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Mesoamerican Civilizations

  The big three: Aztec, Maya, Inca

      James Bannigan
Aztecan Religion
The Aztecs were a polytheistic people,
 worshipping several dozen gods; chief among
 these was Quezalquohuatl, the Feathered
 Serpent God who ruled the sky, the winds, and
 all other gods. The priesthood of the Aztecs
 was extremely zealous in their practice,
 sacrificing prisoners and committing
 cannibalism on the corpses.
To the Aztecs, everything in nature had at least
 one god; to not sacrifice something , be it food,
 art, or other people, was a crime against them.
Aztecan Politics
The Aztec empire was initially ruled through three
 allied city-states that made conquest central to
 the Aztec identity. They were eventually united
 under the rule of Montezuma II, who controlled
 the vast area from the floating city of
 Teotihuac叩n, also known as Tenochtitlan,
 where present-day Mexico City lies... The
 emperors had great power, but they would
 always consult a council of merit-proven
 advisors before going to war or changing
Aztecan Economy
The Aztec empire was only as good as its food
 supply... The main dish was maize, and most
 families would grow their own gardens in order
 to add fruits and vegetables to the diet; fish was
 the main protein that the Aztecs ate, due to the
 fact that hunting was difficult... The only
 animals that could provide meatpanthers, for
 examplecould fight back.
The Aztecs had no pack animals, so merchants
 would have to carry their wares by their own
 power. This was risky, though, due to the Aztec
 nature of human sacrifice...
Aztecan Society
The Aztec social structure was divided into five
 different parts: the Emperor, nobles,
 commoners, peasants, and slaves. Slaves
 were considered property, but their children
 were not born into the same social class; of
 these classes, slaves were the ones most
 often given to the sacrificial altar... Their
 military used weapons of wood, stone, and
 obsidian to conquer neighboring tribes of
Aztec Artistic Sides
The Aztecs, and many other pre-conquest
 Mesoamerican cultures, did not have a specific
 word for art; the closest that they came was
 Toltecan, meaning of the Toltecs, an earlier
 civilization that had been decimated by war.
Much of Aztec art, no matter the medium,
 reflected a deep appreciation for the natural
 world. The Aztecs worked in wood, stone,
 precious metals, gems, and animal pelts, to
 create great pieces of art... Sadly, the Spanish
 Conquistador Hernando Cortez melted many of
 these treasures down.
Aztecan Intellect
The Aztecs had well-developed schools for the
 military, astronomy, mathematics, theology,
 and trades. They had a written language, called
 Nahuatl, that was essential to their empirical
 success. They had a counting system for use in
 trades and military, and even grasped the
 difficult concept of the number zero. They were
 essentially a civilization emerging from the
 Stone Age, due to the beginnings of smelting
 and smithing in their society at the time of their
Mesoamerican civilizations
Mesoamerican civilizations
Mesoamerican civilizations
Maya Mythos
The Maya people had a view of deific ideals that
 was similar to their northern neighbors; they
 saw a god in every aspect of the natural world,
 and respected it greatly; they saw the sun god,
 Kinich Ahau, as their paternal figure... Their
 pantheon consisted of very few female figures,
 and was dominated by overly-masculine gods
 of everything from war to solar eclipses. Human
 sacrifice was a central ideal to them, and they
 later identified with the Christian idea that a god
 would shed his blood for his people.
Mayan Politics
The Maya were less a kingdom, and more an
 amalgam of allied city-states that shared a
 language and a religion; despite this, though,
 they were a society built on the blood of
 thousands of sacrificial victims from dozens of
 brutal wars... Their kings passed rulership
 down to sons, and no settlement was truly
 permanentthey lived as much in the jungle as
 in their small temple-centered towns.
Mayan Arts
The Mayans didnt have much metalsmithing, so
 most of their work was done in stone; their
 murals and ceramics were dyed in a color
 known only as blue Maya and the technique
 to produce the beautiful shade has been lost to
 time... Perhaps the best-known show of Mayan
 artistry are their multiple famous step-pyramids
 that dot the jungles of southern Mexicothe
 greatest of these, the Pyramids of the Sun and
 the Moon at Chichenitza, correspond to the
 solar and lunar years so well that, five centuries
 later, they are only off by a few seconds...
Mayan Advancements
The Maya had extremely advanced masonry
 skills and a heavy emphasis on astronomy.
 Their mathematics system was a series of lines
 and dots, and could go into the millions... They
 raised terraces and created irrigation channels
 for easier farming, and their calendars were
 only slightly off. Most impressive, though, was
 their pictographic and logosyllabic system of
 written communication that allowed for swift
 messages to be carries from city to city, and
 took approximately four centuries to convert
 into modern English.
Mayan Social Structure
The Mayan society was exceedingly religious,
 regularly making sacrifices to their gods; slaves
 were often the offerings of these sacrifices. The
 small settlements, and the empire formed of
 them, created a delicate paradox that survived
 until the Spanish came... The most important
 non-noble and non-military personages were
 the Maya scribes, who wrote the multiple sets
 of codex that carried the Mayan history and
 allowed anthropologists to decode their
Mayan Economic State
The Mayan people were very simple in their
 economic outlook; they farmed what they
 couldnt hunt, traded when they couldnt hunt,
 and fought when they couldnt trade... Their
 irrigation and terracing techniques are probably
 what allowed them to be so successful as a
 civilizationcompared to relative cultures, they
 were years ahead of their time. Their weaponry
 was Stone Age in material, with the beginnings
 of metalwork appearing by the time of their
Mesoamerican civilizations
Mesoamerican civilizations
Mesoamerican civilizations
Incan Pantheon
The Inca believed not in the sun as their ultimate
 god, as most other Mesoamerican civilizations
 did, but instead turned to Viracocha Raska,
 the Condor God who controlled everything.
 They had gods for all of natures creations, a
 common theme in the Americas, but the
 condor was the greatestits coming foretold
 the life-giving rains that allowed the Inca to
 survive. The two other gods that the Inca saw
 as most important were Inti and Qilla, the sun
 god and moon goddess. They also believed in
 Chakana, a planar Tree of Life with three
 levels: Snake, Puma, and Condor.
Incan Advancements
The Inca were probably the most technologically
  advanced American civilization until their destruction;
  they ground stones to create exact fits, they created a
  road system the size of the Roman empires own, they
  built ships from reeds and wood, they could
  successfully perform brain surgery, they had
  advanced metalsmithing, their astronomy was
  exceedingly accurate, and they were able to create
  several different dyes by natural processes. They
  valued their weavingcalled quipusmore than their
  gold, as quipus was their system of accounting and
  mathematics... Their language was called Quechua,
  and it remains spokeneven in this day and age by
  the descendants of the Inca people.
Inca Social Lives
The Inca were almost like early an early
 Mediterranean civilization; their women
 were no more than housewives, and they
 were empirical conquerors in the most
 extreme sense of the phrase... What sets
 them apart is the fact that jewelry meant
 exceedingly little to them.
Incan Economics
The Inca were a very agricultural people, farming
 for almost all of their food; they grew over two
 hundred different kinds of potatoes and sweet
 potatoes, maize, chili peppers, tomatoes, and
 nuts... In addition, they hunted and fished for
 meat. They grew cotton for their clothing, and
 also created vast storage warehouses that
 prevented a citys death from prolonged
Politics of the Inca
The Inca were a class-based society, nearly
 feudal in structure, which lasted from their rise
 until their demise. The Incan empire, called
 Tawantinsuyu and ruled by Sapa Inti, the Child
 of the Sun, was formed of four federalistic
 provinces: Chinchay to the northwest, Antichay
 to the northeast, Kuntichay to the southwest,
 and Qullachay to the southeast. The kings were
 inheritors of their title, believing that the sun
 truly was their ancestor...
Incan Artistry
The Inca were not as artistic as many of their
  Mesoamerican counterparts, like the Aztec, Maya,
  Toltec, Olmec, or even the Mexica, their architecture
  was centuries ahead of anything those other
  civilizations could produce; using no more than the
  raw physical power provided by man and beast, they
  built massive stone cities that had no space
  whatsoever between their bricks... Their textiles had
  the highest thread count in the world, often higher than
  six thousand, until the industrial revolution in the
  1800s, and their metalwork was much more
  professional than any other American civilization until
  their annihilation.
Mesoamerican civilizations
Mesoamerican civilizations
Mesoamerican civilizations

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Mesoamerican civilizations

  • 1. Mesoamerican Civilizations The big three: Aztec, Maya, Inca James Bannigan
  • 2. Aztecan Religion The Aztecs were a polytheistic people, worshipping several dozen gods; chief among these was Quezalquohuatl, the Feathered Serpent God who ruled the sky, the winds, and all other gods. The priesthood of the Aztecs was extremely zealous in their practice, sacrificing prisoners and committing cannibalism on the corpses. To the Aztecs, everything in nature had at least one god; to not sacrifice something , be it food, art, or other people, was a crime against them.
  • 3. Aztecan Politics The Aztec empire was initially ruled through three allied city-states that made conquest central to the Aztec identity. They were eventually united under the rule of Montezuma II, who controlled the vast area from the floating city of Teotihuac叩n, also known as Tenochtitlan, where present-day Mexico City lies... The emperors had great power, but they would always consult a council of merit-proven advisors before going to war or changing something.
  • 4. Aztecan Economy The Aztec empire was only as good as its food supply... The main dish was maize, and most families would grow their own gardens in order to add fruits and vegetables to the diet; fish was the main protein that the Aztecs ate, due to the fact that hunting was difficult... The only animals that could provide meatpanthers, for examplecould fight back. The Aztecs had no pack animals, so merchants would have to carry their wares by their own power. This was risky, though, due to the Aztec nature of human sacrifice...
  • 5. Aztecan Society The Aztec social structure was divided into five different parts: the Emperor, nobles, commoners, peasants, and slaves. Slaves were considered property, but their children were not born into the same social class; of these classes, slaves were the ones most often given to the sacrificial altar... Their military used weapons of wood, stone, and obsidian to conquer neighboring tribes of Mesoamericans.
  • 6. Aztec Artistic Sides The Aztecs, and many other pre-conquest Mesoamerican cultures, did not have a specific word for art; the closest that they came was Toltecan, meaning of the Toltecs, an earlier civilization that had been decimated by war. Much of Aztec art, no matter the medium, reflected a deep appreciation for the natural world. The Aztecs worked in wood, stone, precious metals, gems, and animal pelts, to create great pieces of art... Sadly, the Spanish Conquistador Hernando Cortez melted many of these treasures down.
  • 7. Aztecan Intellect The Aztecs had well-developed schools for the military, astronomy, mathematics, theology, and trades. They had a written language, called Nahuatl, that was essential to their empirical success. They had a counting system for use in trades and military, and even grasped the difficult concept of the number zero. They were essentially a civilization emerging from the Stone Age, due to the beginnings of smelting and smithing in their society at the time of their destruction...
  • 11. Maya Mythos The Maya people had a view of deific ideals that was similar to their northern neighbors; they saw a god in every aspect of the natural world, and respected it greatly; they saw the sun god, Kinich Ahau, as their paternal figure... Their pantheon consisted of very few female figures, and was dominated by overly-masculine gods of everything from war to solar eclipses. Human sacrifice was a central ideal to them, and they later identified with the Christian idea that a god would shed his blood for his people.
  • 12. Mayan Politics The Maya were less a kingdom, and more an amalgam of allied city-states that shared a language and a religion; despite this, though, they were a society built on the blood of thousands of sacrificial victims from dozens of brutal wars... Their kings passed rulership down to sons, and no settlement was truly permanentthey lived as much in the jungle as in their small temple-centered towns.
  • 13. Mayan Arts The Mayans didnt have much metalsmithing, so most of their work was done in stone; their murals and ceramics were dyed in a color known only as blue Maya and the technique to produce the beautiful shade has been lost to time... Perhaps the best-known show of Mayan artistry are their multiple famous step-pyramids that dot the jungles of southern Mexicothe greatest of these, the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon at Chichenitza, correspond to the solar and lunar years so well that, five centuries later, they are only off by a few seconds...
  • 14. Mayan Advancements The Maya had extremely advanced masonry skills and a heavy emphasis on astronomy. Their mathematics system was a series of lines and dots, and could go into the millions... They raised terraces and created irrigation channels for easier farming, and their calendars were only slightly off. Most impressive, though, was their pictographic and logosyllabic system of written communication that allowed for swift messages to be carries from city to city, and took approximately four centuries to convert into modern English.
  • 15. Mayan Social Structure The Mayan society was exceedingly religious, regularly making sacrifices to their gods; slaves were often the offerings of these sacrifices. The small settlements, and the empire formed of them, created a delicate paradox that survived until the Spanish came... The most important non-noble and non-military personages were the Maya scribes, who wrote the multiple sets of codex that carried the Mayan history and allowed anthropologists to decode their language.
  • 16. Mayan Economic State The Mayan people were very simple in their economic outlook; they farmed what they couldnt hunt, traded when they couldnt hunt, and fought when they couldnt trade... Their irrigation and terracing techniques are probably what allowed them to be so successful as a civilizationcompared to relative cultures, they were years ahead of their time. Their weaponry was Stone Age in material, with the beginnings of metalwork appearing by the time of their downfall...
  • 20. Incan Pantheon The Inca believed not in the sun as their ultimate god, as most other Mesoamerican civilizations did, but instead turned to Viracocha Raska, the Condor God who controlled everything. They had gods for all of natures creations, a common theme in the Americas, but the condor was the greatestits coming foretold the life-giving rains that allowed the Inca to survive. The two other gods that the Inca saw as most important were Inti and Qilla, the sun god and moon goddess. They also believed in Chakana, a planar Tree of Life with three levels: Snake, Puma, and Condor.
  • 21. Incan Advancements The Inca were probably the most technologically advanced American civilization until their destruction; they ground stones to create exact fits, they created a road system the size of the Roman empires own, they built ships from reeds and wood, they could successfully perform brain surgery, they had advanced metalsmithing, their astronomy was exceedingly accurate, and they were able to create several different dyes by natural processes. They valued their weavingcalled quipusmore than their gold, as quipus was their system of accounting and mathematics... Their language was called Quechua, and it remains spokeneven in this day and age by the descendants of the Inca people.
  • 22. Inca Social Lives The Inca were almost like early an early Mediterranean civilization; their women were no more than housewives, and they were empirical conquerors in the most extreme sense of the phrase... What sets them apart is the fact that jewelry meant exceedingly little to them.
  • 23. Incan Economics The Inca were a very agricultural people, farming for almost all of their food; they grew over two hundred different kinds of potatoes and sweet potatoes, maize, chili peppers, tomatoes, and nuts... In addition, they hunted and fished for meat. They grew cotton for their clothing, and also created vast storage warehouses that prevented a citys death from prolonged starvation.
  • 24. Politics of the Inca The Inca were a class-based society, nearly feudal in structure, which lasted from their rise until their demise. The Incan empire, called Tawantinsuyu and ruled by Sapa Inti, the Child of the Sun, was formed of four federalistic provinces: Chinchay to the northwest, Antichay to the northeast, Kuntichay to the southwest, and Qullachay to the southeast. The kings were inheritors of their title, believing that the sun truly was their ancestor...
  • 25. Incan Artistry The Inca were not as artistic as many of their Mesoamerican counterparts, like the Aztec, Maya, Toltec, Olmec, or even the Mexica, their architecture was centuries ahead of anything those other civilizations could produce; using no more than the raw physical power provided by man and beast, they built massive stone cities that had no space whatsoever between their bricks... Their textiles had the highest thread count in the world, often higher than six thousand, until the industrial revolution in the 1800s, and their metalwork was much more professional than any other American civilization until their annihilation.