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MERGA N. GELGELO 1210 49th Pl NE Washington, DC 20019
2nd Biomedical Technician mergagelgelo@gmail.com
Biomedical Engineering Training Certificate Aug, 2016
District of Columbia University
 Reviewed biomedical engineering electronics, software apps, and technology
 Hands-on practical sessions on electromechanical robotic systems and devices
 EKG brain reading activities and report documentation
 Minor surgeries on animal brain and heart, to understand more about anatomy
and physiological system of human body in the biomedical perspective
Bachelor of Science Degree Biomedical Engineering Sep 2009 July 2014
Jimma University
Major course works:
 Healthcare information technology
 Healthcare management
 Medical devices and bioinstrumentation
 Electrical engineering
 Mechatronics and mechanical engineering
 Anatomy, physiology
 Rehabilitation technology
 Computer and its application in health system
 Installation, maintenance, calibration, testing and documentation
 Report writing techniques, safety procedures and standards
 Laser and physics application in biomedical systems
 Bionics and robotic technologies
Major project accomplished:
#1: X-ray and CT scan detailed operation analysis exposure
#2: Heat sensor alarm device prototype design
#3: Manual oxygen delivery system design
Specialization areas in the Biomedical Engineering rehabilitation equipment:
 Hearing aid
 Mechatronic wheelchair
 Exercise equipment
 Physical therapy apparatus
 Orthopedics and orthopedic support tools
 Patient safety protocol
U.S. Equivalent Bachelors degree full credential Authentication by World Education Service
New York, April 2016
Biomedical Equipment Training May 2014
Jimma University Institute of Technology in collaboration with Rice
University, Texas Children's Hospital, and Tegbare-id polytechnic college
 Completed the course in Biomedical Engineering Troubleshooting workshop
supported by American International Health Alliance/Twinning Center
Major biomedical equipment trained with is listed below:
 Patient monitors, electronic wheelchairs, ventilators, ECG machines
 Oxygen devices, defibrillators, ultrasound machine and suction device
 Hospital beds, operating tables, infusion pump and incubator
 Walker and patient support equipment, sterilizer, and wheelchair
Volunteer March 2015 - Present
Medstar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington DC
 Assisted rehabilitation department by organizing, cleaning, and replacing kit part
 Participated in a Patient Safety Protocol Study research for quality service
 Supporting daily customer services, meeting patient's and visitor's need by
directing them to requested destination and responding to all needs
Guest Relations Representative Feb 2016 - Jan 2017
Sulgrave Inc. Club, Washington DC
 Analyzed, processed and responded to emails and phone communications related
to the companies service in a dedicated and private approach
 Serviced as a security agent to secure the entire club from all internal and
external threats as per according to the companys strategic procedure
 Supported an accounting department by filing checks, bill processing
Intern April 2013 - Dec 2013
Kuyera Referral Hospital, Ethiopia
 Maintained a detailed and accurate report of all repairing and maintenance work
 Installation and adjustment of medical equipment like ultrasound machines,
patient monitors, x-ray machines, ventilators, defibrillators, oxygen concentrator,
electronic wheelchairs, electronic microscopes, suction machine, and ECG device
 Conducted a test on new biomedical equipment and approved their operations
 Calibrated and tested a performance of biomedical equipment
 Provided demonstrations in order to direct the operation of biomedical kit
 Instructed and trained staff regarding using and operating new as well as
upgraded biomedical equipment
 Maintained the inventory supplies of the biomedical device and placed orders
 Ensured safety work environment by conducting safety tests on the equipment
 Ensured that standard codes adhere
Professional Personal
Medical devices, hand tools and test equipment Productive leader
Customer service Detail oriented
Effective communication Motivated team player
Computer and information technology Time management
CPR and First Aid Organized facilitation
Biomedical Innovator #1 March 2014
Rice 360 degree Institute for global health technologies University
Obtained the 3rd place diploma and an award of trophy at the 4th annual national
undergraduate global health technologies design competition
 Invented the Suction Machine Overflow Prevention Device that blocks the
backflow of fluids from the storage to the patient, and at the same time alarms
the nurse to take action during device operation failure
Biomedical Innovator #2 Nov 2014
Sponsored by USAID, Resilient African Network in collaboration with
Higher Education Solution Network of San Francisco California
HESN is designed to incubate, catalyze and scale new science and tech-based solutions
to respond to the world's most challenging development problems
 My innovation, Manual Oxygen Backup Device, replaced the electronic version
of oxygen delivery device by non-electric one, at the same time able to deliver the
same quality of oxygen to a patient in need
Additional information
List of major Biomedical Equipment Brands worked on:
 Philips, Baxter, Hill Rom, and Intellivue
 Mindray, Hausted, Marquette, and Medtronic
Reference: Teacher/professor/mentor
Senior Biomedical Engineer, Stephen Dria
Adient Medical, Inc.
Houston, Texas Area

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Merga N Gelgelo Resume edited

  • 1. MERGA N. GELGELO 1210 49th Pl NE Washington, DC 20019 2nd Biomedical Technician mergagelgelo@gmail.com +1-202-584-9828 EDUCATION Biomedical Engineering Training Certificate Aug, 2016 District of Columbia University Reviewed biomedical engineering electronics, software apps, and technology Hands-on practical sessions on electromechanical robotic systems and devices EKG brain reading activities and report documentation Minor surgeries on animal brain and heart, to understand more about anatomy and physiological system of human body in the biomedical perspective Bachelor of Science Degree Biomedical Engineering Sep 2009 July 2014 Jimma University Major course works: Healthcare information technology Healthcare management Medical devices and bioinstrumentation Electrical engineering Mechatronics and mechanical engineering Anatomy, physiology Rehabilitation technology Computer and its application in health system Installation, maintenance, calibration, testing and documentation Report writing techniques, safety procedures and standards Laser and physics application in biomedical systems Bionics and robotic technologies Major project accomplished: #1: X-ray and CT scan detailed operation analysis exposure #2: Heat sensor alarm device prototype design #3: Manual oxygen delivery system design Specialization areas in the Biomedical Engineering rehabilitation equipment: Hearing aid Mechatronic wheelchair Exercise equipment Physical therapy apparatus Orthopedics and orthopedic support tools Patient safety protocol U.S. Equivalent Bachelors degree full credential Authentication by World Education Service New York, April 2016
  • 2. Biomedical Equipment Training May 2014 Jimma University Institute of Technology in collaboration with Rice University, Texas Children's Hospital, and Tegbare-id polytechnic college Completed the course in Biomedical Engineering Troubleshooting workshop supported by American International Health Alliance/Twinning Center Major biomedical equipment trained with is listed below: Patient monitors, electronic wheelchairs, ventilators, ECG machines Oxygen devices, defibrillators, ultrasound machine and suction device Hospital beds, operating tables, infusion pump and incubator Walker and patient support equipment, sterilizer, and wheelchair EXPERIENCE Volunteer March 2015 - Present Medstar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington DC Assisted rehabilitation department by organizing, cleaning, and replacing kit part Participated in a Patient Safety Protocol Study research for quality service Supporting daily customer services, meeting patient's and visitor's need by directing them to requested destination and responding to all needs Guest Relations Representative Feb 2016 - Jan 2017 Sulgrave Inc. Club, Washington DC Analyzed, processed and responded to emails and phone communications related to the companies service in a dedicated and private approach Serviced as a security agent to secure the entire club from all internal and external threats as per according to the companys strategic procedure Supported an accounting department by filing checks, bill processing Intern April 2013 - Dec 2013 Kuyera Referral Hospital, Ethiopia Maintained a detailed and accurate report of all repairing and maintenance work Installation and adjustment of medical equipment like ultrasound machines, patient monitors, x-ray machines, ventilators, defibrillators, oxygen concentrator, electronic wheelchairs, electronic microscopes, suction machine, and ECG device Conducted a test on new biomedical equipment and approved their operations Calibrated and tested a performance of biomedical equipment Provided demonstrations in order to direct the operation of biomedical kit Instructed and trained staff regarding using and operating new as well as upgraded biomedical equipment Maintained the inventory supplies of the biomedical device and placed orders Ensured safety work environment by conducting safety tests on the equipment Ensured that standard codes adhere
  • 3. CAPABILITIES / SKILLS Professional Personal Medical devices, hand tools and test equipment Productive leader Customer service Detail oriented Effective communication Motivated team player Computer and information technology Time management CPR and First Aid Organized facilitation ACCOMPLISHMENTS Biomedical Innovator #1 March 2014 Rice 360 degree Institute for global health technologies University Obtained the 3rd place diploma and an award of trophy at the 4th annual national undergraduate global health technologies design competition Invented the Suction Machine Overflow Prevention Device that blocks the backflow of fluids from the storage to the patient, and at the same time alarms the nurse to take action during device operation failure Biomedical Innovator #2 Nov 2014 Sponsored by USAID, Resilient African Network in collaboration with Higher Education Solution Network of San Francisco California HESN is designed to incubate, catalyze and scale new science and tech-based solutions to respond to the world's most challenging development problems My innovation, Manual Oxygen Backup Device, replaced the electronic version of oxygen delivery device by non-electric one, at the same time able to deliver the same quality of oxygen to a patient in need Additional information List of major Biomedical Equipment Brands worked on: Philips, Baxter, Hill Rom, and Intellivue Mindray, Hausted, Marquette, and Medtronic Reference: Teacher/professor/mentor Senior Biomedical Engineer, Stephen Dria Adient Medical, Inc. Houston, Texas Area s.dria@earthlink.net +1-713-553-9054