo?__________________________
3. Sinoang kilalamongpresendente ngPilipinas?_________________________________
Time: Alammo bakunganongorasna? ___________
Araw(day)? ___________
Taon(year)? ___________
VI. Mood and Affect
A. Mood isdefinedasa persuasiveandsustainedemotionthatmoodpervasive the personsperceptionof the word.
 Angry  Anxious  Calmand Composed
 Euphoric(feelingof greathappinessandexcitement)
5 | P a g e
 SeemedDepressed  Bored  Generallyrelaxed
B. Affectmay be definedasthe patientspresentemotionalresponsiveness,inferredfromthe patientsfacial expression,including
the amountand the range of expressivebehavior.
 Normal rage of affect(variationinfacial expression,tone of voice use of hands,andbodymovements.)
 ConstrictedAffect(range andintensityof expressionare reduced.)
 Bluntedaffect(emotional expressionisfurtherreduced.)
C. Appropriatenessofaffect. The patternof observable behaviourswhichisthe expressionof asubjectivelyexperiencedfeeling
state (emotion) andisvariable overtime inresponse tochangingemotional states.
 Appropriate  Inappropriate
VII. Form of Thought/Thought Processes
 organized/clear  concrete simplistic
 no difficultyexplainingthoughtsandfindingwords
 no indicationof aformal thoughtdisorder
 flightof ideas(speechconsentsand a streemof acceleratedthoughtswithabruptchangesfromtopic
to topicand no central direction.)
VIII. Thought Content
Perceptual distractionin:
 Hallucination  Delusion
 withhistory  some history
 no historyexceptassociatedwithdrugs
 no history,butsome evidence
 Repetitivethoughts  Phobias:specify.____________________
IX. Abilityto think abstractly
1. What isthe meaningof,Kapagbinatokangbato,batuhin mo ngtinapay.__________________________
6 | P a g e
2. Saying:Ano angibig sabihinngAnghindi lumingonsapinanggalinganay hindimakararatingsaparoroonan.
3. Phrases:choose one only.
 Sino anghaligi ngtahanan?______________________________ (sagot:tatay)
 Sino angilaw ngtahanan?______________________________ (sagot:nanay)
 Ano angibig sabihinngpusongbato?_____________________ (sagot:manhid,walangawa)
X. Memory
a. May suliraninka ba?
 reportedproblem  difficultytounderstand  deniedproblem
b. May paboritokabangpelikula/libro?Pwedemo bangikwentosa akin?
 couldrecall  couldnot recall
XI. Intellectual Functioning
Anongbalitamo sa Pilipinas?
 good (able toanticipate outcomes)
 adequate (able touse feedbacktolearnfrommistake)
 fair(able to learnfromsome experiences)
 poor (diffucultypredictingresultof choices)
 no answer
1. Magsabikangapatnanagingpangulo ngbansangPilipina?.__________________________________
 Complete correctanswer
 Incomplete answer
 Wrong answer
2. Bakit nilalabhanangdamit? _____________________________________________________________
7 | P a g e
3. Ano angpagkakaparehasngmansanasatorange?___________________________________________
4. Kungikaway may singkwentapiso (50php) atbumili ka ngpapelsa halagangtatlongputlimangpiso (35php),magkano ang
natirao sukli?. ___________________________________.
XII. Insightand Judgement
Ano anggagawinmo paglabasmo dito? ________________________________________________
Signature overPrintedName

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Mental status examination report 2

  • 1. 1 | P a g e Mental Status Examination Report I. identifyingData Name: Age: Date of Birth: Sex: Civil Status: Religion: Educational Attainment: Date of Admission: Date of Interview: II. Genral Obeservation III. Summary of Findings a. Intellectual Functioning b. Emotional Functioning c. Interpersonal Functioning IV. Recommendation Preparedby: __________________________ Signature OverPrintedName
  • 2. 2 | P a g e Mental Status Examination Report I. GENERAL PRESENTATION A. Appearance.Describe the patientsapperance and overallphysical impression. a. BodyType Obeese Overweight Under Weight Emaciated(verythin,mukhangmay malubhangsakit) b. ApparentAge Younger StatedAge Older c. Clothes Undressed Underdressed Overdressed Bizarre Militaristic Okay forWork Okay forAge Stylish Okay forWeather Dirty d. Grooming Good Satisfactory Poor-disheveled(untidy,lackingorder) Neglected(Bodyodor,halitosis- badbreath) e. Hair Bizarre Style (odd:unsual,strange) Unnatural color Male- unshavenfacial hair f. Nails Trim Long Dirty Short Others B. Overt Behavior. Referstobothquantitative andqualitative aspectsof the patientsmotorbehavior. a. Mannerism- particularwayof talkingor moving. Toyingwithhair Tappinghis/hertoes Others._________________ b. Tics- part of the bodymovesrepeatedly,suddenly,anduncontrollably. Face Arms Hand Others._________________ c. Gestures- amovementof body,especiallyhandsandarmsthat shows or emphasizesanideaora feeling. Present,specify._________________ Absent d. Echopraxia- involuntaryimitationof movementsof othersalsokownasechomotism. Present Absent
  • 3. 3 | P a g e e. Hyperactivity Yes No f. StereotypedBehavior- lackingoriginalityorindividuality,imitatingthe wackyneighbororcharacter of knownpersonality. g. Wringingof Hands- to squeeze ortwisthandto make dry Present Absent h. Facial Expression Relaxed Laughed Angry Tensed Happy Suspicious Smiled Sad Tearful when discussing i. Eye Contact Good Brief contact quicklybroken,castingonlyforshorttime Normal Avoided C. Attitude.Descriptionof patientsattitude towardsthe examinercanbe describedas:cooperative,friendly,attentive,interested, frank,seductive,comtemptuous,perplexed,apathetic,hostile, playful,ingratiating,evasive,andguarded.Anynumberof other adjectivescanbe used.The level of rapportestablishedshouldbe recorded. Cooperative Friendly Unconcerned Careless Open Hurried Polite Negativistic/Critical Thoughful Hostile Quiet SomewhatShy Imitable Defensive Motivated/Focused II. State of Consciousness.Personss mindandthoughtawareness,attention. AlertAndOriented Sleepy Tired Uninterested Lethargic(slowtomove or act) III. Attentionand Concentration a. Askclientthe daysof the weekinorderbeginningwithMonday. b. Askto clienttorecite the days of the weekinbackwardorder. c. Askclientthe monthsof the monthsof the yearin orderbeginningwithJanuary.
  • 4. 4 | P a g e d. Askclienttorecite the monthsof the yearin backwardorder. Satisfactory(Perfect) Sufficient(With3-4Errors) MidlyDeficient(5-6Errors) Poor Distractible IV. Speech.Abilitytospeak,communicate,orexpressof thoughtsinspokenwords. Understandable (couldinitiate andhold) Rapid, Loud,And Mumured Normal Volume Confident Dear Meaningful Hard to understand Unwillingtoengage Slowing,quite,andhesitant Use of odd or bizarre words Stuttering Unable to comprehend Difficultyfindingwords V. Orientation: Orientationaboutplace,person,andtime. Place:Alammo bakungnasaanka? _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Bakit kanandito? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Person: 1. Sino angnangangalagasamagulang?________________________________________ 2. Noongikaway nasabahay ninyo sino angkasama mo?__________________________ 3. Sinoang kilalamongpresendente ngPilipinas?_________________________________ Time: Alammo bakunganongorasna? ___________ Araw(day)? ___________ Buwan(month)?___________ Taon(year)? ___________ VI. Mood and Affect A. Mood isdefinedasa persuasiveandsustainedemotionthatmoodpervasive the personsperceptionof the word. Angry Anxious Calmand Composed Euphoric(feelingof greathappinessandexcitement)
  • 5. 5 | P a g e SeemedDepressed Bored Generallyrelaxed B. Affectmay be definedasthe patientspresentemotionalresponsiveness,inferredfromthe patientsfacial expression,including the amountand the range of expressivebehavior. Normal rage of affect(variationinfacial expression,tone of voice use of hands,andbodymovements.) ConstrictedAffect(range andintensityof expressionare reduced.) Bluntedaffect(emotional expressionisfurtherreduced.) C. Appropriatenessofaffect. The patternof observable behaviourswhichisthe expressionof asubjectivelyexperiencedfeeling state (emotion) andisvariable overtime inresponse tochangingemotional states. Appropriate Inappropriate VII. Form of Thought/Thought Processes organized/clear concrete simplistic no difficultyexplainingthoughtsandfindingwords no indicationof aformal thoughtdisorder flightof ideas(speechconsentsand a streemof acceleratedthoughtswithabruptchangesfromtopic to topicand no central direction.) VIII. Thought Content Perceptual distractionin: Hallucination Delusion withhistory some history no historyexceptassociatedwithdrugs no history,butsome evidence Repetitivethoughts Phobias:specify.____________________ IX. Abilityto think abstractly Proverb: 1. What isthe meaningof,Kapagbinatokangbato,batuhin mo ngtinapay.__________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 6. 6 | P a g e 2. Saying:Ano angibig sabihinngAnghindi lumingonsapinanggalinganay hindimakararatingsaparoroonan. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Phrases:choose one only. Sino anghaligi ngtahanan?______________________________ (sagot:tatay) Sino angilaw ngtahanan?______________________________ (sagot:nanay) Ano angibig sabihinngpusongbato?_____________________ (sagot:manhid,walangawa) X. Memory a. May suliraninka ba? reportedproblem difficultytounderstand deniedproblem b. May paboritokabangpelikula/libro?Pwedemo bangikwentosa akin? couldrecall couldnot recall XI. Intellectual Functioning Anongbalitamo sa Pilipinas? good (able toanticipate outcomes) adequate (able touse feedbacktolearnfrommistake) fair(able to learnfromsome experiences) poor (diffucultypredictingresultof choices) no answer 1. Magsabikangapatnanagingpangulo ngbansangPilipina?.__________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________. Complete correctanswer Incomplete answer Wrong answer 2. Bakit nilalabhanangdamit? _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
  • 7. 7 | P a g e 3. Ano angpagkakaparehasngmansanasatorange?___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________. 4. Kungikaway may singkwentapiso (50php) atbumili ka ngpapelsa halagangtatlongputlimangpiso (35php),magkano ang natirao sukli?. ___________________________________. XII. Insightand Judgement Ano anggagawinmo paglabasmo dito? ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________. Interviewedby: __________________________ Signature overPrintedName