Magnetic therapy made its debut in the city almost two years ago, but its clinical efficacy among Indian patients in only now getting established. Sonawalla has treated 65 people with major depression using the technique at her Trans Mag Well-Being Clinic on Peddar Road. "Of these, 28 had treatment-resistant depression, 37 had moderate to severe major depression," she said. Each patient responded to the waves, but in different measures. Those who were resistant to medical treatment showed about 60% response, while persons with moderate to severe depression registered 90% improvement.
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Mental well being- a gateway to happiness
1. Mental well-being: A gateway to happiness
Happiness: a subjective state of contentment
and well-being; an aspiration of every The
United Nation's World Happiness Report (2013)
found the world's happiest countries to be
Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, Netherlands
and Sweden. India unfortunately ranked at
111th, behind most of its neighbouring
countries. The study also found mental health to
be the single most important determinant of
individual happiness globally. It emphasized
that depressive and anxiety disorders are the
single biggest cause of disability, absenteeism,
misery and economic waste worldwide (United
Nations, 2013).
Reference By Shamsah B Sonawalla
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2. Mental well-being: A gateway to happiness
So what factors determine happiness? Studies
suggest that over 33% is accounted for by
genetics (De Neve et al., 2013). Brain circuits
such as the nucleus accumbens (the brain's
pleasure centre) are involved, which when
stimulated, make people smile, laugh, feel
pleasure and happiness. Several neurochemicals
play a role. For instance, dopamine, associated
with positive emotion, activates the reward
system. Serotonin helps maintain a positive
mood. Endorphins lower pain perception and
increase a sense of calm and well-being.
Reference By Shamsah B Sonawalla
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3. Mental well-being: A gateway to happiness
Happy people enjoy greater immunity, better
health, better relationships and increased
longevity. The reverse is true for unhappy
people. Reason enough to make pursuing Of
course, everyone is unhappy from time to time;
this is normal. Unhappiness becomes a problem
when it persists, turning into recurrent
depressed moods, with symptoms such as sleep
and appetite disturbances, low self-esteem,
decreased interest and energy, diminished
concentration, etc.
Reference By Shamsah B Sonawalla
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4. Mental well-being: A gateway to happiness
After a detailed assessment, it emerged that our
patient (reporting persistent unhappiness) in
fact had recurrent clinical major depression.
After a detailed discussion, treatment was
initiated with a combination of medication,
counseling, and later, with rTMS (Repetitive
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation); he
responded well to How can one enhance one's
Happiness Quotient (HQ)? People are good at
synthesizing happiness, says Daniel Gilbert, a
Harvard Psychology professor.
Reference By Shamsah B Sonawalla
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5. Mental well-being: A gateway to happiness
Psychologist Ed Diener found the frequency of
positive experiences is a much better predictor
of happiness than the intensity of positive
experiences. The UN study for instance, found
people in happy nations (Denmark and
Netherlands) ride bicycles by choice. What an
eco-friendly, and fun way to enhance happiness.
Reference By Shamsah B Sonawalla
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6. Mental well-being: A gateway to happiness
Do figure out your personal
happiness mantra. As for me, I am
getting myself a bicycle (and a
helmet!). Hopefully, the bicycling will
stimulate my nucleus accumbens and
happy neurochemicals, steering me
along the road to happiness. What
about you?
Reference By Shamsah B Sonawalla
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7. Thank You…..
Dr Shamsah B Sonawalla is a consultant psychiatrist at Jaslok Hospital
a former faculty of Harvard Medical School, US