The document describes a new type of foundation called a MeshWORKS foundation. [1] MeshWORKS foundations focus on aligning and integrating diverse resources to achieve common goals and "third win" outcomes. [2] They prioritize enabling and empowering all contributing elements rather than promoting a single image or cause. [3] The defining purpose of MeshWORKS foundations is to search for objectives that can mesh people and organizations together for positive impact.
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Meshworks foundations
1. A Spiral Full of Foundations
By Don Edward Beck, PhD
Different foundations exist for different reasons, and serve
multiple purposes for the people who create them, the folks who
manage them, and the populations and causes they were
designed to serve. Historically, foundations can be grouped
into six overlapping categories. Each category has a different
core motivation and priority for existence, with different reasons
that matter most.
This document will describe the different types of foundations,
with a specific focus on the newly emerging form called
Here are the various types of foundations with their respective
What matters most? bottom-lines.
F1 A Humanitarian foundation has a heightened sensitivity to
the human condition and sees, as its primary function, the
elimination of human suffering. It promotes the social
upliftment of people so they can live out their lives with
sufficiency and dignity.
Meeting the needs of people, now, in a caring way, matters most.
2. F2 A Family foundation is essentially an economic/social
entity that serves as a vehicle for a closely-held family to
achieve financial leverage or fund what are essentially pet
projects preferred by specific members. Resources are to be
transferred to each generation.
The familys name, heritage and reputations matter most.
F3 An Empire foundation is simply the extension of the
personality of a strong, domineering leader, founding principal,
or highly-visible celebrity. Decisions are made based on meeting
the needs, goals, aspirations, ambitions and peculiarities of such
a personality.
The image and ego of the personality matter most.
F4 An Advocacy foundation exists to promote a specific belief
system, a missionary-like cause, movement, or set of
prescriptions and ideologies. Such a foundation will only be
interested in the issues associated with the advancement of its
own truths and convictions.
The defense of The Cause and its spread matter most.
F5 An Enterprise foundation is typically formed by large
companies or other growth-driven professional groups and is
designed to promote the proprietary interests of the owners
and/or stakeholders. The primary motive is to expand the
bottom-line, enhance the status, or win at the public relations
The success of the business and the executive matter most.
3. F6 An Ecological foundation focuses on the preservation of
the elements, primarily in nature, or in the historic traditions
that contribute to the quality of our live and stability of our
cultural life-forms. Nature as such must be protected for future
generations. This foundation will take the longer view, think in
a macro fashion, and act to preserve our natural habitat as well
as historical places and memorable events.
Protecting and preserving the total quality of our lives matter most.
While a specific foundation, through its myriad of activities, may
incorporate several of these basic foundation functions, most will
tend to identify with one of the categories over the others, as its
core motivations and central thrust. Many of the disagreements
and debates that occur within various brain syndicates or
groups of stakeholders may, indeed, reflect these differing and
often conflicting perspectives. And, a specific foundation may
start out in one category but as power and control change
hands, it may end up in yet a different grouping. A foundation is
not identified according to what it does, or how it donates its
resources. Rather, it is grouped based on its reasons for doing
so, the core beliefs that drive and support its initiatives.
F7 The MeshWORKS Foundation: A New Approach to
In this type of foundation, a newly emerging value system and
priority uses the power of meshing in identifying, integrating,
aligning, and mobilizing all available resources. These, in turn,
are focused like laser-beams on specific challenges, goals,
objectives, or outcomes.
Such a foundation will be less interested in its own image, data
banks, financial resources, or proprietary position in a specific
4. professional or public niche. Rather, it is an open system; one
designed to aid and assist other efforts, even if they appear on
the surface to be competitive, to work for a greater goal, the
power of the Third Win.
The F7 entity will accept, as its unique and transcendent role, the
enabling and empowering of all of the elements that can
contribute to a positive outcome. This new foundation is an
inclusive (rather than exclusive) force designed to raise the total
national or global capacity for both short and long term solutions
to complex problems. It will use both the cyberworld and
personal contact summitry to bring all of the other foundations
(and other interests) together around common purpose. It will
accept a major information sharing and technology transfer role.
It will assist other entities to become healthy and vibrant. It has
no need to re-invent the wheel since it is wasteful to duplicate
resources and absorb capital in unnecessary expenditures, fancy
offices, or expensive public relations efforts.)
Such a F7 initiative will be relatively lean in stature, with the
capability of big-picture thinking cobbled with a quick-response
intelligence. It will offer its good offices to the academy,
marketplace, milieu, or meshwork that links all of the efforts and
resources in a given field or cause. As a result, more is done by
less, solutions are both short-term and long-term, and the whole
brain syndicate continues to learn, get better, improve, and
even develop new and imaginative solutions that no specific
effort, foundations, or entity could invent on their own.
The Third Win Purpose
By their very nature MeshWORKS foundations search for a
central objective for which it seeks to mesh people,
organizations, and other resources. Such a transcendent
purpose gives the foundation the high levels of trust, integrity,
legitimacy, and respect that it will need to (1) attract high levels
of funding; and (2) bring diverse elements together in common
That is what for MeshWORKS foundations matter most.
5. So, what will a MeshWORKS-type foundation actually be able to
do that others cant or dont?
1. A MeshWORKS foundation will learn how to align its own
resources, stakeholders, clients, and customers so that internal
operations run in a smooth, positive, and additive way.
2. A MeshWORKS foundation understands the decision-
making codes inherent in all of the other six foundation types,
to enable it to mesh them in common cause, enlist them in
cooperative projects, or elicit funds from them for the larger,
transcendent mission. This skill in marketing and fund-raising
also extends to other funding sources, media interests, and
technological assets.
3. A MeshWORKS foundation thinks in a time-line fashion in
that it meshes the past, present, and future into an integrated
wholeness to avoid generational gaps, historical cul-de-sacs, or
total focus on dealing only with contemporary issues, problems,
or situations. It both sees and takes the long view while dealing
in tactical issues on a daily basis.
4. A MeshWORKS foundation is more interested in what is
right rather than who is right; who has competency rather than
status; and stresses what is natural (rather than artificial or
contrived). F7 thinking occurs in highly functional flex-flow
states as it synchronizes and even harmonizes what appear to be
discordant chords, frequencies, and conflicting forms of energy.
5. A MeshWORKS foundation measures and assesses itself
based on what it is able to accomplish, whether it has been
successful with the unique win:win:win strategy, and to what
extent it has created greater abundance (wealth, technological
knowledge, greater access to resources, higher life quality, more
people being helped in better ways and at less cost, a healthier
family, community, society, or world, etc.)
6. A MeshWORKS foundation always has an eye on building
6. something for the future; contributes to a growing body of
knowledge; creates innovative skunkworks initiatives; and
searches for ideas, concepts, and solutions from far beyond its
own discipline, boundaries, or spheres of influence. Such a
-WORKS is always a project under construction.
7. A MeshWORKS foundation continues to renew itself,
absorb fresh ideas, tap-in to new resources, redefine its macro
and micro goals, learn from mistakes, and be open to constant
change, transitions, and transformations.
8. A MeshWORKS foundation possesses an uncanny ability
to morph itself to find rapport, identify with, and shape itself to
connect with a number of different organizations, interest
groups, political groupings, and professional societies. This
capacity is essential since it must mesh with these resources to
accomplish the Third Win objectives. Further, it must be able to
generate full court press solutions that deal with both causes
and symptoms, that recognize the limitations in single cause
fallacy thinking, and senses that most difficult issues are the
rest of the dance between entities, parties, forces, ideologies,
and other such interests.
Obviously, a MeshWORKS approach is informed by many of the
assumptions within the Spiral Dynamics Integral body of
knowledge. As such, it is able to deal with the deepest human
codes and cultural DNA to focus specifically on the elements
and influences that are generating surface level behavior.
Don Edward Beck, Ph.D.
940-300-6363 (mobile) 940-383-1209 (office) and
See also for the global assessment process.