12. 仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳亠
亅仍亠从仂仆仆仂亞仂 仄亠仆
亠仂舒仆亠 Erik S. Lesser 亟仍 The New York Times:
仂 亠仂舒仆舒 仄仂亳 仂仗亳舒仆亳 于亳仆 亠从仂仄亠仆亟舒亳礆亳 仂仄亠仍亠 于 仍亠从仂仆仆仂仄 仄亠仆 仆舒 iPad
13. 弌舒亳 仂弍 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳亳
亅仍亠从仂仆仆仂亞仂 仄亠仆
iPad replaces menu in hotel restaurant
A hotel restaurant in Australia last week Choosing Wines at the Touch of a Screen
ditched its printed menus and replaced
them with iPads, giving us yet another At Bones, Atlantas most venerable
peak at what the hotel of the future might steakhouse, a clubby place of oak paneling
look like. and white tablecloths, the gold-jacketed
waiters now greet diners by handing them
06/07/2010 USATODAY an iPad. It is loaded with the restaurants
extensive wine list, holding detailed
descriptions and ratings of 1,350 labels.
iPad Becomes a Restaurant Menu in
The iPad is already a huge hit in China,
and some trendy restaurants are cashing
in on the craze by using the iPad as a
visual menu to order your meal from.
07/05/2011 osxdaily.com
14. 亠仂舒仆, 于 从仂仂 亢亠
亳仗仂仍亰亠 亅仍亠从仂仆仆仂亠 仄亠仆
1. Gordon Ramsay and Todd English
2. Applebee's
3. Bone's and Naples Tomato in Naples
4. Chili's Uno's Chicago Grill
5. California Pizza Kitchen
6. Mundo Global Tapas
7. Heng Bao Plaza
8. Erik S. Lesser
9. BJ's Restaurant
10. MUNDO Global Tapas - Rydges Hotel in
North Sydney
11. South Gate
... 亳 仄仆仂亞亳亠 亟亞亳亠