This document summarizes the results of a survey of 40 religious officials in Istanbul on their views of organ donation and transplantation. The survey found that the officials had varying levels of knowledge on the topics, with most knowledge coming from television, radio, or publications from the Directorate of Religious Affairs. While 80% said they would not consider organ donation, the majority believed it was acceptable according to Islam. Officials proposed that religious leaders should educate the public and set an example to increase interest in donation. The conclusion calls for more cooperation between health, legal, and religious groups to address religious concerns and increase donations.
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Merve Tarhan - Turkey - Wednesday 30 - Oral Presentations Misc. A
Merve Tarhan, Levent Dalar, H端seyin Y脹ld脹r脹molu,
Adnan Sayar, Sedat Alt脹n
Yedikule Chest Disease and Thoracic Surgery
Training and Research Hospital
Organ donation, because it is a
social issue, requires the attention
of those working in the fields of
social, legal and press/publication
and especially the religious officials.
One of the obstacles before organ
donation and transplantation in our
country is religious beliefs and at
this point the key role rests with
religious officials. Positive or
negative opinion of religious officials
on organ donation and
transplantation are effective in
guiding the community. This study
was made to be descriptive for the
purpose of appraising the
viewpoints on this subject of
religious officials, who can take on
an important role in this subject
The data from the survey were
collected via a survey form from 40
religious officials working for
Zeytinburnu District Muftu's Office and
who have participated the monthly
ordinary meeting in April and filled out
the form. The survey form consisted of
27 open and closed ended questions 5 of
which were on socio-demographic
characteristics, 13 on viewpoints on
organ donation and transplantation and 9
on the Islamic viewpoint on organ
donation and transplantation. After the
verbal approval of the religious officials
was obtained and explanations on the
survey were made the survey forms were
distributed. The statistical analyses of
the data obtained were evaluated with
the student-t test and Oneway Anova test
using the SPSS 16.0 for Windows
package program.
Their State of Knowledge on Organ Donation and Sources From Where
Information is Obtained
Directorate of Religious Affairs Publications
Religious Publications
I don't receive
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Places to Apply for Organ Donation
All 7,5
Health Care Organizations 45
Organ Transplantation Coordination 45
Medical Board 27,5
Security Directorate 12,5
I don't know 40
6. Their knowledge on Organ
Opinion on Making Organ
Donation and Transplantation Donation
Adequate %22,5
Partially adequate %52,5 5%
Inadequate %25
Yes, I donated
Knowledge opened religious
officials in our country regarding I am considering but I did
organ donation and transplantation not donate
No, I am not considering
Adequate %10
Partially adequate %35
Inadequate %55
7. Reasons for Religious Officials for Not Donating Organs %
There is no specific reason 35
I never thought on this subject. 27,5
I believe organs donated will be used in on unsuitable way 25
I am afraid , I dont feel ready. 22,5
My health conditions are not suitable 22,5
I dont have enough information on organ donation. 22,5
I dont trust doctors 17,5
Even if there is brain death I dont want my organs to be taken 7,5
when my heart is working
My religious beliefs prevent mentioned from donating my organs 7,5
I dont know where to apply to 5
I am affected by the press 5
I heard that there were those who returned to life after brain 2,5
Trust for health care people is little, it can be used for other 2,5
I dont want my body integrity destroyed 2,5
I am against organ donation 0
聴ntegrity which is important in survival after
View of Islam Religion on death
Body 聴ntegrity %0
Organ Donation and Spiritual 聴ntegrity %77,5
Transplantation Body and Spiritual 聴ntegrity %22,5
Suitability to our religion of have organ
transplanted from a non-muslim person
Yes %70
8% Positive No %2,5
I dont know %27,5
Negative Case of a difference between points of view in our
country and in other muslim countries
Yes %55
I don't No %10
92% know I dont know %35
Case of receiving questions from the public
regarding organ donation and transplantation
Yes %70
No %30
9. Proposals of Religious Officials to Increase Interest in Organ %
Religious officials should lead 85
Education should be given in schools 70
Media should show interest 70
Health care personnel should lead 67,5
The society should be educated 65
All 40
Trust should be provided 5
Psychologists, religious officials and doctors should cooperate 2,5
Duties Falling on Religious Officials to Increase Interest in Organ Donation %
Religious officials making speeches on organ donation in conservations, 65
meetings and sermons
Cooperative of professionals groups such as health care, religion and law in 57,5
order to inform the public
Education related to organ donation should be given in schools which 52,5
provide religious education
Supporting the subject religiously with verses and hadiths 47,5
Donating organs to set an example 37,5
Others 5
11. 遺或鰻遺晦雨皆聴或鰻
In conclusion, when the medical, legal and
religious aspect of organ donation and transplantation
in Turkey is considered a great task falls on the health
care personnel, lawyers and religious officials and at
the same time these three professionals groups should
work in an integrated manner. The religious concerns
of the public on organ donation and transplantation can
only be accommodated by the religious organizations
and religious officials to take part in these campaigns.
In order for them to set an example for the public they
need firstly to make a donation and in order to provide
education for the public they need to be knowledgeable
and educated in this subject through in-house training.
In order for all these to be performed in a more regular
manner, health care personnel need to go to the
mosques and muftu's offices more frequently. The only
way in achieving the desired goal in transplantation is
to increase the number of donations.